Travelled to:
1 × China
1 × France
1 × United Kingdom
2 × Canada
3 × USA
Collaborated with:
C.Power S.McDonald O.Kheir C.Harrison Burak Merdenyan M.Blythe J.A.Clark W.Song A.P.Freire D.Swallow F.Hamilton N.King P.Pavan S.Morley P.McNally A.O'Neill D.Majoe
Talks about:
user (7) usabl (4) websit (3) problem (2) languag (2) experi (2) design (2) access (2) evalu (2) blind (2)
Person: Helen Petrie
DBLP: Petrie:Helen
Contributed to:
Wrote 10 papers:
- CHI-2013-McDonaldP #testing
- The effect of global instructions on think-aloud testing (SM, HP), pp. 2941–2944.
- CHI-2012-PetrieP #comparison #interactive #problem #usability #what
- What do users really care about?: a comparison of usability problems found by users and experts on highly interactive websites (HP, CP), pp. 2107–2116.
- CHI-2012-PowerFPS #guidelines #problem #web
- Guidelines are only half of the story: accessibility problems encountered by blind users on the web (CP, APF, HP, DS), pp. 433–442.
- CHI-2011-BlythePC #how
- F for fake: four studies on how we fall for phish (MB, HP, JAC), pp. 3469–3478.
- IDGD-2009-PetriePS #locality #navigation
- Internationalization and Localization of Websites: Navigation in English Language and Chinese Language Sites (HP, CP, WS), pp. 293–300.
- CHI-2007-PetrieK #usability
- The relationship between accessibility and usability of websites (HP, OK), pp. 397–406.
- HCI-AS-2007-HarrisonP #design #experience #usability #web
- Deconstructing Web Experience: More Than Just Usability and Good Design (CH, HP), pp. 889–898.
- CHI-2006-PetrieHKP #people #usability
- Remote usability evaluations With disabled people (HP, FH, NK, PP), pp. 1133–1141.
- HT-1997-PetrieMMOM #design #evaluation #hypermedia #interface
- Initial Design and Evaluation of an Interface to Hypermedia Systems for Blind Users (HP, SM, PM, AMO, DM), pp. 48–56.
- CHI-PLAY-2015-MerdenyanP #experience #requirements #user interface
- User Reviews of Gamepad Controllers: A Source of User Requirements and User Experience (BM, HP), pp. 643–648.