Travelled to:
1 × USA
1 × United Kingdom
3 × Germany
5 × France
Collaborated with:
T.Kropf W.Rosenstiel D.W.Hoffmann D.Lettnin P.K.Nalla P.Heckeler S.Huster S.Burg H.Eichelberger J.Behrend J.Gerlach V.Schönknecht S.Reitemeyer P.M.Peranandam R.J.Weiss W.Müller J.Laufenberg S.Lämmermann A.Viehl A.Jesser L.Hedrich T.Kirsten
Talks about:
properti (4) verif (4) softwar (3) check (3) base (3) automot (2) tempor (2) system (2) symbol (2) simul (2)
Person: Jürgen Ruf
DBLP: Ruf:J=uuml=rgen
Contributed to:
Wrote 11 papers:
- SEFM-2015-HusterBELRKR #performance #testing
- Efficient Testing of Different Loop Paths (SH, SB, HE, JL, JR, TK, WR), pp. 117–131.
- SEFM-2014-HusterHERBKR #flexibility #invariant #specification
- More Flexible Object Invariants with Less Specification Overhead (SH, PH, HE, JR, SB, TK, WR), pp. 302–316.
- DATE-2011-BehrendLHRKR #embedded #hybrid #scalability #verification
- Scalable hybrid verification for embedded software (JB, DL, PH, JR, TK, WR), pp. 179–184.
- DATE-2010-LammermannRKRVJH #design #towards #verification
- Towards assertion-based verification of heterogeneous system designs (SL, JR, TK, WR, AV, AJ, LH), pp. 1171–1176.
- DATE-2009-LettninNBRGKRSR #hardware #verification
- Semiformal verification of temporal properties in automotive hardware dependent software (DL, PKN, JB, JR, JG, TK, WR, VS, SR), pp. 1214–1217.
- DATE-2008-LettninNRKRKSR #embedded #verification
- Verification of Temporal Properties in Automotive Embedded Software (DL, PKN, JR, TK, WR, TK, VS, SR), pp. 164–169.
- DAC-2006-PeranandamNRWKR #bound #performance
- Fast falsification based on symbolic bounded property checking (PMP, PKN, JR, RJW, TK, WR), pp. 1077–1082.
- DATE-2001-RufHGKRM #semantics #simulation
- The simulation semantics of systemC (JR, DWH, JG, TK, WR, WM), pp. 64–70.
- DATE-2001-RufHKR #multi
- Simulation-guided property checking based on a multi-valued AR-automata (JR, DWH, TK, WR), pp. 742–748.
- DATE-2000-RufK #realtime
- Analyzing Real-Time Systems (JR, TK), pp. 243–248.
- EDTC-1997-KropfR #model checking #using
- Using MTBDDs for discrete timed symbolic model checking (TK, JR), pp. 182–187.