Travelled to:
3 × Greece
6 × USA
Collaborated with:
W.Correia F.Campos E.T.Martins I.T.Martins A.C.P.d.França L.R.d.L.Meira B.J.A.d.Carvalho H.O.Barros E.L.R.Filho A.Neves C.S.Falcão M.Barros A.M.M.d.Neves R.P.Medeiros A.V.S.Calado L.G.d.S.Augusto A.R.Melo S.X.d.Silva M.L.N.Barros D.Lincoln M.Neves M.Penha J.Corte S.Mendonca R.Raffaele R.Alencar I.Júnior B.Colley G.Pontes C.Teixeira J.Agra V.Martins A.Lins
Talks about:
realiti (5) usabl (5) technolog (4) user (4) game (4) interact (3) virtual (3) ergonom (3) analysi (3) design (3)
Person: Marcelo Márcio Soares
DBLP: Soares:Marcelo_M=aacute=rcio
Contributed to:
Wrote 19 papers:
- DUXU-DD-2015-MartinsMS #case study #fault
- A Study of the Fault Tree Human in Aviation (ETM, ITM, MMS), pp. 524–534.
- DUXU-IXD-2015-RaffaeleAJCPCS #analysis #game studies #legacy #multi #platform #usability
- Doctor Who: Legacy, an Analysis of Usability and Playability of a Multi-platform Game (RR, RA, IJ, BC, GP, BJAdC, MMS), pp. 283–291.
- DUXU-IXD-2015-TeixeiraCAMLSN #game studies #named #simulation #usability
- Newsgames: Gameplay and Usability in Simulation Games (CT, BJAdC, JA, VM, AL, MMS, AN), pp. 292–302.
- DUXU-DI-2014-BarrosSF #using
- Use of Immersive Reality and Haptic Devices in Rehabilitation after Cerebral Vascular Accident: Clinical Perspectives and Neuro-Image Evidence (HOB, MMS, ELRF), pp. 501–508.
- DUXU-ELAS-2014-MartinsMS
- The Encourage Operators to Promote Manual Flight Operations- a Pandemic in Modern Aviation (ETM, ITM, MMS), pp. 317–325.
- DUXU-TMT-2014-CorreiaSCBS #design #risk management #safety
- Design as a Tool for Managing Risks and Vulnerabilities Regarding Artifacts of Public Safety (WC, SXdS, FC, MLNB, MMS), pp. 437–444.
- DUXU-TMT-2014-FrancaMS #internet
- Digital Self: Fiction and Non-fiction on the Internet (ACPdF, LRdLM, MMS), pp. 537–547.
- DUXU-CXC-2013-BarrosNCSC #design #development #game studies
- The Design in the Development of Exergames: A New Game for the Contribute to Control Childhood Obesity (MB, AN, WC, MMS, FC), pp. 491–500.
- DUXU-CXC-2013-CarvalhoSNM #analysis #comparative #game studies #interactive #usability
- Interactive Doodles: A Comparative Analysis of the Usability and Playability of Google Trademark Games between 2010 and 2012 (BJAdC, MMS, AMMdN, RPM), pp. 508–517.
- DUXU-NTE-2013-BarrosSFCC #analysis #artificial reality #people
- Virtual Reality Immersion: An Important Tool for Diagnostic Analysis and Rehabilitation of People with Disabilities (HOB, MMS, ELRF, WC, FC), pp. 337–344.
- DUXU-NTE-2013-CaladoSCC #artificial reality #case study #interactive #overview #perspective
- Virtual Reality Applied to the Study of the Interaction between the User and the Built Space: A Literature Review (AVSC, MMS, FC, WC), pp. 345–351.
- DUXU-NTE-2013-MartinsMS #design #multi #paradigm
- Breaking Technological Paradigms — Sustainable Design in Air Transport Multi-mission (ETM, ITM, MMS), pp. 160–168.
- DUXU-NTE-2013-MartinsMSA #behaviour #fault
- Human Error in Aviation: The Behavior of Pilots Facing the Modern Technology (ITM, ETM, MMS, LGdSA), pp. 150–159.
- DUXU-PMT-2013-CamposLNCS #process
- The Conjunction Fallacy and Its Impacts in the User’s Data Acquisition Process (FC, DL, MN, WC, MMS), pp. 203–211.
- DUXU-PMT-2013-FrancaSM #parallel
- Is Reality Real? Thoughts and Conjectures about Culture, Self, Intersubjectivity and Parallel Worlds in Digital Technologies (ACPdF, MMS, LRdLM), pp. 68–73.
- DUXU-PMT-2013-PenhaCSCB #evaluation #usability
- Ergonomic Evaluation of Usability with Users — Application of the Technique of Cooperative Evaluation (MP, WC, MMS, FC, MB), pp. 379–388.
- DUXU-WM-2013-FalcaoS #artificial reality #usability
- Application of Virtual Reality Technologies in Consumer Product Usability (CSF, MMS), pp. 342–351.
- DUXU-WM-2013-MeloSCC #evaluation #human-computer #interface #people #visual notation #web
- Ergonomic Evaluation of Websites Focusing on the Human-Computer Interface so as to Improve Access to the Web Especially by People with Visual Disabilities (ARM, MMS, FC, WC), pp. 257–264.
- DUXU-WM-2013-SoaresCCNCM #interactive #scalability
- An Applied Ergonomics Study on IT User Interaction in a Large Hydroelectric Company in the Northeast of Brazil (MMS, FC, WC, AN, JC, SM), pp. 113–120.