Travelled to:
1 × Canada
1 × China
1 × Denmark
1 × Germany
1 × Hungary
1 × India
1 × Italy
1 × South Africa
1 × Sweden
1 × United Kingdom
2 × The Netherlands
3 × USA
4 × France
Collaborated with:
C.F.J.Lange A.Nugroho J.Muskens P.H.N.d.With M.H.Osman T.Ho-Quang P.v.d.Putten E.Arisholm B.Flaton M.A.M.Wijns E.R.V.Bondarev E.Bondarev R.J.Bril M.d.Jonge J.Tretmans K.Wijbrans A.M.Fernández-Sáez D.Caivano M.Genero F.Thung D.Lo B.D.Bois S.Demeyer M.Termeer A.C.Telea R.Jolak R.R.H.Schiffelers E.J.Philippo W.Heijstek B.Kruiswijk D.M.Berry R.Hebig G.Robles M.A.Fernández
Talks about:
uml (9) model (7) base (7) softwar (6) system (5) metric (4) design (4) compon (4) view (4) experiment (3)
♂ Person: Michel R. V. Chaudron
DBLP: Chaudron:Michel_R=_V=
Facilitated 16 volumes:
Contributed to:
Wrote 20 papers:
- MoDELS-2015-Fernandez-SaezC #bibliography #documentation #industrial #maintenance #on the #uml
- On the use of UML documentation in software maintenance: Results from a survey in industry (AMFS, DC, MG, MRVC), pp. 292–301.
- ICPC-2014-ThungLOC #classification #design #diagrams #metric #network #using
- Condensing class diagrams by analyzing design and network metrics using optimistic classification (FT, DL, MHO, MRVC), pp. 110–121.
- ICSM-2013-OsmanCP #algorithm #analysis #diagrams #machine learning
- An Analysis of Machine Learning Algorithms for Condensing Reverse Engineered Class Diagrams (MHO, MRVC, PvdP), pp. 140–149.
- REFSQ-2013-PhilippoHKCB #ambiguity #empirical #evaluation
- Requirement Ambiguity Not as Important as Expected — Results of an Empirical Evaluation (EJP, WH, BK, MRVC, DMB), pp. 65–79.
- MSR-2010-NugrohoCA #design #java #metric #predict #uml
- Assessing UML design metrics for predicting fault-prone classes in a Java system (AN, MRVC, EA), pp. 21–30.
- MoDELS-2009-NugrohoC #case study #industrial #modelling #quality #uml
- Evaluating the Impact of UML Modeling on Software Quality: An Industrial Case Study (AN, MRVC), pp. 181–195.
- MoDELS-2008-NugrohoFC #analysis #empirical #fault #modelling #uml
- Empirical Analysis of the Relation between Level of Detail in UML Models and Defect Density (AN, BF, MRVC), pp. 600–614.
- CSMR-2007-LangeWC #evolution #monitoring #named #quality #uml
- MetricViewEvolution: UML-based Views for Monitoring Model Evolution and Quality (CFJL, MAMW, MRVC), pp. 327–328.
- DATE-2007-BondarevCW #analysis #component #design #embedded #named #performance #tool support
- CARAT: a toolkit for design and performance analysis of component-based embedded systems (ERVB, MRVC, PHNdW), pp. 1024–1029.
- ICPC-2007-LangeC #comprehension #interactive #modelling #uml #validation
- Interactive Views to Improve the Comprehension of UML Models — An Experimental Validation (CFJL, MRVC), pp. 221–230.
- CBSE-2006-BondarevCW #architecture #component #performance #process #trade-off
- A Process for Resolving Performance Trade-Offs in Component-Based Architectures (EB, MRVC, PHNdW), pp. 254–269.
- ICSE-2006-LangeC #fault #modelling #uml
- Effects of defects in UML models: an experimental investigation (CFJL, MRVC), pp. 401–411.
- MoDELS-2006-LangeBCD #modelling #uml
- An Experimental Investigation of UML Modeling Conventions (CFJL, BDB, MRVC, SD), pp. 27–41.
- VISSOFT-2005-TermeerLTC #architecture #metric #visual notation
- Visual Exploration of Combined Architectural and Metric Information (MT, CFJL, ACT, MRVC), pp. 21–26.
- WICSA-2005-MuskensBC #consistency
- Generalizing Consistency Checking between Software Views (JM, RJB, MRVC), pp. 169–180.
- CBSE-2004-MuskensC #component #multi #predict #runtime
- Prediction of Run-Time Resource Consumption in Multi-task Component-Based Software Systems (JM, MRVC), pp. 162–177.
- CBSE-2003-JongeMC #component #predict #runtime
- Scenario-Based Prediction of Run-time Resource Consumption in Component-Based Software Systems (MdJ, JM, MRVC), p. 4.
- FM-v2-1999-ChaudronTW #design #formal method #lessons learnt
- Lessons from the Application of Formal Methods to the Design of a Storm Surge Barrier Control System (MRVC, JT, KW), pp. 1511–1526.
- MoDELS-2016-HebigHCRF #git #mining #open source #uml
- The quest for open source projects that use UML: mining GitHub (RH, THQ, MRVC, GR, MAF), pp. 173–183.
- MoDELS-2018-JolakHCS #case study #challenge #development #modelling #multi #re-engineering
- Model-Based Software Engineering: A Multiple-Case Study on Challenges and Development Efforts (RJ, THQ, MRVC, RRHS), pp. 213–223.