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Collaborated with:
Pedro Alves Nogueira E.C.Oliveira L.E.Nacke Gonçalo Amaral da Silva João Tiago Pinheiro Neto Jacob Hugo da Silva António Leça Coelho Rúben Aguiar
Talks about:
shooter (2) player (2) affect (2) game (2) base (2) biofeedback (1) understand (1) physiolog (1) hierarch (1) realiti (1)

Person: Rui Amaral Rodrigues

DBLP DBLP: Rodrigues:Rui_Amaral

Contributed to:

VS-Games 20122012
AIIDE 20132013
AIIDE 20142014
CHI PLAY 20142014

Wrote 4 papers:

VS-Games-2012-JacobSCR #artificial reality #game studies #towards
Towards Location-based Augmented Reality games (JTPNJ, HdS, ALC, RAR), pp. 318–319.
AIIDE-2013-NogueiraRON #case study #comprehension #experience #game studies
Guided Emotional State Regulation: Understanding and Shaping Players' Affective Experiences in Digital Games (PAN, RAR, ECO, LEN).
AIIDE-2014-NogueiraARON #clustering #fuzzy #modelling
Fuzzy Affective Player Models: A Physiology-Based Hierarchical Clustering Method (PAN, RA, RAR, ECO, LEN).
CHI-PLAY-2014-SilvaNR #quote
“Generic Shooter 3000”: a realistic first person shooter powered by biofeedback (GAdS, PAN, RAR), pp. 371–374.

Bibliography of Software Language Engineering in Generated Hypertext (BibSLEIGH) is created and maintained by Dr. Vadim Zaytsev.
Hosted as a part of SLEBOK on GitHub.