Travelled to:
2 × France
2 × Germany
Collaborated with:
B.Akesson K.Goossens C.Weis M.Koedam N.Wehn T.Kouters K.Chandrasekar M.Jung P.Ehses C.Santos P.Vivet
Talks about:
time (4) control (2) memori (2) dram (2) process (1) perform (1) exploit (1) conserv (1) select (1) retent (1)
Person: Sven Goossens
DBLP: Goossens:Sven
Contributed to:
Wrote 4 papers:
- DATE-2015-Weis0ESVGKW #fault #metric #modelling
- Retention time measurements and modelling of bit error rates of WIDE I/O DRAM in MPSoCs (CW, MJ, PE, CS, PV, SG, MK, NW), pp. 495–500.
- DATE-2014-0001GWKAWG #optimisation #performance #runtime
- Exploiting expendable process-margins in DRAMs for run-time performance optimization (KC, SG, CW, MK, BA, NW, KG), pp. 1–6.
- DATE-2013-GoossensAG #memory management #policy
- Conservative open-page policy for mixed time-criticality memory controllers (SG, BA, KG), pp. 525–530.
- DATE-2012-GoossensKAG #realtime
- Memory-map selection for firm real-time SDRAM controllers (SG, TK, BA, KG), pp. 828–831.