142 papers:
DATE-2015-ZwergerG #detection #symmetry- Detection of asymmetric aging-critical voltage conditions in analog power-down mode (MZ, HEG), pp. 1269–1272.
VLDB-2015-JoglekarGP #data analysis- Smart Drill-Down: A New Data Exploration Operator (MJ, HGM, AGP), pp. 1928–1939.
SAS-2015-CastelnuovoNRSY #analysis #bottom-up #case study #composition #top-down- Modularity in Lattices: A Case Study on the Correspondence Between Top-Down and Bottom-Up Analysis (GC, MN, NR, MS, HY), pp. 252–274.
ICGT-2015-DrewesHM #parsing #predict #top-down- Predictive Top-Down Parsing for Hyperedge Replacement Grammars (FD, BH, MM), pp. 19–34.
CHI-2015-ChengTIB #comparison- Break It Down: A Comparison of Macro- and Microtasks (JC, JT, STI, MSB), pp. 4061–4064.
CHI-2015-HanrahanP #email #interactive- Lost in Email: Pulling Users Down a Path of Interaction (BVH, MAPQ), pp. 3981–3984.
HIMI-IKC-2015-GotzeB #comparison #what- Urban Driving: Where to Present What Types of Information — Comparison of Head-Down and Head-Up Displays (MG, KB), pp. 190–200.
CAiSE-2015-SunB #approach #clustering #novel #top-down- A Novel Top-Down Approach for Clustering Traces (YS, BB), pp. 331–345.
ICEIS-v2-2015-TangL #framework #mining #product line #top-down- Top-down Feature Mining Framework for Software Product Line (YT, HL), pp. 71–81.
ICSE-v2-2015-CzerwonkaGT #bibliography #code review #debugging #how- Code Reviews Do Not Find Bugs. How the Current Code Review Best Practice Slows Us Down (JC, MG, JT), pp. 27–28.
ASE-2014-Schneider #fault #modelling- Tracking down root causes of defects in simulink models (JS), pp. 599–604.
PLDI-2014-ZhangMNY #analysis #bottom-up #hybrid #interprocedural #top-down- Hybrid top-down and bottom-up interprocedural analysis (XZ, RM, MN, HY), p. 28.
DLT-2014-EngelfrietMS #how #top-down #transducer- How to Remove the Look-Ahead of Top-Down Tree Transducers (JE, SM, HS), pp. 103–115.
LATA-2014-KoHS #top-down- Top-Down Tree Edit-Distance of Regular Tree Languages (SKK, YSH, KS), pp. 466–477.
HCI-AS-2014-WenDHDB #capacity #navigation #tool support- Fighting Technology Dumb Down: Our Cognitive Capacity for Effortful AR Navigation Tools (JW, AD, WSH, AD, MB), pp. 525–536.
ICEIS-v1-2014-Tribolet #adaptation #approach #bottom-up #enterprise #top-down- An Engineering Approach to Natural Enterprise Dynamics — From Top-down Purposeful Systemic Steering to Bottom-up Adaptive Guidance Control (JT), p. XIII.
ICPR-2014-MarteauGR #gesture #kernel #performance #recognition- Down-sampling Coupled to Elastic Kernel Machines for Efficient Recognition of Isolated Gestures (PFM, SG, CR), pp. 363–368.
VLDB-2013-FenderM #top-down- Counter Strike: Generic Top-Down Join Enumeration for Hypergraphs (PF, GM), pp. 1822–1833.
VLDB-2013-KumarGDL #named #scalability- Hone: “Scaling Down” Hadoop on Shared-Memory Systems (KAK, JG, AD, JL), pp. 1354–1357.
DLT-2013-FulopM #composition #linear #top-down #transducer- Composition Closure of ε-Free Linear Extended Top-Down Tree Transducers (ZF, AM), pp. 239–251.
LATA-2013-NakamuraI #automaton #linear #stack- Eliminating Stack Symbols in Push-Down Automata and Linear Indexed Grammars (KN, KI), pp. 444–455.
CHI-2013-GrigoreanuM #agile- Informal cognitive walkthroughs (ICW): paring down and pairing up for an agile world (VG, MM), pp. 3093–3096.
ICML-c3-2013-LakshminarayananRT #top-down- Top-down particle filtering for Bayesian decision trees (BL, DMR, YWT), pp. 280–288.
DAC-2012-0001AG #memory management #realtime #runtime- Run-time power-down strategies for real-time SDRAM memory controllers (KC, BA, KG), pp. 988–993.
PLDI-2012-AlbarghouthiKNR #analysis #interprocedural #top-down- Parallelizing top-down interprocedural analyses (AA, RK, AVN, SKR), pp. 217–228.
CHI-2012-OdomBKHLS- Technology heirlooms?: considerations for passing down and inheriting digital materials (WO, RB, DSK, RHRH, SEL, AS), pp. 337–346.
ICPR-2012-LinL #bottom-up #process #top-down- Integrating bottom-up and top-down processes for accurate pedestrian counting (YL, NL), pp. 2508–2511.
ICPR-2012-ShaukatGWB #approach #bottom-up #detection #top-down- Meeting in the Middle: A top-down and bottom-up approach to detect pedestrians (AS, AG, DW, RB), pp. 874–877.
ISMM-2012-ShahriyarBF- Down for the count? Getting reference counting back in the ring (RS, SMB, DF), pp. 73–84.
ICDAR-2011-HuZ #online #recognition #using- HMM-Based Recognition of Online Handwritten Mathematical Symbols Using Segmental K-Means Initialization and a Modified Pen-Up/Down Feature (LH, RZ), pp. 457–462.
PLDI-2011-XuBQR #memory management #named- LeakChaser: helping programmers narrow down causes of memory leaks (G(X, MDB, FQ, AR), pp. 270–282.
LATA-2011-LaurenceLNST #normalisation #top-down #transducer- Normalization of Sequential Top-Down Tree-to-Word Transducers (GL, AL, JN, SS, MT), pp. 354–365.
CIKM-2011-YuKL #approach #bidirectional #bottom-up #information management #top-down #towards- Towards a top-down and bottom-up bidirectional approach to joint information extraction (XY, IK, MRL), pp. 847–856.
SIGIR-2011-ZhangMLM #approach #how #information retrieval #ranking- How to count thumb-ups and thumb-downs?: an information retrieval approach to user-rating based ranking of items (DZ, RM, HL, JM), pp. 1223–1224.
RE-2011-ChenPYZ #self #web- Are your sites down? Requirements-driven self-tuning for the survivability of Web systems (BC, XP, YY, WZ), pp. 219–228.
ASPLOS-2011-PorterBHOH #library #top-down- Rethinking the library OS from the top down (DEP, SBW, JH, RO, GCH), pp. 291–304.
DocEng-2010-StoppeG- Down to the bone: simplifying skeletons (JS, BG), pp. 215–218.
PODS-2010-LemayMN #algorithm #learning #top-down #xml- A learning algorithm for top-down XML transformations (AL, SM, JN), pp. 285–296.
DLT-2010-Maletti #top-down #transducer- Input Products for Weighted Extended Top-Down Tree Transducers (AM), pp. 316–327.
ICPR-2010-KasiviswanathanBS #analysis #documentation #top-down- Top Down Analysis of Line Structure in Handwritten Documents (HK, GRB, SNS), pp. 2025–2028.
ICPR-2010-LiHLYZL #recognition #top-down- Event Recognition Based on Top-Down Motion Attention (LL, WH, BL, CY, PZ, WL), pp. 3561–3564.
ICPR-2010-SangWW #learning #modelling #top-down #visual notation- A Biologically-Inspired Top-Down Learning Model Based on Visual Attention (NS, LW, YW), pp. 3736–3739.
ICPR-2010-WangAYL #bottom-up #estimation #learning #top-down #using- Combined Top-Down/Bottom-Up Human Articulated Pose Estimation Using AdaBoost Learning (SW, HA, TY, SL), pp. 3670–3673.
SEKE-2010-MadieshW #process #top-down- A Top-Down Method for Secure SOA-based B2B Processes (MM, GW), pp. 698–703.
DAC-2009-FujitaKG #debugging- Debugging from high level down to gate level (MF, YK, AMG), pp. 627–630.
VLDB-2009-HeN #top-down- Anonymization of Set-Valued Data via Top-Down, Local Generalization (YH, JFN), pp. 934–945.
KDD-2009-El-AriniVSG- Turning down the noise in the blogosphere (KEA, GV, DS, CG), pp. 289–298.
PADL-2009-PereiraP #logic programming #modelling #query #source code #top-down- Layered Models Top-Down Querying of Normal Logic Programs (LMP, AMP), pp. 254–268.
CSL-2009-DuparcFM #automaton #decidability #game studies #linear #problem- Linear Game Automata: Decidable Hierarchy Problems for Stripped-Down Alternating Tree Automata (JD, AF, FM), pp. 225–239.
ITiCSE-2008-Garcia-OsorioMJG #automaton #education #turing machine- Teaching push-down automata and turing machines (CGO, IMS, JJV, NGP), p. 316.
CHI-2008-TanvirCIC #adaptation #named- AAMU: adaptive activation area menus for improving selection in cascading pull-down menus (ET, JC, PI, AC), pp. 1381–1384.
ICPR-2008-MooreSLD #image #segmentation #top-down #using- Top down image segmentation using congealing and graph-cut (DM, JS, SL, BAD), pp. 1–4.
KDD-2008-WuHW #information management #wiki- Information extraction from Wikipedia: moving down the long tail (FW, RH, DSW), pp. 731–739.
OSDI-2008-NarayananDTER #named #scalability- Everest: Scaling Down Peak Loads Through I/O Off-Loading (DN, AD, ET, SE, AITR), pp. 15–28.
DATE-2007-CrepaldiCGZ #design #effectiveness #top-down- An effective AMS top-down methodology applied to the design of a mixed-signal UWB system-on-chip (MC, MRC, MG, MZ), pp. 1424–1429.
ICDAR-2007-CaoPNM #bottom-up #fault #robust #segmentation #top-down- Robust Page Segmentation Based on Smearing and Error Correction Unifying Top-down and Bottom-up Approaches (HC, RP, PN, EM), pp. 392–396.
SIGMOD-2007-DeHaanT #top-down- Optimal top-down join enumeration (DD, FWT), pp. 785–796.
VLDB-2007-DeRoseSCDR #approach #community #composition #incremental #top-down #web- Building Structured Web Community Portals: A Top-Down, Compositional, and Incremental Approach (PD, WS, FC, AD, RR), pp. 399–410.
LATA-2007-Maletti #composition #top-down #transducer- Compositions of Extended Top-down Tree Transducers (AM), pp. 379–390.
CHI-2007-Tsandilass- Bubbling menus: a selective mechanism for accessing hierarchical drop-down menus (TT, MMCS), pp. 1195–1204.
OCSC-2007-CarcilloR #bottom-up #classification #top-down- Tags for Citizens: Integrating Top-Down and Bottom-Up Classification in the Turin Municipality Website (FC, LR), pp. 256–264.
EDOC-2007-RosenbergEMPD #aspect-oriented #development #process #quality #top-down #using- Integrating Quality of Service Aspects in Top-Down Business Process Development Using WS-CDL and WS-BPEL (FR, CE, AM, CP, SD), pp. 15–26.
SAC-2007-CiferriCFTS #performance #query- Horizontal fragmentation as a technique to improve the performance of drill-down and roll-up queries (CDdAC, RRC, DTF, AJMT, FdFdS), pp. 494–499.
DATE-2006-MartensE #synthesis #top-down- Top-down heterogeneous synthesis of analog and mixed-signal systems (EM, GGEG), pp. 275–280.
KDD-2006-ArunasalamC #classification #named #top-down- CCCS: a top-down associative classifier for imbalanced class distribution (BA, SC), pp. 517–522.
PADL-2006-NavasBH #analysis #clique #performance #top-down #using- Efficient Top-Down Set-Sharing Analysis Using Cliques (JAN, FB, MVH), pp. 183–198.
ICSE-2006-KojarskiL #approach #modelling #top-down- Modeling aspect mechanisms: a top-down approach (SK, DHL), pp. 212–221.
PPoPP-2006-SharapovKDCR #case study #estimation #parallel #performance #scalability #top-down- A case study in top-down performance estimation for a large-scale parallel application (IS, RK, GD, RC, MR), pp. 81–89.
DATE-2005-MullerTAL #design #multi #power management #top-down- Top-Down Design of a Low-Power Multi-Channel 2.5-Gbit/s/Channel Gated Oscillator Clock-Recovery Circuit (PM, AT, SMA, YL), pp. 258–263.
ICDAR-2005-Aradhye- A Generic Method for Determining the Up/Down Orientation of Text in Roman and Non-roman Scripts (HBA), pp. 187–191.
SIGMOD-2005-WeisN #xml- DogmatiX Tracks down Duplicates in XML (MW, FN), pp. 431–442.
CIAA-2005-SudaH #algorithm #automaton #backtracking #top-down- Non-backtracking Top-Down Algorithm for Checking Tree Automata Containment (TS, HH), pp. 294–306.
CHI-2005-Ahlstrom #modelling #using- Modeling and improving selection in cascading pull-down menus using Fitts’ law, the steering law and force fields (DA), pp. 61–70.
ICEIS-v1-2005-SimonssonLJNGW #approach #enterprise #evaluation #top-down- Scenario-based Evaluation of Enterprise — a Top-Down Approach for Chief Information Officer Decision Making (MS, ÅL, PJ, LN, JG, OW), pp. 130–137.
SAS-2004-NystromKH #analysis #bottom-up #pointer #top-down- Bottom-Up and Top-Down Context-Sensitive Summary-Based Pointer Analysis (EMN, HSK, WmWH), pp. 165–180.
ECIR-2004-HungWS #bottom-up #clustering #predict #top-down- Predictive Top-Down Knowledge Improves Neural Exploratory Bottom-Up Clustering (CH, SW, PS), pp. 154–166.
DATE-2003-DaglioR #bottom-up #design #top-down- A Fully Qualified Top-Down and Bottom-Up Mixed-Signal Design Flow for Non Volatile Memories Technologies (PD, CR), pp. 20274–20279.
DATE-2003-McCorquodaleGKMSB #challenge #design #top-down- A Top-Down Microsystems Design Methodology and Associated Challenges (MSM, FHG, KLK, EDM, RMS, RBB), pp. 20292–20296.
ICDAR-2003-IshideraN #case study #generative #image #recognition #top-down #word- A Study on Top-down Word Image Generation for Handwritten Word Recognition (EI, DN), pp. 1173–1177.
VLDB-2003-XinHLW #bottom-up #integration #named #top-down- Star-Cubing: Computing Iceberg Cubes by Top-Down and Bottom-Up Integration (DX, JH, XL, BWW), pp. 476–487.
AGTIVE-2003-AgnarssonEH #graph- Proper Down-Coloring Simple Acyclic Digraphs (GA, ÁSE, MMH), pp. 299–312.
SAC-2003-PenaCA #approach #protocol #top-down- A Top Down Approach for MAS Protocol Descriptions (JP, RC, JLA), pp. 45–49.
CGO-2003-MaratheMMSMY #memory management #metric #named- METRIC: Tracking Down Inefficiencies in the Memory Hierarchy via Binary Rewriting (JM, FM, TM, BRdS, SAM, AY), pp. 289–300.
DATE-2002-CaiGKO #design #top-down #using- Top-Down System Level Design Methodology Using SpecC, VCC and SystemC (LC, DG, PK, MO), p. 1137.
DATE-2002-SommerRHGMMECSN #design #layout #specification #top-down- From System Specification To Layout: Seamless Top-Down Design Methods for Analog and Mixed-Signal Applications (RS, IRH, EH, UG, PM, FM, KE, CC, PS, GN), pp. 884–891.
ITiCSE-2002-AlmBEOS #c# #exclamation #set- You’d better set down for this!: creating a set type for CS1 & CS2 in C# (JA, RB, SE, CDO, AS), pp. 14–18.
CIAA-2002-AlonsoDF #automaton #bidirectional- Tabulation of Bidirectional Push Down Automata (MAA, VJD, MVF), pp. 35–46.
ICSE-2002-HangalL #automation #debugging #detection #using- Tracking down software bugs using automatic anomaly detection (SH, MSL), pp. 291–301.
DATE-2001-RioRMPR #design #top-down- Top-down design of a xDSL 14-bit 4MS/s sigma-delta modulator in digital CMOS technology (RdR, JLdlR, FM, MBPV, ÁRV), pp. 348–352.
ICFP-2001-NeubauerS #analysis #emacs #lisp- Down with Emacs Lisp: Dynamic Scope Analysis (MN, MS), pp. 38–49.
IJCAR-2001-Wang #semantics #top-down- A Top-Down Procedure for Disjunctive Well-Founded Semantics (KW), pp. 305–317.
DATE-2000-RustSAT #embedded #implementation #parallel #realtime #specification- From High-Level Specifications Down to Software Implementations of Parallel Embedded Real-Time Systems (CR, FS, PA, JT), pp. 686–691.
VLDB-2000-ChristopheBPV #database #named #scalability- PicoDMBS: Scaling Down Database Techniques for the Smartcard (CB, LB, PP, PV), pp. 11–20.
ITiCSE-2000-MajVC #question- Is computer technology taught upside down? (SPM, DV, PC), pp. 140–143.
FoSSaCS-1999-BodeiDNN #process #static analysis- Static Analysis of Processes for No and Read-Up and No Write-Down (CB, PD, FN, HRN), pp. 120–134.
FM-v1-1999-Hoare #bottom-up #programming #top-down- Theories of Programming: Top-Down and Bottom-Up and Meeting in the Middle (CARH), pp. 1–27.
CHI-1999-ByrneADM #eye tracking #visual notation- Eye Tracking the Visual Search of Click-Down Menus (MDB, JRA, SD, MM), pp. 402–409.
DAC-1998-McGrawAK #design #pipes and filters #top-down- A Top-Down Design Environment for Developing Pipelined Datapaths (RMM, JHA, RHK), pp. 236–241.
DATE-1998-VandenbusscheDLGS #design #interface #specification #top-down- Hierarchical Top-Down Design of Analog Sensor Interfaces: From System-Level Specifications Down to Silicon (JV, SD, FL, GGEG, WMCS), pp. 716–720.
VLDB-1998-BonczRK #benchmark #metric- The Drill Down Benchmark (PAB, TR, FK), pp. 628–632.
ITiCSE-1998-LidtkeZ #approach #collaboration #education #top-down- A top-down, collaborative teaching approach of introductory courses in computer sciences (poster) (DKL, HHZ), p. 291.
CHI-1998-Rocco #trust- Trust Breaks Down in Electronic Contexts But Can Be Repaired by Some Initial Face-to-Face Contact (ER), pp. 496–502.
ICML-1998-BlockeelRR #clustering #induction #top-down- Top-Down Induction of Clustering Trees (HB, LDR, JR), pp. 55–63.
EDTC-1997-LangDG #automation #design #modelling #parametricity #top-down- Automatic transfer of parametric FEM models into CAD-layout formats for top-down design of microsystems (ML, DD, MG), pp. 200–204.
CADE-1997-HasegawaIOK #bottom-up #proving #set #theorem proving #top-down- Non-Horn Magic Sets to Incorporate Top-down Inference into Bottom-up Theorem Proving (RH, KI, YO, MK), pp. 176–190.
CADE-1997-Iwanuma #proving #theorem proving #top-down- Lemma Matching for a PTTP-based Top-down Theorem Prover (KI), pp. 146–160.
STOC-1996-KearnsM #algorithm #learning #on the #top-down- On the Boosting Ability of Top-Down Decision Tree Learning Algorithms (MJK, YM), pp. 459–468.
FME-1996-ZwiersHLRS #composition #development #reuse #top-down- Modular Completeness: Integrating the Reuse of Specified Software in Top-down Program Development (JZ, UH, YL, WPdR, FAS), pp. 595–608.
ICPR-1996-Pavlidis #bottom-up #challenge #documentation #process #recognition #top-down- Challenges in document recognition bottom up and top down processes (TP), pp. 500–504.
STOC-1995-KaplanT #persistent #recursion- Persistent lists with catenation via recursive slow-down (HK, RET), pp. 93–102.
ICALP-1995-GrecoSZ #automaton #logic programming #source code- The PushDown Method to Optimize Chain Logic Programs (Extended Abstract) (SG, DS, CZ), pp. 523–534.
ILPS-1995-Toman #bottom-up #constraints #datalog #top-down- Top-Down beats Bottom-Up for Constraint Based Extensions of Datalog (DT), pp. 98–112.
VLDB-1994-OuzzaniAB #approach #top-down- A Top-Down Approach for Two Level Serializability (MO, MAA, NLB), pp. 226–237.
CSEE-1994-Dalcher #case study #community #re-engineering- Falling Down is Part of Growing Up; the Study of Failure and the Software Engineering Community (DD), pp. 489–496.
ICML-1994-ZelleMK #bottom-up #induction #logic programming #top-down- Combining Top-down and Bottom-up Techniques in Inductive Logic Programming (JMZ, RJM, JBK), pp. 343–351.
LOPSTR-1994-MarakakisG #data type #design #logic programming #source code #top-down #using- Schema-Based Top-Down Design of Logic Programs Using Abstract Data Types (EIM, JPG), pp. 138–153.
CADE-1994-Schumann #bottom-up #named #preprocessor #proving #theorem proving #top-down- DELTA — A Bottom-up Preprocessor for Top-Down Theorem Provers — System Abstract (JS), pp. 774–777.
ILPS-1994-AlferesDP #named #source code #top-down- SLX — A Top-down Derivation Procedure for Programs with Explicit Negation (JJA, CVD, LMP), pp. 424–438.
PLILP-1993-Nederhof #algorithm #definite clause grammar #parsing #recursion #top-down- A New Top-Down Parsing Algorithm for Left-Recursive DCGs (MJN), pp. 108–122.
PLILP-1992-BarthelemyC #automaton- Subsumption-oriented Push-Down Automata (FB, EVdlC), pp. 100–114.
CC-1992-Muller #parsing #top-down- Attribute-Directed Top-Down Parsing (KM), pp. 37–43.
ECOOP-1991-Champeaux #analysis #development #object-oriented #top-down- Object-Oriented Analysis and Top-Down Software Development (DdC), pp. 360–376.
CAV-1991-GjessingKM #approach #specification #top-down- A Top Down Approach to the Formal Specification of SCI Cache Coherence (SG, SK, EMK), pp. 83–91.
ISLP-1991-RamakrishnanS #bottom-up #revisited #top-down- Top-Down versus Bottom-Up Revisited (RR, SS), pp. 321–336.
ISLP-1991-SatoM #first-order #interpreter #source code #top-down- A Complete Top-Down Interpreter for First Order Programs (TS, FM), pp. 35–53.
CHI-1990-WalkerS #comparison- A comparison of selection time from walking and pull-down menus (NW, JBS), pp. 221–226.
CC-1990-Dobler #hybrid #parsing #top-down- A Hybrid Top-Down Parsing Technique (Abstract) (HD), pp. 210–211.
CLP-1990-GriefahnL90 #constraints #database #deduction #top-down- Top-Down Integrity Constraint Checking for Deductive Databases (UG, SL), pp. 130–144.
CLP-1990-LauP90 #first-order #logic #recursion #specification #synthesis #top-down- Top-down Synthesis of Recursive Logic Procedures from First-order Logic Specifications (KKL, SDP), pp. 667–684.
DAC-1989-JabriS #algorithm #knowledge-based #named #top-down- PIAF: A Knowledge-based/Algorithm Top-Down Floorplanning System (MAJ, DJS), pp. 582–585.
PODS-1989-Ullman #bottom-up #datalog #top-down- Bottom-Up Beats Top-Down for Datalog (JDU), pp. 140–149.
ML-1989-BergadanoGP #deduction #induction #learning #top-down- Deduction in Top-Down Inductive Learning (FB, AG, SP), pp. 23–25.
JICSCP-1988-KempT88 #database #evaluation #query #top-down- Completeness of a Top-Down Query Evaluation Procedure for Stratified Databases (DBK, RWT), pp. 178–194.
DAC-1987-Pachter #automation #design #standard- Design Automation Standards — Perspectives from a Down-the-Road End User (RJP), pp. 563–564.
DAC-1984-KozawaMT #algorithm #layout #logic #top-down- Combine and top down block placement algorithm for hierarchical logic VLSI layout (TK, CM, HT), pp. 667–669.
SIGMOD-1983-Rowe #database #estimation #statistics #top-down- Top-Down Statistical Estimation on a Database (NCR), pp. 135–145.
DAC-1982-AdachiKNS #design #layout #top-down- Hierarchical top-down layout design method for VLSI chip (TA, HK, MN, TS), pp. 785–791.
DAC-1982-BassetS #design #testing #top-down- Top down design and testability of VLSI circuits (PB, GS), pp. 851–857.
ICSE-1978-Lindstrom #parsing #top-down #using- Control Structure Aptness: A Cast Study Using Top-Down Parsing (GL), pp. 5–12.
SIGMOD-1977-Merrett #approach #cost analysis #database #top-down- Database Cost Analysis: a Top-Down Approach (THM), pp. 135–143.
POPL-1973-Pratt #precedence #top-down- Top Down Operator Precedence (VRP), pp. 41–51.
STOC-1969-RosenkrantzS #top-down- Properties of Deterministic Top Down Grammars (DJR, RES), pp. 165–180.