52 papers:
DATE-2014-OrtinGVIV- Dynamic construction of circuits for reactive traffic in homogeneous CMPs (MO, DSG, MV, CI, VV), pp. 1–4.
STOC-2014-KayalLSS #bound- Super-polynomial lower bounds for depth-4 homogeneous arithmetic formulas (NK, NL, CS, SS), pp. 119–127.
ICALP-v1-2014-KumarS #bound- Superpolynomial Lower Bounds for General Homogeneous Depth 4 Arithmetic Circuits (MK, SS), pp. 751–762.
CASE-2013-ZhaoL #analysis #exponential #multi- Analysis of multi-product manufacturing systems with homogeneous exponential machines (CZ, JL), pp. 386–391.
DATE-2013-RaghunathanTGM #multi #named #process- Cherry-picking: exploiting process variations in dark-silicon homogeneous chip multi-processors (BR, YT, SG, DM), pp. 39–44.
CIKM-2013-ChenCC #network #query- Spatial-temporal query homogeneity for KNN object search on road networks (YJC, KTC, MSC), pp. 1019–1028.
IFM-2012-BrescianiB #semantics- A UTP Semantics of pGCL as a Homogeneous Relation (RB, AB), pp. 191–205.
CIKM-2012-VouzoukidouAC #query- Processing continuous text queries featuring non-homogeneous scoring functions (NV, BA, VC), pp. 1065–1074.
ICPR-2012-MalmbergSNK #segmentation- Seeded segmentation based on object homogeneity (FM, RS, RN, JK), pp. 21–24.
KR-2012-PradeR #logic #predict #similarity- Homogeneous Logical Proportions: Their Uniqueness and Their Role in Similarity-Based Prediction (HP, GR).
DATE-2011-AmoryOMML #energy #using- Evaluating energy consumption of homogeneous MPSoCs using spare tiles (AMA, LO, CAMM, FGM, ML), pp. 1164–1167.
DATE-2011-ChakrabortyR #manycore- Topologically homogeneous power-performance heterogeneous multicore systems (KC, SR), pp. 125–130.
CIKM-2011-FuLZZ #learning #query- Do they belong to the same class: active learning by querying pairwise label homogeneity (YF, BL, XZ, CZ), pp. 2161–2164.
DATE-2010-JalierLJSBT #mobile- Heterogeneous vs homogeneous MPSoC approaches for a Mobile LTE modem (CJ, DL, AAJ, GS, PB, LT), pp. 184–189.
SIGMOD-2010-WongMC #privacy- Non-homogeneous generalization in privacy preserving data publishing (WKW, NM, DWLC), pp. 747–758.
KDD-2010-HossainTWDHR #clustering- Unifying dependent clustering and disparate clustering for non-homogeneous data (MSH, ST, LTW, ID, RFH, NR), pp. 593–602.
OOPSLA-2010-QiM #product line- Homogeneous family sharing (XQ, ACM), pp. 520–538.
SAC-2010-ChenT #energy #multi #scheduling- Energy-efficient scheduling on homogeneous multiprocessor platforms (JJC, LT), pp. 542–549.
LDTA-2009-ClarkT10 #formal method- Formalizing Homogeneous Language Embeddings (TC, LT), pp. 75–88.
HIMI-II-2009-GiakoumisTKBH #approach #mobile #towards- An Integrated Approach towards the Homogeneous Provision of Geographically Dispersed Info-Mobility Services to Mobile Users (DG, DT, DK, EB, GH), pp. 385–394.
ICEIS-SAIC-2009-SammourDVW #email- Identiying Homogenous Customer Segments for Low Risk Email Marketing Experiments (GNS, BD, KV, GW), pp. 89–94.
SAC-2009-KasingerDB #coordination #distributed- Decentralized coordination of homogeneous and heterogeneous agents by digital infochemicals (HK, JD, BB), pp. 1223–1224.
DATE-2008-ZhangHXL #fault #manycore #using- Defect Tolerance in Homogeneous Manycore Processors Using Core-Level Redundancy with Unified Topology (LZ, YH, QX, XL), pp. 891–896.
ICPR-2008-El-ZehiryE #constraints- Agraph cut based active contour without edges with relaxed homogeneity constraint (NYEZ, AE), pp. 1–4.
SIGIR-2008-WuTZ #community- Aggregated click-through data in a homogeneous user community (MW, AT, JZ), pp. 731–732.
SAC-2008-AntonellisMT #clustering #documentation #named #summary #using #xml- XEdge: clustering homogeneous and heterogeneous XML documents using edge summaries (PA, CM, NT), pp. 1081–1088.
SAC-2008-LevadaMTS #estimation #higher-order #parametricity #pseudo- Spatially non-homogeneous potts model parameter estimation on higher-order neighborhood systems by maximum pseudo-likelihood (ALML, NDAM, AT, DHPS), pp. 1733–1737.
SAC-2007-ThierryMS #constraints #geometry #towards- Towards an homogeneous handling of under-constrained and well-constrained systems of geometric constraints (SEBT, PM, PS), pp. 773–777.
DocEng-2004-Camacho-GuerreroMP #repository #web- A look at some issues during textual linking of homogeneous web repositories (JACG, AAM, MdGCP), pp. 74–83.
STOC-2004-HolmerinK #equation #linear #verification- A new PCP outer verifier with applications to homogeneous linear equations and max-bisection (JH, SK), pp. 11–20.
ICEIS-v2-2003-ChadesSC #markov #multi #process #using- Planning Cooperative Homogeneous Multiagent Systems Using Markov Decision Processes (IC, BS, FC), pp. 426–429.
CSL-2003-BodirskyN #constraints- Constraint Satisfaction with Countable Homogeneous Templates (MB, JN), pp. 44–57.
CSMR-2002-SametingerR #aspect-oriented #evolution- Evolution Support by Homogeneously Documenting Patterns, Aspects and Traces (JS, MR), p. 134–?.
DocEng-2001-MacedoPG #repository #semantics- Latent semantic linking over homogeneous repositories (AAM, MdGCP, JACG), pp. 144–151.
ICEIS-v1-2001-RobardetV #case study #classification- A Preliminary Study of a New Classification to Build Homogeneous Patient’s Groups in Home-Based Care (CR, CV), pp. 397–403.
SIGIR-2001-LosadaB #feedback #framework- An Homogeneous Framework to Model Relevance Feedback (DEL, AB), pp. 422–423.
ICALP-2000-Buresh-OppenheimCIP #calculus- Homogenization and the Polynominal Calculus (JBO, MC, RI, TP), pp. 926–937.
ICML-2000-VuceticO #contest- Discovering Homogeneous Regions in Spatial Data through Competition (SV, ZO), pp. 1095–1102.
ICPR-v1-2000-TangXM #contest #parametricity #segmentation #semantics- Semantically Homogeneous Segmentation with Nonparametric Region Competition (MT, JX, SM), pp. 1648–1651.
ICPR-v3-2000-UchiyamaMK #estimation #image #segmentation- Estimation of Homogeneous Regions for Segmentation of Textured Images (TU, NM, HK), pp. 7084–7087.
ICEIS-1999-CordeiroD #estimation #random- Contour Estimation on Piecewise Homogeneous Random Fields (JAMC, JMBD), pp. 183–194.
ICPR-1998-SchererAP #adaptation #constraints #integration #robust- Robust adaptive window matching by homogeneity constraint and integration of descriptions (SS, WA, AP), pp. 777–779.
HCI-CC-1997-PanHS #recognition- Homogeneity of Stimuli and Subjects on Recognition of Unfamiliar Swedish and Chinese Faces (YP, BH, KWS), pp. 153–156.
ICSM-1996-GefenS #case study #maintenance- The non-homogeneous maintenance periods: a case study of software modifications (DG, SLS), pp. 134–141.
ICPR-1996-BajcsyA #clustering- Uniformity and homogeneity-based hierarchical clustering (PB, NA), pp. 96–100.
CIKM-1995-DashH #knowledge base #matrix #multi #semantics- The Semantic Matrix Model (SMM): A Knowledge Based Solution to Semantic Homogeneity in Multidatabases (KID, ARH), pp. 122–128.
KDD-1994-Siebes #database #scalability- Homogeneous Discoveries Contain No Surprises: Inferring Risk Profiles from Large Databases (AS), pp. 97–108.
PODS-1988-Kelter #concurrent #protocol #queue- The Queue Protocol: A Deadlock-free Homogeneous Non-Two-Phase Locking Protocol (UK), pp. 142–151.
SLP-1986-HoddinottE86 #axiom #named #prolog #similarity- PROLOG: Subsumption of Equality Axioms by the Homogeneous Form (PH, EWE), pp. 115–126.
PODS-1985-GadiaV #database #query- A Query Language for a Homogeneous Temporal Database (SKG, JHV), pp. 51–56.
CADE-1982-Silver #equation- The Application of Homogenization to Simultaneous Equations (BS), pp. 132–143.
DAC-1972-Yessios #modelling- Modeling the site planning of homogeneous uses (CIY), pp. 203–212.