75 papers:
CHI-2015-Cramer #quality- Effects of Ad Quality & Content-Relevance on Perceived Content Quality (HC), pp. 2231–2234.
CHI-2015-Tajadura-Jimenez- As Light as your Footsteps: Altering Walking Sounds to Change Perceived Body Weight, Emotional State and Gait (ATJ, MB, OD, MF, NM, NBB), pp. 2943–2952.
DUXU-IXD-2015-PennaQ #how- How We Perceive Search Engines (LP, MQ), pp. 74–81.
HIMI-IKC-2015-Coelho- Association of National Dimensions of Culture with Perceived Public Sector Corruption (DAC), pp. 420–427.
HIMI-IKD-2015-ZhangA #game studies #mobile #research- The Research of the Influence of Customer Perceived Value to Customer Satisfaction in Mobile Games (KZ, YA), pp. 678–687.
ICEIS-v2-2015-Boon-itt #quality #self- Managing Service Quality of Self-Service Technologies to Enhance e-Satisfaction in Digital Banking Context — The Roles of Technology Readiness and Perceived Value (SBi), pp. 602–609.
ESEC-FSE-2015-LoNZ #how #re-engineering #research- How practitioners perceive the relevance of software engineering research (DL, NN, TZ), pp. 415–425.
ICSE-v2-2015-Muller #developer- Measuring Software Developers’ Perceived Difficulty with Biometric Sensors (SCM), pp. 887–890.
CHI-2014-LohseRPKE #gesture #performance- Robot gestures make difficult tasks easier: the impact of gestures on perceived workload and task performance (ML, RR, JGP, DEK, VE), pp. 1459–1466.
CHI-2014-MatthewsCWPZBS #community #enterprise #online #question #what- Goals and perceived success of online enterprise communities: what is important to leaders & members? (TM, JC, SW, AP, HZ, HB, BAS), pp. 291–300.
DUXU-DP-2014-AlTaboli #design #interface #visual notation- Further Investigation of the Effects of Font Styles on Perceived Visual Aesthetics of Website Interface Design (AA), pp. 199–207.
DUXU-ELAS-2014-ZiefleBKS- Public Perception and Acceptance of Electric Vehicles: Exploring Users’ Perceived Benefits and Drawbacks (MZ, SBL, KK, MS), pp. 628–639.
LCT-NLE-2014-OrehovackiBJ #education #quality #web- Exploring the Validity of an Instrument to Measure the Perceived Quality in Use of Web 2.0 Applications with Educational Potential (TO, SB, MJ), pp. 192–203.
ICPR-2014-JoshiGG #automation #predict #using #visual notation- Automatic Prediction of Perceived Traits Using Visual Cues under Varied Situational Context (JJ, HG, RG), pp. 2855–2860.
ICSE-2014-KhadkaBSJH #how #legacy #question- How do professionals perceive legacy systems and software modernization? (RK, BVB, AS, SJ, JH), pp. 36–47.
CHI-2013-LiaoF #interactive #topic- Beyond the filter bubble: interactive effects of perceived threat and topic involvement on selective exposure to information (QVL, WTF), pp. 2359–2368.
CHI-2013-ReineckeYMMZLG #complexity #predict #quantifier #visual notation- Predicting users’ first impressions of website aesthetics with a quantification of perceived visual complexity and colorfulness (KR, TY, LM, RM, YZ, JL, KZG), pp. 2049–2058.
CHI-2013-VatavuCG #gesture #scalability- Small, medium, or large?: estimating the user-perceived scale of stroke gestures (RDV, GC, LG), pp. 277–280.
CSCW-2013-TowneKKH #process #quality #wiki- Your process is showing: controversy management and perceived quality in wikipedia (WBT, AK, PK, JDH), pp. 1059–1068.
DUXU-PMT-2013-McGeeVD #estimation #experience- Assessing Perceived Experience with Magnitude Estimation (MM, MV, JD), pp. 349–358.
DUXU-WM-2013-AhramKS #design #modelling #usability- Modeling Consumer Sensitivity for Product Design and Perceived Usability (TZA, WK, NS), pp. 325–333.
HCI-AMTE-2013-AlTaboli #design #interface #visual notation- Investigating the Effects of Font Styles on Perceived Visual Aesthetics of Website Interface Design (AA), pp. 549–554.
HCI-AS-2013-LeeC #game studies- Influence of Gaming Display and Controller on Perceived Characteristics, Perceived Interactivity, Presence, and Discomfort (HL, DC), pp. 258–265.
HCI-UC-2013-AminJGMS #impact analysis #latency #quality- Assessing the Impact of Latency and Jitter on the Perceived Quality of Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 (RA, FJ, JEG, JM, TS), pp. 97–106.
HCI-UC-2013-BeldadS #experience #ll #online #trust- It Was Nice with the Brick So Now I’ll Click: The Effects of Offline and Online Experience, Perceived Benefits, and Trust on Dutch Consumers’ Online Repeat Purchase Intention (AB, MS), pp. 371–380.
SOSP-2013-RavindranathPMB #mobile #named- Timecard: controlling user-perceived delays in server-based mobile applications (LR, JP, RM, HB), pp. 85–100.
CHI-2012-BirnholtzBF #behaviour- Do you see that I see?: effects of perceived visibility on awareness checking behavior (JPB, NB, SRF), pp. 1765–1774.
CHI-2012-MatthewsJW #design #experience #how #question #user interface- How do designers and user experience professionals actually perceive and use personas? (TM, TKJ, SW), pp. 1219–1228.
CHI-2012-NowakN #behaviour #monitoring #online #recommendation- Effects of behavior monitoring and perceived system benefit in online recommender systems (MN, CN), pp. 2243–2246.
CSCW-2012-GrubbB #enterprise #information management #on the- On the perceived interdependence and information sharing inhibitions of enterprise software engineers (AMG, AB), pp. 1337–1346.
SAC-2012-LavazzaMTT #empirical #java #open source #reliability #source code- An empirical investigation of perceived reliability of open source Java programs (LL, SM, DT, DT), pp. 1109–1114.
WCRE-2011-HerraizSNH #case study #quality- Impact of Installation Counts on Perceived Quality: A Case Study on Debian (IH, ES, THDN, AEH), pp. 219–228.
CHI-2011-TausczikP #online #predict #quality- Predicting the perceived quality of online mathematics contributions from users’ reputations (YRT, JWP), pp. 1885–1888.
DHM-2011-WeerasingheG- Footbed Influences on Posture and Perceived Feel (TWW, RSG), pp. 220–227.
CHI-2010-HarrisonYH #performance #visual notation- Faster progress bars: manipulating perceived duration with visual augmentations (CH, ZY, SEH), pp. 1545–1548.
CHI-2010-HolzB #how- The generalized perceived input point model and how to double touch accuracy by extracting fingerprints (CH, PB), pp. 581–590.
CHI-2010-QuinnT #effectiveness #independence #performance #usability- Attractive phones don’t have to work better: independent effects of attractiveness, effectiveness, and efficiency on perceived usability (JMQ, TQT), pp. 353–362.
ICPR-2010-UekiSI #adaptation #estimation- Perceived Age Estimation under Lighting Condition Change by Covariate Shift Adaptation (KU, MS, YI), pp. 3400–3403.
SAC-2010-Rittgen #modelling #process #quality- Quality and perceived usefulness of process models (PR), pp. 65–72.
ISSTA-2010-DobolyiW #fault #modelling #testing #web- Modeling consumer-perceived web application fault severities for testing (KD, WW), pp. 97–106.
CHI-2009-GonzalesFD #question- (Perceived) interactivity: does interactivity increase enjoyment and creative identity in artistic spaces? (ALG, TF, SPD), pp. 415–418.
HCD-2009-Rocker- Perceived Usefulness and Perceived Ease-of-Use of Ambient Intelligence Applications in Office Environments (CR), pp. 1052–1061.
HCI-AUII-2009-DongR #multi- Context Awareness and Perceived Interactivity in Multimedia Computing (XD, PLPR), pp. 21–29.
IDGD-2009-ZhongLL #learning #similarity- Exploring the Influences of Individualism-Collectivism on Individual’s Perceived Participation Equality in Virtual Learning Teams (YZ, NL, JL), pp. 207–216.
SEKE-2009-ZhaoWX #optimisation #web #web service- User Perceived Response-time Optimization Method for Composite Web Services (JZ, YW, BX), pp. 356–363.
ITiCSE-2008-LevyB #behaviour #tool support- Perceived behavior control and its influence on the adoption of software tools (RBBL, MBA), pp. 169–173.
CSCW-2008-KitturSC #trust #wiki- Can you ever trust a wiki?: impacting perceived trustworthiness in wikipedia (AK, BS, EHC), pp. 477–480.
ICPR-2008-EskofierHK #classification- Classification of perceived running fatigue in digital sports (BE, FH, PK), pp. 1–4.
ICSE-2008-DorrKLGDH #quality #requirements- Supporting requirements engineering for medical products: early consideration of user-perceived quality (JD, DK, DL, CG, CD, AH), pp. 639–648.
ICSE-2008-MockusW #process #quality- Interval quality: relating customer-perceived quality to process quality (AM, DMW), pp. 723–732.
ASPLOS-2008-MallikCDMD #named #performance #scalability- PICSEL: measuring user-perceived performance to control dynamic frequency scaling (AM, JC, RPD, GM, PAD), pp. 70–79.
CSEET-2007-GrothH #case study #how #student- How Students Perceive Risk: A Study of Senior Capstone Project Teams (DPG, MPH), pp. 45–54.
DHM-2007-ZhengLZK #assessment #concurrent #experience #usability #user interface #visualisation- Visualizing User Experience Through “Perceptual Maps”: Concurrent Assessment of Perceived Usability and Subjective Appearance in Car Infotainment Systems (XSZ, JJWL, SZ, CK), pp. 536–545.
HCI-AS-2007-LowryRH #trust- First Impressions with Websites: The Effect of the Familiarity and Credibility of Corporate Logos on Perceived Consumer Swift Trust of Websites (PBL, TLR, TH), pp. 77–85.
HCI-AS-2007-TanC #mobile #quality- The Effects of Mobile Service Quality and Technology Compatibility on Users’ Perceived Playfulness (FBT, JPCC), pp. 1029–1038.
HCI-AS-2007-ThengW #learning #usability- Perceived Usefulness and Usability of Weblogs for Collaborating Learning (YLT, ELYW), pp. 361–370.
HCI-AS-2007-YiJ #analysis #approach #online #protocol- The Antecedents of Online Consumers’ Perceived Usefulness of Website: A Protocol Analysis Approach (CY, ZJ), pp. 142–149.
HCI-IDU-2007-StrybelVDKNCG #predict #using- Predicting Perceived Situation Awareness of Low Altitude Aircraft in Terminal Airspace Using Probe Questions (TZS, KPLV, JPD, JK, TKN, VC, FPG), pp. 939–948.
HCI-IPT-2007-JungC #feedback #mobile #power management- Perceived Magnitude and Power Consumption of Vibration Feedback in Mobile Devices (JJ, SC), pp. 354–363.
HCI-MIE-2007-DongLH #complexity #segmentation #user interface- Effect of Glance Duration on Perceived Complexity and Segmentation of User Interfaces (YD, CL, LH), pp. 605–614.
HIMI-MTT-2007-Gao #empirical #hypermedia- Does Information Content Influence Perceived Informativeness? An Experiment in the Hypermedia (YG), pp. 40–44.
DAC-2005-YanZJ #interactive #latency #scalability- User-perceived latency driven voltage scaling for interactive applications (LY, LZ, NKJ), pp. 624–627.
HT-2005-DmitrievLS #documentation #hypermedia #logic- As we may perceive: inferring logical documents from hypertext (PD, CL, BS), pp. 66–74.
CHI-2005-HoI #mobile #using- Using context-aware computing to reduce the perceived burden of interruptions from mobile devices (JH, SSI), pp. 909–918.
ICSE-2005-MockusZL #predict #quality- Predictors of customer perceived software quality (AM, PZ, PLL), pp. 225–233.
CHI-2004-SchianoES #category theory #imperative- Categorical imperative NOT: facial affect is perceived continuously (DJS, SME, KS), pp. 49–56.
SIGIR-2004-NemethST #automation #evaluation #interactive #query- Evaluation of the real and perceived value of automatic and interactive query expansion (YN, BS, MTM), pp. 526–527.
OSDI-2004-OlshefskiNN #named- ksniffer: Determining the Remote Client Perceived Response Time from Live Packet Streams (DPO, JN, EMN), pp. 333–346.
CHI-2003-GarauSVBSS #communication #quality- The impact of avatar realism and eye gaze control on perceived quality of communication in a shared immersive virtual environment (MG, MS, VV, AB, AS, MAS), pp. 529–536.
CHI-2002-FioreTS #behaviour- Observed behavior and perceived value of authors in usenet newsgroups: bridging the gap (ATF, SLT, MAS), pp. 323–330.
SEKE-1999-AlthoffNT- Systematically Diagnosing and Improving the Perceived Usefulness of Organizational Memories (KDA, MN, CT), pp. 72–86.
HCI-CC-1997-SuhCSS- Perceived Work-Related Risk in Stress and Musculoskeletal Discomfort (HS, PC, FS, MJS), pp. 517–519.
HCI-SEC-1997-SearsJB #internet #quality- The Effect of Internet Delay on the Perceived Quality of Information (AS, JAJ, MSB), pp. 335–338.
ML-1989-Marie #bias #dependence #learning- Building A Learning Bias from Perceived Dependencies (CdSM), pp. 501–502.
ICSE-1978-DzidaHI #interactive #quality- User Perceived Quality of Interactive Systems (WD, SH, WDI), pp. 188–195.