96 papers:
CASE-2015-StopforthB #biology #evaluation #named- MechaBird: A biological inspired mechatronics bird for the evaluation of flight characteristics (RS, GB), pp. 335–341.
DATE-2015-0001B #clustering #energy #manycore #performance- A ultra-low-energy convolution engine for fast brain-inspired vision in multicore clusters (FC, LB), pp. 683–688.
DATE-2015-BokhariJSHP #adaptation- Malleable NoC: dark silicon inspired adaptable Network-on-Chip (HB, HJ, MS, JH, SP), pp. 1245–1248.
DATE-2015-SedighiPHNN- A CNN-inspired mixed signal processor based on tunnel transistors (BS, IP, XSH, JN, MTN), pp. 1150–1155.
CHI-2015-Gilbert #abstraction- Open Book: A Socially-inspired Cloaking Technique that Uses Lexical Abstraction to Transform Messages (EG), pp. 477–486.
CHI-2015-HaimsonBMC #online- Online Inspiration and Exploration for Identity Reinvention (OLH, AEB, EFM, EFC), pp. 3809–3818.
CHI-2015-LernerFG #polymorphism #user interface- Polymorphic Blocks: Formalism-Inspired UI for Structured Connectors (SL, SRF, WGG), pp. 3063–3072.
HCI-DE-2015-SamaniSJ #interactive- Biologically Inspired Artificial Endocrine System for Human Computer Interaction (HAS, ES, B(J), pp. 71–81.
ICEIS-v1-2015-CarboneraA15a #approach #information management #knowledge-based #representation- A Cognition-inspired Knowledge Representation Approach for Knowledge-based Interpretation Systems (JLC, MA), pp. 644–649.
RecSys-2015-Vall #automation #generative #music- Listener-Inspired Automated Music Playlist Generation (AV), pp. 387–390.
HPCA-2015-SonLSKKA #architecture #named- CiDRA: A cache-inspired DRAM resilience architecture (YHS, SL, OS, SK, NSK, JHA), pp. 502–513.
SAT-2015-GanianS #algorithm #community #satisfiability- Community Structure Inspired Algorithms for SAT and #SAT (RG, SS), pp. 223–237.
DAC-2014-DattaSCPR- Neuro Inspired Computing with Coupled Relaxation Oscillators (SD, NS, MC, AP, AR), p. 6.
DATE-2014-RoySFY- Brain-inspired computing with spin torque devices (KR, MS, DF, KY), pp. 1–6.
DATE-2014-WangZMYJDP #adaptation #manycore- Adaptive power allocation for many-core systems inspired from multiagent auction model (XW, BZ, TSTM, MY, YJ, MD, MP), pp. 1–4.
CSMR-WCRE-2014-BaudryMMCFC #evolution #named- DIVERSIFY: Ecology-inspired software evolution for diversity emergence (BB, MM, CM, FC, FF, SC), pp. 395–398.
CSMR-WCRE-2014-Grosjean #biology #maintenance #using- Using biology and ecology as inspiration for software maintenance? (Keynote abstract) (PG), p. 1.
CHI-2014-SampathRI #crowdsourcing #design #performance- Cognitively inspired task design to improve user performance on crowdsourcing platforms (HAS, RR, BI), pp. 3665–3674.
HIMI-DE-2014-HuangL #design #generative- Generative Product Design Inspired by Natural Information (YH, JYL), pp. 583–593.
ICML-c2-2014-BrunskillL #learning- PAC-inspired Option Discovery in Lifelong Reinforcement Learning (EB, LL), pp. 316–324.
ICPR-2014-HuiZ #image #recognition #representation- A Bio-Inspired Early-Level Image Representation and Its Contribution to Object Recognition (WH, QZ), pp. 4263–4268.
KR-2014-DiakidoyKM0 #approach #automation #comprehension- A Psychology-Inspired Approach to Automated Narrative Text Comprehension (IAD, ACK, LM, RM).
SAC-2014-LoCCSL #algorithm #locality- ICAP, a new flash wear-leveling algorithm inspired by locality (SWL, BHC, YWC, TCS, YCL), pp. 1478–1483.
SAC-2014-OliveiraNWB #approach #kernel #named- Ianus: secure and holistic coexistence with kernel extensions — a immune system-inspired approach (DO, JN, NW, MB), pp. 1672–1679.
HPCA-2014-KimKMYK- Transportation-network-inspired network-on-chip (HK, GK, SM, HY, JK), pp. 332–343.
SAT-2014-Gableske #framework #satisfiability- An Ising Model Inspired Extension of the Product-Based MP Framework for SAT (OG), pp. 367–383.
DAC-2013-ParkZDK #recognition- Accelerators for biologically-inspired attention and recognition (MSP, CZ, MD, SK), p. 6.
ICDAR-2013-ZagorisP #detection #image #modelling #using- Text Detection in Natural Images Using Bio-inspired Models (KZ, IP), pp. 1370–1374.
ITiCSE-2013-ZarbHR #communication #guidelines #programming #student- Industry-inspired guidelines improve students’ pair programming communication (MZ, JH, JR), pp. 135–140.
DUXU-WM-2013-Huang #design #functional #interactive- Proactive Home Furnishings: Inspiring from Interactive Art for Designing Functional Aesthetics in a Space (SCCH), pp. 367–375.
ISSTA-2013-ZhangMK #mutation testing #performance #reduction #testing- Faster mutation testing inspired by test prioritization and reduction (LZ, DM, SK), pp. 235–245.
CIAA-2012-EhrenfeuchtR #framework #process- A Formal Framework for Processes Inspired by the Functioning of Living Cells (AE, GR), pp. 25–27.
ICML-2012-ChenCRCC #analysis #linear- Communications Inspired Linear Discriminant Analysis (MC, WRC, MRDR, LC, ARC), p. 196.
ICPR-2012-AliGBPNP #biology #classification #using- Classification of biological cells using bio-inspired descriptors (WBHA, DG, MB, PP, RN, TP), pp. 3353–3357.
ICPR-2012-ChengLWTCBWS #detection- Peripapillary atrophy detection by biologically inspired feature (JC, JL, DWKW, NMT, CYlC, MB, TYW, SMS), pp. 53–56.
ICPR-2012-NarayanamN #algorithm #community #detection #distributed #game studies #graph #information management #social- A game theory inspired, decentralized, local information based algorithm for community detection in social graphs (RN, YN), pp. 1072–1075.
ICPR-2012-NguyenB #algorithm #optimisation- Zombie Survival Optimization: A swarm intelligence algorithm inspired by zombie foraging (HTN, BB), pp. 987–990.
ICPR-2012-Schmidt-HackenbergYB #detection #image #visual notation- Visual cortex inspired features for object detection in X-ray images (LSH, MRY, TMB), pp. 2573–2576.
SAC-2012-ItaniGBKC- BGP-inspired autonomic service routing for the cloud (WI, CG, RB, AIK, AC), pp. 406–411.
DATE-2011-Furber #architecture- Biologically-inspired massively-parallel architectures — Computing beyond a million processors (SBF), p. 1.
ICDAR-2011-GenzelPSJSIT- Translation-Inspired OCR (DG, ACP, NS, MJ, AWS, EI, FYFT), pp. 1339–1343.
ICSM-2011-HassaineBGHA #approach #co-evolution- A seismology-inspired approach to study change propagation (SH, FB, YGG, SH, GA), pp. 53–62.
CHI-2011-John #design #modelling #performance #predict #recommendation #user interface #using- Using predictive human performance models to inspire and support UI design recommendations (BEJ), pp. 983–986.
CHI-2011-KaziCZDL #animation #multi #named- SandCanvas: a multi-touch art medium inspired by sand animation (RHK, KCC, SZ, RCD, KLL), pp. 1283–1292.
CHI-2011-LvTJCLLZDW #collaboration #named- ShadowStory: creative and collaborative digital storytelling inspired by cultural heritage (FL, FT, YJ, XC, WL, GL, XZ, GD, HW), pp. 1919–1928.
CHI-2011-SundstromTGWBL #comprehension #towards- Inspirational bits: towards a shared understanding of the digital material (PS, AST, KG, NW, JSB, ML), pp. 1561–1570.
CIKM-2011-DengZFX #approach #in memory #memory management- Information re-finding by context: a brain memory inspired approach (TD, LZ, LF, WX), pp. 1553–1558.
ECIR-2011-FrommholzPLR #framework #information retrieval #query- Processing Queries in Session in a Quantum-Inspired IR Framework (IF, BP, ML, KvR), pp. 751–754.
ECIR-2011-ZhaoZSH #approach #metric #novel #quantum #ranking- A Novel Re-ranking Approach Inspired by Quantum Measurement (XZ, PZ, DS, YH), pp. 721–724.
KDIR-2011-AliDKB #classification #image- Bio-inspired Bags-of-features for Image Classification (WBHA, ED, PK, MB), pp. 277–281.
MLDM-2011-ShengT #process- Boosting Inspired Process for Improving AUC (VSS, RT), pp. 199–209.
ITiCSE-2010-DeeB #women- Inspiring women undergraduates (HMD, RDB), pp. 43–47.
DLT-2010-EhrenfeuchtR- Reaction Systems: A Model of Computation Inspired by Biochemistry (AE, GR), pp. 1–3.
CHI-2010-DuganGM #lessons learnt- Lessons learned from blog muse: audience-based inspiration for bloggers (CD, WG, DRM), pp. 1965–1974.
CHI-2010-TianLWWLKSDC #game studies #learning #mobile- Let’s play chinese characters: mobile learning approaches via culturally inspired group games (FT, FL, JW, HW, WL, MK, VS, GD, JC), pp. 1603–1612.
CSCW-2010-CaoLHS #deployment- Telling the whole story: anticipation, inspiration and reputation in a field deployment of TellTable (XC, SEL, JH, AS), pp. 251–260.
CSCW-2010-GeyerD #topic- Inspired by the audience: a topic suggestion system for blog writers and readers (WG, CD), pp. 237–240.
ICPR-2010-JiangWXD #classification #image- A New Biologically Inspired Feature for Scene Image Classification (AJ, CW, BX, RD), pp. 758–761.
ICPR-2010-MaHHL #detection- Context Inspired Pedestrian Detection in Far-Field Videos (WM, PH, LH, CL), pp. 3009–3012.
ICPR-2010-SangWW #learning #modelling #top-down #visual notation- A Biologically-Inspired Top-Down Learning Model Based on Visual Attention (NS, LW, YW), pp. 3736–3739.
SAC-2010-AraujoOS #hybrid #quantum- Hybrid evolutionary quantum inspired method to adjust time phase distortions in financial time series (RdAA, ALIdO, SCBS), pp. 1153–1154.
SAC-2010-RoyM #verification #visual notation- Visual processing-inspired fern-audio features for noise-robust speaker verification (AR, SM), pp. 1491–1495.
SAC-2010-ViroliC #composition #self- Chemical-inspired self-composition of competing services (MV, MC), pp. 2029–2036.
ICSE-2010-DemskyL #concurrent #named- Views: object-inspired concurrency control (BD, PL), pp. 395–404.
DRR-2009-KhurshidSFV #comparison #documentation- Comparison of Niblack inspired binarization methods for ancient documents (KK, IS, CF, NV), pp. 1–10.
ITiCSE-2009-CurzonMCB #process #reuse- Enthusing & inspiring with reusable kinaesthetic activities (PC, PWM, QIC, TB), pp. 94–98.
ITiCSE-2009-DoerschukLM #experience #lessons learnt- INSPIRED broadening participation: first year experience and lessons learned (PID, JL, JM), pp. 238–242.
CHI-2009-HerringCKB #comprehension #design #exclamation #how #why- Getting inspired!: understanding how and why examples are used in creative design practice (SRH, CCC, JK, BPB), pp. 87–96.
SFM-2008-VersariG #calculus #implementation #process- pi@: A pi-Based Process Calculus for the Implementation of Compartmentalised Bio-inspired Calculi (CV, RG), pp. 449–506.
SAC-2008-VieiraVN #generative- A biologically inspired generation of virtual characters (RCCV, CAV, JBCN), pp. 1218–1224.
ESOP-2007-Versari #analysis #calculus #comparative- A Core Calculus for a Comparative Analysis of Bio-inspired Calculi (CV), pp. 411–425.
HIMI-IIE-2007-OginoSK- The Inspiring Store: Decision Support System for Shopping Based on Individual Interests (AO, SuS, TK), pp. 948–954.
SAC-2007-MenezesMVSB- A model for terrain coverage inspired by ant’s alarm pheromones (RM, FM, FEV, RS, MB), pp. 728–732.
CIAA-2006-Rozenberg #assembly- Theory Inspired by Gene Assembly in Ciliates (GR), p. 10.
ICPR-v1-2006-WuNC #feature model #locality- Biologically Inspired Hierarchical Model for Feature Extraction and Localization (LW, PN, LNC), pp. 259–262.
ICDAR-2005-EglinBRE #biology #categorisation #tool support- Biological inspired Tools for Patrimonial Handwriting Denoising and Categorization (VE, SB, CR, HE), pp. 59–63.
VLDB-2005-KonopnickiS- Database-Inspired Search (DK, OS), p. 2.
PASTE-2005-TallamG #algorithm #concept analysis #testing- A concept analysis inspired greedy algorithm for test suite minimization (ST, NG), pp. 35–42.
CHI-2005-ZuckermanAR #education #interface- Extending tangible interfaces for education: digital montessori-inspired manipulatives (OZ, SA, MR), pp. 859–868.
CIKM-2005-KraftMC #exclamation- Y!Q: contextual search at the point of inspiration (RK, FM, CCC), pp. 816–823.
CSCW-2004-WangB #collaboration #concept #design #industrial- Concepts that support collocated collaborative work inspired by the specific context of industrial designers (HW, EB), pp. 546–549.
ICML-2004-BaskiotisS #approach- C4.5 competence map: a phase transition-inspired approach (NB, MS).
ECOOP-2004-IterumC #corba #inheritance #interface #version control- Inheritance-Inspired Interface Versioning for CORBA (SI, RC), pp. 268–290.
CHI-2003-HutchinsonMWBDPBCEHRE #design #product line- Technology probes: inspiring design for and with families (HH, WEM, BW, BBB, AD, CP, MBL, SC, HE, HH, NR, BE), pp. 17–24.
DATE-2002-CarmonaJDER #design #programmable- Bio-Inspired Analog VLSI Design Realizes Programmable Complex Spatio-Temporal Dynamics on a Single Chip (RCG, FJG, RDC, SEM, ÁRV), pp. 362–366.
ICDAR-2001-NagabhushanM- Pitman Shorthand Inspired Model for Plain Text Compression (PN, SM), pp. 322–327.
FASE-2001-ChoppyPR #specification #uml #visual notation- Specification of Mixed Systems in KORRIGAN with the Support of a UML-Inspired Graphical Notation (CC, PP, JCR), pp. 124–139.
ICPR-v3-2000-Ruiz-del-SolarS #framework- Bio-Inspired Framework for the Fusion of Chromatic, Infrared and Textural Information (JRdS, ASF), pp. 3576–3579.
ICPR-v3-2000-ThiemH #design- Biology-Inspired Design of Digital Gabor Filters upon a Hexagonal Sampling Scheme (JT, GH), pp. 3449–3452.
CHI-1999-BhavnaniJF #empirical- The Strategic Use of CAD: An Empirically Inspired, Theory-Based Course (SKB, BEJ, UF), pp. 183–190.
IWTCS-1999-HeT #hardware #testing- Protocol-Inspired Hardware Testing (JH, KJT), pp. 131–148.
ICPR-1996-WeberVS #behaviour #mobile- Insect inspired behaviours for the autonomous control of mobile robots (KW, SV, MVS), pp. 156–160.
ECOOP-1995-SmithU #experience #programming- Programming as an Experience: The Inspiration for Self (RBS, DU), pp. 303–330.
HCI-ACS-1993-Westlander #health #research- The Simultaneous Attack on Several Work Environment Factors — An Organizational Change Project Inspired of Occupational Health Research Findings (GW), pp. 833–838.
CC-1992-Pettersson #automaton #compilation #finite- A Term Pattern-Match Compiler Inspired by Finite Automata Theory (MP), pp. 258–270.
ICALP-1982-Ben-Ari #algorithm #garbage collection #on the fly #proving- On-the-Fly Garbage Collection: New Algorithms Inspired by Program Proofs (MBA), pp. 14–22.