229 papers:
ITiCSE-2015-TollOEW #programming #student- Detailed Recordings of Student Programming Sessions (DT, TO, ME, AW), p. 328.
ESOP-2015-LindleyM #semantics- A Semantics for Propositions as Sessions (SL, JGM), pp. 560–584.
FoSSaCS-2015-PfenningG- Polarized Substructural Session Types (FP, DG), pp. 3–22.
SFM-2015-CoppoDPY #multi- A Gentle Introduction to Multiparty Asynchronous Session Types (MC, MDC, LP, NY), pp. 146–178.
CSCW-2015-GiesbrechtCS #mobile- Back in Sight, Back in Mind: Picture-Centric Support for Mobile Counseling Sessions (TG, TC, GS), pp. 486–495.
ECIR-2015-HienertHWK #analysis #named- WHOSE — A Tool for Whole-Session Analysis in IIR (DH, WvH, AW, DK), pp. 172–183.
ECIR-2015-LuoZDY #design #using- Designing States, Actions, and Rewards for Using POMDP in Session Search (JL, SZ, XD, HY), pp. 526–537.
SIGIR-2015-Mitra #distributed #query #using- Exploring Session Context using Distributed Representations of Queries and Reformulations (BM), pp. 3–12.
PPDP-2015-Al-HumaimeedyF #multi #specification #verification- Enhancing the specification and verification techniques of multiparty sessions in SOC (ASAH, MF), pp. 19–30.
PPDP-2015-CanoRLP #concurrent #declarative- Declarative interpretations of session-based concurrency (MC, CR, HAL, JAP), pp. 67–78.
SAC-2015-RyckDPJ #named- SecSess: keeping your session tucked away in your browser (PDR, LD, FP, WJ), pp. 2171–2176.
CC-2015-NgCY #code generation #protocol- Protocols by Default — Safe MPI Code Generation Based on Session Types (NN, JGdFC, NY), pp. 212–232.
DATE-2014-RuhrmairSB #how- Special session: How secure are PUFs really? On the reach and limits of recent PUF attacks (UR, US, WB), pp. 1–4.
DATE-2014-ShiC #named- Memcomputing: The cape of good hope: [Extended special session description] (YS, HMC), pp. 1–3.
ICSME-2014-MinelliBML #development #visual notation- Visual Storytelling of Development Sessions (RM, LB, AM, ML), pp. 416–420.
CHI-2014-ChiltonKACLWDMZ #collaboration #data transformation #named- Frenzy: collaborative data organization for creating conference sessions (LBC, JK, PA, FC, JAL, DSW, SPD, RCM, HZ), pp. 1255–1264.
CHI-2014-HuangYWZLMLZS #named #using- FOCUS: enhancing children’s engagement in reading by using contextual BCI training sessions (JH, CY, YW, YZ, SL, CM, JL, LZ, YS), pp. 1905–1908.
RecSys-2014-TavakolB #detection #topic- Factored MDPs for detecting topics of user sessions (MT, UB), pp. 33–40.
SIGIR-2014-JiangHA #behaviour- Searching, browsing, and clicking in a search session: changes in user behavior by task and over time (JJ, DH, JA), pp. 607–616.
SIGIR-2014-LuoZY #game studies #probability- Win-win search: dual-agent stochastic game in session search (JL, SZ, HY), pp. 587–596.
PPDP-2014-ChenDY #on the #precise #type system- On the Preciseness of Subtyping in Session Types (TCC, MDC, NY), pp. 135–146.
ESOP-2013-CairesPPT #behaviour #communication #morphism #parametricity #polymorphism- Behavioral Polymorphism and Parametricity in Session-Based Communication (LC, JAP, FP, BT), pp. 330–349.
ESOP-2013-ToninhoCP #higher-order #integration #monad #process- Higher-Order Processes, Functions, and Sessions: A Monadic Integration (BT, LC, FP), pp. 350–369.
ICALP-v2-2013-DenielouY #automaton #communication #multi #synthesis- Multiparty Compatibility in Communicating Automata: Characterisation and Synthesis of Global Session Types (PMD, NY), pp. 174–186.
ICALP-v2-2013-Padovani #type system- Fair Subtyping for Open Session Types (LP), pp. 373–384.
CSCW-2013-GeigerH #using #wiki- Using edit sessions to measure participation in wikipedia (RSG, AH), pp. 861–870.
ECIR-2013-FujikawaJN #modelling- Tempo of Search Actions to Modeling Successful Sessions (KF, HJ, SiN), pp. 718–721.
ECIR-2013-GuanY- Increasing Stability of Result Organization for Session Search (DG, HY), pp. 471–482.
ECIR-2013-ZhuGCLN #graph #query #recommendation- Recommending High Utility Query via Session-Flow Graph (XZ, JG, XC, YL, WN), pp. 642–655.
SIGIR-2013-BronGNBR #interface #multi- Aggregated search interface preferences in multi-session search tasks (MB, JvG, FN, LBB, MdR), pp. 123–132.
SIGIR-2013-GuanZY #query- Utilizing query change for session search (DG, SZ, HY), pp. 453–462.
SIGIR-2013-HeBV #multi #query- Characterizing stages of a multi-session complex search task through direct and indirect query modifications (JH, MB, APdV), pp. 897–900.
SIGIR-2013-LuoGY #named- InfoLand: information lay-of-land for session search (JL, DG, HY), pp. 1097–1098.
SIGIR-2013-RamanBC #towards #web- Toward whole-session relevance: exploring intrinsic diversity in web search (KR, PNB, KCT), pp. 463–472.
SIGIR-2013-SakaiD #evaluation #framework #information management #retrieval #summary- Summaries, ranked retrieval and sessions: a unified framework for information access evaluation (TS, ZD), pp. 473–482.
SIGIR-2013-ZhangGY #feedback #query- Query change as relevance feedback in session search (SZ, DG, HY), pp. 821–824.
ICSE-2013-Kuhn #interactive #live programming #on the #programming #testing- On extracting unit tests from interactive live programming sessions (AK), pp. 1241–1244.
ESOP-2012-DenielouY #automaton #communication #multi- Multiparty Session Types Meet Communicating Automata (PMD, NY), pp. 194–213.
ESOP-2012-PerezCPT #concurrent #linear #logic- Linear Logical Relations for Session-Based Concurrency (JAP, LC, FP, BT), pp. 539–558.
FoSSaCS-2012-ToninhoCP #process- Functions as Session-Typed Processes (BT, LC, FP), pp. 346–360.
ICALP-v2-2012-Honda #distributed- Session Types and Distributed Computing (KH), p. 23.
ICFP-2012-Wadler- Propositions as sessions (PW), pp. 273–286.
CIKM-2012-JiangHHYN #evaluation #query #simulation- Contextual evaluation of query reformulations in a search session by user simulation (JJ, DH, SH, ZY, CN), pp. 2635–2638.
CIKM-2012-KustarevUMS #performance #predict #query- Session-based query performance prediction (AK, YU, AM, PS), pp. 2563–2566.
CIKM-2012-Tyler0 #multi- Multi-session re-search: in pursuit of repetition and diversification (SKT, YZ), pp. 2055–2059.
ECIR-2012-DiriyeG #collaboration #named- Querium: A Session-Based Collaborative Search System (AD, GG), pp. 583–584.
ICPR-2012-MotlicekSWMM #authentication #mobile #modelling #using #variability- Bi-modal authentication in mobile environments using session variability modelling (PM, LES, RW, CM, SM), pp. 1100–1103.
SIGIR-2012-BaskayaKJ #interactive #simulation- Time drives interaction: simulating sessions in diverse searching environments (FB, HK, KJ), pp. 105–114.
SIGIR-2012-LiuBC #behaviour #interactive #personalisation #using- Personalization of search results using interaction behaviors in search sessions (CL, NJB, MJC), pp. 205–214.
ECOOP-2012-DugganY #data flow- Static Sessional Dataflow (DD, JY), pp. 484–508.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2012-NgYH #optimisation #parallel #programming- Multiparty Session C: Safe Parallel Programming with Message Optimisation (NN, NY, KH), pp. 202–218.
PPDP-2012-DardhaGS #revisited- Session types revisited (OD, EG, DS), pp. 139–150.
SAC-2012-BernardiH #contract #modelling #using- Modelling session types using contracts (GB, MH), pp. 1941–1946.
CSL-2012-DeYoungCPT #communication #linear #logic #reduction- Cut Reduction in Linear Logic as Asynchronous Session-Typed Communication (HD, LC, FP, BT), pp. 228–242.
QoSA-ISARCS-2011-FranksLH #metric #modelling #performance #protocol- Performance measurements and modeling of a java-based session initiation protocol (SIP) application server (GF, DHL, CEH), pp. 63–72.
DAC-2011-DensmoreHKSAWV #biology #design #synthesis- Joint DAC/IWBDA special session design and synthesis of biological circuits (DD, MH, SK, XS, AA, EW, CV), pp. 114–115.
ICSM-2011-SampathBJM #reduction #testing- A tool for combination-based prioritization and reduction of user-session-based test suites (SS, RCB, SJ, SM), pp. 574–577.
CIKM-2011-HagenSR #detection #query- Query session detection as a cascade (MH, BS, TR), pp. 147–152.
CIKM-2011-OzertemVL #set #using- Suggestion set utility maximization using session logs (UO, EV, LL), pp. 105–114.
ECIR-2011-FrommholzPLR #framework #information retrieval #query- Processing Queries in Session in a Quantum-Inspired IR Framework (IF, BP, ML, KvR), pp. 751–754.
SIGIR-2011-KanoulasCCS #multi- Evaluating multi-query sessions (EK, BC, PDC, MS), pp. 1053–1062.
SIGIR-2011-KotovBWDT #analysis #modelling- Modeling and analysis of cross-session search tasks (AK, PNB, RWW, STD, JT), pp. 5–14.
SIGIR-2011-Tyler #behaviour #multi #persistent #personalisation- Persistence in the ephemeral: utilizing repeat behaviors for multi-session personalized search (SKT), pp. 1311–1312.
PPDP-2011-ToninhoCP #linear #type system- Dependent session types via intuitionistic linear type theory (BT, LC, FP), pp. 161–172.
POPL-2011-DenielouY #multi- Dynamic multirole session types (PMD, NY), pp. 435–446.
SAC-2011-JohnsBSP #reliability- Reliable protection against session fixation attacks (MJ, BB, MS, JP), pp. 1531–1537.
SAC-2011-Vega-OliverosMP #authoring #documentation #interactive #multi- Media-oriented operators for authoring interactive multimedia documents generated from capture sessions (DAVO, DSM, MdGCP), pp. 1267–1272.
DAC-2010-RiedelHWSAM #biology- Joint DAC/IWBDA special session engineering biology: fundamentals and applications (MR, SH, RW, PS, JCA, RMM), pp. 220–221.
FoSSaCS-2010-YoshidaDBH #multi- Parameterised Multiparty Session Types (NY, PMD, AB, RH), pp. 128–145.
CHI-2010-CapraMVM #collaboration #learning #multi- Tools-at-hand and learning in multi-session, collaborative search (RGC, GM, JVM, KM), pp. 951–960.
ECIR-2010-PascaARMH #query #web- The Role of Query Sessions in Extracting Instance Attributes from Web Search Queries (MP, EA, ERA, RMB, KBH), pp. 62–74.
SIGIR-2010-DuZYCC #query #recognition #using- Using search session context for named entity recognition in query (JD, ZZ, JY, YC, ZC), pp. 765–766.
SIGIR-2010-LiuB #information retrieval #multi #personalisation- Personalizing information retrieval for multi-session tasks: the roles of task stage and task type (JL, NJB), pp. 26–33.
ECOOP-2010-HuKPYH #java #type safety- Type-Safe Eventful Sessions in Java (RH, DK, OP, NY, KH), pp. 329–353.
PPDP-2010-Barbanerad #behaviour- Two notions of sub-behaviour for session-based client/server systems (FB, Ud), pp. 155–164.
POPL-2010-GayVRGC #composition #distributed #object-oriented #programming- Modular session types for distributed object-oriented programming (SJG, VTV, AR, NG, AZC), pp. 299–312.
SAC-2010-EgeleBKK #web- CAPTCHA smuggling: hijacking web browsing sessions to create CAPTCHA farms (ME, LB, EK, CK), pp. 1865–1870.
SAC-2010-HarshN #approach #architecture #independence #multi #network- Mode independent session directory service architecture: a unified approach for ASM and SSM multicast networks (PH, REN), pp. 647–654.
HT-2009-MeissDGRM #behaviour #web #what- What’s in a session: tracking individual behavior on the web (MM, JD, BG, JJR, FM), pp. 173–182.
ESOP-2009-MostrousYH #commutative #type system- Global Principal Typing in Partially Commutative Asynchronous Sessions (DM, NY, KH), pp. 316–332.
ICPC-2009-GueheneucKM #comprehension #using- Working session: Using eye-tracking to understand program comprehension (YGG, HHK, JIM), pp. 278–279.
SFM-2009-CarboneYH #exception #interactive #multi- Asynchronous Session Types: Exceptions and Multiparty Interactions (MC, NY, KH), pp. 187–212.
SFM-2009-Vasconcelos- Fundamentals of Session Types (VTV), pp. 158–186.
ICEIS-ISAS-2009-BarkaouiBE #collaboration #coordination- An Event Structure based Coordination Model for Collaborative Sessions (KB, CB, JMME), pp. 137–143.
KDD-2009-WangCP #aspect-oriented #mining #query- Mining broad latent query aspects from search sessions (XW, DC, KP), pp. 867–876.
KDD-2009-ZhuM #mining #web- Mining rich session context to improve web search (GZ, GM), pp. 1037–1046.
KDIR-2009-Fernandez-FernandezG #mining #query #taxonomy #topic- Hierarchical Taxonomy Extraction by Mining Topical Query Sessions (MFF, DGA), pp. 229–235.
SIGIR-2009-GuoA #interactive #predict #segmentation- Beyond session segmentation: predicting changes in search intent with client-side user interactions (QG, EA), pp. 636–637.
PPDP-2009-CastagnaDGP- Foundations of session types (GC, MDC, EG, LP), pp. 219–230.
PPDP-2009-Vasconcelos #functional #linear #parallel #programming #thread- Session types for linear multithreaded functional programming (VTV), pp. 1–6.
SAC-2009-DaoudTBC #ontology #personalisation #using- A session based personalized search using an ontological user profile (MD, LTL, MB, BC), pp. 1732–1736.
SAC-2009-HarshN #multi #using- Using geo-spatial session tagging for smart multicast session discovery (PH, REN), pp. 22–27.
ICST-2009-LuoPC #clustering #testing #web- Clustering and Tailoring User Session Data for Testing Web Applications (XL, FP, MHC), pp. 336–345.
RTA-2009-BursucC #algebra #bound #protocol #security- Protocol Security and Algebraic Properties: Decision Results for a Bounded Number of Sessions (SB, HCL), pp. 133–147.
TLCA-2009-MostrousY #communication #higher-order #mobile #optimisation #process- Session-Based Communication Optimisation for Higher-Order Mobile Processes (DM, NY), pp. 203–218.
CSMR-2008-Retalis #industrial- Industrial Track Session — Introduction (SR), p. 307.
ICPC-2008-ComanS #automation #development #identification- Automated Identification of Tasks in Development Sessions (IDC, AS), pp. 212–217.
CHI-2008-MacKayW #multi #web- Exploring multi-session web tasks (BM, CRW), pp. 1187–1196.
CIKM-2008-JonesK #automation #query #segmentation #topic- Beyond the session timeout: automatic hierarchical segmentation of search topics in query logs (RJ, KLK), pp. 699–708.
CIKM-2008-WebbCP #predict #web- Predicting web spam with HTTP session information (SW, JC, CP), pp. 339–348.
ECIR-2008-JarvelinPDN #evaluation #information retrieval #multi- Discounted Cumulated Gain Based Evaluation of Multiple-Query IR Sessions (KJ, SLP, LMLD, MLN), pp. 4–15.
ECIR-2008-PandeyL #case study #comparative #information retrieval- Exploiting Session Context for Information Retrieval — A Comparative Study (GP, JL), pp. 652–657.
KDD-2008-CaoJPHLCL #mining #query- Context-aware query suggestion by mining click-through and session data (HC, DJ, JP, QH, ZL, EC, HL), pp. 875–883.
ECOOP-2008-HuYH #distributed #java #programming- Session-Based Distributed Programming in Java (RH, NY, KH), pp. 516–541.
POPL-2008-HondaYC #multi- Multiparty asynchronous session types (KH, NY, MC), pp. 273–284.
SAC-2008-DinizFM #adaptation #architecture #ubiquitous- An architecture of services for session management and contents adaptation in ubiquitous medical environments (JRBD, CAGF, HM), pp. 1353–1357.
SPLC-2008-McGregor #agile #product line- Agile Software Product Lines — A Working Session (JDM), p. 364.
ICST-2008-HarmanA #automation #program repair #testing #web- Automated Session Data Repair for Web Application Regression Testing (MH, NA), pp. 298–307.
ICST-2008-SampathBVKK #testing #web- Prioritizing User-Session-Based Test Cases for Web Applications Testing (SS, RCB, GV, VK, AGK), pp. 141–150.
WICSA-2007-ClementsKK #architecture- Working Session: Software Architecture Competence (PCC, RK, MK), p. 27.
ITiCSE-2007-CukiermanT #learning- Learning strategies sessions within the classroom in computing science university courses (DC, DMT), p. 341.
ICPC-2007-RobbesL #comprehension #development- Characterizing and Understanding Development Sessions (RR, ML), pp. 155–166.
ICSM-2007-Arcelli #reverse engineering- Working Session on Reverse Engineering techniques for Application Portfolio Management — RE4APM 2007 - (FA), pp. 495–496.
ICSM-2007-HassanZ #re-engineering- MythSE Myths in Software Engineering Half day ICSM 2007Working Session (AEH, TZ), pp. 489–490.
SIGIR-2007-HuffmanH #how #predict #question- How well does result relevance predict session satisfaction? (SBH, MH), pp. 567–574.
TestCom-FATES-2007-LuukkalaO #embedded #modelling #protocol #testing- Model Based Testing of an Embedded Session and Transport Protocol (VL, IO), pp. 212–227.
TLCA-2007-MostrousY #higher-order #mobile #process #type system- Two Session Typing Systems for Higher-Order Mobile Processes (DM, NY), pp. 321–335.
DocEng-2006-LumleyT- XSLT working session (JWL, JT), p. 1.
ICPC-2006-SmithOK #architecture #comprehension #migration #web #web service- Working Session: Program Comprehension and Migration Strategies for Web Service and Service-Oriented Architectures (DBS, LO, KK), pp. 235–240.
ICSM-2006-MarcusLHP #evolution #information retrieval- Working Session: Information Retrieval Based Approaches in Software Evolution (AM, ADL, JHH, DP), pp. 197–209.
ICEIS-SAIC-2006-BrzezinskiKK #mobile #protocol #safety- Safety of Checkpointing and Rollback-Recovery Protocol for Mobile Systems with RYW Session Guarantee (JB, AK, JK), pp. 118–123.
ECOOP-2006-Dezani-CiancagliniMYD #object-oriented- Session Types for Object-Oriented Languages (MDC, DM, NY, SD), pp. 328–352.
PPDP-2006-GarraldaCD #named- BASS: boxed ambients with safe sessions (PG, ABC, MDC), pp. 61–72.
WICSA-2005-BassMO #quality- Quality Session Report (LB, MM, FGO), pp. 191–192.
WICSA-2005-Clements #architecture #documentation- Software Architecture Documentation in Practice Session Report (PCC), pp. 257–258.
WICSA-2005-CrnkovicJ #component- Components and Services Session Report (IC, VJ), pp. 269–271.
WICSA-2005-Garlan #analysis #architecture #evaluation- Software Architecture Evaluation and Analysis Session Report (DG), pp. 227–228.
WICSA-2005-Hofmeister #architecture- Architecting Session Report (CH), pp. 209–210.
WICSA-2005-ShawV #architecture #education- Software Architecture Education Session Report (MS, HvV), pp. 185–190.
WICSA-2005-StaffordB- Working Session Reports (JAS, JB), pp. 181–184.
WICSA-2005-Tyree #architecture #design- Architectural Design Decisions Session Report (JT), pp. 285–286.
WICSA-2005-WoodsH #architecture- Architecture Description Languages in Practice Session Report (EW, RH), pp. 243–246.
ICSM-2005-SprenkleSGPS #comparison #empirical #reduction #testing #web- An Empirical Comparison of Test Suite Reduction Techniques for User-Session-Based Testing of Web Applications (SS, SS, EG, LLP, ALS), pp. 587–596.
IWPC-2005-CoxC #comprehension #source code- Working Session: Textual Views of Source Code to Support Comprehension (AC, MLC), pp. 109–112.
IWPC-2005-JinW #re-engineering- Working Session on Interoperable Reengineering Services (DJ, AW), pp. 291–293.
HPDC-2005-ZhaoCF #file system #grid- Supporting application-tailored grid file system sessions with WSRF-based services (MZ, VC, RJOF), pp. 24–33.
ASE-2004-SampathMSP #approach #concept analysis #scalability #testing #web- Scalable Approach to User-Session based Testing of Web Applications through Concept Analysis (SS, VM, ALS, LLP), pp. 132–141.
IWPC-2004-OBrienS #architecture #comprehension #web #web service- Working Session: Program Comprehension Strategies for Web Service and Service-oriented Architectures (LO, DBS), pp. 260–263.
SIGIR-2004-SriramSZ- A session-based search engine (SS, XS, CZ), pp. 492–493.
PADL-2004-NeubauerT #implementation- An Implementation of Session Types (MN, PT), pp. 56–70.
DATE-2003-WittmannHWTS #communication #design #topic- Hot Topic Session: RF Design Technology for Highly Integrated Communication Systems (RW, JH, HJW, GT, MS), pp. 10842–10849.
VLDB-2003-Cabrera #industrial #web #web service- Web Services (Industrial Session) (FC), pp. 1031–1032.
VLDB-2003-Leymann #grid #industrial- Grid and Applications (Industrial Session) (FL), p. 1033.
AGTIVE-2003-QemaliT #graph transformation #towards #validation #web- Towards Validation of Session Management in Web Applications based on Graph Transformation (AQ, GT), pp. 15–29.
SEKE-2003-RichterAMF #information management #traceability- Tagging Knowledge Acquisition Sessions to Facilitate Knowledge Traceability (HR, GDA, CAM, HF), pp. 432–439.
ICSE-2003-ElbaumKR #testing #web- Improving Web Application Testing with User Session Data (SGE, SK, GR), pp. 49–59.
CSL-2003-ChevalierKRTV #bound- Extending the Dolev-Yao Intruder for Analyzing an Unbounded Number of Sessions (YC, RK, MR, MT, LV), pp. 128–141.
CHI-2002-HeerC #categorisation #web- Separating the swarm: categorization methods for user sessions on the web (JH, EHhC), pp. 243–250.
PADL-2002-Thiemann #composition #named #web- WASH/CGI: Server-Side Web Scripting with Sessions and Typed, Compositional Forms (PT), pp. 192–208.
WICSA-2001-GeppertR #design #internet #protocol- Collaboration-Based Design — Exemplified by the Internet Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) (BG, FR), p. 158–?.
ITiCSE-2001-Joyce- Sneaking in extra material (panel session) (DJ), p. 190.
KDD-2001-WarnerRDB #interactive #knowledge base #mining #web- Mining user session data to facilitate user interaction with a customer service knowledge base in RightNow Web (DW, JNR, SDD, BB), pp. 467–472.
HPDC-2001-SwanyW- The Logistical Session Layer (DMS, RW), p. 443–?.
ITiCSE-2000-Anderson #algorithm #geometry #interactive #student #using #visualisation- Algorithm visualization using QuickTime movies for student interaction (poster session).: algorithms from computational geometry (JMA), p. 185.
ITiCSE-2000-BarrosP- A versatile assignment in CS 2(poster session): a file compression utility based on the Huffman code (JPB, RP), p. 185.
ITiCSE-2000-BlandL #learning- Agents, profiles, learning styles and tutors (poster session) (CGB, PBL), p. 185.
ITiCSE-2000-Chang #analysis #concept #learning #web- Discovering learning patterns from Web logs by concept transformation analysis (poster session) (CKC), pp. 186–187.
ITiCSE-2000-ChongS #chat #coordination #interactive #multi- A multi-modal chat for coordinated interaction (poster session) (NSTC, MS), p. 187.
ITiCSE-2000-DavidovicWT #adaptation- Structural example-based adaptive tutoring system (poster session) (SEATS) (AD, JW, ET), p. 187.
ITiCSE-2000-Delgado- Ethical knowledge for an electronic era (poster session) (GGD), pp. 187–188.
ITiCSE-2000-Eremin- Software system to learn objects (poster session) (EE), p. 188.
ITiCSE-2000-GooldR- Undergraduates in business computing and computer science (poster session) (AG, RR), p. 188.
ITiCSE-2000-Hagan #education #java #using- Using BlueJ to teach Java (poster session) (DH), pp. 188–189.
ITiCSE-2000-KajavaV- The professional growth of ICT experts through progressive sandwich training (poster session) (JK, RV), p. 189.
ITiCSE-2000-KleinDHBGLCS #challenge #education- Teaching inter-institutional courses (panel session): sharing challenges and resources (BJK, MD, DH, AB, AG, MZL, TC, ES), pp. 178–179.
ITiCSE-2000-KoldehofePT #algorithm #animation #distributed #education- LYDIAN (poster session): an extensible educational animation environment for distributed algorithms (BK, MP, PT), p. 189.
ITiCSE-2000-Kosa #algorithm #distributed- Distributed algorithms in the discrete mathematics course (poster session) (MJK), pp. 189–190.
ITiCSE-2000-Manne- Competing in computing (poster session) (FM), p. 190.
ITiCSE-2000-MentoTHS #development #education #internet #multi- Internet and multimedia technology curriculum development (poster session) (BM, DT, KH, SS), pp. 190–191.
ITiCSE-2000-Odekirk #source code #student- Analyzing student programs (poster session) (EO), p. 191.
ITiCSE-2000-RosslingF #testing- TOPKAPI (poster session): a tool for performing knowledge tests over the WWW (GR, BF), p. 191.
ITiCSE-2000-SatrazemiD #effectiveness #programming #student- Telemachus an effective electronic marker of students’ programming assignments (poster session) (MS, VD), pp. 191–192.
ITiCSE-2000-Scanlan #multi #student- Student preference for multimedia-based lectures (poster session): a preliminary report (DAS), p. 192.
ITiCSE-2000-SheardPM #difference #student- Subject differences in student attitudes to paper-based and Web-based resources (poster session) (JS, MP, SM), pp. 192–193.
ITiCSE-2000-SheneL #geometry- Computing with geometry as an undergraduate course (poster session) (CKS, JLL), p. 193.
ITiCSE-2000-SheneL00a #design- DesignMentor (poster session): a pedagogical tool for graphics and computer-aided design (CKS, JLL), p. 193.
ITiCSE-2000-ShinYLL #database #education #learning- Plan of teaching & learning for database software through situated learning (poster session) (SBS, IHY, CHL, TWL), pp. 193–194.
ITiCSE-2000-Sooriamurthi #abstraction #functional #recursion #using- Using recursion as a tool to reinforce functional abstraction (poster session) (RS), p. 194.
ITiCSE-2000-Stratton #approach #education #network #protocol #quote- “Network protocols and services”: a non-specialist approach to teaching networking (poster session) (DS), p. 194.
ITiCSE-2000-Sutinen #challenge #visualisation- Future challenges in program visualization (panel session) (ES), pp. 176–177.
ITiCSE-2000-Terada- Program paper-slide-show (poster session) (MT), pp. 194–195.
ITiCSE-2000-Thompson #learning #maturity #process- Learning process maturity (poster session) (ET), p. 195.
IWPC-2000-Sajaniemi #comprehension #multi- Program Comprehension through Multiple Simultaneous Views: A Session with VinEd (JS), pp. 99–108.
KDD-2000-KarguptaCKO #distributed #information management #parallel- Distributed and parallel knowledge discovery (workshop session — title only) (HK, PC, VK, ZO), p. 534.
ICSE-2000-BasiliLSR #tutorial #using- Improving software inspections by using reading techniques (tutorial session) (VRB, OL, FS, IR), p. 836.
ICSE-2000-Batory #architecture #aspect-oriented #product line #reuse #tutorial- Product-line architectures, aspects, and reuse (tutorial session) (DSB), p. 832.
ICSE-2000-Bevan #quality #specification #tutorial- Specifying and measuring quality in use (tutorial session) (NB), p. 819.
ICSE-2000-Curtis00a #lessons learnt #process #tutorial- Software process improvement (tutorial session): best practices and lessons learned (BC), p. 828.
ICSE-2000-GilHK #modelling #tutorial #uml #visual notation- Advanced visual modeling (tutorial session): beyond UML (JYG, JH, SK), p. 833.
ICSE-2000-Gomaa #design #distributed #realtime #tutorial #uml- Designing real-time and distributed applications with the UML (tutorial session) (HG), p. 829.
ICSE-2000-Jalote #tutorial- Moving from ISO9000 to higher levels of the CMM (tutorial session) (PJ), p. 823.
ICSE-2000-KazmanK #architecture #design #tutorial #using- Designing and analyzing software architectures using ABASs (tutorial session) (RK, MK), p. 820.
ICSE-2000-KirschS #tutorial- Intellectual property protection for software in the United States and Europe (tutorial session): the changing roles of patents and copyrights (GJK, YS), p. 827.
ICSE-2000-LieberherrLM #composition #object-oriented #reuse #tutorial- Building modular object-oriented systems with reusable collaborations (tutorial session) (KJL, DHL, MM), p. 821.
ICSE-2000-LittlewoodS #assessment #concept #reliability #tutorial- Software reliability (tutorial session): basic concepts and assessment methods (BL, LS), p. 831.
ICSE-2000-LittlewoodS00a #assessment #design #fault #fault tolerance #reliability #tutorial- Fault tolerance via diversity against design faults (tutorial session): design principles and reliability assessment (BL, LS), p. 835.
ICSE-2000-LopesK #aspectj #composition #design #source code #tutorial #using- Improving design and source code modularity using AspectJ (tutorial session) (CVL, GK), p. 825.
ICSE-2000-NordPS #architecture #tutorial #using- Planning realistic schedules using software architecture (tutorial session) (RLN, DJP, DS), p. 824.
ICSE-2000-Picco #comprehension #tutorial- Understanding code mobility (tutorial session) (GPP), p. 834.
ICSE-2000-TakahashiEFG #development #tutorial #using- System development using application services over the Net (tutorial session) (KT, WE, AF, SG), p. 830.
ICSE-2000-Vinoski #corba #tutorial- Introduction to CORBA (tutorial session) (SV), p. 822.
ICSE-2000-Vinoski00a #corba #scalability #tutorial- Scalability issues in CORBA-based systems (tutorial session) (SV), p. 826.
ITiCSE-1999-Ackermann #education #internet- Poster session. Internet curriculum. two courses: introductory and advanced (ECA), pp. 179–180.
ITiCSE-1999-HabermanG #distance #education #learning- Distance learning model with local workshop sessions applied to in-service teacher training (BH, DG), pp. 64–67.
CHI-1999-KristoffersenL #empirical #how #interactive #modelling #people- An Empirical Study of How People Establish Interaction: Implications for CSCW Session Management Models (SK, FL), pp. 1–8.
SIGAda-1999-Gilchrist #ada- Attitudes to Ada in the UK high-reliability software sector (plenary session) (IG), p. 221.
CSCW-1998-TrevorRS #architecture- Out of this World: An Extensible Session Architecture for Heterogeneous Electronic Landscapes (JT, TR, GS), pp. 119–128.
HPDC-1998-YoussefAM #architecture #distributed #quality- The Software Architecture of a Distributed Quality of Session Control Layer (AY, HMAW, KM), pp. 21–28.
ITiCSE-WGR-1997-PetreP #internet #problem #programming- Programming practical work and problem sessions via the Internet (MP, BAP), pp. 125–128.
SAC-1997-MostafaS #collaboration #multi #protocol #reliability- A reliable multicast session protocol for collaborative continuous-feed applications (WM, MS), pp. 35–39.
ISSTA-1996-BarjaktarovicCJ #functional #kernel #protocol #specification #using #verification- Formal Specification and Verification of the Kernel Functional Unit of the OSI Session Layer Protocol and Service Using CCS (MB, SKC, KJ), pp. 270–279.
STOC-1995-BellareR- Provably secure session key distribution: the three party case (MB, PR), pp. 57–66.
CSCW-1994-Edwards #collaboration- Session Management for Collaborative Applications (WKE), pp. 323–330.
HCI-SHI-1993-KatoWI- Cooperative Musical Partner System: JASPER (Jam Session Partner) (HK, SHW, SI), pp. 250–255.
IWPTS-1991-Heijnk #compilation- Session on TTCN Compilers (RJH), p. 295.
IWPTS-1991-Hogrefe91a #consistency #formal method #requirements- Session on Conformance Requirements and Test Purposes in the Context of Formal Methods (DH), pp. 289–290.
IWPTS-1991-Marchese #development #testing- Session on Test Suite Development (PM), p. 283.
IWPTS-1991-Stoettinger #tool support- Session on Equivqlence of Test Tools (KS), pp. 291–293.
DAC-1986-BirminghamJK #tutorial- Knowlege-based expert systems and their application (tutorial session (WPB, RJ, JK), pp. 531–539.
DAC-1986-Eurich #design #tutorial- A tutorial introduction to the electronic design interchange format (tutorial session) (JPE), pp. 327–333.
DAC-1986-HancockD #automation #design #parallel #tutorial- Tutorial on parallel processing for design automation applications (tutorial session) (JMH, SD), pp. 69–77.
DAC-1986-PreasK #automation #bibliography #tutorial- Automatic placement a review of current techniques (tutorial session) (BP, PGK), pp. 622–629.
DAC-1985-Cho #bibliography #tutorial- A subjective review of compaction (tutorial session) (YEC), pp. 396–404.
DAC-1985-CollinsK #programmable #tutorial- The impact of technological advances on programmable controller s(tutorial session) (RPC, WJK), pp. 498–502.
DAC-1985-LowensteinW #standard #tutorial- Importance of standards (tutorial session) (AL, GW), pp. 88–93.
DAC-1985-TaylorBS #design #layout #lessons learnt #tutorial- Layout design-lessons from the Jedi designer (tutorial session) (SLT, RB, TS), p. 337.
DAC-1985-Tucker #evolution #tutorial- Electronic CAD/CAM-is it revolution or evolution (tutorial session) (BWT), pp. 830–834.
LISP-1980-LiebermanH #testing- A Session with Tinker: Interleaving Program Testing with Program Writing (HL, CH), pp. 90–99.
VLDB-1978-Hsiao- An Opening Statement for the Session in Impact of New Technologies (DKH), p. 70.