Travelled to:
1 × France
2 × USA
Collaborated with:
S.Bhunia S.Paul X.Wang W.Yueh D.B.Roy Y.Zheng S.Mukhopadhyay D.Mukhopadhyay A.R.Krishna F.G.Wolff S.Rajgopal T.Lee M.Mehregany
Talks about:
comput (2) power (2) grid (2) temperatur (1) reconfigur (1) intellig (1) silicon (1) collect (1) channel (1) switch (1)
Person: Seetharam Narasimhan
DBLP: Narasimhan:Seetharam
Contributed to:
Wrote 3 papers:
- DAC-2013-WangYRNZMMB #design #grid #power management
- Role of power grid in side channel attack and power-grid-aware secure design (XW, WY, DBR, SN, YZ, SM, DM, SB), p. 9.
- DATE-2011-WangNKWRLMB #configuration management #using
- High-temperature (>500°C) reconfigurable computing using silicon carbide NEMS switches (XW, SN, ARK, FGW, SR, THL, MM, SB), pp. 1065–1070.
- DAC-2008-NarasimhanPB
- Collective computing based on swarm intelligence (SN, SP, SB), pp. 349–350.