Travelled to:
1 × Belgium
1 × Canada
1 × France
1 × Germany
1 × Israel
1 × Italy
8 × USA
Collaborated with:
A.Aziz R.K.Brayton C.Pixley F.Balarin P.Aggarwal J.Baumgartner K.Sajid T.R.Shiple C.Yang M.J.Ciesielski P.Yalagandula R.K.Ranjan A.L.Sangiovanni-Vincentelli T.Heyman F.Somenzi T.Liu K.Sanwal R.L.Rudell A.Tripp F.Andersen A.Goel H.Zhou S.Cheng R.Hojati T.Kam S.C.Krishnan S.Tasiran H.Wang
Talks about:
verif (4) base (3) bdd (3) algorithm (2) sequenti (2) abstract (2) equival (2) circuit (2) system (2) formal (2)
Person: Vigyan Singhal
DBLP: Singhal:Vigyan
Contributed to:
Wrote 15 papers:
- CAV-2011-SinghalA #simulation #using #verification
- Using Coverage to Deploy Formal Verification in a Simulation World (VS, PA), pp. 44–49.
- CAV-2000-BaumgartnerTASA #abstraction #algorithm #design #verification
- An Abstraction Algorithm for the Verification of Generalized C-Slow Designs (JB, AT, AA, VS, FA), pp. 5–19.
- DAC-2000-YangCS #logic #named #optimisation
- BDS: a BDD-based logic optimization system (CY, MJC, VS), pp. 92–97.
- DATE-2000-YalagandulaAS #automation #generative
- Automatic Lighthouse Generation for Directed State Space Search (PY, AA, VS), pp. 237–242.
- CAV-1999-BaumgartnerHSA #abstraction #algorithm #model checking
- Model Checking the IBM Gigahertz Processor: An Abstraction Algorithm for High-Performance Netlists (JB, TH, VS, AA), pp. 72–83.
- DATE-1999-RanjanSSB #using #verification
- Using Combinational Verification for Sequential Circuits (RKR, VS, FS, RKB), pp. 138–144.
- CAV-1998-GoelSZAS #formal method #similarity
- BDD Based Procedures for a Theory of Equality with Uninterpreted Functions (AG, KS, HZ, AA, VS), pp. 244–255.
- DAC-1997-LiuSAS #black box #design #optimisation
- Optimizing Designs Containing Black Boxes (THL, KS, AA, VS), pp. 113–116.
- CAV-1996-AzizSSB #markov #verification
- Verifying Continuous Time Markov Chains (AA, KS, VS, RKB), pp. 269–276.
- CAV-1995-AzizSB #logic #probability
- It Usually Works: The Temporal Logic of Stochastic Systems (AA, VS, FB), pp. 155–165.
- DAC-1995-SinghalPRB
- The Validity of Retiming Sequential Circuits (VS, CP, RLR, RKB), pp. 316–321.
- CAV-1994-AzizSS #composition #equivalence #model checking
- Formula-Dependent Equivalence for Compositional CTL Model Checking (AA, TRS, VS), pp. 324–337.
- CAV-1994-SinghalP #problem
- The Verifiacation Problem for Safe Replaceability (VS, CP), pp. 311–323.
- DAC-1994-AzizBCHKKRSSTWBS #named #verification
- HSIS: A BDD-Based Environment for Formal Verification (AA, FB, STC, RH, TK, SCK, RKR, TRS, VS, ST, HYW, RKB, ALSV), pp. 454–459.
- ICALP-1994-AzizSBBS
- Equivalences for Fair Kripke Structures (AA, VS, FB, RKB, ALSV), pp. 364–375.