Stem complement$ (all stems)
63 papers:
ICPC-2015-Zeller #dynamic analysis- Test complement exclusion: guarantees from dynamic analysis (AZ), pp. 1–2.
RecSys-2013-DzyaburaT #how #recommendation- Not by search alone: how recommendations complement search results (DD, AT), pp. 371–374.
OOPSLA-2013-BalatsourasS #graph- Class hierarchy complementation: soundly completing a partial type graph (GB, YS), pp. 515–532.
ICSE-2013-Sanchez04a #code search #named- SNIPR: complementing code search with code retargeting capabilities (HS), pp. 1423–1426.
FoSSaCS-2012-BreuersLO #automaton- Improved Ramsey-Based Büchi Complementation (SB, CL, JO), pp. 150–164.
ICSM-2012-KuangMHGHJE #comprehension #dependence #question #requirements #source code #traceability- Do data dependencies in source code complement call dependencies for understanding requirements traceability? (HK, PM, HH, AG, LH, JL, AE), pp. 181–190.
DLT-2012-JiraskovaS #complexity- The State Complexity of Star-Complement-Star (GJ, JS), pp. 380–391.
RTA-2012-Al-HassaniMCS #problem #term rewriting- A Term Rewriting System for Kuratowski’s Closure-Complement Problem (OAH, QaM, CSC, VS), pp. 38–52.
GCM-2010-HeumullerJKS11 #category theory- Construction of Pushout Complements in the Category of Hypergraphs (MH, SJ, BK, JS).
BX-2011-Voigtlaender #bidirectional- Complement-Based Bidirectionalization (JV), p. 49.
CSL-2011-CaiZ #bound- Tight Upper Bounds for Streett and Parity Complementation (YC, TZ), pp. 112–128.
CSL-2011-FogartyKVW #automaton- Unifying Büchi Complementation Constructions (SF, OK, MYV, TW), pp. 248–263.
CIAA-2010-TsaiFVT #automaton- State of Büchi Complementation (MHT, SF, MYV, YKT), pp. 261–271.
DATE-2009-Cilardo #architecture- A new speculative addition architecture suitable for two’s complement operations (AC), pp. 664–669.
TACAS-2009-FogartyV #automaton #termination- Büchi Complementation and Size-Change Termination (SF, MYV), pp. 16–30.
SIGAda-2009-TardieuP #ada #programming language- Complementing Ada with other programming languages (ST, AP), pp. 105–114.
EDOC-2009-BucklEMRS #architecture #enterprise #using- Using Enterprise Architecture Management Patterns to Complement TOGAF (SB, AME, FM, RR, CMS), pp. 34–41.
LICS-2009-CaiZL #automaton #bound- An Improved Lower Bound for the Complementation of Rabin Automata (YC, TZ, HL), pp. 167–176.
HT-2008-VuillemotR #navigation #on-demand #visualisation- Mapping visualization on-demand onto a virtual globe: an appealing complement to browser-based navigation (RV, BR), pp. 249–250.
DLT-2008-Jiraskova #complexity #on the #regular expression- On the State Complexity of Complements, Stars, and Reversals of Regular Languages (GJ), pp. 431–442.
ICALP-A-2008-KahlerW #ambiguity #automaton- Complementation, Disambiguation, and Determinization of Büchi Automata Unified (DK, TW), pp. 724–735.
BX-2008-Matsuda1 #bidirectional #source code- Bidirectionalization of Programs with Duplication through Complement Function Derivation (KM), p. 40.
ICFP-2007-MatsudaHNHT #automation #bidirectional- Bidirectionalization transformation based on automatic derivation of view complement functions (KM, ZH, KN, MH, MT), pp. 47–58.
SAT-2007-Kullmann #invariant #matrix #polynomial #satisfiability- Polynomial Time SAT Decision for Complementation-Invariant Clause-Sets, and Sign-non-Singular Matrices (OK), pp. 314–327.
DLT-2006-OkhotinY #equation- Language Equations with Complementation (AO, OY), pp. 420–432.
ICALP-v1-2006-Kapoutsis- Small Sweeping 2NFAs Are Not Closed Under Complement (CAK), pp. 144–156.
ICALP-v2-2006-Yan #automaton #bound- Lower Bounds for Complementation of ω-Automata Via the Full Automata Technique (QY), pp. 589–600.
SPLC-2006-TraskRPB #component #modelling #product line #using- Using Model-Driven Engineering to Complement Software Product Line Engineering in Developing Software Defined Radio Components and Applications (BT, AR, DP, VB), pp. 192–202.
ICDAR-2005-CecottiB05a #approach #documentation #hybrid- Hybrid OCR combination approach complemented by a specialized ICR applied on ancient documents (HC, AB), pp. 1045–1049.
TACAS-2005-KupfermanV #automaton #infinity #nondeterminism #word- Complementation Constructions for Nondeterministic Automata on Infinite Words (OK, MYV), pp. 206–221.
STOC-2005-DobzinskiNS #algorithm #approximate #combinator- Approximation algorithms for combinatorial auctions with complement-free bidders (SD, NN, MS), pp. 610–618.
CIAA-J-2004-JirasekJS05 #complexity- State complexity of concatenation and complementation (JJ, GJ, AS), pp. 511–529.
DLT-J-2004-RispalC05 #linear #order #set- Complementation of rational sets on countable scattered linear orderings (CR, OC), pp. 767–786.
DLT-2005-GeffertMP #automaton #finite- Complementing Two-Way Finite Automata (VG, CM, GP), pp. 260–271.
LCTES-2005-SoD #concurrent #integration #pipes and filters #thread- Complementing software pipelining with software thread integration (WS, AGD), pp. 137–146.
TACAS-2004-KupfermanV #certification- From Complementation to Certification (OK, MYV), pp. 591–606.
CIAA-2004-JirasekJS #complexity #regular expression- State Complexity of Concatenation and Complementation of Regular Languages (JJ, GJ, AS), pp. 178–189.
DLT-2004-RispalC #linear #order #set- Complementation of Rational Sets on Countable Scattered Linear Orderings (CR, OC), pp. 381–392.
PODS-2003-Lechtenborger #approach #constant #towards- The impact of the constant complement approach towards view updating (JL), pp. 49–55.
CAV-2003-GuptaGWYA #abstraction #satisfiability- Abstraction and BDDs Complement SAT-Based BMC in DiVer (AG, MKG, CW, ZY, PA), pp. 206–209.
TestCom-2003-Cousin #consistency #process #testing- Interoperabolity Events Complementing Conformance Testing Activities (PC), p. 128.
PODS-2002-LechtenborgerV #on the #relational- On the Computation of Relational View Complements (JL, GV), pp. 142–149.
SIGAda-2002-LeifLL #ada #xml- XML and Ada complement each other (RCL, SBL, SHL), p. 44.
PPDP-2000-GiacobazziM #semantics #symmetry- A characterization of symmetric semantics by domain complementation (RG, IM), pp. 115–126.
SAS-1999-ZaffanellaHB- Decomposing Non-redundant Sharing by Complementation (EZ, PMH, RB), pp. 69–84.
ICALP-1999-GuptaKS #on the- On the Complements of Partial k-Trees (AG, DK, TCS), pp. 382–391.
HCI-CCAD-1999-FlemischO- The search for pilot’s ideal complement: experimental results with the crew assistant military Aircraft CAMA (FOF, RO), pp. 1271–1275.
ICLP-1999-MomiglianoP #higher-order #problem- The Relative Complement Problem for Higher-Order Patterns (AM, FP), pp. 380–394.
DAC-1998-MurgaiFO #using- Using Complementation and Resequencing to Minimize Transitions (RM, MF, ALO), pp. 694–697.
TAGT-1998-LlabresR #algebra #category theory- Pushout Complements for Arbitrary Partial Algebras (ML, FR), pp. 131–144.
KBSE-1996-Ledru #specification- Complementing semi-formal specifications with Z (YL), p. 10.
ICALP-1996-Kaivola #automaton #fixpoint- Fixpoints for Rabin Tree Automata Make Complementation Easy (RK), pp. 312–323.
ALP-1996-GiacobazziR #logic programming #semantics- Complementing Logic Program Semantics (RG, FR), pp. 238–253.
JICSLP-1996-FileR #abstract domain- Complementation of Abstract Domains made Easy (GF, FR), pp. 348–362.
SAS-1995-CortesiFGPR #abstract interpretation- Complementation in Abstract Interpretation (AC, GF, RG, CP, FR), pp. 100–117.
STOC-1995-NisanT #symmetry- Symmetric logspace is closed under complement (NN, ATS), pp. 140–146.
ICALP-1994-Muscholl #automaton #on the- On the Complementation of Büchi Asynchronous Cellular Automata (AM), pp. 142–153.
RTA-1993-Fernandez #problem #satisfiability- AC Complement Problems: Satisfiability and Negation Elimination (MF), pp. 358–373.
LICS-1989-EmersonJ #automaton #on the- On Simultaneously Determinizing and Complementing ω-Automata (Extended Abstract) (EAE, CSJ), pp. 333–342.
LICS-1988-KuperMPP #algorithm #anti #parallel #performance- Efficient Parallel Algorithms for Anti-Unification and Relative Complement (GMK, KM, KVP, KJP), pp. 112–120.
ICALP-1985-SistlaVW #automaton #logic #problem- The Complementation Problem for Büchi Automata with Applications to Temporal Logic (Extended Abstract) (APS, MYV, PW), pp. 465–474.
STOC-1982-Reif #symmetry- Symmetric Complementation (JHR), pp. 201–214.
STOC-1981-Simon #bound #complexity #probability #turing machine- Space-Bounded Probabilistic Turing Machine Complexity Classes Are Closed under Complement (Preliminary Version) (JS), pp. 158–167.