101 papers:
ICSME-2015-NittaM #abstraction #why- Delta extraction: An abstraction technique to comprehend why two objects could be related (NN, TM), pp. 61–70.
SANER-2015-LityBS #incremental #product line #slicing #towards- Towards incremental model slicing for delta-oriented software product lines (SL, HB, IS), pp. 530–534.
BX-2015-JohnsonR #lens- Spans of Delta Lenses (MJ, RR), pp. 1–15.
ESEC-FSE-2015-HammoudiBBR #debugging #on the #web- On the use of delta debugging to reduce recordings and facilitate debugging of web applications (MH, BB, GB, GR), pp. 333–344.
SPLC-2015-LachmannLLBSS #integration #product line #testing- Delta-oriented test case prioritization for integration testing of software product lines (RL, SL, SL, SB, SS, IS), pp. 81–90.
DATE-2014-GinesL #pipes and filters #testing- Sigma-delta testability for pipeline A/D converters (AJG, GL), pp. 1–6.
ICSME-2014-LiuQWM #concurrent #debugging #named #precise- Pinso: Precise Isolation of Concurrency Bugs via Delta Triaging (BL, ZQ, BW, RM), pp. 201–210.
ICPR-2014-HeS #identification #invariant- Delta-n Hinge: Rotation-Invariant Features for Writer Identification (SH, LS), pp. 2023–2028.
SPLC-2014-DamianiSW #multi #product line- Delta-oriented multi software product lines (FD, IS, TW), pp. 232–236.
CGO-2014-ZengR0AJ0 #encoding #named #precise #scalability- DeltaPath: Precise and Scalable Calling Context Encoding (QZ, JR, HZ, NA, GJ, PL), p. 109.
DocEng-2013-Barabucci- Introduction to the universal delta model (GB), pp. 47–56.
HT-2013-MillardHJW #hypermedia #towards- Canyons, deltas and plains: towards a unified sculptural model of location-based hypertext (DEM, CH, MOJ, MJW), pp. 109–118.
SIGMOD-2013-FinisBK0FM #named #performance #version control- DeltaNI: an efficient labeling scheme for versioned hierarchical data (JF, RB, AK, TN, FF, NM), pp. 905–916.
VLDB-2014-KaranasosKM13 #capacity #constraints #named #scalability- Delta: Scalable Data Dissemination under Capacity Constraints (KK, AK, IM), pp. 217–228.
ICEIS-v1-2013-LimaSKCF #approach #enterprise #evolution- A Delta Oriented Approach to the Evolution and Reconciliation of Enterprise Software Products Lines (GL, JS, UK, DAdC, SVF), pp. 255–263.
BX-2013-JohnsonR #lens- Delta Lenses and Opfibrations (MJ, RDR), pp. 129–146.
PLEASE-2013-DukaczewskiSLL #testing- Requirements-based delta-oriented SPL testing (MD, IS, RL, ML), pp. 49–52.
SPLC-2013-HaberHKLRMS #modelling- Engineering delta modeling languages (AH, KH, CK, ML, BR, KM, IS), pp. 22–31.
ISSTA-2013-XiaoHZX #identification #performance- Context-sensitive delta inference for identifying workload-dependent performance bottlenecks (XX, SH, DZ, TX), pp. 90–100.
VLDB-2012-AhmadKKN #higher-order #named- DBToaster: Higher-order Delta Processing for Dynamic, Frequently Fresh Views (YA, OK, CK, MN), pp. 968–979.
VLDB-2012-MihaylovIG #named #recursion- REX: Recursive, Delta-Based Data-Centric Computation (SRM, ZGI, SG), pp. 1280–1291.
CHI-2012-KongGHAF #named #representation #workflow- Delta: a tool for representing and comparing workflows (NK, TG, BH, MA, GWF), pp. 1027–1036.
BX-2012-PachecoCH #induction #lens- Delta Lenses over Inductive Types (HP, AC, ZH), pp. 21–37.
GPCE-2012-DamianiPS #formal method #product line- A formal foundation for dynamic delta-oriented software product lines (FD, LP, IS), pp. 1–10.
PLEASE-2012-LityLSG #modelling #testing- Delta-oriented model-based SPL regression testing (SL, ML, IS, UG), pp. 53–56.
LICS-2012-GaoAC- Delta-Decidability over the Reals (SG, JA, EMC), pp. 305–314.
TAP-2012-LochauSKL #incremental #modelling #product line #testing- Incremental Model-Based Testing of Delta-Oriented Software Product Lines (ML, IS, JK, SL), pp. 67–82.
DocEng-2011-Vion-Dury #calculus #editing #xml- A generic calculus of XML editing deltas (JYVD), pp. 113–120.
CIKM-2011-YangZJ #graph #multi #named #query- DELTA: indexing and querying multi-labeled graphs (JY, SZ, WJ), pp. 1765–1774.
ICMT-J-2010-DiskinXC11 #bidirectional #model transformation #symmetry- From State- to Delta-Based Bidirectional Model Transformations: the Asymmetric Case (ZD, YX, KC), pp. 137–161.
BX-2011-Diskin1 #bidirectional #model transformation #weaving- From State- to Delta-Based Bidirectional Model Transformations: Unweaving Alignment and Update Propagation (ZD), p. 55.
MoDELS-2011-DiskinXCEHO #bidirectional #model transformation #symmetry- From State- to Delta-Based Bidirectional Model Transformations: The Symmetric Case (ZD, YX, KC, HE, FH, FO), pp. 304–318.
MoDELS-2011-ZhangK #architecture #collaboration #industrial #modelling #using- Using Delta Model for Collaborative Work of Industrial Large-Scaled E/E Architecture Models (RZ, AK), pp. 714–728.
MoDELS-2011-DiskinXCEHO #bidirectional #model transformation #symmetry- From State- to Delta-Based Bidirectional Model Transformations: The Symmetric Case (ZD, YX, KC, HE, FH, FO), pp. 304–318.
MoDELS-2011-ZhangK #architecture #collaboration #industrial #modelling #using- Using Delta Model for Collaborative Work of Industrial Large-Scaled E/E Architecture Models (RZ, AK), pp. 714–728.
DocEng-2010-Vion-Dury #calculus #difference #documentation #editing #towards #xml- Diffing, patching and merging XML documents: toward a generic calculus of editing deltas (JYVD), pp. 191–194.
ICMT-2010-AzanzaBDT #composition- Domain-Specific Composition of Model Deltas (MA, DSB, OD, ST), pp. 16–30.
ICMT-2010-DiskinXC #bidirectional #model transformation- From State- to Delta-Based Bidirectional Model Transformations (ZD, YX, KC), pp. 61–76.
GPCE-2010-ClarkeHS #modelling- Abstract delta modeling (DC, MH, IS), pp. 13–22.
SPLC-2010-SchaeferBBDT #product line #programming- Delta-Oriented Programming of Software Product Lines (IS, LB, VB, FD, NT), pp. 77–91.
DATE-2009-KeCG #configuration management #design- A design methodology for fully reconfigurable Delta-Sigma data converters (YK, JC, GGEG), pp. 1379–1384.
VLDB-2009-AhmadK #compilation #database #in memory #named #sql- DBToaster: A SQL Compiler for High-Performance Delta Processing in Main-Memory Databases (YA, CK), pp. 1566–1569.
STOC-2009-BarenboimE #distributed #linear- Distributed (delta+1)-coloring in linear (in delta) time (LB, ME), pp. 111–120.
REFSQ-2009-HerrmannWP #case study #requirements #specification- Specifying Changes Only — A Case Study on Delta Requirements (AH, AW, BP), pp. 45–58.
ASPLOS-2009-TucekXZ #execution #online #performance #validation- Efficient online validation with delta execution (JT, WX, YZ), pp. 193–204.
DATE-2008-BingesserLHHMDV #metric- Low-Noise Sigma-Delta Capacitance-to-Digital Converter for Sub-pF Capacitive Sensors with Integrated Dielectric Loss Measurement (MB, TL, WH, JH, SM, RD, MV), pp. 868–872.
DATE-2008-MomeniBG #comparison- Comparison of Opamp-Based and Comparator-Based Delta-Sigma Modulation (MM, PBB, MG), pp. 688–693.
DATE-2008-MorgadoRR #configuration management #multi #standard- A Triple-Mode Reconfigurable Sigma-Delta Modulator for Multi-Standard Wireless Applications (AM, RdR, JMdlR), pp. 862–867.
AFP-2008-AcarL08 #ml #self- Self-adjusting Computation with Delta ML (UAA, RLW), pp. 1–38.
DATE-2007-GongW #interactive #optimisation- Interactive presentation: System level power optimization of Sigma-Delta modulator (FG, XW), pp. 297–300.
DATE-2007-HuangMW #design #modelling #simulation- Modeling and simulation to the design of SigmaDelta fractional-N frequency synthesizer (SH, HM, ZW), pp. 291–296.
DATE-2007-SunWD #configuration management #design- Flexibility-oriented design methodology for reconfigurable DeltaSigma modulators (PS, YW, AD), pp. 415–420.
DATE-2007-YetikSTD #architecture #interactive #matlab #optimisation- Interactive presentation: A coefficient optimization and architecture selection tool for SigmaDelta modulators in MATLAB (ÖY, OS, ST, GD), pp. 87–92.
VLDB-2007-ZhaoYY #graph- Graph Indexing: Tree + Delta >= Graph (PZ, JXY, PSY), pp. 938–949.
ICEIS-EIS-2007-HuangZZ #analysis #approach #process #workflow- A New Approach for Workflow Process Delta Analysis Based on SYN-NET (XQH, WZ, SZ), pp. 480–488.
KDD-2007-LiLW #equivalence #mining #statistics- Mining statistically important equivalence classes and delta-discriminative emerging patterns (JL, GL, LW), pp. 430–439.
ISSTA-2007-dAmorimLM #execution #object-oriented #performance #source code- Delta execution for efficient state-space exploration of object-oriented programs (Md, SL, DM), pp. 50–60.
DAC-2006-EeckelaertSGSS #design #optimisation #standard- Hierarchical bottom--up analog optimization methodology validated by a delta-sigma A/D converter design for the 802.11a/b/g standard (TE, RS, GGEG, MS, WMCS), pp. 25–30.
DAC-2006-YuL #modelling #simulation #statistics- Lookup table based simulation and statistical modeling of Sigma-Delta ADCs (GY, PL), pp. 1035–1040.
DATE-2006-MajidzadehS #design #higher-order #novel- Arbitrary design of high order noise transfer function for a novel class of reduced-sample-rate sigma-delta-pipeline ADCs (VM, OS), pp. 138–143.
DATE-2006-WeiTD #communication #configuration management #design #multi- Systematic methodology for designing reconfigurable Delta-Sigma modulator topologies for multimode communication systems (YW, HT, AD), pp. 393–398.
DATE-2006-YavariSR06a- Double-sampling single-loop sigma-delta modulator topologies for broadband applications (MY, OS, ÁRV), pp. 399–404.
STOC-2006-VassilevskaW #3d- Finding a maximum weight triangle in n3-Delta time, with applications (VV, RW), pp. 225–231.
GPCE-2006-BromanNF #constraints #equation #using- Determining over- and under-constrained systems of equations using structural constraint delta (DB, KN, PF), pp. 151–160.
POPL-2006-MightS #analysis- Environment analysis via Delta CFA (MM, OS), pp. 127–140.
ICSE-2006-Misherghi #debugging #named- HDD: hierarchical Delta Debugging (GM, ZS), pp. 142–151.
DATE-2005-TangWD #complexity #power management #synthesis- MINLP Based Topology Synthesis for Delta Sigma Modulators Optimized for Signal Path Complexity, Sensitivity and Power Consumption (HT, YW, AD), pp. 264–269.
SIGMOD-2005-ManjhiNG #network #performance #robust- Tributaries and Deltas: Efficient and Robust Aggregation in Sensor Network Streams (AM, SN, PBG), pp. 287–298.
ICSM-2005-StorzerG #analysis #aspect-oriented #evolution #using- Using Pointcut Delta Analysis to Support Evolution of Aspect-Oriented Software (MS, JG), pp. 653–656.
DLT-J-2004-BorchertLSTT05 #polynomial- The dot-depth and the polynomial hierarchies correspond on the delta levels (BB, KJL, FS, PT, DT), pp. 625–644.
DATE-DF-2004-Ruiz-AmayaRMFRPR #matlab #synthesis- MATLAB/SIMULINK-Based High-Level Synthesis of Discrete-Time and Continuous-Time [Sigma, Delta] Modulators (JRA, JLdlR, FM, FVF, RdR, MBPV, ÁRV), pp. 150–155.
DATE-v1-2004-AboushadyLBL #automation #simulation #synthesis- Automatic Synthesis and Simulation of Continuous-Time [Sigma-Delta] Modulators (HA, LdL, NB, MML), pp. 674–675.
DATE-v1-2004-LegerR #first-order- A Digital Test for First-Order [Sigma-Delta] Modulators (GL, AR), pp. 708–709.
DLT-2004-BorchertLSTT #polynomial- The Dot-Depth and the Polynomial Hierarchy Correspond on the Delta Levels (BB, KJL, FS, PT, DT), pp. 89–101.
CIKM-2004-ZhaoBMK #xml- Discovering frequently changing structures from historical structural deltas of unordered XML (QZ, SSB, MKM, YK), pp. 188–197.
ICPR-v4-2004-XuF #clustering #difference- Delta-MSE Dissimilarity in Suboptimal K-Means Clustering (MX, PF), pp. 577–580.
DAC-2003-QinC #reduction #using- Realizable parasitic reduction using generalized Y-Delta transformation (ZQ, CKC), pp. 220–225.
DATE-2003-Castro-LopezFMR #behaviour #hardware #modelling #simulation #using- Behavioural Modelling and Simulation of SigmaDelta Modulators Using Hardware Description Languages (RCL, FVF, FM, ÁRV), pp. 10168–10175.
DAC-2002-BajdechiHG #design- Optimal design of delta-sigma ADCs by design space exploration (OB, JHH, GGEG), pp. 443–448.
DATE-2002-FranckenVMG #named #simulation- DAISY-CT: A High-Level Simulation Tool for Continuous-Time Delta Sigma Modulators (KF, MV, EM, GGEG), p. 1110.
DATE-2001-DessoukyKLG #case study #design #reuse- Analog design for reuse — case study: very low-voltage sigma-delta modulator (MD, AK, MML, AG), pp. 353–360.
DATE-2001-GerfersM #design #power management- A design strategy for low-voltage low-power continuous-time sigma-delta A/D converters (FG, YM), pp. 361–369.
DATE-2001-RioRMPR #design #top-down- Top-down design of a xDSL 14-bit 4MS/s sigma-delta modulator in digital CMOS technology (RdR, JLdlR, FM, MBPV, ÁRV), pp. 348–352.
HT-2001-Whitehead01a #authoring #collaboration #configuration management #version control #web- WebDAV and DeltaV: collaborative authoring, versioning, and configuration management for the Web (EJWJ), pp. 259–260.
ICSE-2001-HuntR #documentation #implementation #using #version control #web- Using the Web for Document Versioning: An Implementation Report for Delta V (JJH, JR), pp. 507–513.
DATE-2000-WeilerMHH #detection #using- Detection of Defective Sensor Elements Using Sigma-Delta-Modulation and a Matched Filter (DW, OM, DH, BJH), pp. 599–603.
WCRE-2000-CanforaCK #approach #component- Revisiting the Delta IC Approach to Component Recovery (GC, JC, RK), pp. 140–149.
TOOLS-ASIA-1999-JacobsenKNW #evolution #prototype- Software Evolution: Prototypical Deltas (EEJ, BBK, PN, TW), pp. 14–30.
EDTC-1997-BenabesKK #design- A methodology for designing continuous-time sigma-delta modulators (PB, MK, RK), pp. 46–50.
ICPR-1996-GimelfarbMGGMO #symmetry- Digital photogrammetric station “Delta” and symmetric intensity-based stereo (GLG, VIM, VBG, MVG, BOM, SVO), pp. 979–983.
ICDAR-v1-1995-GuerfaliP #generative #modelling- The Delta LogNormal theory for the generation and modeling of cursive characters (WG, RP), pp. 495–498.
ICALP-1995-Ambos-Spies #approximate #on the #polynomial- On Optimal Polynomial Time Approximations: P-Levelability vs. Delta-Levelability (Extended Abstract) (KAS), pp. 384–392.
RTA-1995-Asperti #exclamation #implementation #optimisation #λ-calculus- deltao!Epsilon = 1 — Optimizing Optimal λ-Calculus Implementations (AA), pp. 102–116.
EDAC-1994-GevaertVNS- Switched Current Sigma-Delta A/D Converter for a CMOS Subscriber Line Analog Front End (DG, JV, JN, JS), pp. 75–79.
CADE-1994-Schumann #bottom-up #named #preprocessor #proving #theorem proving #top-down- DELTA — A Bottom-up Preprocessor for Top-Down Theorem Provers — System Abstract (JS), pp. 774–777.
HPDC-1993-LeeRN #distributed #parallel- A Fully Distributed Parallel Ray Tracing Scheme on the Delta Touchstone Machine (TYL, CSR, JBN), pp. 129–134.
PLILP-1990-DumortierB #automation #generative #on the #prolog- On the Automatic Generation of Events in Delta Prolog (VD, MB), pp. 324–339.
ESEC-1987-Obst #string- Delta Technique and String-to-String Correction (WO), pp. 64–68.
SLP-1987-SchmidtKGB87 #compilation #deduction- Compiling Exploratory and Goal-Directed Deduction into Sloppy Delta-Iteration (HS, WK, UG, RB), pp. 234–243.
ICLP-1986-PereiraMCA86 #backtracking #distributed #prolog- Delta Prolog: A Distributed Backtracking Extension with Events (LMP, LM, JCC, JNA), pp. 69–83.
VLDB-1982-FerrierS #database #distributed- Heterogeneity in the Distributed Database Management System SIRIUS-DELTA (AF, CS), pp. 45–53.