121 papers:
DATE-2015-PsarrasSND #named #network #performance #scheduling- PhaseNoC: TDM scheduling at the virtual-channel level for efficient network traffic isolation (AP, IS, CN, GD), pp. 1090–1095.
Onward-2015-ProkopecO #composition #distributed #programming- Isolates, channels, and event streams for composable distributed programming (AP, MO), pp. 171–182.
CGO-2015-ArthurMDA #control flow- Getting in control of your control flow with control-data isolation (WA, BM, RD, TMA), pp. 79–90.
HPDC-2015-OuyangKLP #kernel #lightweight #performance- Achieving Performance Isolation with Lightweight Co-Kernels (JO, BK, JRL, KTP), pp. 149–160.
CBSE-2014-KurodaYKKM #memory management- A memory isolation method for OSGi-based home gateways (YK, IY, SK, YK, OM), pp. 117–122.
ECSA-2014-OzturkSSA #architecture #estimation #refactoring- Effort Estimation for Architectural Refactoring to Introduce Module Isolation (FÖ, ES, HS, BA), pp. 300–307.
VLDB-2014-ChairunnandaDO #database #multi #named #replication- ConfluxDB: Multi-Master Replication for Partitioned Snapshot Isolation Databases (PC, KD, MTÖ), pp. 947–958.
ICSME-2014-LiuQWM #concurrent #debugging #named #precise- Pinso: Precise Isolation of Concurrency Bugs via Delta Triaging (BL, ZQ, BW, RM), pp. 201–210.
ICPR-2014-MarteauGR #gesture #kernel #performance #recognition- Down-sampling Coupled to Elastic Kernel Machines for Efficient Recognition of Isolated Gestures (PFM, SG, CR), pp. 363–368.
SAC-2014-ParkKC #framework #kernel #memory management #online #using- Cooperative kernel: online memory test platform using inter-kernel context switch and memory isolation (HP, DK, JC), pp. 1517–1522.
SAC-2014-PatrignaniC #low level #semantics- Fully abstract trace semantics for low-level isolation mechanisms (MP, DC), pp. 1562–1569.
FSE-2014-Bell #dependence #detection #testing- Detecting, isolating, and enforcing dependencies among and within test cases (JB), pp. 799–802.
ASPLOS-2014-LitzCFAS #memory management #named #transaction- SI-TM: reducing transactional memory abort rates through snapshot isolation (HL, DRC, AF, OA, JPS), pp. 383–398.
OSDI-2014-AngelBKOT #performance- End-to-end Performance Isolation Through Virtual Datacenters (SA, HB, TK, GO, ET), pp. 233–248.
DAC-2013-LuYHF0 #named- RISO: relaxed network-on-chip isolation for cloud processors (HL, GY, YH, BF, XL), p. 6.
DATE-2013-AkhlaghiKAP #architecture #network #performance- An efficient network on-chip architecture based on isolating local and non-local communications (VA, MK, AAK, MP), pp. 350–353.
DATE-2013-ObergMSK #framework #hardware #testing- A practical testing framework for isolating hardware timing channels (JO, SM, TS, RK), pp. 1281–1284.
SIGMOD-2013-NarasayyaDSCLP #as a service #multitenancy #performance #relational- A demonstration of SQLVM: performance isolation in multi-tenant relational database-as-a-service (VRN, SD, MS, SC, FL, HP), pp. 1077–1080.
VLDB-2014-DasNLS13 #as a service #cpu #multitenancy #performance #relational- CPU Sharing Techniques for Performance Isolation in Multitenant Relational Database-as-a-Service (SD, VRN, FL, MS), pp. 37–48.
ECOOP-2013-GruberB #concurrent #manycore- Ownership-Based Isolation for Concurrent Actors on Multi-core Machines (OG, FB), pp. 281–301.
OOPSLA-2013-ZhaoLBCS #parallel- Isolation for nested task parallelism (JZ, RL, ZB, SC, VS), pp. 571–588.
HPDC-2013-YuZQYWG #game studies #gpu #named #scheduling- VGRIS: virtualized GPU resource isolation and scheduling in cloud gaming (MY, CZ, ZQ, JY, YW, HG), pp. 203–214.
QoSA-2012-KrebsMK #metric #performance- Metrics and techniques for quantifying performance isolation in cloud environments (RK, CM, SK), pp. 91–100.
ASE-2012-YuLCZ #debugging #fault- Practical isolation of failure-inducing changes for debugging regression faults (KY, ML, JC, XZ), pp. 20–29.
DATE-2012-LiDX #process- Custom on-chip sensors for post-silicon failing path isolation in the presence of process variations (ML, AD, LX), pp. 1591–1596.
DRR-2012-MazalovW- Improving isolated and in-context classication of handwritten characters (VM, SMW).
VLDB-2012-PortsG- Serializable Snapshot Isolation in PostgreSQL (DRKP, KG), pp. 1850–1861.
FASE-2012-BarrBRHGD #branch #development- Cohesive and Isolated Development with Branches (ETB, CB, PCR, AH, DMG, PTD), pp. 316–331.
ECOOP-2012-DiasDSL #java #memory management #source code #transaction #verification- Verification of Snapshot Isolation in Transactional Memory Java Programs (RJD, DD, JCS, JL), pp. 640–664.
SAC-2012-HuaS #kernel #lightweight #memory management #named- Barrier: a lightweight hypervisor for protecting kernel integrity via memory isolation (JH, KS), pp. 1470–1477.
OSDI-2012-ShueFS #multitenancy #performance- Performance Isolation and Fairness for Multi-Tenant Cloud Storage (DS, MJF, AS), pp. 349–362.
ICLP-2012-Peano #approach- An ASP Approach for the Optimal Placement of the Isolation Valves in a Water Distribution System (AP), pp. 464–468.
ICST-2012-KintisPM #first-order #higher-order- Isolating First Order Equivalent Mutants via Second Order Mutation (MK, MP, NM), pp. 701–710.
ICST-2012-ShakyaXLLKK #classification #combinator #testing #using- Isolating Failure-Inducing Combinations in Combinatorial Testing Using Test Augmentation and Classification (KS, TX, NL, YL, RK, DRK), pp. 620–623.
ISSTA-2012-RobetalerFZO #generative #testing- Isolating failure causes through test case generation (JR, GF, AZ, AO), pp. 309–319.
DAC-2011-BuiLLPR #architecture #multi- Temporal isolation on multiprocessing architectures (DNB, EAL, IL, HDP, JR), pp. 274–279.
DAC-2011-ObergHITSK #data flow- Information flow isolation in I2C and USB (JO, WH, AI, MT, TS, RK), pp. 254–259.
VLDB-2011-JungHFR #database- Serializable Snapshot Isolation for Replicated Databases in High-Update Scenarios (HJ, HH, AF, UR), pp. 783–794.
ESOP-2011-BieniusaT #memory management #proving #transaction- Proving Isolation Properties for Software Transactional Memory (AB, PT), pp. 38–56.
PLDI-2011-LuciaWC #comprehension #concurrent #execution #fault #using- Isolating and understanding concurrency errors using reconstructed execution fragments (BL, BPW, LC), pp. 378–388.
FM-2011-BartheBCL #verification- Formally Verifying Isolation and Availability in an Idealized Model of Virtualization (GB, GB, JDC, CL), pp. 231–245.
ICEIS-v2-2011-FirozeAQR #recognition #speech #word- Bangla Isolated Word Speech Recognition (AF, MSA, RQ, RMR), pp. 73–82.
OOPSLA-2011-LublinermanZBCS- Delegated isolation (RL, JZ, ZB, SC, VS), pp. 885–902.
SAC-2011-VenkateshGBC #fixpoint #implementation #markov #modelling #recognition #speech #using- Fixed-point implementation of isolated sub-word level speech recognition using hidden Markov models (NV, RG, RB, MGC), pp. 368–373.
ESEC-FSE-2011-MusluSW #debugging #testing- Finding bugs by isolating unit tests (KM, BS, JW), pp. 496–499.
SOSP-2011-MaoCZWZK #api #fault #multi- Software fault isolation with API integrity and multi-principal modules (YM, HC, DZ, XW, NZ, MFK), pp. 115–128.
ICGT-2010-BisztrayH #termination- Combining Termination Criteria by Isolating Deletion (DB, RH), pp. 203–217.
OOPSLA-2010-BurckhardtBL #concurrent #programming- Concurrent programming with revisions and isolation types (SB, AB, DL), pp. 691–707.
OOPSLA-2010-JinTLL #concurrent #debugging- Instrumentation and sampling strategies for cooperative concurrency bug isolation (GJ, AVT, BL, SL), pp. 241–255.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2010-HalleuxT #named- Moles: Tool-Assisted Environment Isolation with Closures (JdH, NT), pp. 253–270.
SAC-2010-ChoppyR #approach #modelling- A well-founded approach to service modelling with Casl4Soa: part 1 (service in isolation) (CC, GR), pp. 2451–2458.
ICSE-2010-NainarL #adaptation #debugging- Adaptive bug isolation (PAN, BL), pp. 255–264.
CBSE-2009-GamaD #component #framework #towards- Towards Dynamic Component Isolation in a Service Oriented Platform (KG, DD), pp. 104–120.
DATE-2009-SinghPHMM #embedded #power management- Single ended 6T SRAM with isolated read-port for low-power embedded systems (JS, DKP, SH, SPM, JM), pp. 917–922.
ICDAR-2009-HeH #approach #online- A Character-Structure-Guided Approach to Estimating Possible Orientations of a Rotated Isolated Online Handwritten Chinese Character (TH, QH), pp. 536–540.
ICDAR-2009-HeH09a #classification #estimation #online #using- Affine Distortion Compensation for an Isolated Online Handwritten Chinese Character Using Combined Orientation Estimation and HMM-Based Minimax Classification (TH, QH), pp. 1226–1230.
ICDAR-2009-KermorvantBMM #recognition- From Isolated Handwritten Characters to Fields Recognition: There’s Many a Slip Twixt Cup and Lip (CK, ALB, PM, FM), pp. 1031–1035.
ICDAR-2009-PanBS #recognition #using- Isolated Handwritten Farsi Numerals Recognition Using Sparse and Over-Complete Representations (WP, TDB, CYS), pp. 586–590.
VLDB-2009-FeketeGA- Quantifying Isolation Anomalies (AF, SG, JPA), pp. 467–478.
VLDB-2009-MishimaN #database #middleware #named #replication- Pangea: An Eager Database Replication Middleware guaranteeing Snapshot Isolation without Modification of Database Servers (TM, HN), pp. 1066–1077.
POPL-2009-BronsonKO #optimisation- Feedback-directed barrier optimization in a strongly isolated STM (NGB, CK, KO), pp. 213–225.
SAC-2009-ChengGL- Topology determination and isolation for implicit plane curves (JSC, XSG, JL), pp. 1140–1141.
ASPLOS-2009-DimitrovZ #approach #automation #debugging #predict #validation- Anomaly-based bug prediction, isolation, and validation: an automated approach for software debugging (MD, HZ), pp. 61–72.
ASPLOS-2009-RajamaniRRV #named #source code- ISOLATOR: dynamically ensuring isolation in comcurrent programs (SKR, GR, VPR, KV), pp. 181–192.
SOSP-2009-CastroCMPADBB #fault #performance- Fast byte-granularity software fault isolation (MC, MC, JPM, MP, PA, AD, PB, RB), pp. 45–58.
VMCAI-2009-KiddRDV #debugging #random #using- Finding Concurrency-Related Bugs Using Random Isolation (NK, TWR, JD, MV), pp. 198–213.
SIGMOD-2008-CahillRF #database- Serializable isolation for snapshot databases (MJC, UR, ADF), pp. 729–738.
SAS-2008-Liblit #debugging #static analysis- Reflections on the Role of Static Analysis in Cooperative Bug Isolation (BL), pp. 18–31.
ECOOP-2008-SrinivasanM #java #named- Kilim: Isolation-Typed Actors for Java (SS, AM), pp. 104–128.
DATE-2007-SinanogluP #approach- A non-intrusive isolation approach for soft cores (OS, TP), pp. 27–32.
ICDAR-2007-VamvakasGPS #feature model #performance #recognition #reduction- An Efficient Feature Extraction and Dimensionality Reduction Scheme for Isolated Greek Handwritten Character Recognition (GV, BG, SP, NS), pp. 1073–1077.
VLDB-2007-JorwekarFRS #automation #detection- Automating the Detection of Snapshot Isolation Anomalies (SJ, AF, KR, SS), pp. 1263–1274.
PLDI-2007-ShpeismanMABGHMS #order- Enforcing isolation and ordering in STM (TS, VM, ARAT, SB, DG, RLH, KFM, BS), pp. 78–88.
CIKM-2007-LangA #graph- Finding dense and isolated submarkets in a sponsored search spending graph (KJL, RA), pp. 613–622.
OOPSLA-2007-SmaragdakisKBY #transaction- Transactions with isolation and cooperation (YS, AK, RB, MY), pp. 191–210.
DATE-2006-ChattopadhyayGKWSILAM #automation #embedded- Automatic ADL-based operand isolation for embedded processors (AC, BG, DK, EMW, OS, HI, RL, GA, HM), pp. 600–605.
VLDB-2006-DaudjeeS #database #lazy evaluation #replication- Lazy Database Replication with Snapshot Isolation (KD, KS), pp. 715–726.
ICPR-v2-2006-SharmaL #algorithm #segmentation #word- An Iterative Algorithm for Segmentation of Isolated Handwritten Words in Gurmukhi Script (DVS, GSL), pp. 1022–1025.
ICPR-v3-2006-HalavatiSTCR #approach #novel #performance #recognition #robust #speech #word- A Novel Approach to Very Fast and Noise Robust, Isolated Word Speech Recognition (RH, SBS, HT, AC, MR), pp. 190–193.
OOPSLA-2006-KitMB #analysis #requirements #semantics #using- Isolating and relating concerns in requirements using latent semantic analysis (LKK, CKM, ELAB), pp. 383–396.
ICDAR-2005-IwamuraNOA #recognition- Isolated Character Recognition by Searching Feature Points (MI, KN, SO, HA), pp. 1035–1039.
ICDAR-2005-RousseauAC #online #order #recognition- Recovery of a Drawing Order from Off-Line Isolated Letters Dedicated to On-Line Recognition (LR, ÉA, JC), pp. 1121–1125.
PODS-2005-Fekete #transaction- Allocating isolation levels to transactions (AF), pp. 206–215.
SIGMOD-2005-LinKPJ #middleware #replication- Middleware based Data Replication providing Snapshot Isolation (YL, BK, MPM, RJP), pp. 419–430.
ICSM-2005-BruntinkDT- Isolating Idiomatic Crosscutting Concerns (MB, AvD, TT), pp. 37–46.
PLDI-2005-LiblitNZAJ #debugging #scalability #statistics- Scalable statistical bug isolation (BL, MN, AXZ, AA, MIJ), pp. 15–26.
PPDP-2005-Wojciechowski #transaction #type system #version control- Isolation-only transactions by typing and versioning (PTW), pp. 70–81.
SOSP-2005-WitchelRA #linux #memory management #named #using- Mondrix: memory isolation for linux using mondriaan memory protection (EW, JR, KA), pp. 31–44.
CHI-2004-JackoBKMEES #feedback #multimodal #visual notation- Isolating the effects of visual impairment: exploring the effect of AMD on the utility of multimodal feedback (JAJ, LB, TK, KPM, PJE, VKE, FS), pp. 311–318.
SAC-2004-CherkasovaT #performance #resource management- Providing resource allocation and performance isolation in a shared streaming-media hosting service (LC, WT), pp. 1213–1218.
ICDAR-2003-Ratzlaff #bibliography #comparison #database #recognition- Methods, Report and Survey for the Comparison of Diverse Isolated Character Recognition Results on the UNIPEN Database (EHR), pp. 623–628.
IWPC-2003-Zeller- Isolating Cause-Effect Chains with AskIgo (AZ), pp. 296–297.
PLDI-2003-LiblitAZJ #debugging- Bug isolation via remote program sampling (BL, AA, AXZ, MIJ), pp. 141–154.
DATE-2002-PomeranzZ #fault #testing #using- Fault Isolation Using Tests for Non-Isolated Blocks (IP, YZ), p. 1123.
VLDB-2002-DaynesC #flexibility #lightweight- Lightweight Flexible Isolation for Language-based Extensible Systems (LD, GC), pp. 718–729.
OOPSLA-2002-PalaczVCD #communication #named #performance- Incommunicado: efficient communication for isolates (KP, JV, GC, LD), pp. 262–274.
FSE-2002-Zeller #source code- Isolating cause-effect chains from computer programs (AZ), pp. 1–10.
OSDI-2002-WhitakerSG #kernel #performance- Scale and Performance in the Denali Isolation Kernel (AW, MS, SDG), pp. 195–209.
ISSTA-2002-BriandLS #analysis #contract #fault #object-oriented- Investigating the use of analysis contracts to support fault isolation in object oriented code (LCB, YL, HS), pp. 70–80.
ISSTA-2002-ChoiZ #concurrent #thread- Isolating failure-inducing thread schedules (JDC, AZ), pp. 210–220.
DAC-2001-MajumdarW #combinator #satisfiability #using- Watermarking of SAT using Combinatorial Isolation Lemmas (RM, JLW), pp. 480–485.
ICDAR-2001-FreitasBS #approach #recognition #set #validation #word- Handwritten Isolated Word Recognition: An Approach Based on Mutual Information for Feature Set Validation (COdAF, FB, RS), pp. 665–669.
DATE-2000-MunchWWMS #automation #power management- Automating RT-Level Operand Isolation to Minimize Power Consumption in Datapaths (MM, NW, BW, RM, JS), pp. 624–631.
OOPSLA-2000-Czajkowski #java #virtual machine- Application isolation in the JavaTM Virtual Machine (GC), pp. 354–366.
OSDI-2000-BackHL #java #process #resource management- Processes in KaffeOS: Isolation, Resource Management, and Sharing in Java (GB, WCH, JL), pp. 333–346.
HCI-CCAD-1999-Pieper- Information environments to overcome isolation, marginalization and stigmatization in an overaging information society (MP), pp. 883–887.
ICPR-1998-HebertPG #fuzzy #geometry #online #recognition #representation- A new fuzzy geometric representation for online isolated character recognition (JFH, MP, NG), pp. 1121–1123.
ASPLOS-1998-VergheseGR #multi #performance- Performance Isolation: Sharing and Isolation in Shared-Memory Multiprocessors (BV, AG, MR), pp. 181–192.
ICPR-1996-YamamotoMTI0 #automation #detection- Quoit filter-a new filter based on mathematical morphology to extract the isolated shadow, and its application to automatic detection of lung cancer in X-ray CT (SY, MM, YT, TI, TM), pp. 3–7.
SIGMOD-1995-BerensonBGMOO #sql- A Critique of ANSI SQL Isolation Levels (HB, PAB, JG, JM, EJO, PEO), pp. 1–10.
CIKM-1995-CorrelM #concurrent #on the- On Isolation, Concurrency, and the Venus Rule Language (SC, DPM), pp. 281–289.
POPL-1995-RieckeV- Isolating Side Effects in Sequential Languages (JGR, RV), pp. 1–12.
CIKM-1994-PalL #database #object-oriented #transaction- Isolation of Transaction Aborts in Object-Oriented Database Management Systems (SP, SL), pp. 179–186.
PLDI-1993-BoydW #analysis #fault #optimisation- Isolation and Analysis of Optimization Errors (MRB, DBW), pp. 26–35.
STOC-1993-ChariRS #problem- Randomness-optimal unique element isolation, with applications to perfect matching and related problems (SC, PR, AS), pp. 458–467.
SOSP-1993-WahbeLAG #fault #performance- Efficient Software-Based Fault Isolation (RW, SL, TEA, SLG), pp. 203–216.
DAC-1992-OkudaO #algorithm #generative #layout #performance- An Efficient Routing Algorithm for SOG Cell Generation on a Dense Gate-Isolated Layout Style (RO, SO), pp. 676–681.
TOOLS-USA-1991-Meyer91a #abstraction #re-engineering- Re-engineering software by isolating abstractions (BM), pp. 369–370.
POPL-1986-JohnsonW #approach #incremental #type inference- A Maximum-Flow Approach to Anomaly Isolation in Unification-Based Incremental Type Inference (GFJ, JAW), pp. 44–57.
CADE-1986-DickC #automation #empirical #equation #reasoning #using- Using Narrowing to do Isolation in Symbolic Equation Solving — An Experiment in Automated Reasoning (AJJD, JC), pp. 272–280.
ICALP-1977-BertoniMT #automaton #probability #problem #recursion- Some Recursive Unsolvable Problems Relating to Isolated Cutpoints in Probabilistic Automata (AB, GM, MT), pp. 87–94.