26 papers:
KDD-2015-GrbovicRDBN #gender- Gender and Interest Targeting for Sponsored Post Advertising at Tumblr (MG, VR, ND, NB, AN), pp. 1819–1828.
KDD-2015-VattikondaKZDGS- Interpreting Advertiser Intent in Sponsored Search (BCV, SK, HZ, VD, SG, ACS), pp. 2177–2185.
SIGIR-2015-GrbovicDRSB #query- Context- and Content-aware Embeddings for Query Rewriting in Sponsored Search (MG, ND, VR, FS, NB), pp. 383–392.
SIGIR-2014-AlipovTT #on the- On peculiarities of positional effects in sponsored search (VA, VAT, IT), pp. 1015–1018.
CSEET-2013-WernerKSVW #challenge #collaboration #education #re-engineering- Software engineering education via the use of corporate-sponsored projects: A panel discussion of the approaches, benefits, and challenges for industry-academic collaboration (LLW, GK, MJS, JV, WEW), pp. 346–350.
ECIR-2013-HuiGHL #analysis #keyword- Sponsored Search Ad Selection by Keyword Structure Analysis (KH, BG, BH, TL), pp. 230–241.
KDD-2013-ChenLYSY #clustering #optimisation #query- Query clustering based on bid landscape for sponsored search auction optimization (YC, WL, JY, AS, TWY), pp. 1150–1158.
KDD-2013-WangBLZL #predict- Psychological advertising: exploring user psychology for click prediction in sponsored search (TW, JB, SL, YZ, TYL), pp. 563–571.
ICALP-v2-2012-BaldeschiHLS #keyword #multi #on the- On Multiple Keyword Sponsored Search Auctions with Budgets (RCB, MH, SL, MS), pp. 1–12.
CIKM-2012-AshkanC #analysis #behaviour #modelling- Modeling browsing behavior for click analysis in sponsored search (AA, CLAC), pp. 2015–2019.
KDD-2012-ZhangZGYYL #optimisation- Joint optimization of bid and budget allocation in sponsored search (WZ, YZ, BG, YY, XY, TYL), pp. 1177–1185.
CIKM-2011-KimQYL #approach #behaviour- Advertiser-centric approach to understand user click behavior in sponsored search (SK, TQ, HY, TYL), pp. 2121–2124.
CIKM-2011-WangYZ #approach- A language model approach to capture commercial intent and information relevance for sponsored search (LW, MY, YZ), pp. 599–604.
CHI-2010-JansenS #gender- Gender demographic targeting in sponsored search (BJJ, LS), pp. 831–840.
ICML-2010-GraepelCBH #predict- Web-Scale Bayesian Click-Through rate Prediction for Sponsored Search Advertising in Microsoft’s Bing Search Engine (TG, JQC, TB, RH), pp. 13–20.
SIGIR-2010-HillardL #documentation #retrieval- Clicked phrase document expansion for sponsored search ad retrieval (DH, CL), pp. 799–800.
SIGIR-2010-PandeyPFJ #query- Estimating advertisability of tail queries for sponsored search (SP, KP, MF, VJ), pp. 563–570.
SIGIR-2010-XuMC- Temporal click model for sponsored search (WX, EM, ECP), pp. 106–113.
KDD-2009-AttenbergPS #behaviour #modelling #predict- Modeling and predicting user behavior in sponsored search (JA, SP, TS), pp. 1067–1076.
KDD-2009-SculleyMBB #predict- Predicting bounce rates in sponsored search advertisements (DS, RGM, SB, RJB), pp. 1325–1334.
SIGIR-2009-ZhuWYWYHC #optimisation- Optimizing search engine revenue in sponsored search (YZ, GW, JY, DW, JY, JH, ZC), pp. 588–595.
CASE-2008-KannanGSN #approach #nash #optimisation- A Nash bargaining approach to retention enhancing bid optimization in sponsored search auctions with discrete bids (RK, DG, KS, YN), pp. 1007–1012.
CIKM-2007-LangA #graph- Finding dense and isolated submarkets in a sponsored search spending graph (KJL, RA), pp. 613–622.
SIGIR-2007-Jansen #query #web- Investigating the relevance of sponsored results for web ecommerce queries (BJJ), pp. 857–858.
SIGIR-2007-ZhangHRJ #learning #query #using- Query rewriting using active learning for sponsored search (WVZ, XH, BR, RJ), pp. 853–854.
CSEET-2006-FornaroHT #design #student #what- What Clients Want — What Students Do: Reflections on Ten Years of Sponsored Senior Design Projects (RJF, MRH, ALT), pp. 226–236.