68 papers:
VLDB-2015-Loaiza #database #hardware- Engineering Database Hardware and Software Together (JL), pp. 2052–2063.
ICSME-2015-XiaLWY #analysis #bibliography #recommendation- Who should review this change?: Putting text and file location analyses together for more accurate recommendations (XX, DL, XW, XY), pp. 261–270.
PLDI-2015-SiekTW- Blame and coercion: together again for the first time (JGS, PT, PW), pp. 425–435.
CSCW-2015-CarrollB #design #peer-to-peer- Creating Value Together: The Emerging Design Space of Peer-to-Peer Currency and Exchange (JMC, VB), pp. 1500–1510.
CSCW-2015-PaayKS #empirical #interactive #physics- Connecting in the Kitchen: An Empirical Study of Physical Interactions while Cooking Together at Home (JP, JK, MBS), pp. 276–287.
ESEC-FSE-2015-LeOL #debugging #information retrieval #locality- Information retrieval and spectrum based bug localization: better together (TDBL, RJO, DL), pp. 579–590.
CSEET-2014-FranklBK #development #learning- Learning and working together as prerequisites for the development of high-quality software (GF, SB, BK), pp. 154–157.
ITiCSE-2014-PriorCL #case study #experience #learning- Things coming together: learning experiences in a software studio (JP, AC, JL), pp. 129–134.
ICPC-2014-WangL #debugging #locality #version control- Version history, similar report, and structure: putting them together for improved bug localization (SW, DL), pp. 53–63.
SCAM-2014-LozanoNJ #why- Explaining Why Methods Change Together (AL, CN, VJ), pp. 185–194.
CHI-2014-SchirraSB #twitter- Together alone: motivations for live-tweeting a television series (SS, HS, FB), pp. 2441–2450.
CIKM-2014-TaoW #performance #predict #query- Query Performance Prediction By Considering Score Magnitude and Variance Together (YT, SW), pp. 1891–1894.
ICSE-2014-XuanF #development- Building it together: synchronous development in OSS (QX, VF), pp. 222–233.
ICLP-J-2014-MantadelisRM #exclamation #induction- Tabling, Rational Terms, and Coinduction Finally Together! (TM, RR, PM), pp. 429–443.
ASE-2013-ZhangGMK #random- Operator-based and random mutant selection: Better together (LZ, MG, DM, SK), pp. 92–102.
CHI-2013-SettlesD #online- Let’s get together: the formation and success of online creative collaborations (BS, SD), pp. 2009–2018.
CSCW-2013-NawahdahI #design- Virtually dining together in time-shifted environment: KIZUNA design (MN, TI), pp. 779–788.
DUXU-NTE-2013-Schieder- Merging Two Worlds Together (AS), pp. 199–204.
SPLC-2013-SchulzeMB #functional #question #safety #variability- Functional safety and variability: can it be brought together? (MS, JM, DB), pp. 236–243.
SEFM-2012-FerraraFJ #analysis- TVAL+ : TVLA and Value Analyses Together (PF, RF, UJ), pp. 63–77.
ICGT-2012-RuscioIP #co-evolution #ecosystem #evolution #how #metamodelling- Evolutionary Togetherness: How to Manage Coupled Evolution in Metamodeling Ecosystems (DDR, LI, AP), pp. 20–37.
CSCW-2012-EngstromPJ #video- Amateur vision and recreational orientation: : creating live video together (AE, MJP, OJ), pp. 651–660.
ICLP-2012-Wright- Together, Is Anything Possible? A Look at Collective Commitments for Agents (BW), pp. 476–480.
CHI-2011-GeertsVMDC #online #requirements #video- Are we in sync?: synchronization requirements for watching online video together (DG, IV, RM, OvD, PC), pp. 311–314.
CHI-2011-LampinenLLT #network #social- We’re in it together: interpersonal management of disclosure in social network services (AL, VL, AL, ST), pp. 3217–3226.
DUXU-v2-2011-KimLD #collaboration- DraWiing Together: Exploring Collaborative User Engagement in Art Exhibitions (HK, HJL, EYLD), pp. 142–151.
KEOD-2011-KarousosPXKT #development #learning #tool support- Development of Argumentation Skills via Learning Management Systems — Bringing together Argumentation Support Tools and Learning Management Systems (NK, SP, MNX, NIK, MT), pp. 474–477.
ASE-2010-LoM #mining #specification- Scenario-based and value-based specification mining: better together (DL, SM), pp. 387–396.
CSCW-2010-PaulR #collaboration #comprehension- Understanding together: sensemaking in collaborative information seeking (SAP, MCR), pp. 321–330.
REFSQ-2010-Alexander #requirements- Keynote Talk Piecing Together the Requirements Jigsaw-Puzzle (IA), p. 1.
ICSE-2010-UbayashiNT #architecture #contract #design #named- Archface: a contract place where architectural design and code meet together (NU, JN, TT), pp. 75–84.
HCI-NIMT-2009-BannatGRRRW #industrial #multimodal- A Multimodal Human-Robot-Interaction Scenario: Working Together with an Industrial Robot (AB, JG, TR, WR, GR, FW), pp. 303–311.
ESEC-FSE-2009-DelawareCB #composition- Fitting the pieces together: a machine-checked model of safe composition (BD, WRC, DSB), pp. 243–252.
ISSTA-2009-BravenboerS #analysis #exception #points-to- Exception analysis and points-to analysis: better together (MB, YS), pp. 1–12.
CSCW-2008-ReillyMWI #using- Small details: using one device to navigate together (DFR, BM, CRW, KMI), pp. 253–256.
MSR-2007-WeissgerberPB #data mining #detection #developer #how #mining #visual notation- Visual Data Mining in Software Archives to Detect How Developers Work Together (PW, MP, MB), p. 9.
CHI-2007-WeiszKZRKK #chat #video- Watching together: integrating text chat with video (JDW, SBK, HZ, YR, REK, JAK), pp. 877–886.
HCI-IDU-2007-HwangP #experience #social- Being Together: User’s Subjective Experience of Social Presence in CMC Environments (HSH, SP), pp. 844–853.
MLDM-2007-HulsmannF #algorithm #comparison #multi #novel #optimisation #parametricity- Comparison of a Novel Combined ECOC Strategy with Different Multiclass Algorithms Together with Parameter Optimization Methods (MH, CMF), pp. 17–31.
CHI-2006-DucheneautYNM #game studies #multi #online #quote #social- “Alone together?”: exploring the social dynamics of massively multiplayer online games (ND, NY, EN, RJM), pp. 407–416.
CSCW-2006-IgnatN #collaboration #editing #named #visual notation- Draw-together: graphical editor for collaborative drawing (CLI, MCN), pp. 269–278.
ISSTA-2006-YorshBS #abstraction #exclamation #proving #testing #theorem proving- Testing, abstraction, theorem proving: better together! (GY, TB, MS), pp. 145–156.
TestCom-2006-YalcinY #sequence #using- Using Distinguishing and UIO Sequences Together in a Checking Sequence (MCY, HY), pp. 259–273.
ICEIS-v3-2005-HafnerBB #architecture #security #standard #web #web service #workflow- A Security Architecture for Inter-Organizational Workflows: Putting Security Standards for Web Services Together (MH, RB, MB), pp. 128–135.
MLDM-2005-HalveyKS #clustering #internet #navigation #predict #using- Birds of a Feather Surf Together: Using Clustering Methods to Improve Navigation Prediction from Internet Log Files (MH, MTK, BS), pp. 174–183.
CSEET-2004-Milewski #human-computer #learning- Software Engineers and HCI Practitioners Learning to Work Together: A Preliminary Look at Expectations (AEM), pp. 45–49.
OOPSLA-2004-GoldbergFF #exclamation- Super and inner: together at last! (DSG, RBF, MF), pp. 116–129.
CSEET-2003-DalcherW #education #re-engineering- Together We Stand: Group Projects for Integrating Software Engineering in the Curriculum (DD, MW), p. 193–?.
ICEIS-v4-2003-HampelB #documentation #web- Combining Web Based Document Management and Event-Based Systems — Integrating MUDS and MOOS Together with DMS to Form a Cooperative Knowledge Space (TH, TB), pp. 218–223.
TestCom-2003-CavalliON #exclamation #named- TestNet: Let’s Test Together! (ARC, EMdO, MN), pp. 258–264.
ASE-2001-Albin-AmiotCGJ #design pattern #detection- Instantiating and Detecting Design Patterns: Putting Bits and Pieces Together (HAA, PC, YGG, NJ), pp. 166–173.
IFM-2000-HaxthausenY- Linking DC Together with TRSL (AEH, XY), pp. 25–44.
CSCW-2000-ResnickBMPSW- Beyond bowling together (PR, TKB, EDM, RDP, LSS, BW), p. 363.
HT-1999-Walker- Piecing Together and Tearing Apart: Finding the Story in Afternoon (JW), pp. 111–117.
ITiCSE-1999-Carter #collaboration #student #what- Collaboration or plagiarism: what happens when students work together (JC), pp. 52–55.
ITiCSE-1999-Hedman #collaboration #library #multi- Creating digital libraries together — collaboration, multimodality, and plurality (AH), pp. 147–150.
DAC-1998-SalekLP #design- A DSM Design Flow: Putting Floorplanning, Technology-Napping, and Gate-Placement Together (AHS, JL, MP), pp. 128–134.
CSCW-1998-Grinter #named- Recomposition: Putting It All Back Together Again (REG), pp. 393–402.
FSE-1998-Griss #industrial #re-engineering- Software Engineering as a Profession: Industry and Academia Working Together (MLG), pp. 203–208.
DAC-1996-HutchinsH #how #perl #tool support- How to Write Awk and Perl Scripts to Enable Your EDA Tools to Work Together (RCH, SH), pp. 409–414.
ITiCSE-1996-McManus- Gathering together through groupware in an MA program (MMM), pp. 136–138.
STOC-1996-BernS- Pushing Disks Together — The Continuous-Motion Case (MWB, AS), pp. 119–125.
CHI-1995-MitchellPB #learning #using- Learning to Write Together Using Groupware (AM, IP, RB), pp. 288–295.
VLDB-1994-Lesk #how #image #library- Experiments on Access to Digital Libraries: How can Images and Text be Used Together (ML), pp. 655–667.
FME-1993-ValmariKCL #analysis #reachability- Putting Advanced Reachability Analysis Techniques Together: the “ARA” Tool (AV, JK, MC, ML), pp. 597–616.
SIGIR-1992-BlossevilleHMP #analysis #automation #classification #documentation #natural language #statistics- Automatic Document Classification: Natural Language Processing, Statistical Analysis, and Expert System Techniques used together (MJB, GH, MGM, NP), pp. 51–58.
CAiSE-1989-LuchnerKE #automation #tool support- Glueing CASE Tools Together in a Heterogeneous CASE Environment (PL, GRK, FE).
ICALP-1981-Pettorossi #order #proving #recursion #term rewriting #termination- Comparing and Putting Together Recursive Path Ordering, Simplification Orderings and Non-Ascending Property for Termination Proofs of Term Rewriting Systems (AP), pp. 432–447.