76 papers:
ICSME-2015-XiaLWY #analysis #bibliography #recommendation- Who should review this change?: Putting text and file location analyses together for more accurate recommendations (XX, DL, XW, XY), pp. 261–270.
HCI-IT-2015-MaikeNGB #heuristic- Heuristics for NUI Revisited and Put into Practice (VRMLM, LdSBN, SKG, MCCB), pp. 317–328.
RecSys-2015-HarperXKCCT #recommendation- Putting Users in Control of their Recommendations (FMH, FX, HK, KC, SC, LGT), pp. 3–10.
ICPC-2014-WangL #debugging #locality #version control- Version history, similar report, and structure: putting them together for improved bug localization (SW, DL), pp. 53–63.
ICML-c2-2014-NovikovROV- Putting MRFs on a Tensor Train (AN, AR, AO, DV), pp. 811–819.
ICPR-2014-AodhaSBTGJ #interactive #machine learning- Putting the Scientist in the Loop — Accelerating Scientific Progress with Interactive Machine Learning (OMA, VS, GJB, MT, MAG, KEJ), pp. 9–17.
KMIS-2014-WitschelTL #automation #navigation #topic- Where Did I(T) Put It? — A Holistic Solution to the Automatic Construction of Topic Trees for Navigation (HFW, BT, JL), pp. 194–202.
SIGIR-2014-Dumais- Putting searchers into search (STD), pp. 1–2.
DAC-2013-GeierBYDSGC #exclamation- Let’s put the car in your phone! (MG, MB, DY, BD, RS, DG, SC), p. 2.
CSMR-2013-BusingeSB #api #developer #eclipse- Analyzing the Eclipse API Usage: Putting the Developer in the Loop (JB, AS, MvdB), pp. 37–46.
CHI-2013-NorrisSL #video- Putting things in focus: establishing co-orientation through video in context (JN, HS, PKL), pp. 1329–1338.
CSCW-2013-MashhadiQC #ubiquitous- Putting ubiquitous crowd-sourcing into context (AJM, GQ, LC), pp. 611–622.
DHM-SET-2013-Fass #biology #design #human-computer #modelling- Putting in Perspective Human-Machine System Theory and Modeling: From Theoretical Biology to Artifacts Integrative Design and Organization — “Artem Augmented Human Project” (DF), pp. 316–325.
DUXU-CXC-2013-ValenteM #education #game studies- Teachers and Children Playing with Factorization: Putting Prime Slaughter to the Test (AV, EM), pp. 311–320.
CHI-2012-AlexanderHJIS #gesture- Putting your best foot forward: investigating real-world mappings for foot-based gestures (JA, TH, WJ, PI, SS), pp. 1229–1238.
ICML-2012-PletscherW- LPQP for MAP: Putting LP Solvers to Better Use (PP, SW), p. 93.
SIGIR-2012-Dumais- Putting context into search and search into context (STD), p. 1021.
BX-2012-JohnsonR #lens- Lens put-put laws: monotonic and mixed (MJ, RDR), pp. 55–67.
HPDC-2012-Budiu #artificial reality #big data #framework- Putting a “big-data” platform to good use: training kinect (MB), pp. 1–2.
VLDB-2012-AmsterdamerDDMST11 #workflow- Putting Lipstick on Pig: Enabling Database-style Workflow Provenance (YA, SBD, DD, TM, JS, VT), pp. 346–357.
CSCW-2011-NewmanLMRM #challenge #facebook #health #network #online #problem #social #using- It’s not that I don’t have problems, I’m just not putting them on facebook: challenges and opportunities in using online social networks for health (MWN, DL, SAM, PR, MEM), pp. 341–350.
CIKM-2011-LiKL #community- Question routing in community question answering: putting category in its place (BL, IK, MRL), pp. 2041–2044.
KDIR-2011-Liebowitz #information management- Knowledge Management and e-Learning: Putting Theory into Practice (JL), p. 5.
CHI-2010-OdomHSKB #comprehension #interactive #rest- Passing on & putting to rest: understanding bereavement in the context of interactive technologies (WO, RHRH, AS, DSK, RB), pp. 1831–1840.
RecSys-2009-GansnerHKV #clustering #recommendation #visualisation- Putting recommendations on the map: visualizing clusters and relations (ERG, YH, SGK, CV), pp. 345–348.
ICST-2009-AydalPUW #modelling #specification #testing #validation- Putting Formal Specifications under the Magnifying Glass: Model-based Testing for Validation (EGA, RFP, MU, JW), pp. 131–140.
SIGAda-2007-Chapman07a #correctness- Correctness by construction: putting engineering (back) into software (RC), p. 100.
PPDP-2007-Hanus #declarative #javascript #programming #web- Putting declarative programming into the web: translating curry to javascript (MH), pp. 155–166.
ATEM-2007-FritzscheJ #modelling #performance- Putting Performance Engineering into Model-Driven Engineering: Model-Driven Performance Engineering (MF, JJ), pp. 164–175.
VLDB-2006-BohannonEFF- Putting Context into Schema Matching (PB, EE, WF, MF), pp. 307–318.
ITiCSE-2006-EckerdalMMRSZ #concept #education- Putting threshold concepts into context in computer science education (AE, RM, JEM, MR, KS, CZ), pp. 103–107.
CHI-2006-TangKFH #approach #people #privacy- Putting people in their place: an anonymous and privacy-sensitive approach to collecting sensed data in location-based applications (KPT, PK, JF, JIH), pp. 93–102.
RE-2006-Young #requirements- Putting Requirements Theory into Practice at Northrop Grumman (RY), p. 263.
WICSA-2005-InverardiMP #named #uml- DUALLY: Putting in Synergy UML 2.0 and ADLs (PI, HM, PP), pp. 251–252.
SEFM-2005-JhumkaH #detection- Putting Detectors in Their Place (AJ, MH), pp. 33–43.
ICEIS-v3-2005-HafnerBB #architecture #security #standard #web #web service #workflow- A Security Architecture for Inter-Organizational Workflows: Putting Security Standards for Web Services Together (MH, RB, MB), pp. 128–135.
CBSE-2004-BertolinoM #component #performance- CB-SPE Tool: Putting Component-Based Performance Engineering into Practice (AB, RM), pp. 233–248.
CBSE-2004-Nierstrasz #process- Putting Change at the Center of the Software Process (ON), pp. 1–4.
ITiCSE-2004-Christensen #design pattern #framework #named #perspective- Frameworks: putting design patterns into perspective (HBC), pp. 142–145.
CHI-2004-SvanaesS #design #game studies #mobile #prototype- Putting the users center stage: role playing and low-fi prototyping enable end users to design mobile systems (DS, GS), pp. 479–486.
CSCW-2004-JonesGWCT #community #design #requirements- Putting systems into place: a qualitative study of design requirements for location-aware community systems (QJ, SAG, SW, KC, LGT), pp. 202–211.
OOPSLA-2004-GueheneucA #uml- Recovering binary class relationships: putting icing on the UML cake (YGG, HAA), pp. 301–314.
SAC-2004-HarringtonC #profiling- Route profiling: putting context to work (AH, VC), pp. 1567–1573.
ITiCSE-2003-TaylorP #source code- Putting ITiCSE into practice through NSF funding programs (HGT, JCP), p. 234.
ICSM-2002-SouterP #analysis #testing- Putting Escape Analysis to Work for Software Testing (ALS, LLP), pp. 430–439.
ISMM-2002-BlackburnM- In or out?: putting write barriers in their place (SB, KSM), pp. 281–290.
ASE-2001-Albin-AmiotCGJ #design pattern #detection- Instantiating and Detecting Design Patterns: Putting Bits and Pieces Together (HAA, PC, YGG, NJ), pp. 166–173.
CSEET-2001-Kruchten #re-engineering- Putting the “Engineering” into “Software Engineering” (PK), p. 111–?.
CHI-2000-OakleyMBG- Putting the feel in “look and feel” (IO, MRM, SAB, PDG), pp. 415–422.
ISSTA-2000-Lev-AmiRSW #case study #static analysis #verification- Putting static analysis to work for verification: A case study (TLA, TWR, SS, RW), pp. 26–38.
CSEET-1999-AbowdCHP #process- Putting the Personal Software Process into Practice (PA, DC, GWH, RP), p. 34–?.
DAC-1998-SalekLP #design- A DSM Design Flow: Putting Floorplanning, Technology-Napping, and Gate-Placement Together (AHS, JL, MP), pp. 128–134.
DATE-1998-Muller-WipperfurthH #modelling #visual notation- Graphical Entry of FSMDs Revisited: Putting Graphical Models on a Solid Base (TMW, RH), pp. 931–932.
IFL-1998-Reid #implementation- Putting the Spine Back in the Spineless Tagless G-Machine: An Implementation of Resumable Black-Holes (AR), pp. 186–199.
CSCW-1998-Grinter #named- Recomposition: Putting It All Back Together Again (REG), pp. 393–402.
TOOLS-USA-1998-Forman- Putting Metaclasses to Work (IRF), p. 447.
POPL-1998-GhiyaH #analysis #pointer- Putting Pointer Analysis to Work (RG, LJH), pp. 121–133.
HPDC-1998-GianniniC #architecture #clustering #communication #performance- A Software Architecture for Global Address Space Communication on Clusters: Put/Get on Fast Messages (LAG, AAC), pp. 330–337.
IWTCS-1998-SchmittEKGH #generative #named #testing- Autolink — Putting SDL-Based Test Generation Into Practice (MSI, AE, BK, JG, DH), pp. 227–244.
CHI-1997-EllisRP #visualisation- Putting Visualization to Work: ProgramFinder for Youth Placement (JBE, AR, CP), pp. 502–509.
CHI-1996-LevyZTS #perspective- Gratuitous Graphics? Putting Preferences in Perspective (EL, JZ, BT, DJS), pp. 42–49.
POPL-1996-OderskyL- Putting Type Annotations to Work (MO, KL), pp. 54–67.
CSEE-1994-HabraD #re-engineering #student- Putting into Practice Advanced Software Engineering Techniques through Students Project (NH, ED), pp. 303–316.
ECOOP-1994-Streitz #hypermedia #matter- Putting Objects to Work: Hypermedia as the Subject Matter and the Medium for Computer-Supported Cooperative Work (NAS), pp. 183–193.
TOOLS-EUROPE-1994-Weck- Putting Icons into (Con-)Text (WW), pp. 49–60.
ASPLOS-1994-HayashiDHKSISIS #architecture #compilation #interface- AP1000+: Architectural Support of PUT/GET Interface for Parallelizing Compiler (KH, TD, TH, YK, OS, NI, TS, HI, TS), pp. 196–207.
FME-1993-ValmariKCL #analysis #reachability- Putting Advanced Reachability Analysis Techniques Together: the “ARA” Tool (AV, JK, MC, ML), pp. 597–616.
INTERCHI-1993-BerlinJOPW #design #memory management- Where did you put it? Issues in the design and use of a group memory (LMB, RJ, VLO, AP, CW), pp. 23–30.
TOOLS-USA-1993-NelsonBKM #object-oriented- Putting Object-Oriented Technology to Work in Autonomous Vehicles (MLN, RBB, SHK, RBM), pp. 279–288.
SEI-1992-HartrumBSPLD #re-engineering- Putting the Engineering into Software Engineering (TCH, PDB, JAS, CP, KJL, RD), pp. 287–298.
TOOLS-EUROPE-1992-DojatP #prototype #representation #smalltalk #using- Representation of a Medical Expertise using the Smalltalk Environment: Putting a Prototype to Work (MD, FP), pp. 379–389.
ICSE-1990-Maiocchi #named #question #re-engineering #source code- Reengineering: Can a Program Put Intelligence in Stupid Programs? (MM), pp. 123–124.
ECOOP-1989-MullerP #object-oriented #programming #rest- Four Steps and a Rest in Putting an Object-Oriented Programming Environment to Practical Use (GM, AKP), pp. 271–282.
VLDB-1987-LacroixL #query- Preferences; Putting More Knowledge into Queries (ML, PL), pp. 217–225.
ICALP-1981-Pettorossi #order #proving #recursion #term rewriting #termination- Comparing and Putting Together Recursive Path Ordering, Simplification Orderings and Non-Ascending Property for Termination Proofs of Term Rewriting Systems (AP), pp. 432–447.
PS-1981-Guttag #effectiveness #specification- A few Remarks on Putting Formal Specifications to Productive Use (JVG), pp. 370–380.