93 papers:
CASE-2015-CarliDEAV #automation #evaluation #using- Automated evaluation of urban traffic congestion using bus as a probe (RC, MD, NE, BA, AV), pp. 967–972.
CASE-2015-NguyenLK #composition #problem- Decomposition techniques for urban consolidation problems (DTN, HCL, AK), pp. 57–62.
ICSME-2015-CianiMML #named #repository #visualisation- UrbanIt: Visualizing repositories everywhere (AC, RM, AM, ML), pp. 324–326.
CHI-2015-CrivellaroCDBWO- Contesting the City: Enacting the Political Through Digitally Supported Urban Walks (CC, RC, MDR, SJB, PCW, PO), pp. 2853–2862.
CHI-2015-KoemanKR #approach #distributed #exclamation #quote #visualisation- “Everyone Is Talking about It!”: A Distributed Approach to Urban Voting Technology and Visualisations (LK, VK, YR), pp. 3127–3136.
CSCW-2015-MemarovicSSKNY #case study #community- Capture the Moment: “In the Wild” Longitudinal Case Study of Situated Snapshots Captured Through an Urban Screen in a Community Setting (NM, AFgS, HS, EK, SN, LY), pp. 242–253.
CSCW-2015-VenerandiQCQS- Measuring Urban Deprivation from User Generated Content (AV, GQ, LC, DQ, DST), pp. 254–264.
DUXU-IXD-2015-Farkas #human-computer #user interface- Defining HCI/UX Principles for Urban Environment (PF), pp. 346–356.
DUXU-IXD-2015-GencCY #information management- Participatory Explorations on a Location Based Urban Information System (ÖG, DÇ, AEY), pp. 357–367.
HIMI-IKC-2015-GotzeB #comparison #what- Urban Driving: Where to Present What Types of Information — Comparison of Head-Down and Head-Up Displays (MG, KB), pp. 190–200.
LCT-2015-CulenPSC #game studies #motivation #question- Can Games Motivate Urban Youth for Civic Engagement? (ALC, SP, SS, KC), pp. 549–560.
LCT-2015-VallsRF #architecture #design #education #game studies #roadmap- E-Learning and Serious Games — New Trends in Architectural and Urban Design Education (FV, ER, DF), pp. 632–643.
SCSM-2015-Lopez-OrnelasZ #social #social media- Social Media Participation: A Narrative Way to Help Urban Planners (ÉLO, NMZ), pp. 48–54.
ICEIS-v2-2015-RolimRLBSSG #novel #social #towards- Towards a Novel Engine to Underlie the Data Transmission of Social Urban Sensing Applications (COR, AGdMR, VRQL, GAB, TFMdS, AMS, CFRG), pp. 662–667.
KDD-2015-GreenCCMPM #mining- Mining Administrative Data to Spur Urban Revitalization (BG, AC, MC, RM, TP, AM), pp. 1829–1838.
KDD-2015-HsiehLZ #big data #quality #recommendation- Inferring Air Quality for Station Location Recommendation Based on Urban Big Data (HPH, SDL, YZ), pp. 437–446.
CASE-2014-HandokoNL- An auction mechanism for the last-mile deliveries via urban consolidation centre (SDH, DTN, HCL), pp. 607–612.
CHI-2014-AhmedJAFRRAM #framework #named- Protibadi: a platform for fighting sexual harassment in urban bangladesh (SIA, SJJ, NA, HSF, MRR, ASMR, SA, RSM), pp. 2695–2704.
CHI-2014-LaureyssensCCMCM #approach #component #composition #game studies #named #network- ZWERM: a modular component network approach for an urban participation game (TL, TC, LC, PM, JC, AVM), pp. 3259–3268.
CHI-2014-OduorNJHPH #communication #how #product line- How technology supports family communication in rural, suburban, and urban kenya (EO, CN, TKJ, KH, CP, SH), pp. 2705–2714.
HCI-AS-2014-Lopez-OrnelasAZ #recommendation- A Geo-collaborative Recommendation Tool to Help Urban Mobility (ÉLO, RAM, JSZH), pp. 466–472.
HIMI-AS-2014-GotzeBPB #quote- “A Careful Driver is One Who Looks in Both Directions When He Passes a Red Light” — Increased Demands in Urban Traffic (MG, FB, IPS, KB), pp. 229–240.
ECIR-2014-SchallerHE #detection #smarttech- Detecting Event Visits in Urban Areas via Smartphone GPS Data (RS, MH, DE), pp. 681–686.
ICPR-2014-ElmikatyS #detection #image #multi #using- Car Detection in High-Resolution Urban Scenes Using Multiple Image Descriptors (ME, TS), pp. 4299–4304.
ICPR-2014-RothermelHWB #generative #modelling #performance #robust #semantics #video- Fast and Robust Generation of Semantic Urban Terrain Models from UAV Video Streams (MR, NH, KW, DB), pp. 592–597.
ICPR-2014-SiddiquiK #semantics- Semantic Urban Maps (JRS, SK), pp. 4050–4055.
KDIR-2014-CataldoCPR #information management #representation- Subjectivity and Objectivity in Urban Knowledge Representation (AC, VC, VDP, AMR), pp. 411–417.
KEOD-2014-Marc-ZweckerAW #ontology #recognition #rule-based- A Fuzzy-Rule Based Ontology for Urban Object Recognition (SMZ, KA, CW), pp. 153–160.
CASE-2013-YeWZML #approach #network #optimisation #predict #scalability- A signal split optimization approach based on model predictive control for large-scale urban traffic networks (BLY, WW, XZ, WJM, JL), pp. 904–909.
HT-2013-LopezKSL #integration- Guided exploration and integration of urban data (VL, SK, MLS, RL), pp. 242–247.
CHI-2013-KumarR #mobile- The mobile media actor-network in urban India (NK, NR), pp. 1989–1998.
CHI-2013-ShrinivasanJSCHDM #design- Deep conservation in urban India and its implications for the design of conservation technologies (YBS, MJ, DPS, AC, EMH, TD, JM), pp. 1969–1978.
CSCW-2013-Monroy-HernandezBKCC- The new war correspondents: he rise of civic media curation in urban warfare (AMH, DB, EK, MDC, SC), pp. 1443–1452.
DUXU-WM-2013-GotzeCKSB #concept #evaluation- Evaluation of a New Cockpit Color Concept under Mesopic Lighting for Urban Driving (MG, ASC, AK, TS, KB), pp. 359–366.
HCI-UC-2013-HimmelZA #monitoring- From Living Space to Urban Quarter: Acceptance of ICT Monitoring Solutions in an Ageing Society (SH, MZ, KA), pp. 49–58.
KDD-2013-ZhengLH #big data #named #quality- U-Air: when urban air quality inference meets big data (YZ, FL, HPH), pp. 1436–1444.
CHI-2012-BentleyCHB- Drawing the city: differing perceptions of the urban environment (FB, HSMC, WH, SB), pp. 1603–1606.
CHI-2012-FischerH #aspect-oriented #design #human-computer- Urban HCI: spatial aspects in the design of shared encounters for media facades (PTF, EH), pp. 307–316.
CSCW-2012-Schroeter #interactive- Engaging new digital locals with interactive urban screens to collaboratively improve the city (RS), pp. 227–236.
ICPR-2012-BoresB #monitoring #process- Urban traffic monitoring from aerial LIDAR data with a Two-Level Marked Point Process model (AB, CB), pp. 1379–1382.
SAC-2012-HarnieDBM #programming- Programming urban-area applications (DH, TD, EGB, WDM), pp. 1516–1521.
CHI-2011-KuznetsovDCP #authoring #pipes and filters #quality- Ceci n’est pas une pipe bombe: authoring urban landscapes with air quality sensors (SK, GND, JCC, EP), pp. 2375–2384.
CHI-2011-SambasivanWC #design- Designing a phone broadcasting system for urban sex workers in India (NS, JW, EC), pp. 267–276.
CSCW-2011-FothCS- Urban informatics (MF, JHjC, CS), pp. 1–8.
DUXU-v2-2011-SatoTO #case study #experience- Experience-Based Curiosity Model: Curiosity Extracting Model Regarding Individual Experiences of Urban Spaces (CS, ST, NO), pp. 635–644.
IDGD-2011-FuZ #design #framework #social- Designing for Social Urban Media: Creating an Integrated Framework of Social Innovation and Service Design in China (ZF, XZ), pp. 494–503.
ICEIS-v1-2011-Wang- Strategic Thinking of Public Service Facilities of Urban Tourism System (XW), pp. 448–452.
ICEIS-v1-2011-XiaoL #architecture- Architecture for Operation Management in Urban Rail Traffic (MX, SL), pp. 481–485.
ICEIS-v3-2011-Li11e #analysis #quality- Construction and Analysis of Service Quality Model for Beijing Urban Mass Transit (WL), pp. 541–543.
ICEIS-v3-2011-LiuX- Assets Management Around Urban Rail Transit (HL, MX), pp. 439–443.
ICEIS-v3-2011-ZhouL11a #enterprise #information management- A Discusson about Urban Rail Transit Enterprise Business Management Information System (RZ, SL), pp. 467–471.
ICEIS-v4-2011-DuG #research- The Research on Human Factors in Urban Traffic based on the Causal Relationship (XD, JG), pp. 557–562.
ICEIS-v4-2011-LongG #category theory #social- Social Attributes of Urban Traffic and Its Categories (WL, JG), pp. 581–585.
ICEIS-v4-2011-WangJF- Appraisal of Urban Harmonious Transport (HW, LJ, JF), pp. 548–552.
ICEIS-v4-2011-YangZZZ #policy- Urban Motor Vehicle Limiting Policy based on System Dynamics (HY, ZZ, YZ, HZ), pp. 539–542.
SAC-2011-SouzaSSOW #navigation- Template-based autonomous navigation in urban environments (JRS, DOS, PYS, FSO, DFW), pp. 1376–1381.
CASE-2010-SouzaPC #analysis #distributed #implementation #network #predict- Distributed model predictive control applied to urban traffic networks: Implementation, experimentation, and analysis (FAdS, VBP, EC), pp. 399–405.
HT-2010-HansenG #framework #mobile #named- UrbanWeb: a platform for mobile context-awaresocial computing (FAH, KG), pp. 195–200.
CHI-2010-BlomVSGAA #mobile #safety #security- Fear and the city: role of mobile services in harnessing safety and security in urban use contexts (JB, DV, MS, JG, KA, RA), pp. 1841–1850.
CHI-2010-DalsgardH #challenge #design- Designing urban media façades: cases and challenges (PD, KH), pp. 2277–2286.
CHI-2010-SmythKMT #mobile- Where there’s a will there’s a way: mobile media sharing in urban india (TNS, SK, IM, KT), pp. 753–762.
ICPR-2010-CandamoGKG #detection #using- Detecting Wires in Cluttered Urban Scenes Using a Gaussian Model (JC, DBG, RK, SG), pp. 432–435.
ICPR-2010-KaferHWKR #predict #recognition- Recognition and Prediction of Situations in Urban Traffic Scenarios (EK, CH, CW, FK, HJR), pp. 4234–4237.
ICPR-2010-KamedaO #image #navigation #retrieval- Image Retrieval of First-Person Vision for Pedestrian Navigation in Urban Area (YK, YO), pp. 364–367.
KEOD-2010-BartonY #development #named #ontology- UrbanIT — Urban Ontologies to Support Informed Urban Development and Planning (JB, HY), pp. 224–228.
CHI-2009-SeitingerPM- Urban pixels: painting the city with light (SS, DSP, WJM), pp. 839–848.
CHI-2009-WhiteF #named #visualisation- SiteLens: situated visualization techniques for urban site visits (SW, SF), pp. 1117–1120.
HCD-2009-LiuL #adaptation #mobile #people- User Value Based Product Adaptation: A Case of Mobile Products for Chinese Urban Elderly People (JL, XL), pp. 492–500.
HCI-VAD-2009-GreefON- Distilling Support Opportunities to Improve Urban Search and Rescue Missions (TdG, AHJO, MAN), pp. 703–712.
IDGD-2009-ChavanAKK #how #mobile #women- How Mobile Money Can Drive Financial Inclusion for Women at the Bottom of the Pyramid (BOP) in Indian Urban Centers (ALC, SA, AK, PK), pp. 475–484.
CASE-2008-Kress-GazitP #automation #challenge- Automatically synthesizing a planning and control subsystem for the DARPA urban challenge (HKG, GJP), pp. 766–771.
CASE-2008-LiuWJ #protocol- A geographic source routing protocol for traffic sensing in urban environment (LL, ZW, WKJ), pp. 347–352.
HT-2008-HansenG #framework #lightweight #social #web- Social web applications in the city: a lightweight infrastructure for urban computing (FAH, KG), pp. 175–180.
ITiCSE-2008-Albin-ClarkK #game studies #simulation- The use of role play to simulate a tethered swarm of robots for urban search and rescue (USAR) (AAC, TRVAK), p. 335.
CSCW-2008-OHaraGR #comprehension #game studies- Understanding collective play in an urban screen game (KO, MG, SR), pp. 67–76.
ICEIS-ISAS2-2008-MonteiroFBM #analysis #information management #mobile #towards- An Analysis Pattern for Mobile Geographic Information Systems toward Municipal Urban Administration (BRM, JLF, JLB, WSM), pp. 311–318.
ICPR-2008-CandamoG #detection #video- Wire detection in low-altitude, urban, and low-quality video frames (JC, DBG), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-v2-2006-LiLWH #detection #framework #image #novel #using- A Novel Framework for Urban Change Detection Using VHR Satellite Images (WL, XL, YW, ZH), pp. 312–315.
CHI-2005-PaulosJ- Urban probes: encountering our emerging urban atmospheres (EP, TJ), pp. 341–350.
EDOC-2005-IzzaVB #enterprise #integration #ontology #scalability #semantics- Ontology Urbanization for Semantic Integration: Dealing with Semantics within Large and Dynamic Enterprises (SI, LV, PB), pp. 83–94.
ICPR-v1-2002-DebaqueSD #3d #modelling- An Area-Based Alignment Method for 3D Urban Models (BD, GS, MPD), pp. 61–64.
ICPR-v1-2002-RellierDZF #analysis- A Gauss-Markov Model for Hyperspectral Texture Analysis of Urban Areas (GR, XD, JZ, FF), pp. 692–695.
ICPR-v4-2002-LeeJN #modelling- Integrating Ground and Aerial Views for Urban Site Modeling (SCL, SKJ, RN), pp. 107–112.
ICDAR-2001-WantabeO #generative #paradigm #parallel #recognition #verification- Parallel Recognition of Roads from Urban Maps on Generation/Verification Paradigm of Hypotheses (TW, TO), pp. 1225–1234.
ICPR-v3-2000-Kiema #automation #classification #data fusion #using- Wavelet Compression and Data Fusion: An Investigation into the Automatic Classification of Urban Environments using Color Photography and Laser Scanning Data (JBKK), pp. 3089–3093.
UML-2000-ChabrolS #modelling #object-oriented #uml- Object Oriented Methodology based on UML for Urban Traffic System Modeling (MC, DS), pp. 425–439.
CHI-1999-UnderkofflerI #design #named- Urp: A Luminous-Tangible Workbench for Urban Planning and Design (JU, HI), pp. 386–393.
HCI-CCAD-1999-Jones #community #development #user interface #using- Using the paper user interface to support community involvement in urban development (RMJ), pp. 427–431.
ICPR-1998-BaillardDM #segmentation- Segmentation of urban scenes from aerial stereo imagery (CB, OD, HM), pp. 1405–1407.
ICDAR-1997-WatanabeZ #recognition #string #validation- Recognition of Character Strings from Color Urban Map Imageson the Basis of Validation Mechanism (TW, RZ), pp. 805–808.
HCI-SEC-1997-Kazemian #flexibility #network- Networking and Urban Forms in the Electronic Age-Towards Flexible Location Decisions in Stockholm (RK), pp. 605–608.
DAC-1972-Grant #architecture #design #problem #proximity #using- Combining proximity criteria with nature-of-the-spot criteria in architectural and urban design space planning problems using a computer-aided space allocation technique: A proposed technique and an example of its application (DPG), pp. 197–202.
DAC-1969-Fairburn #simulation- Simulation of urban growth as a function of accessibility (DTF), pp. 297–322.