Travelled to:
2 × USA
4 × France
6 × Germany
Collaborated with:
D.Sciuto F.Fummi V.G.Castellana F.Bruschi A.Tumeo E.Macii M.Poncino M.Rendine G.Palermo M.Chiamenti R.Cordone R.W.Calvo L.Gerli F.Regazzoni G.Ferrara A.Fin M.Bombana G.Buonanno P.Cavalloro G.Zaza M.Branca L.Camerini M.Ceriani M.Monchiero
Talks about:
system (5) function (4) descript (3) behavior (3) multiprocessor (2) reconfigur (2) synthesi (2) sequenti (2) generat (2) control (2)
Person: Fabrizio Ferrandi
DBLP: Ferrandi:Fabrizio
Contributed to:
Wrote 13 papers:
- DATE-2014-CastellanaTF #adaptation #configuration management #hybrid #interface #memory management
- An adaptive Memory Interface Controller for improving bandwidth utilization of hybrid and reconfigurable systems (VGC, AT, FF), pp. 1–4.
- DATE-2013-CastellanaF #analysis #independence #liveness #scheduling #synthesis
- Scheduling independent liveness analysis for register binding in high level synthesis (VGC, FF), pp. 1571–1574.
- DATE-2010-TumeoRPFS #architecture #configuration management #implementation #multi #recognition #reliability
- A reconfigurable multiprocessor architecture for a reliable face recognition implementation (AT, FR, GP, FF, DS), pp. 319–322.
- DATE-2008-TumeoBCCMPFS #multi #realtime
- A Dual-Priority Real-Time Multiprocessor System on FPGA for Automotive Applications (AT, MB, LC, MC, MM, GP, FF, DS), pp. 1039–1044.
- DATE-2003-BruschiF #behaviour #modelling #synthesis
- Synthesis of Complex Control Structures from Behavioral SystemC Models (FB, FF), pp. 20112–20119.
- DATE-2002-BruschiCFS #design #fault #simulation
- Error Simulation Based on the SystemC Design Description Language (FB, MC, FF, DS), p. 1135.
- DATE-2002-FerrandiRS #constraints #functional #theorem proving #using #verification
- Functional Verification for SystemC Descriptions Using Constraint Solving (FF, MR, DS), pp. 744–751.
- DATE-2001-FerrandiFSFF #behaviour #functional #generative #modelling #testing
- Functional test generation for behaviorally sequential models (FF, GF, DS, AF, FF), pp. 403–410.
- DATE-2000-CordoneFSC #approach #heuristic #performance #problem
- An Efficient Heuristic Approach to Solve the Unate Covering Problem (RC, FF, DS, RWC), pp. 364–371.
- DATE-1999-FerrandiFGS #functional #generative #specification
- Symbolic Functional Vector Generation for VHDL Specifications (FF, FF, LG, DS), p. 442–?.
- DATE-1998-FerrandiFMP #behaviour #estimation
- Power Estimation of Behavioral Descriptions (FF, FF, EM, MP), pp. 762–766.
- DAC-1996-FerrandiFMPS #automaton #network #optimisation
- Symbolic Optimization of FSM Networks Based on Sequential ATPG Techniques (FF, FF, EM, MP, DS), pp. 467–470.
- SEKE-1993-BombanaBCFSZ #analysis #functional #testing
- An Expert Solution to Functional Testability Analysis of VLSI Circuits (MB, GB, PC, FF, DS, GZ), pp. 263–265.