109 papers:
DATE-2015-AwanoHS #named #performance #probability- ECRIPSE: an efficient method for calculating RTN-induced failure probability of an SRAM cell (HA, MH, TS), pp. 549–554.
DATE-2015-BaranowskiFKLTW #online #predict- On-line prediction of NBTI-induced aging rates (RB, FF, SK, CL, MBT, HJW), pp. 589–592.
DATE-2015-WangWXWWYDLMW #adaptation #process- Adaptively tolerate power-gating-induced power/ground noise under process variations (ZW, XW, JX, XW, ZW, PY, LHKD, HL, RKVM, ZW), pp. 483–488.
STOC-2015-AlstrupKTZ #graph- Adjacency Labeling Schemes and Induced-Universal Graphs (SA, HK, MT, UZ), pp. 625–634.
CHI-2015-LyuLZYMWSK- Measuring Photoplethysmogram-Based Stress-Induced Vascular Response Index to Assess Cognitive Load and Stress (YL, XL, JZ, CY, CM, TW, YS, KiK), pp. 857–866.
CASE-2014-KaoCC #performance #variability- Target setting with consideration of target-induced operation variability for performance improvement of semiconductor fabrication (YTK, SCC, CMC), pp. 774–779.
DAC-2014-KiamehrOTN #analysis #approach #fault- Radiation-Induced Soft Error Analysis of SRAMs in SOI FinFET Technology: A Device to Circuit Approach (SK, THO, MBT, SRN), p. 6.
DAC-2014-RehmanKSSH #adaptation #code generation #dependence #named #process #reliability- dTune: Leveraging Reliable Code Generation for Adaptive Dependability Tuning under Process Variation and Aging-Induced Effects (SR, FK, DS, MS, JH), p. 6.
DAC-2014-SutariaRZRMC #modelling #random #simulation #validation- BTI-Induced Aging under Random Stress Waveforms: Modeling, Simulation and Silicon Validation (KS, AR, RZ, RR, YM, YC), p. 6.
DAC-2014-WangX #on the #performance #simulation- On the Simulation of NBTI-Induced Performance Degradation Considering Arbitrary Temperature and Voltage Variations (TW, QX), p. 6.
DATE-2014-EbrahimiETSCA #analysis #embedded #fault- Comprehensive analysis of alpha and neutron particle-induced soft errors in an embedded processor at nanoscales (ME, AE, MBT, RS, EC, DA), pp. 1–6.
HIMI-AS-2014-ItaiYM #ambiguity #interface- Soft Interface with the Ambiguity Creation of the Action by Avatar Controller Inducing the Embodiment (SI, TY, YM), pp. 413–422.
SEKE-2014-YangWSFC #analysis #debugging #fault- Bug Inducing Analysis to Prevent Fault Prone Bug Fixes (HY, CW, QS, YF, ZC), pp. 620–625.
SAC-2014-GuoQS- Locating fault-inducing patterns from structural inputs (HFG, ZQ, HPS), pp. 1100–1107.
FSE-2014-DingesA #heuristic- Solving complex path conditions through heuristic search on induced polytopes (PD, GAA), pp. 425–436.
LICS-CSL-2014-KreutzerS #on the- On Hanf-equivalence and the number of embeddings of small induced subgraphs (SK, NS), p. 10.
DAC-2013-LiP #framework #modelling- An accurate semi-analytical framework for full-chip TSV-induced stress modeling (YL, DZP), p. 8.
DATE-2013-WangXZWYWNW #using- Active power-gating-induced power/ground noise alleviation using parasitic capacitance of on-chip memories (XW, JX, WZ, XW, YY, ZW, MN, ZW), pp. 1221–1224.
VLDB-2013-WuYSIY #graph #keyword #query- Summarizing Answer Graphs Induced by Keyword Queries (YW, SY, MS, AI, XY), pp. 1774–1785.
HCI-AMTE-2013-OhKHJ #design #perspective #process- User Centered Inclusive Design Process: A “Situationally-Induced Impairments and Disabilities” Perspective (HJO, HCK, HH, YGJ), pp. 103–108.
ICSE-2013-Ell #developer #identification #network- Identifying failure inducing developer pairs within developer networks (JE), pp. 1471–1473.
ASE-2012-YuLCZ #debugging #fault- Practical isolation of failure-inducing changes for debugging regression faults (KY, ML, JC, XZ), pp. 20–29.
SCAM-2012-BavotaCLPOS #debugging #empirical #refactoring- When Does a Refactoring Induce Bugs? An Empirical Study (GB, BDC, ADL, MDP, RO, OS), pp. 104–113.
STOC-2012-AlonMS #graph #scalability- Nearly complete graphs decomposable into large induced matchings and their applications (NA, AM, BS), pp. 1079–1090.
ICALP-v1-2012-LinC #complexity- The Parameterized Complexity of k-Edge Induced Subgraphs (BL, YC), pp. 641–652.
ICPR-2012-GaoLZXX #recognition #representation- Human action recognition based on sparse representation induced by L1/L2 regulations (ZG, AL, HZ, GX, YX), pp. 1868–1871.
KDD-2012-JiZL #clustering- A sparsity-inducing formulation for evolutionary co-clustering (SJ, WZ, JL), pp. 334–342.
BX-2012-Stevens #bidirectional #set- Observations relating to the equivalences induced on model sets by bidirectional transformations (PS), pp. 100–115.
SAC-2012-TownsendHS #modelling- Relationship of reproduction and evolutionary computation to analytical modeling of the ecological genetics of inducible defenses (GCT, WNH, BS), pp. 1375–1380.
ICSE-2012-Yu #analysis #identification #using- Improving failure-inducing changes identification using coverage analysis (KY), pp. 1604–1606.
ICST-2012-GhandehariLXKK #combinator #identification #testing- Identifying Failure-Inducing Combinations in a Combinatorial Test Set (LSGG, YL, TX, DRK, RK), pp. 370–379.
ICST-2012-ShakyaXLLKK #classification #combinator #testing #using- Isolating Failure-Inducing Combinations in Combinatorial Testing Using Test Augmentation and Classification (KS, TX, NL, YL, RK, DRK), pp. 620–623.
DAC-2011-AisoposCP #fault #modelling- Enabling system-level modeling of variation-induced faults in networks-on-chips (KA, CHOC, LSP), pp. 930–935.
DATE-2011-CalimeraLMP #architecture- Partitioned cache architectures for reduced NBTI-induced aging (AC, ML, EM, MP), pp. 938–943.
ICSM-2011-ZhangKK- Localizing failure-inducing program edits based on spectrum information (LZ, MK, SK), pp. 23–32.
PASTE-2011-QiNSR- Locating failure-inducing environment changes (DQ, MNN, TS, AR), pp. 29–36.
CHI-2011-RieckeFRM #self- Spatialized sound enhances biomechanically-induced self-motion illusion (vection) (BER, DF, JJR, TPM), pp. 2799–2802.
SEKE-2011-Zhang #heuristic #problem- Inconsistency-Induced Heuristics for Problem Solving (DZ), pp. 137–142.
RTA-2011-MoserS #complexity #dependence #framework #multi #proving #recursion #termination- Termination Proofs in the Dependency Pair Framework May Induce Multiple Recursive Derivational Complexity (GM, AS), pp. 235–250.
CASE-2010-Hui- Optimal control of bio-attack induced infectious disease dynamics: The case of anthrax (QH), pp. 911–916.
CIKM-2010-MeloW #multi #named #taxonomy #wiki- MENTA: inducing multilingual taxonomies from wikipedia (GdM, GW), pp. 1099–1108.
ICPR-2010-LiuS #similarity #using #visual notation- Visual Tracking Using Sparsity Induced Similarity (HL, FS), pp. 1702–1705.
SAC-2010-AminBJ10a #wiki- Wikipedia driven autonomous label assignment in wrapper induced tables with missing column names (MSA, AB, HMJ), pp. 1656–1660.
DATE-2009-ChakrabortyGRP #analysis #optimisation- Analysis and optimization of NBTI induced clock skew in gated clock trees (AC, GG, AR, DZP), pp. 296–299.
DATE-2009-WuM #logic #order #performance- Joint logic restructuring and pin reordering against NBTI-induced performance degradation (KCW, DM), pp. 75–80.
ITiCSE-2009-TiradoBMB #interactive #student- Inducing student interaction in a virtual environment (FT, AB, AM, AEDB), p. 378.
ICSM-2009-HouJJ- Proactively managing copy-and-paste induced code clones (DH, FJ, PJ), pp. 391–392.
WCRE-1999-FerzundAW99a #debugging- Bug-Inducing Language Constructs (JF, SNA, FW), pp. 155–159.
CIKM-2009-YeungGS #collaboration- User-induced links in collaborative tagging systems (CmAY, NG, NS), pp. 787–796.
ECIR-2009-BechetRC #towards- Towards the Selection of Induced Syntactic Relations (NB, MR, JC), pp. 786–790.
RTA-2009-MoserS #complexity #dependence- The Derivational Complexity Induced by the Dependency Pair Method (GM, AS), pp. 255–269.
SAT-2009-ChebiryakWKH #agile- Finding Lean Induced Cycles in Binary Hypercubes (YC, TW, DK, LH), pp. 18–31.
DAC-2008-GargNK #design #performance- A fast, analytical estimator for the SEU-induced pulse width in combinational designs (RG, CN, SPK), pp. 918–923.
PASTE-2008-ZhangLGZ #approach #effectiveness #hybrid #identification- Effective identification of failure-inducing changes: a hybrid approach (SZ, YL, ZG, JZ), pp. 77–83.
ICALP-A-2008-ChenTW #complexity #comprehension #morphism- Understanding the Complexity of Induced Subgraph Isomorphisms (YC, MT, MW), pp. 587–596.
LATA-2008-Capobianco #automaton- Induced Subshifts and Cellular Automata (SC), pp. 160–171.
LATA-2008-KlimaP #morphism- Literal Varieties of Languages Induced by Homomorphisms onto Nilpotent Groups (OK, LP), pp. 299–310.
SEKE-2008-HendersonS #architecture #documentation- System Architecture Induces Document Architecture (PH, NDS), pp. 327–332.
WICSA-2007-GieseckeBH #architecture #middleware #modelling- Middleware-Induced Architectural Style Modelling for Architecture Exploration (SG, JB, WH), p. 21.
DAC-2007-ChanZ #modelling- Modeling Simultaneous Switching Noise-Induced Jitter for System-on-Chip Phase-Locked Loops (HHYC, ZZ), pp. 430–435.
DAC-2007-GuSK #modelling #random #statistics- Width-dependent Statistical Leakage Modeling for Random Dopant Induced Threshold Voltage Shift (JG, SSS, CHK), pp. 87–92.
DATE-2007-HungIGS #fault- Utilization of SECDED for soft error and variation-induced defect tolerance in caches (LDH, HI, MG, SS), pp. 1134–1139.
DATE-2007-LeveugleAMTMMFRT #evaluation #fault #modelling- Experimental evaluation of protections against laser-induced faults and consequences on fault modeling (RL, AA, VM, ET, PM, CM, NF, JBR, AT), pp. 1587–1592.
CHI-2007-CockburnKAZ #interface #learning- Hard lessons: effort-inducing interfaces benefit spatial learning (AC, POK, JA, SZ), pp. 1571–1580.
HIMI-IIE-2007-IbrahimNM #concept #framework #online #trust #web- “Seeing Is Not Believing But Interpreting”, Inducing Trust Through Institutional Symbolism: A Conceptual Framework for Online Trust Building in a Web Mediated Information Environment (ENMI, NLMN, SM), pp. 64–73.
CASE-2006-WangGL- Characteristics of Induced Potential of Electromagnetic Flow Meter (JW, CG, YL), pp. 150–155.
DAC-2006-CaoDH #standard- Standard cell characterization considering lithography induced variations (KC, SD, JH), pp. 801–804.
CSMR-2006-Giesecke #enterprise #integration #middleware- Middleware-induced Styles for Enterprise Application Integration (SG), pp. 334–340.
SEFM-2006-Arun-Kumar #on the- On Bisimilarities Induced by Relations on Actions (SAK), pp. 41–49.
ICPR-v3-2006-BhamidipatiP- Comparing rank-inducing scoring systems (NLB, SKP), pp. 300–303.
FSE-2006-StorzerRRT #classification #java #source code #using- Finding failure-inducing changes in java programs using change classification (MS, BGR, XR, FT), pp. 57–68.
ASE-2005-GuptaHZG #using- Locating faulty code using failure-inducing chops (NG, HH, XZ, RG), pp. 263–272.
MSR-2005-SliwerskiZZ #question- When do changes induce fixes? (JŚ, TZ, AZ), pp. 41–45.
KDD-2005-GionisHPT #clustering- Dimension induced clustering (AG, AH, SP, PT), pp. 51–60.
SIGIR-2005-KurlandL #modelling #rank #ranking #using- PageRank without hyperlinks: structural re-ranking using links induced by language models (OK, LL), pp. 306–313.
PLDI-2004-CavazosEM #heuristic- Inducing heuristics to decide whether to schedule (JC, JEBM), pp. 183–194.
ICALP-2004-BergerBCDK- Competition-Induced Preferential Attachment (NB, CB, JTC, RMD, RDK), pp. 208–221.
ICML-2004-ToutanovaMN #dependence #learning #modelling #random #word- Learning random walk models for inducing word dependency distributions (KT, CDM, AYN).
ICPR-v4-2004-TanCZ #image #kernel #metric #robust #using- Robust Image Denoising Using Kernel-Induced Measures (KT, SC, DZ), pp. 685–688.
DAC-2003-FerzliN #estimation #grid #power management #process #statistics- Statistical estimation of leakage-induced power grid voltage drop considering within-die process variations (IAF, FNN), pp. 856–859.
DATE-2003-MartorellMA #evaluation #modelling- Modeling and Evaluation of Substrate Noise Induced by Interconnects (FM, DM, XA), pp. 10524–10529.
ICLP-2003-Ramirez- Inducing Musical Rules with ILP (RR), pp. 502–504.
ICML-2002-LangleySTD #modelling #process- Inducing Process Models from Continuous Data (PL, JNS, LT, SD), pp. 347–354.
HPCA-2002-GrochowskiAT #architecture #power management #simulation- Microarchitectural Simulation and Control of di/dt-induced Power Supply Voltage Variation (EG, DA, VT), pp. 7–16.
ISSTA-2002-ChoiZ #concurrent #thread- Isolating failure-inducing thread schedules (JDC, AZ), pp. 210–220.
DAC-2001-XiaoM #analysis #correlation #functional #identification- Functional Correlation Analysis in Crosstalk Induced Critical Paths Identification (TX, MMS), pp. 653–656.
AdaEurope-2001-GellerichP #ada #alias- Parameter-Induced Aliasing in Ada (WG, EP), pp. 88–99.
ICML-2001-LloraG #algorithm- Inducing Partially-Defined Instances with Evolutionary Algorithms (XL, JMGiG), pp. 337–344.
ISSTA-2000-HildebrandtZ- Simplifying failure-inducing input (RH, AZ), pp. 135–145.
DATE-1999-KallaC #equivalence #performance- Performance Driven Resynthesis by Exploiting Retiming-Induced State Register Equivalence (PK, MJC), pp. 638–642.
HCI-EI-1999-RamseyNC #artificial reality- Virtual Reality Induced Symptoms and Effects (VRISE) in Four Different Virtual Reality Display Conditions (AR, SN, SC), pp. 142–146.
ICSE-1999-NittoR #architecture #middleware- Exploiting ADLs to Specify Architectural Styles Induced by Middleware Infrastructures (EDN, DSR), pp. 13–22.
HT-1998-DurandK #named #visualisation- MAPA: A System for Inducing and Visualizing Hierarchy in Websites (DGD, PK), pp. 66–76.
ICALP-1998-Lasota #similarity- Partial-Congruence Factorization of Bisimilarity Induced by Open Maps (SL), pp. 91–102.
AdaEurope-1997-GellerichP #alias #problem- : Parameter-Induced Aliasing and Related Problems can be Avoided (WG, EP), pp. 161–172.
ICALP-1996-Chen #approximate #graph #problem- Practical Approximation Schemes for Maximum Induced-Subgraph Problems on K_{3, 3}-free or K_5-free Graphs (ZZC), pp. 268–279.
LICS-1996-Edalat- The Scott Topology Induces the Weak Topology (AE), pp. 372–381.
FPLE-1995-LesterM #student- Inducing Students to Induct (DRL, SM), pp. 159–177.
KDD-1994-GregoryC #algorithm #modelling- Two Algorithms for Inducing Causal Models from Data (DEG, PRC), pp. 73–84.
ICML-1993-Schlimmer #algorithm- Efficiently Inducing Determinations: A Complete and Systematic Search Algorithm that Uses Optimal Pruning (JCS), pp. 284–290.
POPL-1993-ChoiBC #alias #interprocedural #performance #pointer- Efficient Flow-Sensitive Interprocedural Computation of Pointer-Induced Aliases and Side Effects (JDC, MGB, PRC), pp. 232–245.
ML-1991-Feng #fault- Inducing Temporal Fault Diagnostic Rules from a Qualitative Model (CF), pp. 403–406.
POPL-1991-LandiR #alias #classification #pointer #problem- Pointer-Induced Aliasing: A Problem Classification (WL, BGR), pp. 93–103.
ML-1990-WuWZ #framework- An Integrated Framework of Inducing Rules from Examples (YW, SW, QZ), pp. 357–365.
CHI-1989-MaulsbyW #source code- Inducing programs in a direct-manipulation environment (DLM, IHW), pp. 57–62.
DAC-1987-ChunCM #named- VISION: VHDL Induced Schematic Imaging on Net-Lists (RKC, KJC, LPM), pp. 436–442.
ICALP-1985-Bra #dependence- Imposed-Functional Dependencies Inducing Horizontal Decompositions (PDB), pp. 158–170.
ICALP-1983-BrookesR #behaviour #equivalence #logic #programming- Behavioural Equivalence Relations Induced by Programming Logics (SDB, WCR), pp. 97–108.
ICALP-1980-FredericksonJ #generative #network #set- Generating and Searching Sets Induced by Networks (GNF, DBJ), pp. 221–233.