195 papers:
CHI-2015-AlvinaZPARF #mobile #named #towards- OmniVib: Towards Cross-body Spatiotemporal Vibrotactile Notifications for Mobile Phones (JA, SZ, STP, MA, TR, MF), pp. 2487–2496.
CHI-2015-BentleyCH #coordination #mobile- Reducing the Stress of Coordination: Sharing Travel Time Information Between Contacts on Mobile Phones (FRB, YYC, CH), pp. 967–970.
CHI-2015-HinikerSSSLK #how #mobile- Texting while Parenting: How Adults Use Mobile Phones while Caring for Children at the Playground (AH, KS, HS, YCS, CPL, JAK), pp. 727–736.
CHI-2015-KumarA #health #mobile- Mobile Phones for Maternal Health in Rural India (NK, RJA), pp. 427–436.
CHI-2015-ParkPN- The Trial of Bendi in a Coffeehouse: Use of a Shape-Changing Device for a Tactile-Visual Phone Conversation (YP, JP, TJN), pp. 2181–2190.
CHI-2015-YouWHCLHWHC #dependence #named- SoberDiary: A Phone-based Support System for Assisting Recovery from Alcohol Dependence (CWY, KCW, MCH, YCC, CLL, PSH, HCW, PH, HHC), pp. 3839–3848.
CSCW-2015-FarrahiEC #community #mobile #predict- Predicting a Community’s Flu Dynamics with Mobile Phone Data (KF, RE, MC), pp. 1214–1221.
DUXU-DD-2015-RossBOAA #case study #experience #feedback- A Feasibility Study of the Effect of Phone-Based Feedback of Other Commuters’ Subjective Experiences on Driver Intentions to Change (TR, AB, LO, BA, VAS), pp. 548–558.
DUXU-UI-2015-ZhuSK #case study #design #smarttech- A Field Study on Basic Usage Patterns of Traditional Watch and Smart Phone for Designing Smart Watch (ZZ, HS, SWK), pp. 597–608.
LCT-2015-HiramatsuIISS #case study #communication #mobile #using- A Study to Activate Communication by Using SNS on Mobile Phone — An Essay Lesson at the Elementary School (YH, AI, KI, FS, FS), pp. 492–502.
KDD-2015-TsengYHKC #detection #framework #named- FrauDetector: A Graph-Mining-based Framework for Fraudulent Phone Call Detection (VST, JCY, CWH, YK, KTC), pp. 2157–2166.
CHI-2014-BohmerLGBK #design #smarttech- Interrupted by a phone call: exploring designs for lowering the impact of call notifications for smartphone users (MB, CL, SG, DPB, AK), pp. 3045–3054.
CHI-2014-ChenGWF #interactive #named #smarttech- Duet: exploring joint interactions on a smart phone and a smart watch (X'C, TG, DJW, GWF), pp. 159–168.
CHI-2014-HakkilaPSAGS #3d #exclamation #interactive #mobile- Let me catch this!: experiencing interactive 3D cinema through collecting content with a mobile phone (JH, MP, SS, FA, KG, AS), pp. 1011–1020.
CHI-2014-JuhlinEO #video- Long tail TV revisited: from ordinary camera phone use to pro-am video production (OJ, AE, EÖ), pp. 1325–1334.
CHI-2014-MeschtscherjakovWT #mobile- Mobile attachment causes and consequences for emotional bonding with mobile phones (AM, DW, MT), pp. 2317–2326.
CHI-2014-PedersenSH #scalability #using- Is my phone alive?: a large-scale study of shape change in handheld devices using videos (EWP, SS, KH), pp. 2579–2588.
CHI-2014-RenLL #mobile #named- InkAnchor: enhancing informal ink-based note taking on touchscreen mobile phones (YR, YL, EL), pp. 1123–1132.
CHI-2014-WinklerLDKR #interactive #mobile #multi #named- SurfacePhone: a mobile projection device for single- and multiuser everywhere tabletop interaction (CW, ML, DD, AK, ER), pp. 3513–3522.
DUXU-DI-2014-ShafiqICRAAR #analysis #case study #learning #smarttech #usability #user satisfaction #what- To What Extent System Usability Effects User Satisfaction: A Case Study of Smart Phone Features Analysis for Learning of Novice (MS, MI, JGC, ZR, MA, WA, SR), pp. 346–357.
HCI-AIMT-2014-TsurudaHYI #mobile #using- Emotion Transmission System Using a Cellular Phone-Type Teleoperated Robot with a Mobile Projector (YT, MH, HY, YI), pp. 707–714.
HCI-AS-2014-FacanhaVPCS #mobile #people #visual notation- Touchscreen Mobile Phones Virtual Keyboarding for People with Visual Disabilities (ARF, WV, MCP, MdBC, JS), pp. 134–145.
HCI-AS-2014-MaguireT #comparison #mobile- Comparison Test of Website Use with Mobile Phone and Laptop Computer (MM, MT), pp. 146–154.
ICPR-2014-NeumannHKKB #classification #image- Erosion Band Features for Cell Phone Image Based Plant Disease Classification (MN, LH, BK, KK, CB), pp. 3315–3320.
ICPR-2014-SinghCVJ #mobile #recognition- Currency Recognition on Mobile Phones (SS, SC, KV, CVJ), pp. 2661–2666.
SAC-2014-AdibuzzamanAL #monitoring #personalisation #smarttech #using- A personalized model for monitoring vital signs using camera of the smart phone (MA, SIA, RL), pp. 444–449.
SAC-2014-AminikhanghahiWSSJ #effectiveness #feature model #smarttech- Effective tumor feature extraction for smart phone based microwave tomography breast cancer screening (SA, WW, SYS, SHS, SIJ), pp. 674–679.
SAC-2014-MengWK #adaptation #authentication #design #mobile- Design of touch dynamics based user authentication with an adaptive mechanism on mobile phones (YM, DSW, LfK), pp. 1680–1687.
SAC-2014-PalVCS #detection #smarttech #using- Improved heart rate detection using smart phone (AP, AV, ADC, AS), pp. 8–13.
ASE-2013-HolderSDT #android #execution- Cloud Twin: Native execution of android applications on the Windows Phone (EH, ES, MD, ET), pp. 598–603.
DAC-2013-GeierBYDSGC #exclamation- Let’s put the car in your phone! (MG, MB, DY, BD, RS, DG, SC), p. 2.
ICDAR-2013-CutterM #documentation #image #realtime- Real Time Camera Phone Guidance for Compliant Document Image Acquisition without Sight (MPC, RM), pp. 408–412.
CHI-2013-CassidyAR #game studies #mobile #using- Using an open card sort with children to categorize games in a mobile phone application store (BC, DSA, JCR), pp. 2287–2290.
CHI-2013-GomesNV13a #case study #flexibility #named #smarttech- MorePhone: a study of actuated shape deformations for flexible thin-film smartphone notifications (AG, AN, RV), pp. 583–592.
CHI-2013-KaufmannA #interactive #memory management #navigation #performance- Studying spatial memory and map navigation performance on projector phones with peephole interaction (BK, DA), pp. 3173–3176.
CHI-2013-KujalaM #case study #experience #mobile #usability- Emotions, experiences and usability in real-life mobile phone use (SK, TMS), pp. 1061–1070.
CHI-2013-LawsonJGLKVRM #metric #mobile #validation- Validating a mobile phone application for the everyday, unobtrusive, objective measurement of sleep (SWL, SJP, AG, CL, EK, SV, DR, KM), pp. 2497–2506.
CHI-2013-ParkBN- The roles of touch during phone conversations: long-distance couples’ use of POKE in their homes (YP, KMB, TJN), pp. 1679–1688.
CHI-2013-WieseSB #mobile #named- Phoneprioception: enabling mobile phones to infer where they are kept (JW, TSS, AJBB), pp. 2157–2166.
CHI-2013-WycheM #mobile- Powering the cellphone revolution: findings from mobile phone charging trials in off-grid Kenya (SW, LLM), pp. 1959–1968.
CSCW-2013-SaketPHZ #design #effectiveness #interface #mobile- Designing an effective vibration-based notification interface for mobile phones (BS, CP, YH, SZ), pp. 1499–1504.
DUXU-PMT-2013-ZhangD #analysis #interactive- User-Mobile Phone Interactions: A Postphenomenology Analysis (BZ, HD), pp. 171–180.
DUXU-WM-2013-Iitaka #using- ARS Module of Contents Management System Using Cell Phones (TI), pp. 682–690.
DUXU-WM-2013-Komischke #case study #design #smarttech #user interface- 9/11 Memorial App: A Case Study of Serious Smart Phone UX Design (TK), pp. 691–695.
HCI-AS-2013-KroesS #mobile #persuasion #using- Empowering Young Adolescents to Choose the Healthy Lifestyle: A Persuasive Intervention Using Mobile Phones (LK, SS), pp. 117–126.
HCI-III-2013-GronliGH #adaptation #android #user interface- Sensor-Based Adaptation of User Interface on Android Phones (TMG, GG, JH), pp. 56–61.
HCI-III-2013-TsurudaHYI #generative #mobile #using- Generation of Facial Expression Emphasized with Cartoon Techniques Using a Cellular-Phone-Type Teleoperated Robot with a Mobile Projector (YT, MH, HY, YI), pp. 391–400.
HIMI-HSM-2013-SakuradaH #interface #physics #using- A New Presence Display System Using Physical Interface Running on IP-Phones (TS, YH), pp. 411–420.
ICEIS-v3-2013-GoncalvesSNU #flexibility #framework #mobile #named #user interface- Flexinterface: A Framework to Provide Flexible Mobile Phone User Interfaces — Addressing the Elderly Diversity (VPG, SS, VPdAN, JU), pp. 143–150.
SEKE-2013-AgrawalT #locality #smarttech- Smart Phone Based Indoor Pedestrian Localization System (S) (LA, DT), pp. 283–286.
SAC-2013-KannanMDS #navigation #predict #using- Predictive indoor navigation using commercial smart-phones (BK, FM, MBD, KPS), pp. 519–525.
ICSE-2013-NguyenCT #debugging #named #visual notation- GROPG: a graphical on-phone debugger (TAN, CC, NT), pp. 1189–1192.
CHI-2012-KjeldskovSPP #case study #mobile #using- Using mobile phones to support sustainability: a field study of residential electricity consumption (JK, MBS, JP, RP), pp. 2347–2356.
CHI-2012-ParkBN #how #question- How do couples use CheekTouch over phone calls? (YP, SHB, TJN), pp. 763–766.
CHI-2012-RofoueiWBT #interactive #multi- Your phone or mine?: fusing body, touch and device sensing for multi-user device-display interaction (MR, ADW, AJBB, ST), pp. 1915–1918.
CHI-2012-SchwarzKHDW #ad hoc #mobile #scalability #using- Phone as a pixel: enabling ad-hoc, large-scale displays using mobile devices (JS, DK, CH, PD, AW), pp. 2235–2238.
CHI-2012-VardoulakisKMSGT #mobile #using- Using mobile phones to present medical information to hospital patients (LPV, AKK, DM, GS, JG, DST), pp. 1411–1420.
CSCW-2012-OregliaK #mobile- A gift from the city: mobile phones in rural China (EO, JK), pp. 137–146.
CIKM-2012-KummamuruJD #generative #navigation- Generating facets for phone-based navigation of structured data (KK, AJ, MD), pp. 1283–1292.
ICPR-2012-ArthMS #locality #mobile- Exploiting sensors on mobile phones to improve wide-area localization (CA, AM, DS), pp. 2152–2156.
SEKE-2012-Lozano-FuentesGBSEWHGT #using- Using Cell Phones for Mosquito Vector Surveillance and Control (SLF, SG, JMB, DS, LE, FW, EHG, JGR, DTC), pp. 763–767.
DRR-2011-LiuZ #image #mobile #using- Segmenting texts from outdoor images taken by mobile phones using color features (ZL, HZ), pp. 1–10.
ICDAR-2011-DuHSS #using- Snap and Translate Using Windows Phone (JD, QH, LS, JS), pp. 809–813.
ICDAR-2011-ZouLLW #mobile- Overlapped Handwriting Input on Mobile Phones (YZ, YL, YL, KW), pp. 369–373.
CHI-2011-BahamondezWS #education #mobile #multi- Utilizing multimedia capabilities of mobile phones to support teaching in schools in rural panama (EdCVB, CW, AS), pp. 935–944.
CHI-2011-ChangL #framework #migration #mobile #using- Deep shot: a framework for migrating tasks across devices using mobile phone cameras (THC, YL), pp. 2163–2172.
CHI-2011-CowanL #interactive #mobile #named #using- ShadowPuppets: supporting collocated interaction with mobile projector phones using hand shadows (LGC, KAL), pp. 2707–2716.
CHI-2011-GrandhiSJ #mobile- Telling calls: facilitating mobile phone conversation grounding and management (SAG, RPS, QJ), pp. 2153–2162.
CHI-2011-HutamaSFG #correlation #interactive #multi #using- Distinguishing multiple smart-phone interactions on a multi-touch wall display using tilt correlation (WH, PS, CWF, WBG), pp. 3315–3318.
CHI-2011-IqbalHJM #exclamation- Hang on a sec!: effects of proactive mediation of phone conversations while driving (STI, EH, YCJ, EM), pp. 463–472.
CHI-2011-LaheyGBV #comprehension #flexibility #gesture #mobile #named- PaperPhone: understanding the use of bend gestures in mobile devices with flexible electronic paper displays (BL, AG, WB, RV), pp. 1303–1312.
CHI-2011-LeeD #functional- Reflecting on pills and phone use: supporting awareness of functional abilities for older adults (MLL, AKD), pp. 2095–2104.
CHI-2011-LuceroHJ #collaboration #mobile #named- Pass-them-around: collaborative use of mobile phones for photo sharing (AL, JH, TJ), pp. 1787–1796.
CHI-2011-MatthewsD #mobile #using- In the mood: engaging teenagers in psychotherapy using mobile phones (MM, GD), pp. 2947–2956.
CHI-2011-OlwalLZ #mobile #named #personalisation- OldGen: mobile phone personalization for older adults (AO, DL, EZ), pp. 3393–3396.
CHI-2011-SambasivanWC #design- Designing a phone broadcasting system for urban sex workers in India (NS, JW, EC), pp. 267–276.
CHI-2011-ShiraziRSKMS #mobile #realtime- Real-time nonverbal opinion sharing through mobile phones during sports events (ASS, MR, RS, SGK, AM, AS), pp. 307–310.
CHI-2011-SuzukiBYJNAF #mobile #modelling- Variation in importance of time-on-task with familiarity with mobile phone models (SS, VB, NY, BEJ, YN, TA, SF), pp. 2551–2554.
CHI-2011-WoelferIHFG #mobile #people #safety- Improving the safety of homeless young people with mobile phones: values, form and function (JPW, AI, DGH, BF, BTG), pp. 1707–1716.
CSCW-2011-FanLZTSW #game studies #gesture #social #using- Surprise Grabber: a co-located tangible social game using phone hand gesture (MF, XL, YZ, LT, YS, HW), pp. 625–628.
DUXU-v1-2011-HongK #guidelines #mobile #smarttech #usability #web- Mobile Web Usability: Developing Guidelines for Mobile Web via Smart Phones (SH, SCK), pp. 564–572.
DUXU-v1-2011-KashiwaseKKFYJ #mobile- Comparisons on Kansei Factors of Attractiveness between Initial and Long Term Use of Mobile Phone (NK, KK, HK, SF, MY, HJ), pp. 593–601.
DUXU-v1-2011-KisoKKYJF #mobile #usability- Clarification of Kansei Elements of Attractiveness Related to Usability for Long Term Mobile Phone Users (HK, NK, KK, MY, HJ, SF), pp. 602–610.
DUXU-v1-2011-TurnerC #interface #question- Phone Use and Aging: Do Spatial Interface Metaphors Help? (MT, RC), pp. 678–686.
DUXU-v1-2011-YamagishiJKKF #mobile- Proposal for Indices to Assess Attractiveness on Initial Use of Mobile Phones (MY, HJ, KK, HK, SF), pp. 696–705.
HCD-2011-FujitaK #design #development #interface #mobile- Design and Development of Eyes- and Hands-Free Voice Interface for Mobile Phone (KF, TK), pp. 207–216.
HCD-2011-ImJY #design #development #mobile- Guideline Development of Mobile Phone Design for Preventing Child Abuse (JI, ECJ, JY), pp. 243–252.
HCI-ITE-2011-GronliHG #adaptation #android- Integrated Context-Aware and Cloud-Based Adaptive Home Screens for Android Phones (TMG, JH, GG), pp. 427–435.
HCI-MIIE-2011-HondaSN #process #recognition #risk management- Activity Recognition for Risk Management with Installed Sensor in Smart and Cell Phone (DH, NS, SN), pp. 230–239.
HCI-MIIE-2011-JangLK #named #smarttech- CornerPen: Smart Phone Is the Pen (BgJ, ML, GJK), pp. 76–83.
HCI-UA-2011-BellegoBBT #smarttech #using- Using a Smart Phone for Information Rendering in Computer-Aided Surgery (GLB, MB, IB, JT), pp. 202–209.
SAC-2011-KimuraEFYN #behaviour #detection #motivation #named #persuasion #smarttech #using- iDetective: a persuasive application to motivate healthier behavior using smart phone (HK, JE, YF, AY, TN), pp. 399–404.
SAC-2011-MaioranaCGN #authentication #mobile- Keystroke dynamics authentication for mobile phones (EM, PC, NGC, AN), pp. 21–26.
SAC-2011-SohrMN #aspect-oriented #mobile #security- Software security aspects of Java-based mobile phones (KS, TM, AN), pp. 1494–1501.
SAC-2011-TsaiCHH #api #mobile #reduction #rest- Transmission reduction between mobile phone applications and RESTful APIs (CLT, HWC, JLH, CLH), pp. 445–450.
SAC-2011-ZhaoGFC #approach #predict #smarttech- A system context-aware approach for battery lifetime prediction in smart phones (XZ, YG, QF, XC), pp. 641–646.
DAC-2010-JohnR #smarttech- Smart phone power (JJ, CR), pp. 935–936.
ICALP-v2-2010-BerenbrinkCEG #performance #random- Efficient Information Exchange in the Random Phone-Call Model (PB, JC, RE, LG), pp. 127–138.
CHI-2010-IlinkinK #case study #evaluation #mobile- Evaluation of text entry methods for Korean mobile phones, a user study (II, SK), pp. 2023–2026.
CHI-2010-LiaoLLW #fine-grained #gesture #hybrid #interactive #named- Pacer: fine-grained interactive paper via camera-touch hybrid gestures on a cell phone (CL, QL, BL, LW), pp. 2441–2450.
CHI-2010-LiuR #mobile #predict- Predicting Chinese text entry speeds on mobile phones (YL, KJR), pp. 2183–2192.
CHI-2010-QuinnT #effectiveness #independence #performance #usability- Attractive phones don’t have to work better: independent effects of attractiveness, effectiveness, and efficiency on perceived usability (JMQ, TQT), pp. 353–362.
CHI-2010-Weilenmann #how #interactive #learning #mobile- Learning to text: an interaction analytic study of how an interaction analytic study of how seniors learn to enter text on mobile phones (AW), pp. 1135–1144.
ICPR-2010-DehzangiMCL #classification #fuzzy #using- Framewise Phone Classification Using Weighted Fuzzy Classification Rules (OD, BM, EC, HL), pp. 4186–4189.
ICPR-2010-DuanKWCSQ #comparison- Comparison of Syllable/Phone HMM Based Mandarin TTS (QD, SK, ZW, LC, ZS, YQ), pp. 4496–4499.
ICPR-2010-Gonzalez-CaravacaTP- Phone-Conditioned Suboptimal Wiener Filtering (GGC, DTT, MP), pp. 4480–4483.
SAC-2010-RieckSLHL #detection #named- Botzilla: detecting the “phoning home” of malicious software (KR, GS, TL, TH, PL), pp. 1978–1984.
DATE-2009-Berkel #manycore #mobile- Multi-core for mobile phones (CHvB), pp. 1260–1265.
VLDB-2009-SarigolRSA #ad hoc #mobile #network #social- Enabling social networking in ad hoc networks of mobile phones (ES, OR, PS, GA), pp. 1634–1637.
CHI-2009-KarlsonBS #comprehension #mobile- Can I borrow your phone?: understanding concerns when sharing mobile phones (AKK, AJBB, SES), pp. 1647–1650.
CHI-2009-NylanderLB #internet #people #why- At home and with computer access: why and where people use cell phones to access the internet (SN, TL, AB), pp. 1639–1642.
CHI-2009-TakayamaSLWCNN #design #mobile- Bringing design considerations to the mobile phone and driving debate (LT, JAGS, BL, NW, AC, AN, CN), pp. 1643–1646.
HCD-2009-HashizumeKY #communication #difference- Regional Difference in the Use of Cell Phone and Other Communication Media among Senior Users (AH, MK, TY), pp. 426–435.
HCD-2009-KimJK #mobile- User Needs of Mobile Phone Wireless Search: Focusing on Search Result Pages (YJK, SJJ, MJK), pp. 446–451.
HCD-2009-LinHS #design #interface #mobile- Exploring the Interface Design of Mobile Phone for the Elderly (CJL, TLH, WJS), pp. 476–481.
HCD-2009-LoveHA #case study #design #industrial #mobile #process #requirements- Accommodating Real User and Organisational Requirements in the Human Centered Design Process: A Case Study from the Mobile Phone Industry (SL, PH, MA), pp. 758–764.
HCI-AUII-2009-Anupam #named #web- TringIt: Easy Triggering of Web Actions from a Phone (VA), pp. 11–20.
HCI-AUII-2009-KimPS #3d #design- Menu Design in Cell Phones: Use of 3D Menus (KK, RWP, GS), pp. 48–57.
HCI-AUII-2009-SuzukiNABYF #comparison #empirical #interactive #mobile #modelling #sequence- Empirical Comparison of Task Completion Time between Mobile Phone Models with Matched Interaction Sequences (SS, YN, TA, VB, NY, SF), pp. 114–122.
HCI-NT-2009-RajK #agile #consistency #design pattern #interactive #library #mobile #named #process #user interface- RUCID: Rapid Usable Consistent Interaction Design Patterns-Based Mobile Phone UI Design Library, Process and Tool (AR, VK), pp. 677–686.
HCI-NT-2009-Ryu #automation #evaluation #mobile #usability- Mobile Phone Usability Questionnaire (MPUQ) and Automated Usability Evaluation (YSR), pp. 349–351.
HCI-VAD-2009-SaitoMQS #development #education #mobile- Development of a Simulator of Abacus: Ancient Analog Calculator on a Mobile Phone as a Teaching Material (KS, YM, VQ, HS), pp. 204–208.
HIMI-II-2009-OmoriHWMM #mobile #readability- Influence of Vertical Length of Characters on Readability in Mobile Phones (MO, SH, TW, SM, MM), pp. 430–438.
HIMI-II-2009-WatanabeOHMM #mobile #using- Usefulness of Mobile Information Provision Systems Using Graphic Text -Visibility of Graphic Text on Mobile Phones (TW, MO, SH, SM, MM), pp. 476–485.
IDGD-2009-EuneL #behaviour #difference #mobile- Cultural Dimensions in User Preferences and Behaviors of Mobile Phones and Interpretation of National Cultural Differences (JE, KPL), pp. 29–38.
IDGD-2009-RangaswamyS #mobile #personalisation- Personalizing the Shared Mobile Phone (NR, SS), pp. 395–403.
OCSC-2009-ReisBM #education #interface #mobile- Mobile Phone Interfaces for Informal Education (JCdR, RB, MCM), pp. 515–524.
RecSys-2009-QuerciaC #mobile #named #recommendation #using- FriendSensing: recommending friends using mobile phones (DQ, LC), pp. 273–276.
FM-2008-KuritaCN #development #mobile #specification- Application of a Formal Specification Language in the Development of the “Mobile FeliCa” IC Chip Firmware for Embedding in Mobile Phone (TK, MC, YN), pp. 425–429.
CHI-2008-HuangT #design #interactive #mobile #paradigm- Breaking the disposable technology paradigm: opportunities for sustainable interaction design for mobile phones (EMH, KNT), pp. 323–332.
CHI-2008-LiBH #mobile #named- Blindsight: eyes-free access to mobile phones (KAL, PB, KH), pp. 1389–1398.
CHI-2008-RohsO #lens- Target acquisition with camera phones when used as magic lenses (MR, AO), pp. 1409–1418.
ICPR-2008-WachenfeldTJ #recognition #robust #using- Robust recognition of 1-D barcodes using camera phones (SW, ST, XJ), pp. 1–4.
SAC-2008-Hosokawa #mobile- A location-aware information browser implemented on BREW-based mobile phones (YH), pp. 1878–1883.
ICDAR-2007-YinSNFFKT #documentation #image #mobile #multi- A Multi-Stage Strategy to Perspective Rectification for Mobile Phone Camera-Based Document Images (XCY, JS, SN, KF, YF, KK, HT), pp. 574–578.
CHI-2007-BallagasMRB #interface #mobile #prototype #ubiquitous- iStuff mobile: rapidly prototyping new mobile phone interfaces for ubiquitous computing (RB, FM, RR, JOB), pp. 1107–1116.
CHI-2007-HachetPTG #agile #mobile- “Jump and refine” for rapid pointing on mobile phones (MH, JP, FT, PG), pp. 167–170.
CHI-2007-HolleisOHS #interactive #mobile- Keystroke-level model for advanced mobile phone interaction (PH, FO, HH, AS), pp. 1505–1514.
CHI-2007-LandgrenN #case study #interactive #mobile- A study of emergency response work: patterns of mobile phone interaction (JL, UN), pp. 1323–1332.
CHI-2007-WobbrockCM #mobile- An alternative to push, press, and tap-tap-tap: gesturing on an isometric joystick for mobile phone text entry (JOW, DHC, BAM), pp. 667–676.
HCI-AS-2007-Toussaint #design #generative #user interface- With User Interface Design from Socio-Cultural Trend to a Innovative Office Phone Generation (CT), pp. 771–777.
HCI-IDU-2007-AsanoSSWGR #design #mobile #web- Tips for Designing Mobile Phone Web Pages for the Elderly (YA, HS, HS, LW, QG, PLPR), pp. 675–680.
HCI-IDU-2007-Lee #design #interface #usability- Usability Test for Cellular Phone Interface Design That Controls Home Appliances (HL), pp. 891–900.
HCI-IPT-2007-ChungCHL #gender #mobile #recognition- The Effects of Gender Culture on Mobile Phone Icon Recognition (SC, CC, XH, JJL), pp. 252–259.
HCI-IPT-2007-HamHFWPSB #mobile #modelling #usability- Model-Based Approaches to Quantifying the Usability of Mobile Phones (DHH, JH, PF, WW, SP, CS, MB), pp. 288–297.
HCI-IPT-2007-Hinske #implementation #mobile- Pulling Digital Data from a Smart Object: Implementing the PullMe-Paradigm with a Mobile Phone (SH), pp. 306–310.
HCI-IPT-2007-HuaP #data access #mobile- WAP Access Methods on Mobile Phones (ZH, CYP), pp. 320–325.
HCI-IPT-2007-JeonKB #mobile #using- Interacting with a Tabletop Display Using a Camera Equipped Mobile Phone (SJ, GJK, MB), pp. 336–343.
HCI-IPT-2007-KimC #behaviour #comprehension- Understanding Camera Phone Imaging: Motivations, Behaviors and Meanings (GK, WC), pp. 374–383.
HCI-IPT-2007-KimJPNC #design #evaluation #mobile- Application of a Universal Design Evaluation Index to Mobile Phones (MK, ESJ, SP, JN, JC), pp. 364–373.
HCI-IPT-2007-KimL07a #comprehension #development #interactive #mobile- Development of Interactive Logger for Understanding User’s Interaction with Mobile Phone (DK, KPL), pp. 394–400.
HCI-IPT-2007-LeeP #mobile- An Improved Model to Evaluate Menu Hierarchies for Mobile Phones (JL, DP), pp. 401–407.
HCI-IPT-2007-ParkHS #design #effectiveness #multi- To Effective Multi-modal Design for Ringtones, Ringback Tones and Vibration of Cell Phones (TP, WH, GS), pp. 429–437.
HCI-IPT-2007-ReponenLI #mobile #social #video- Mobile Phone Video Camera in Social Context (ER, JL, JI), pp. 460–469.
HCI-IPT-2007-YoshidaMS #interactive #mobile #using #visual notation- Mobile Magic Hand: Camera Phone Based Interaction Using Visual Code and Optical Flow (YY, KM, TS), pp. 513–521.
HIMI-IIE-2007-HasegawaOFM #mobile #readability- Readability of Characters on Liquid Crystal Displays in Mobile Phones (SH, MO, KF, MM), pp. 510–517.
HIMI-IIE-2007-KimCE07a #generative #mobile #user interface- Dynamic Cell Phone UI Generation for Mobile Agents (GSK, HjC, YIE), pp. 563–571.
HIMI-IIE-2007-MiyaoSHFTO #mobile #multi- Multilingual Disaster Information for Mobile Phones in Japan (MM, KS, SH, KF, ST, KO), pp. 592–599.
HIMI-IIE-2007-OmoriHFM #evaluation #mobile #visual notation- Visibility Evaluation of Characters on Liquid Crystal Displays in Mobile Phones, and Visual Function (MO, SH, KF, MM), pp. 600–607.
HIMI-IIE-2007-WakitaAT #metric #mobile #prototype #using- Methodology for Constructing a Prototype Site for Finding Employment SPI Measures Using Mobile Phones (SW, MA, TT), pp. 983–993.
HIMI-MTT-2007-ParkK07a #case study #effectiveness #mobile- A Case Study on Effective Application of Inquiry Methods to Find Out Mobile Phone’s New Function (SP, YK), pp. 163–170.
OCSC-2007-AokiYS #information management- Disaster-Response Information Sharing System Based on Cellular Phone with GPS (MA, SY, KiS), pp. 250–255.
SAC-2007-ShriramS #adaptation #architecture #information management #middleware #mobile- Adaptive middleware architecture for information sharing on mobile phones (RS, VS), pp. 800–804.
TestCom-FATES-2007-KawakamiKRBPSS #automation #framework #mobile #object-oriented #reuse #testing- An Object-Oriented Framework for Improving Software Reuse on Automated Testing of Mobile Phones (LK, AK, DR, DB, OP, RPeS, LCVdS), pp. 199–211.
CHI-2006-LudfordFRWT #functional- Because I carry my cell phone anyway: functional location-based reminder applications (PJL, DF, KR, KW, LGT), pp. 889–898.
CHI-2006-ParikhJSGT #approach #documentation #mobile- Mobile phones and paper documents: evaluating a new approach for capturing microfinance data in rural India (TSP, PJ, KS, KG, KT), pp. 551–560.
CHI-2006-RotoPKV #mobile #named #visualisation #web- Minimap: a web page visualization method for mobile phones (VR, AP, AK, EV), pp. 35–44.
CSCW-2006-FonoC #collaboration #composition #game studies #mobile #multi #named #social- Sandboxes: supporting social play through collaborative multimedia composition on mobile phones (DF, SC), pp. 163–166.
ICEIS-ISAS-2006-Weghorn #internet #network- Technology for Least-Cost Network Routing via Bluetooth and its Practical Application — Replacing Internet Access through Wireless Phone Networks by BT Data Links (HW), pp. 394–402.
ICDAR-2005-KogaMKTYY- Camera-based Kanji OCR for Mobile-phones: Practical Issues (MK, RM, TK, TT, MY, TY), pp. 635–639.
CSMR-2004-Rosso #architecture #lessons learnt #mobile #performance #process #product line- The Process of and the Lessons Learned from Performance Tuning of a Product Family Software Architecture for Mobile Phones (CDR), pp. 270–278.
CHI-2004-AmantHR #evaluation #interactive #modelling- Model-based evaluation of cell phone menu interaction (RSA, TEH, FER), pp. 343–350.
CHI-2004-LyonsSPFLDL #mobile #type system- Twiddler typing: one-handed chording text entry for mobile phones (KL, TS, DP, JF, AL, AD, EWL), pp. 671–678.
CHI-2004-PavlovychS- Model for non-expert text entry speed on 12-button phone keypads (AP, WS), pp. 351–358.
CHI-2004-WigdorB #comparison #concurrent #mobile- A comparison of consecutive and concurrent input text entry techniques for mobile phones (DW, RB), pp. 81–88.
ICPR-v3-2004-PigeauG #image #incremental #statistics- Incremental Statistical Geo-Temporal Structuring of a Personal Camera Phone Image Collection (AP, MG), pp. 878–881.
RE-2004-Minakata #embedded #mobile #requirements #ubiquitous- Requirements for Ubiquitous/Embedded Products — Digital TV, Mobile Phones and Consumer Products (IM), p. 3.
SAC-2004-LiLZW #mobile #named- MIRES: an information exchange system for mobile phones (QL, XL, JZ, WL), pp. 1196–1200.
LCTES-2004-AntochiJVL #3d #benchmark #metric #mobile #named- GraalBench: a 3D graphics benchmark suite for mobile phones (IA, BHHJ, SV, PL), pp. 1–9.
CHI-2003-BergTH #design #generative #mobile- Mobile phones for the next generation: device designs for teenagers (SB, AST, RHRH), pp. 433–440.
ESEC-FSE-2003-RanL #architecture #mobile #runtime- Making sense of runtime architecture for mobile phone software (AR, RL), pp. 367–370.
CHI-2002-TaylorH #case study #mobile- Age-old practices in the “new world”: a study of gift-giving between teenage mobile phone users (AST, RHRH), pp. 439–446.
ICPR-v3-2002-AnquetilB #integration #online #recognition #smarttech- Integration of an On-Line Handwriting Recognition System in a Smart Phone Device (ÉA, HB), pp. 192–194.
ICPR-v3-2002-KurozumiKM #information retrieval #music #robust- A Robust Audio Searching Method for Cellular-Phone-Based Music Information Retrieval (TK, KK, HM), pp. 991–994.
CHI-2001-BlySN #mobile- Quiet calls: talking silently on mobile phones (SAB, TS, LN), pp. 174–187.
CHI-2001-BuyukkoktenGP #summary- Accordion summarization for end-game browsing on PDAs and cellular phones (OB, HGM, AP), pp. 213–220.
ICEIS-v2-2001-Weghorn #email #mobile- Notification and Routing of Electronic Mail to Mobile Phone Devices (HW), p. 1188–?.
CHI-2000-SilfverbergMK #mobile #predict- Predicting text entry speed on mobile phones (MS, ISM, PK), pp. 9–16.
CSCW-2000-PalenSY #behaviour #mobile- Going wireless: behavior & practice of new mobile phone users (LP, MCS, EY), pp. 201–210.
HCI-CCAD-1999-GoldsteinAB #effectiveness #evaluation #navigation #prototype #smarttech #usability- Usability evaluation of a high-fidelity smart phone prototype: task navigation depth affects effectiveness (MG, MA, RB), pp. 38–42.
TACAS-1998-RegensburgerB #mobile #verification- Formal Verification of SDL Systems at the Siemens Mobile Phone Department (FR, AB), pp. 439–455.
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CSCW-1992-Resnick #framework #named- HyperVoice: A Phone-Based CSCW Platform (PR), pp. 218–225.
CHI-1989-Halstead-Nussloch #design #interface- The design of phone-based interfaces for consumers (RHN), pp. 347–352.
SLP-1986-ArmstrongEV86 #logic programming #problem- The Phoning Philosopher’s Problem or Logic Programming for Telecommunications Applications (JLA, NAE, RV), pp. 28–33.