78 papers:
DAC-2015-EspinosaHAAR #analysis #correlation #robust #set #verification- Analysis and RTL correlation of instruction set simulators for automotive microcontroller robustness verification (JE, CH, JA, DdA, JCR), p. 6.
DATE-2015-BombieriFPS #abstraction #verification- RTL property abstraction for TLM assertion-based verification (NB, RF, GP, FS), pp. 85–90.
DAC-2014-AthavaleMHV #analysis #source code #test coverage #using- Code Coverage of Assertions Using RTL Source Code Analysis (VA, SM, SH, SV), p. 6.
DATE-2014-PapadimitriouHBML #clustering #fault #injection #modelling #multi #towards- A multiple fault injection methodology based on cone partitioning towards RTL modeling of laser attacks (AP, DH, VB, PM, RL), pp. 1–4.
DATE-2014-SinghSWPWC #analysis #specification- Cross-correlation of specification and RTL for soft IP analysis (BPS, AS, FGW, CAP, DJW, SC), pp. 1–6.
DAC-2013-BombieriLFC #c++ #synthesis- A method to abstract RTL IP blocks into C++ code and enable high-level synthesis (NB, HYL, FF, LPC), p. 9.
DATE-2013-HeLLHY #streaming #synthesis- Utilizing voltage-frequency islands in C-to-RTL synthesis for streaming applications (XH, SL, YL, XSH, HY), pp. 992–995.
DAC-2012-KumarBKV #analysis #predict #source code #using- Early prediction of NBTI effects using RTL source code analysis (JAK, KMB, HK, SV), pp. 808–813.
DAC-2012-UrdahlSWK #abstraction #composition #concurrent #verification- System verification of concurrent RTL modules by compositional path predicate abstraction (JU, DS, MW, WK), pp. 334–343.
DATE-2012-BombieriFG #fault #framework #functional #named #simulation #verification- FAST-GP: An RTL functional verification framework based on fault simulation on GP-GPUs (NB, FF, VG), pp. 562–565.
DATE-2012-ChangCM #analysis- RTL analysis and modifications for improving at-speed test (KHC, HZC, ILM), pp. 400–405.
DATE-2012-VyagrheswaruduDR #framework #interactive #named #optimisation- PowerAdviser: An RTL power platform for interactive sequential optimizations (NV, SD, AR), pp. 550–553.
TACAS-2012-YehWH #design #framework #named #open source #synthesis #towards #verification- QuteRTL: Towards an Open Source Framework for RTL Design Synthesis and Verification (HHY, CYW, CY(H), pp. 377–391.
DATE-2011-LiuV #analysis #generative #performance #source code #validation- Efficient validation input generation in RTL by hybridized source code analysis (LL, SV), pp. 1596–1601.
DAC-2010-BombieriFP #abstraction #embedded- Abstraction of RTL IPs into embedded software (NB, FF, GP), pp. 24–29.
DATE-2010-ChouYCDK #case study #design #nondeterminism #scalability- Finding reset nondeterminism in RTL designs — scalable X-analysis methodology and case study (HZC, HY, KHC, DD, SYK), pp. 1494–1499.
DATE-2009-BombieriFPV #generative- Correct-by-construction generation of device drivers based on RTL testbenches (NB, FF, GP, SV), pp. 1500–1505.
DATE-2009-KoelblJJP #equivalence- Solver technology for system-level to RTL equivalence checking (AK, RJ, HJ, CP), pp. 196–201.
DAC-2008-Beers #experience #verification- Pre-RTL formal verification: an intel experience (RB), pp. 806–811.
DAC-2008-Ng #challenge #modelling #using #verification- Challenges in using system-level models for RTL verification (KN), pp. 812–815.
DAC-2008-UrardMGC #equivalence- Leveraging sequential equivalence checking to enable system-level to RTL flows (PU, AM, RG, NC), pp. 816–821.
DATE-2008-BombieriDF #automation #design #generative- Integrating RTL IPs into TLM Designs Through Automatic Transactor Generation (NB, ND, FF), pp. 15–20.
DAC-2007-DengBWYZ #named #performance #satisfiability #using- EHSAT: An Efficient RTL Satisfiability Solver Using an Extended DPLL Procedure (SD, JB, WW, XY, YZ), pp. 588–593.
DAC-2007-KasuyaT #design #verification- Verification Methodologies in a TLM-to-RTL Design Flow (AK, TT), pp. 199–204.
DAC-2007-KoelblBP #equivalence #memory management #modelling- Memory Modeling in ESL-RTL Equivalence Checking (AK, JRB, CP), pp. 205–209.
DAC-2007-MathurK #design #modelling #verification- Design for Verification in System-level Models and RTL (AM, VK), pp. 193–198.
DATE-2007-BombieriFP #design #functional #incremental #refinement #validation- Incremental ABV for functional validation of TL-to-RTL design refinement (NB, FF, GP), pp. 882–887.
DATE-2007-KroeningS #image #interactive #proving #refinement #using #word- Interactive presentation: Image computation and predicate refinement for RTL verilog using word level proofs (DK, NS), pp. 1325–1330.
DATE-2007-Naumann #design #evolution #question- Keynote address: Was Darwin wrong? Has design evolution stopped at the RTL level... or will software and custom processors (or system-level design) extend Moore’s law? (AN), p. 2.
CAV-2007-Russinoff #approach #verification- A Mathematical Approach to RTL Verification (DMR), p. 2.
DAC-2006-BruceHNBRL #consistency #design #maintenance- Maintaining consistency between systemC and RTL system designs (ACB, MMKH, AN, SB, NR, CKL), pp. 85–89.
DAC-2006-FengH #equivalence #verification- Early cutpoint insertion for high-level software vs. RTL formal combinational equivalence verification (XF, AJH), pp. 1063–1068.
DAC-2006-Swan #modelling #transaction #verification- SystemC transaction level models and RTL verification (SS), pp. 90–92.
DATE-2006-BombieriFP #evaluation #on the #reuse #verification- On the evaluation of transactor-based verification for reusing TLM assertions and testbenches at RTL (NB, FF, GP), pp. 1007–1012.
DATE-2006-ViswanathAJ #automation #pipes and filters #power management- Automatic insertion of low power annotations in RTL for pipelined microprocessors (VV, JAA, WAHJ), pp. 496–501.
DAC-2005-JainKSC #abstraction #refinement #verification #word- Word level predicate abstraction and refinement for verifying RTL verilog (HJ, DK, NS, EMC), pp. 445–450.
DAC-2005-ParthasarathyICB #learning- Structural search for RTL with predicate learning (GP, MKI, KTC, FB), pp. 451–456.
DATE-2005-IyerPC #constraints #learning #performance #theorem proving- Efficient Conflict-Based Learning in an RTL Circuit Constraint Solver (MKI, GP, KTC), pp. 666–671.
DATE-2005-ZhaoG #semantics- Defining an Enhanced RTL Semantics (SZ, DDG), pp. 548–553.
DATE-DF-2004-SchliebuschCLAMSBN #architecture #implementation #synthesis- RTL Processor Synthesis for Architecture Exploration and Implementation (OS, AC, RL, GA, HM, MS, GB, AN), pp. 156–160.
DATE-v1-2004-BabighianBM #algorithm #scalability- A Scalable ODC-Based Algorithm for RTL Insertion of Gated Clocks (PB, LB, EM), pp. 500–505.
DATE-v1-2004-BasuDDCMF #architecture #design #question #verification- Formal Verification Coverage: Are the RTL-Properties Covering the Design’s Architectural Intent? (PB, SD, PD, PPC, CRM, LF), pp. 668–669.
DATE-v1-2004-FernandesSOT #probability #testing- A Probabilistic Method for the Computation of Testability of RTL Constructs (JMF, MBS, ALO, JPT), pp. 176–181.
DATE-v1-2004-ReNR #automation #generative- A Tool for Automatic Generation of RTL-Level VHDL Description of RNS FIR Filters (ADR, AN, MR), pp. 686–687.
DATE-2005-FalconeriNR04 #modelling #reuse #verification- Common Reusable Verification Environment for BCA and RTL Models (GF, WN, NR), pp. 272–277.
DAC-2003-DonnoIBM #optimisation- Clock-tree power optimization based on RTL clock-gating (MD, AI, LB, EM), pp. 622–627.
DAC-2003-HsuTCT #debugging- Advanced techniques for RTL debugging (YCH, BT, YAC, FST), pp. 362–367.
DATE-2003-SantosFTT #generative #quality- RTL Test Pattern Generation for High Quality Loosely Deterministic BIST (MBS, JMF, ICT, JPT), pp. 10994–10999.
DATE-2003-WedlerSK #encoding #induction #using- Using RTL Statespace Information and State Encoding for Induction Based Property Checking (MW, DS, WK), pp. 11156–11157.
DAC-2002-SemeriaMPESN #concurrent #design #multi #thread #verification- RTL c-based methodology for designing and verifying a multi-threaded processor (LS, RM, BMP, AE, AS, DN), pp. 123–128.
DAC-2001-KolblKD #simulation- Symbolic RTL Simulation (AK, JHK, RFD), pp. 47–52.
DATE-2001-NicoliciA #3d #design #testing #trade-off- Testability trade-offs for BIST RTL data paths: the case for three dimensional design space (NN, BMAH), p. 802.
DATE-2001-ZengKC #approach #named #satisfiability- LPSAT: a unified approach to RTL satisfiability (ZZ, PK, MJC), pp. 398–402.
DATE-2001-Zhu #abstraction #design #named- MetaRTL: raising the abstraction level of RTL design (JZ), pp. 71–76.
CAV-2001-JohannsenB #design #named- BooStER: Speeding Up RTL Property Checking of Digital Designs by Word-Level Abstarction (PJ), pp. 373–377.
DAC-2000-GhoshF #automation #diagrams #functional #generative #using- Automatic test pattern generation for functional RTL circuits using assignment decision diagrams (IG, MF), pp. 43–48.
DAC-2000-HorstmannshoffM #code generation #data flow #graph #performance- Efficient building block based RTL code generation from synchronous data flow graphs (JH, HM), pp. 552–555.
DAC-1999-Bening #logic #simulation- A Two-State Methodology for RTL Logic Simulation (LB), pp. 672–677.
DAC-1999-BeniniMMOP #algorithm #approximate #component #kernel #optimisation- Kernel-Based Power Optimization of RTL Components: Exact and Approximate Extraction Algorithms (LB, GDM, EM, GO, MP), pp. 247–252.
DAC-1999-MoussaSSDPCGJ #behaviour #design- Comparing RTL and Behavioral Design Methodologies in the Case of a 2M-Transistor ATM Shaper (IM, ZS, RS, MDN, MP, SC, LG, AAJ), pp. 598–603.
DATE-1999-MansouriV #design #verification- Accounting for Various Register Allocation Schemes During Post-Synthesis Verification of RTL Designs (NM, RV), p. 223–?.
DATE-1999-PapachristouA #design #distributed- A Method of Distributed Controller Design for RTL Circuits (CAP, YA), pp. 774–775.
DAC-1998-GhoshJB #analysis #testing- A BIST Scheme for RTL Controller-Data Paths Based on Symbolic Testability Analysis (IG, NKJ, SB), pp. 554–559.
DAC-1997-FangWY #debugging #online #realtime- A Real-Time RTL Engineering-Change Method Supporting On-Line Debugging for Logic-Emulation Applications (WJF, ACHW, TYY), pp. 101–106.
DAC-1997-YimHPCYOPK #design #verification- A C-Based RTL Design Verification Methodology for Complex Microprocessor (JSY, YHH, CJP, HC, WSY, HSO, ICP, CMK), pp. 83–88.
EDTC-1997-BhattacharyaDS #testing- An RTL methodology to enable low overhead combinational testing (SB, SD, BS), pp. 146–152.
EDTC-1997-XuK #physics #synthesis- RTL synthesis with physical and controller information (MX, FJK), pp. 299–303.
DAC-1996-PapachristouSN #design #effectiveness #multi #power management- An Effective Power Management Scheme for RTL Design Based on Multiple Clocks (CAP, MS, MN), pp. 337–342.
DAC-1996-SawantG #verification- RTL Emulation: The Next Leap in System Verification (SS, PG), pp. 233–235.
CAV-1996-AnonBCCLSTXZ #design #tool support #verification- MDG Tools for the Verification of RTL Designs (KDA, NB, EC, FC, ML, XS, ST, YX, ZZ), pp. 433–436.
DAC-1995-ParulkarGB #design- Data Path Allocation for Synthesizing RTL Designs with Low BIST Area Overhead (IP, SKG, MAB), pp. 395–401.
DAC-1994-PrasadAB #design #incremental #synthesis- A System for Incremental Synthesis to Gate-Level and Reoptimization Following RTL Design Changes (SCP, PA, PWB), pp. 441–446.
FME-1994-WangM- RTL and Refutation by Positive Cycles (FW, AKM), pp. 659–680.
DAC-1993-NouraniP #algorithm #estimation #layout- A Layout Estimation Algorithm for RTL Datapaths (MN, CAP), pp. 285–291.
DAC-1991-DuttK #library #synthesis- Bridging High-Level Synthesis to RTL Technology Libraries (NDD, JRK), pp. 526–529.
CAV-1990-Langevin #automation #calculus #verification- Automated RTL Verification Based on Predicate Calculus (ML), pp. 116–125.
DAC-1989-RoyA #approach #novel #using #verification- A Novel Approach to Accurate Timing Verification Using RTL Descriptions (KR, JAA), pp. 638–641.
DAC-1974-Hasterlik #automation #design #named- RTL — The firmware Design Automation system (RLH), pp. 284–299.