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Travelled to:
1 × Austria
1 × Canada
1 × New Zealand
1 × Norway
1 × Taiwan
1 × United Kingdom
3 × France
3 × Germany
5 × USA
Collaborated with:
C.Buckl A.Raabe H.Shah C.Cheng G.Kainz J.Huang M.Eder K.Huang G.Chen T.Müller H.Rueß B.Akesson M.Karl S.Riesner B.Jobstmann M.Luttenberger S.Sommer A.Fauth G.Hommel C.Müller M.Geisinger J.O.Blech I.Gerostathopoulos S.Kugele C.Segler T.Bures A.Scholz A.Kemper J.Heuer M.Winter F.Sagstetter S.Andalam P.Waszecki M.Lukasiewycz H.Stähle S.Chakraborty C.Altenschmidt J.Biskup H.Blüthgen I.Glöckner S.Hartrumpf H.Helbig C.Henning R.Lüling B.Monien T.Noll N.Sensen
Talks about:
system (6) base (6) model (4) architectur (3) transform (3) synthesi (3) prioriti (3) schedul (3) fault (3) embed (3)

Person: Alois Knoll

DBLP DBLP: Knoll:Alois

Contributed to:

CASE 20142014
DAC 20142014
DATE 20132013
CAV 20122012
DAC 20122012
DATE 20122012
MoDELS 20122012
CIAA 20112011
DATE 20112011
MoDELS 20112011
PDP 20112011
TACAS 20112011
VMCAI 20112011
CASE 20102010
MoDELS (2) 20102010
SAC 20092009
ICSE 20082008
ECDL 19981998
CC 19941994
ASE 20192019

Wrote 24 papers:

CASE-2014-EderKKR #architecture
Continuum worm-like robotic mechanism with decentral control architecture (ME, MK, AK, SR), pp. 866–871.
DAC-2014-SagstetterAWLSCK #architecture #framework #integration
Schedule Integration Framework for Time-Triggered Automotive Architectures (FS, SA, PW, ML, HS, SC, AK), p. 6.
DATE-2013-ChenHBK #energy #multi #optimisation #pipes and filters #worst-case
Energy optimization with worst-case deadline guarantee for pipelined multiprocessor systems (GC, KH, CB, AK), pp. 45–50.
DATE-2013-ShahKA #analysis #bound
Bounding SDRAM interference: detailed analysis vs. latency-rate analysis (HS, AK, BA), pp. 308–313.
CAV-2012-ChengGRBK #automation #industrial #named #synthesis
MGSyn: Automatic Synthesis for Industrial Automation (CHC, MG, HR, CB, AK), pp. 658–664.
DAC-2012-HuangCBK #consistency #embedded #realtime #runtime
Conforming the runtime inputs for hard real-time embedded systems (KH, GC, CB, AK), pp. 430–436.
DAC-2012-HuangHRBK #detection #embedded #fault tolerance #towards
Towards fault-tolerant embedded systems with imperfect fault detection (JH, KH, AR, CB, AK), pp. 188–196.
DATE-2012-HuangBRBK #scheduling #smt
Static scheduling of a Time-Triggered Network-on-Chip based on SMT solving (JH, JOB, AR, CB, AK), pp. 509–514.
DATE-2012-ShahRK #bound #scheduling #using
Bounding WCET of applications using SDRAM with Priority Based Budget Scheduling in MPSoCs (HS, AR, AK), pp. 665–670.
MoDELS-2012-KainzBK #approach #model transformation
A Generic Approach Simplifying Model-to-Model Transformation Chains (GK, CB, AK), pp. 579–594.
CIAA-2011-ChengJBK #on the #synthesis
On the Hardness of Priority Synthesis (CHC, BJ, CB, AK), pp. 110–117.
DATE-2011-HuangRBK #adaptation #runtime #workflow
A workflow for runtime adaptive task allocation on heterogeneous MPSoCs (JH, AR, CB, AK), pp. 1119–1134.
DATE-2011-ShahRK #bound #latency #performance
Priority division: A high-speed shared-memory bus arbitration with bounded latency (HS, AR, AK), pp. 1497–1500.
MoDELS-2011-KainzBK #automation #concept #metamodelling #model transformation
Automated Model-to-Metamodel Transformations Based on the Concepts of Deep Instantiation (GK, CB, AK), pp. 17–31.
PDP-2011-HuangBRK #energy #multi
Energy-Aware Task Allocation for Network-on-Chip Based Heterogeneous Multiprocessor Systems (JH, CB, AR, AK), pp. 447–454.
TACAS-2011-ChengKLB #algorithm #framework #game studies #platform #research
GAVS+: An Open Platform for the Research of Algorithmic Game Solving (CHC, AK, ML, CB), pp. 258–261.
VMCAI-2011-ChengRKB #embedded #fault tolerance #game studies #synthesis #theory and practice #using
Synthesis of Fault-Tolerant Embedded Systems Using Games: From Theory to Practice (CHC, HR, AK, CB), pp. 118–133.
CASE-2010-EderK #design #framework
Design of an experimental platform for an X-by-wire car with four-wheel steering (ME, AK), pp. 656–661.
MoDELS-v2-2010-KainzBSK #component #development #metamodelling #model transformation
Model-to-Metamodel Transformation for the Development of Component-Based Systems (GK, CB, SS, AK), pp. 391–405.
SAC-2009-MullerK #interactive #visual notation
Attention driven visual processing for an interactive dialog robot (TM, AK), pp. 1151–1155.
ICSE-2008-ScholzBKKHW #architecture #multi #named #web #web service
WS-AMUSE — web service architecture for multimedia services (AS, CB, AK, AK, JH, MW), pp. 703–712.
ECDL-1998-KnollABBGHHHLMNS #approach #documentation #evaluation #multi #retrieval #semantics
An Integrated Approach to Semantic Evaluation and Content-Based Retrieval of Multimedia Documents (AK, CA, JB, HMB, IG, SH, HH, CH, RL, BM, TN, NS), pp. 409–428.
CC-1994-FauthHKM #graph
Global Code Selection of Directed Acyclic Graphs (AF, GH, AK, CM), pp. 128–142.
ASE-2019-Gerostathopoulos #automation #evaluation
Automated Trainability Evaluation for Smart Software Functions (IG, SK, CS, TB, AK), pp. 998–1001.

Bibliography of Software Language Engineering in Generated Hypertext (BibSLEIGH) is created and maintained by Dr. Vadim Zaytsev.
Hosted as a part of SLEBOK on GitHub.