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16 × USA
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3 × Canada
5 × China
Collaborated with:
G.Xue Q.Yang S.Bao W.Dai S.Xu H.Wang Z.Su T.Chen W.Zhang K.Chen X.Sun O.Jin S.Huang H.Zeng Z.Chen G.Zheng L.Yang F.Hu J.Guo S.Xia T.Mao D.Yang L.Ma Y.Pan W.Xi D.Han M.Winslett Y.Yang Z.Zhang B.Fei G.Liu Z.Lin X.Wu X.Zhu E.Yao C.Wang J.Lu F.Cao L.Fu W.Ma H.Li Y.Pan F.Cong R.Su L.Yin J.Wang X.Niu S.Rong D.Xing K.Zhou H.Zha Y.Cao Z.Wang X.Zhu J.Shang Y.Zheng W.Tong E.Chang Q.Lu L.Tian Z.Lu X.Yin Z.Nie S.Peng N.N.Liu K.Zhao X.Jiang C.Li P.Luo M.Wang X.Chen J.Pan D.Ding X.Jiang M.R.Scott M.Zhou Y.Liang R.Song M.J.Taylor J.Wen H.Hon X.Ling T.Tan R.T.B.Ma Y.Zhang B.Gao X.Yuan T.Liu B.Yang J.Chen Q.Jin S.Zhao L.Zhang L.Zhang J.Brunner C.Lin W.Fan E.A.Fox X.Zhang X.Wu H.Guo Z.Guo X.Wang X.Sun N.Kanellos K.Zhang T.Penin K.Xu J.Chen Q.Liu T.Tran P.Haase R.Studer
Talks about:
web (10) recommend (8) use (8) search (7) text (7) data (7) social (6) transfer (5) cluster (5) topic (5)

Person: Yong Yu


Contributed to:

KDD 20142014
SIGIR 20142014
ICML c1 20132013
RecSys 20132013
SIGIR 20132013
SIGMOD 20132013
CIKM 20122012
KDD 20122012
RecSys 20122012
SIGIR 20122012
SIGMOD 20122012
CIKM 20112011
KDD 20112011
SIGIR 20112011
CIKM 20102010
ICML 20102010
CIKM 20092009
ICML 20092009
SIGIR 20092009
SIGMOD 20092009
VLDB 20092009
CIKM 20082008
ECIR 20082008
ICML 20082008
KDD 20082008
SIGIR 20082008
SIGMOD 20082008
CIKM 20072007
HCI/DHM 20072007
ICML 20072007
KDD 20072007
VLDB 20072007
SEKE 20062006
SIGIR 20052005
CIKM 20042004
SAC 20032003

Wrote 53 papers:

Inferring gas consumption and pollution emission of vehicles throughout a city (JS, YZ, WT, EC, YY), pp. 1027–1036.
SIGIR-2014-ChenJZBZSY #category theory #recommendation
Does product recommendation meet its waterloo in unexplored categories?: no, price comes to help (JC, QJ, SZ, SB, LZ, ZS, YY), pp. 667–676.
SIGIR-2014-YaoZJBCSY #modelling #probability #topic
Probabilistic text modeling with orthogonalized topics (EY, GZ, OJ, SB, KC, ZS, YY), pp. 907–910.
ICML-c1-2013-ChenLYY #functional #matrix #using
General Functional Matrix Factorization Using Gradient Boosting (TC, HL, QY, YY), pp. 436–444.
RecSys-2013-HuY #learning #process #recommendation
Interview process learning for top-n recommendation (FH, YY), pp. 331–334.
RecSys-2013-PanCCY #personalisation #recommendation #social
Diffusion-aware personalized social update recommendation (YP, FC, KC, YY), pp. 69–76.
RecSys-2013-SuYCY #personalisation #ranking #recommendation
Set-oriented personalized ranking for diversified top-n recommendation (RS, LY, KC, YY), pp. 415–418.
SIGIR-2013-ZhangCWY #collaboration #optimisation
Optimizing top-n collaborative filtering via dynamic negative item sampling (WZ, TC, JW, YY), pp. 785–788.
SIGMOD-2013-TanMWYYZ #in the cloud #named #realtime #streaming
Resa: realtime elastic streaming analytics in the cloud (TT, RTBM, MW, YY, YY, ZZ), pp. 1287–1288.
CIKM-2012-NiuRWY #effectiveness #mining #web
An effective rule miner for instance matching in a web of data (XN, SR, HW, YY), pp. 1085–1094.
KDD-2012-ZhangZGYYL #optimisation
Joint optimization of bid and budget allocation in sponsored search (WZ, YZ, BG, YY, XY, TYL), pp. 1177–1185.
RecSys-2012-YangCZLY #feedback #mining #music #recommendation
Local implicit feedback mining for music recommendation (DY, TC, WZ, QL, YY), pp. 91–98.
RecSys-2012-ZhangTSWY #approach #image #recommendation #semantics
A semantic approach to recommending text advertisements for images (WZ, LT, XS, HW, YY), pp. 179–186.
SIGIR-2012-ChenCZJYY #collaboration #personalisation #recommendation #twitter
Collaborative personalized tweet recommendation (KC, TC, GZ, OJ, EY, YY), pp. 661–670.
SIGIR-2012-ChenLYYN #network #social #web
Finding web appearances of social network users via latent factor model (KC, ZL, XY, YY, ZN), pp. 1077–1078.
SIGIR-2012-YangCZY #collaboration #mining
Collaborative filtering with short term preferences mining (DY, TC, WZ, YY), pp. 1043–1044.
SIGMOD-2012-PengYZWY #difference #multi #named #privacy
DP-tree: indexing multi-dimensional data under differential privacy (SP, YY, ZZ, MW, YY), p. 864.
CIKM-2011-JinLZYY #clustering #topic
Transferring topical knowledge from auxiliary long texts for short text clustering (OJ, NNL, KZ, YY, QY), pp. 775–784.
KDD-2011-JiangLLWY #sequence
Prominent streak discovery in sequence data (XJ, CL, PL, MW, YY), pp. 1280–1288.
Diversifying product search results (XC, HW, XS, JP, YY), pp. 1093–1094.
SIGIR-2011-DingJSZY #named #web
Tulsa: web search for writing assistance (DD, XJ, MRS, MZ, YY), pp. 1287–1288.
SIGIR-2011-SunWY #classification #effectiveness #towards
Towards effective short text deep classification (XS, HW, YY), pp. 1143–1144.
SIGIR-2011-ZhengGYXBSHY #community #mining #topic
Mining topics on participations for community discovery (GZ, JG, LY, SX, SB, ZS, DH, YY), pp. 445–454.
CIKM-2010-ZhengGYXBSHY #community #graph #interactive #topic
A topical link model for community discovery in textual interaction graph (GZ, JG, LY, SX, SB, ZS, DH, YY), pp. 1613–1616.
ICML-2010-LiuLY #rank #representation #robust #segmentation
Robust Subspace Segmentation by Low-Rank Representation (GL, ZL, YY), pp. 663–670.
CIKM-2009-YangXBHSY #case study #cumulative #generative #information retrieval #social #using
A study of information retrieval on accumulative social descriptions using the generation features (LY, SX, SB, DH, ZS, YY), pp. 721–730.
CIKM-2009-ZhangYWGGBYS #documentation #mining #named #social #web
sDoc: exploring social wisdom for document enhancement in web mining (XZ, LY, XW, HG, ZG, SB, YY, ZS), pp. 395–404.
ICML-2009-DaiJXYY #framework #learning #named
EigenTransfer: a unified framework for transfer learning (WD, OJ, GRX, QY, YY), pp. 193–200.
SIGIR-2009-WangLFXY #performance #query
Efficient query expansion for advertisement search (HW, YL, LF, GRX, YY), pp. 51–58.
SIGMOD-2009-WangPXCSFLYTHS #named #semantics #web
Hermes: a travel through semantics on the data web (HW, TP, KX, JC, XS, LF, QL, YY, TT, PH, RS), pp. 1135–1138.
VLDB-2009-WangSCMKZPY #data transformation #named #semantics #using #web
SMDM: Enhancing Enterprise-Wide Master Data Management Using Semantic Web Technologies (XW, XS, FC, LM, NK, KZ, YP, YY), pp. 1594–1597.
CIKM-2008-BaoYFXSY #social #using
Boosting social annotations using propagation (SB, BY, BF, SX, ZS, YY), pp. 1507–1508.
CIKM-2008-GuoXBY #community #recommendation
Tapping on the potential of q&a community by recommending answer providers (JG, SX, SB, YY), pp. 921–930.
ECIR-2008-SongTWHY #perspective #proximity
Viewing Term Proximity from a Different Perspective (RS, MJT, JRW, HWH, YY), pp. 346–357.
ICML-2008-DaiYXY #clustering #self
Self-taught clustering (WD, QY, GRX, YY), pp. 200–207.
KDD-2008-LingDXYY #learning
Spectral domain-transfer learning (XL, WD, GRX, QY, YY), pp. 488–496.
SIGIR-2008-XuBFSY #folksonomy #personalisation
Exploring folksonomy for personalized search (SX, SB, BF, ZS, YY), pp. 155–162.
SIGIR-2008-XueDYY #classification #topic
Topic-bridged PLSA for cross-domain text classification (GRX, WD, QY, YY), pp. 627–634.
SIGIR-2008-XueXYY #classification #scalability
Deep classification in large-scale text hierarchies (GRX, DX, QY, YY), pp. 619–626.
SIGIR-2008-ZhouXZY #learning #rank
Learning to rank with ties (KZ, GRX, HZ, YY), pp. 275–282.
SIGMOD-2008-MaWLCPY #data transformation #effectiveness #performance #semantics #web
Effective and efficient semantic web data management over DB2 (LM, CW, JL, FC, YP, YY), pp. 1183–1194.
CIKM-2007-XuBCY #information retrieval #social #using
Using social annotations to improve language model for information retrieval (SX, SB, YC, YY), pp. 1003–1006.
DHM-2007-YuWXM #automation
Automatic Joints Extraction of Scanned Human Body (YY, ZW, SX, TM), pp. 286–293.
DHM-2007-ZhuXYM #detection #novel
A Novel Method for Cloth-Body Collision Detection (XZ, SX, YY, TM), pp. 1056–1063.
ICML-2007-DaiYXY #learning
Boosting for transfer learning (WD, QY, GRX, YY), pp. 193–200.
KDD-2007-DaiXYY #classification #clustering #documentation
Co-clustering based classification for out-of-domain documents (WD, GRX, QY, YY), pp. 210–219.
VLDB-2007-LuMZBWPY #named #ontology #reasoning
SOR: A Practical System for Ontology Storage, Reasoning and Search (JL, LM, LZ, JSB, CW, YP, YY), pp. 1402–1405.
SEKE-2006-WuHY #clustering #ranking
Salient Phrases-based Clustering and Ranking in Chinese Bulletin Board System (XW, SH, YY), pp. 73–78.
SIGIR-2005-XueLYXZYC #clustering #collaboration #scalability #using
Scalable collaborative filtering using cluster-based smoothing (GRX, CL, QY, WX, HJZ, YY, ZC), pp. 114–121.
SIGIR-2005-XueYZYC #analysis
Exploiting the hierarchical structure for link analysis (GRX, QY, HJZ, YY, ZC), pp. 186–193.
CIKM-2004-XueZCYMXF #optimisation #using #web
Optimizing web search using web click-through data (GRX, HJZ, ZC, YY, WYM, WX, WF), pp. 118–126.
CIKM-2004-XueZCYMXF04a #algorithm #named #similarity
MRSSA: an iterative algorithm for similarity spreading over interrelated objects (GRX, HJZ, ZC, YY, WYM, WX, EAF), pp. 240–241.
SAC-2003-ZhuHY #network #using #web
Recognizing the Relations between Web Pages Using Artificial Neural Network (XZ, SH, YY), pp. 1217–1221.

Bibliography of Software Language Engineering in Generated Hypertext (BibSLEIGH) is created and maintained by Dr. Vadim Zaytsev.
Hosted as a part of SLEBOK on GitHub.