289 papers:
- DocEng-2015-DenoueCC #documentation
- Searching Live Meeting Documents “Show me the Action” (LD, SC, MC), pp. 195–198.
- SIGMOD-2015-ElmoreATPAA #configuration management #database #fine-grained #in memory #memory management #named
- Squall: Fine-Grained Live Reconfiguration for Partitioned Main Memory Databases (AJE, VA, RT, AP, DA, AEA), pp. 299–313.
- SIGMOD-2015-MishimaF #database #middleware #migration #named
- Madeus: Database Live Migration Middleware under Heavy Workloads for Cloud Environment (TM, YF), pp. 315–329.
- VLDB-2015-GreenOW #approach #live programming #programming
- Live Programming in the LogicBlox System: A MetaLogiQL Approach (TJG, DO, GW), pp. 1782–1793.
- ICSME-2015-BiegelLD #behaviour #java
- Live object exploration: Observing and manipulating behavior and state of Java objects (BB, BL, SD), pp. 581–585.
- DLT-2015-BianchiHK #automaton #liveness #on the #problem
- On the Size of Two-Way Reasonable Automata for the Liveness Problem (MPB, JH, IK), pp. 120–131.
- ICALP-v2-2015-AminofRZS #liveness #network
- Liveness of Parameterized Timed Networks (BA, SR, FZ, FS), pp. 375–387.
- FM-2015-DeboisHS #composition #information management #liveness #process #refinement #runtime #safety
- Safety, Liveness and Run-Time Refinement for Modular Process-Aware Information Systems with Dynamic Sub Processes (SD, TTH, TS), pp. 143–160.
- FM-2015-SogokonJ #hybrid #liveness #verification
- Direct Formal Verification of Liveness Properties in Continuous and Hybrid Dynamical Systems (AS, PBJ), pp. 514–531.
- CHI-2015-DarzentasBFB #data-driven #game studies
- The Data Driven Lives of Wargaming Miniatures (DPD, MAB, MF, SB), pp. 2427–2436.
- CHI-2015-HongGAA #crowdsourcing
- In-group Questions and Out-group Answers: Crowdsourcing Daily Living Advice for Individuals with Autism (HH, EG, GDA, RIA), pp. 777–786.
- CHI-2015-MullerHHW #design
- Practice-based Design of a Neighborhood Portal: Focusing on Elderly Tenants in a City Quarter Living Lab (CM, DH, TH, VW), pp. 2295–2304.
- CHI-2015-PaterMM #online
- This Digital Life: A Neighborhood-Based Study of Adolescents’ Lives Online (JAP, ADM, EDM), pp. 2305–2314.
- CHI-2015-ReevesGFBART
- I’d Hide You: Performing Live Broadcasting in Public (SR, CG, MF, SB, MA, JRF, NT), pp. 2573–2582.
- CSCW-2015-VinesWSWO #authentication #collaboration #information management
- Authenticity, Relatability and Collaborative Approaches to Sharing Knowledge about Assistive Living Technology (JV, PCW, DS, MW, PO), pp. 82–94.
- DHM-EH-2015-Culen #social
- Later Life: Living Alone, Social Connectedness and ICT (ALC), pp. 401–412.
- DUXU-DD-2015-DiasVSVPSE #approach #testing #usability
- A Living Labs Approach for Usability Testing of Ambient Assisted Living Technologies (MSD, EV, FS, AV, FMP, NS, SE), pp. 167–178.
- HCI-IT-2015-DavidC
- Living Among Screens in the City (BD, RC), pp. 509–518.
- ICEIS-v2-2015-MaranMAWO #information management #query
- Proactive Domain Data Querying based on Context Information in Ambient Assisted Living Environments (VM, AM, IA, LKW, JPMdO), pp. 610–617.
- ECIR-2015-HopfgartnerB #realtime #recommendation
- Join the Living Lab: Evaluating News Recommendations in Real-Time (FH, TB), pp. 826–829.
- RecSys-2015-NeumannS #recommendation
- Recommendations for Live TV (JN, HS), p. 228.
- SEKE-2015-SaputriL #analysis #machine learning #perspective
- Are We Living in a Happy Country: An Analysis of National Happiness from Machine Learning Perspective (TRDS, SWL), pp. 174–177.
- ICSE-v2-2015-GulwaniMNP #live programming #named #programming #synthesis
- StriSynth: Synthesis for Live Programming (SG, MM, FN, RP), pp. 701–704.
- ISMM-2015-MirandaB #object-oriented #performance #programming
- A partial read barrier for efficient support of live object-oriented programming (EM, CB), pp. 93–104.
- CSL-2015-GradelP #exclamation #logic #rank
- Rank Logic is Dead, Long Live Rank Logic! (EG, WP), pp. 390–404.
- DATE-2014-JoostenS #communication #liveness #scalability #verification
- Scalable liveness verification for communication fabrics (SJCJ, JS), pp. 1–6.
- DATE-2014-Lauwereins
- Interfacing to living cells (RL), pp. 1–3.
- SIGMOD-2014-KieferKSHML #in memory #multi
- ERIS live: a NUMA-aware in-memory storage engine for tera-scale multiprocessor systems (TK, TK, BS, DH, DM, WL), pp. 689–692.
- CSMR-WCRE-2014-SahaKP #debugging #empirical
- An empirical study of long lived bugs (RKS, SK, DEP), pp. 144–153.
- LATA-2014-BestD #bound #graph #petri net
- Characterisation of the State Spaces of Live and Bounded Marked Graph Petri Nets (EB, RRD), pp. 161–172.
- FM-2014-LakshmiAK #analysis #liveness #reachability #using
- Checking Liveness Properties of Presburger Counter Systems Using Reachability Analysis (KVL, AA, RK), pp. 335–350.
- FM-2014-LiuGL #analysis #reliability
- MDP-Based Reliability Analysis of an Ambient Assisted Living System (YL, LG, YL), pp. 688–702.
- CHI-2014-ChiLD #named
- DemoWiz: re-performing software demonstrations for a live presentation (PYC, BL, SMD), pp. 1581–1590.
- CHI-2014-FreemanSCBS #authoring #editing #named #streaming #video
- LACES: live authoring through compositing and editing of streaming video (DERF, SS, FC, RB, KS), pp. 1207–1216.
- CHI-2014-HamidiB #interface #named #speech
- Rafigh: a living media interface for speech intervention (FH, MB), pp. 1817–1820.
- CHI-2014-HamiltonGK #community #game studies #streaming
- Streaming on twitch: fostering participatory communities of play within live mixed media (WAH, OG, AK), pp. 1315–1324.
- CHI-2014-JoshiRRESKPSRSSVR #people
- Supporting treatment of people living with HIV / AIDS in resource limited settings with IVRs (ANJ, MR, DR, NE, PS, NK, SP, DS, RR, DGS, KS, EV, RR), pp. 1595–1604.
- CHI-2014-RooksbyRMC
- Personal tracking as lived informatics (JR, MR, AM, MC), pp. 1163–1172.
- CHI-2014-SchirraSB #twitter
- Together alone: motivations for live-tweeting a television series (SS, HS, FB), pp. 2441–2450.
- CHI-2014-SiriarayaA #case study #experience #people
- Recreating living experiences from past memories through virtual worlds for people with dementia (PS, CSA), pp. 3977–3986.
- CHI-2014-VinesDDWO #design #experience
- Experience design theatre: exploring the role of live theatre in scaffolding design dialogues (JV, TDC, PD, PCW, PO), pp. 683–692.
- CHI-2014-WangGSC
- Sensing a live audience (CW, EG, PS, PC), pp. 1909–1912.
- DUXU-DI-2014-ComlekciG #experience
- An Alternative Media Experience: LiveLeak (FÇ, SG), pp. 62–70.
- DUXU-DP-2014-AncientG #design #interface #people
- Considering People Living with Dementia When Designing Interfaces (CA, AG), pp. 113–123.
- HCI-AS-2014-CentieiroRDF #interactive
- Bet without Looking: Studying Eyes-Free Interaction during Live Sports (PC, TR, AED, DF), pp. 581–592.
- HIMI-AS-2014-HamaguchiAWA #communication #effectiveness #product line
- Investigating the Effective Factors of Communication for Family Members Living Apart (NH, DA, MW, YA), pp. 373–382.
- SCSM-2014-FraidakiPD #how #information management #process #social #social media
- Living in the Era of Social Media: How the Different Types of Social Media May Affect Information Acquisition Process (KF, KP, GID), pp. 178–185.
- CIKM-2014-BalogKS #ad hoc #evaluation
- Head First: Living Labs for Ad-hoc Search Evaluation (KB, LK, AS), pp. 1815–1818.
- OOPSLA-2014-MitschkeEKMS #named
- i3QL: language-integrated live data views (RM, SE, MK, MM, GS), pp. 417–432.
- LOPSTR-2014-PreiningOF #case study #liveness #specification
- Liveness Properties in CafeOBJ — A Case Study for Meta-Level Specifications (NP, KO, KF), pp. 182–198.
- RE-2014-GartnerRBSJ #maintenance #requirements #security
- Maintaining requirements for long-living software systems by incorporating security knowledge (SG, TR, JB, KS, JJ), pp. 103–112.
- FSE-2014-VakiliD #infinity #modelling #smt #using #verification
- Verifying CTL-live properties of infinite state models using an SMT solver (AV, NAD), pp. 213–223.
- ICSE-2014-SubramanianIH #api #documentation
- Live API documentation (SS, LI, RH), pp. 643–652.
- CC-2014-AsatiSKM #garbage collection
- Liveness-Based Garbage Collection (RA, AS, AK, AM), pp. 85–106.
- ISMM-2014-LiDL #liveness #modelling #using
- Modeling heap data growth using average liveness (PL, CD, HL), pp. 71–82.
- CAV-2014-CimattiGMT #hybrid #ltl #verification
- Verifying LTL Properties of Hybrid Systems with K-Liveness (AC, AG, SM, ST), pp. 424–440.
- LICS-CSL-2014-KatoenSZ
- Probably safe or live (JPK, LS, LZ), p. 10.
- QoSA-2013-KonersmannDGR #approach #architecture #evolution #towards
- Towards architecture-centric evolution of long-living systems (the ADVERT approach) (MK, ZD, MG, RHR), pp. 163–168.
- DAC-2013-BenazouzKHB #data flow #evaluation #graph #liveness
- Liveness evaluation of a cyclo-static DataFlow graph (MB, AMK, TH, BB), p. 7.
- DATE-2013-AbdullaDRSZ #hybrid #liveness #memory management #safety #transaction #verification
- Verifying safety and liveness for the FlexTM hybrid transactional memory (PAA, SD, AR, AS, YZ), pp. 785–790.
- DATE-2013-CastellanaF #analysis #independence #liveness #scheduling #synthesis
- Scheduling independent liveness analysis for register binding in high level synthesis (VGC, FF), pp. 1571–1574.
- SIGMOD-2013-KissingerSHL #query
- Query processing on prefix trees live (TK, BS, DH, WL), pp. 1105–1108.
- SIGMOD-2013-LiZZLHFTZF #named #towards
- TsingNUS: a location-based service system towards live city (GL, NZ, RZ, SL, WH, JF, KLT, LZ, JF), pp. 957–960.
- VLDB-2013-YangZHLRW #data type #mining
- Mining and Linking Patterns across Live Data Streams and Stream Archives (DY, KZ, MH, HL, EAR, MOW), pp. 1346–1349.
- ICFP-2013-Jeffrey #functional #liveness #programming
- Functional reactive programming with liveness guarantees (AJ), pp. 233–244.
- CHI-2013-BradyMZWB #challenge #people #visual notation
- Visual challenges in the everyday lives of blind people (ELB, MRM, YZ, SW, JPB), pp. 2117–2126.
- CHI-2013-CurmiFSW13a #named #network #social
- HeartLink: open broadcast of live biometric data to social networks (FC, MAF, JS, JW), pp. 1749–1758.
- CHI-2013-HakanssonS #product line
- Beyond being green: simple living families and ICT (MH, PS), pp. 2725–2734.
- CHI-2013-HookMWO #design #named #performance
- Waves: exploring idiographic design for live performance (JH, JCM, PCW, PO), pp. 2969–2978.
- CHI-2013-OgonowskiLHWW #design
- Designing for the living room: long-term user involvement in a living lab (CO, BL, JH, LW, VW), pp. 1539–1548.
- CHI-2013-SchwartzDSRW #energy
- Cultivating energy literacy: results from a longitudinal living lab study of a home energy management system (TS, SD, GS, LR, VW), pp. 1193–1202.
- CHI-2013-WycheC #design #how #quote
- “I want to imagine how that place looks”: designing technologies to support connectivity between africans living abroad and home (SW, MC), pp. 2755–2764.
- CSCW-2013-BalesL #student
- Supporting a sense of connectedness: meaningful things in the lives of new university students (ESB, SEL), pp. 1137–1146.
- DUXU-PMT-2013-Flanagan #feedback #how #interface
- Haptic Interface Aesthetics — “Feedback Loops, Live Coding and How to Harness the Potential of Embodied Estrangement in Artistic Practices and Aesthetic Theories within Interface Culture” (PJF), pp. 58–67.
- DUXU-WM-2013-Hsu #design
- A Service Design on Driving Like Living (HPH), pp. 666–672.
- HCI-AS-2013-TavaresMFM #case study #experience #network
- Experiences with Arthron for Live Surgery Transmission in Brazilian Telemedicine University Network (TAT, GHMBM, GLdSF, EM), pp. 197–206.
- HCI-UC-2013-HimmelZA #monitoring
- From Living Space to Urban Quarter: Acceptance of ICT Monitoring Solutions in an Ageing Society (SH, MZ, KA), pp. 49–58.
- HIMI-D-2013-Maeshiro #multi #network
- A Model of Living Organisms to Integrate Multiple Relationship Network Descriptions (TM), pp. 475–483.
- OCSC-2013-AlaouiL #approach #communication #design
- A LivingLab Approach to Involve Elderly in the Design of Smart TV Applications Offering Communication Services (MA, ML), pp. 325–334.
- VISSOFT-2013-FittkauWWH #approach #scalability #visualisation
- Live trace visualization for comprehending large software landscapes: The ExplorViz approach (FF, JW, CW, WH), pp. 1–4.
- ICEIS-v2-2013-MachadoPATWO
- Situation-awareness as a Key for Proactive Actions in Ambient Assisted Living (AM, AMP, IA, LHT, LKW, JPMdO), pp. 418–426.
- CIKM-2013-ValkanasG #how #web
- How the live web feels about events (GV, DG), pp. 639–648.
- SIGIR-2013-Ekstrand-AbuegPA #automation
- Live nuggets extractor: a semi-automated system for text extraction and test collection creation (MEA, VP, JAA), pp. 1087–1088.
- Onward-2013-McDirmid #live programming #programming
- Usable live programming (SM), pp. 53–62.
- ICSE-2013-Kuhn #interactive #live programming #on the #programming #testing
- On extracting unit tests from interactive live programming sessions (AK), pp. 1241–1244.
- SPLC-2013-LanmanDRCK #challenge #product line
- The challenges of applying service orientation to the U.S. Army’s live training software product line (JTL, RD, JR, PCC, CWK), pp. 244–253.
- ASPLOS-2013-GiuffridaKT #automation #operating system
- Safe and automatic live update for operating systems (CG, AK, AST), pp. 279–292.
- CBSE-2012-CalmantAGDG #component #python
- A dynamic and service-oriented component model for python long-lived applications (TC, JCA, OG, DD, KG), pp. 35–40.
- CASE-2012-FelekisWMRBSN #automation #using
- Automated stiffness characterization of living tobacco BY2 cells using the Cellular Force Microscope (DF, AW, SM, ALRK, FB, RSS, BJN), pp. 285–290.
- CASE-2012-HouLZ #on the #petri net
- On iterative liveness-enforcement for a class of generalized Petri nets (YH, DL, MZ), pp. 188–193.
- CASE-2012-Markovski #framework
- A process-theoretic state-based framework for live supervision (JM), pp. 680–685.
- CSMR-2012-KlattDKKSW #component #evolution #identification
- Identify Impacts of Evolving Third Party Components on Long-Living Software Systems (BK, ZD, HK, KK, JS, RW), pp. 461–464.
- ICSM-2012-DurdikKKKSW #guidelines
- Sustainability guidelines for long-living software systems (ZD, BK, HK, KK, JS, RW), pp. 517–526.
- SAS-2012-KhedkerMR #analysis #pointer
- Liveness-Based Pointer Analysis (UPK, AM, PSR), pp. 265–282.
- CIAA-2012-EhrenfeuchtR #framework #process
- A Formal Framework for Processes Inspired by the Functioning of Living Cells (AE, GR), pp. 25–27.
- CHI-2012-BartindaleSTWO #named
- StoryCrate: tabletop storyboarding for live film production (TB, AS, NT, PCW, PO), pp. 169–178.
- CHI-2012-DearmanT #using
- Evaluating the implicit acquisition of second language vocabulary using a live wallpaper (DD, KNT), pp. 1391–1400.
- CSCW-2012-EngstromPJ #video
- Amateur vision and recreational orientation: : creating live video together (AE, MJP, OJ), pp. 651–660.
- CIKM-2012-WangDRSW #interactive #named
- PRAVDA-live: interactive knowledge harvesting (YW, MD, ZR, MS, GW), pp. 2674–2676.
- ECIR-2012-AlhadiGKN #microblog #monitoring #named #predict
- LiveTweet: Monitoring and Predicting Interesting Microblog Posts (ACA, TG, JK, NN), pp. 569–570.
- ECIR-2012-AliciAOCU #adaptation #query #web
- Adaptive Time-to-Live Strategies for Query Result Caching in Web Search Engines (SA, ISA, RO, BBC, ÖU), pp. 401–412.
- ICPR-2012-GhianiMR #detection #liveness
- Fingerprint liveness detection by local phase quantization (LG, GLM, FR), pp. 537–540.
- AMT-2012-UjhelyiSRV #query #visualisation
- Developing and visualizing live model queries (ZU, TS, IR, DV), pp. 35–40.
- Onward-2012-Beynon #development #experience
- Realising software development as a lived experience (MB), pp. 229–244.
- QAPL-2012-YasuokaT #data flow #liveness #safety
- Quantitative Information Flow as Safety and Liveness Hyperproperties (HY, TT), pp. 77–91.
- HPDC-2012-NicolaeC #hybrid #migration
- A hybrid local storage transfer scheme for live migration of I/O intensive workloads (BN, FC), pp. 85–96.
- ECSA-2011-Naab #architecture #design #flexibility #information management
- Enhancing Architecture Design Methods for Improved Flexibility in Long-Living Information Systems (MN), pp. 194–198.
- SIGMOD-2011-CastellanosDHGDLZS #analysis #framework #named #social
- LCI: a social channel analysis platform for live customer intelligence (MC, UD, MH, RG, MD, YL, LZ, MS), pp. 1049–1058.
- SIGMOD-2011-ElmoreDAA #database #migration #named
- Zephyr: live migration in shared nothing databases for elastic cloud platforms (AJE, SD, DA, AEA), pp. 301–312.
- VLDB-2011-DasNAA #database #lightweight #migration #named #using
- Albatross: Lightweight Elasticity in Shared Storage Databases for the Cloud using Live Data Migration (SD, SN, DA, AEA), pp. 494–505.
- ITiCSE-2011-Buck #diagrams #editing #generative #named #user interface
- GUIGraph: editing live object diagrams for GUI generation enables new pedagogy in CS1/2 (DB), pp. 193–197.
- FASE-2011-CaiK #empirical
- An Empirical Study of Long-Lived Code Clones (DC, MK), pp. 432–446.
- ICPC-2011-Cordy #clone detection #detection #incremental #scalability #similarity #using
- Exploring Large-Scale System Similarity Using Incremental Clone Detection and Live Scatterplots (JRC), pp. 151–160.
- ICALP-v2-2011-GotsmanY #abstraction
- Liveness-Preserving Atomicity Abstraction (AG, HY), pp. 453–465.
- CHI-2011-BalaamEFRHWNAHRMB #design #motivation
- Motivating mobility: designing for lived motivation in stroke rehabilitation (MB, SRE, GF, TR, AMH, AW, TN, LA, EH, IR, SM, JHB), pp. 3073–3082.
- CHI-2011-BoringGWBSB #interactive #mobile #multi #video
- Multi-user interaction on media facades through live video on mobile devices (SB, SG, AW, AMB, JS, AB), pp. 2721–2724.
- CHI-2011-McGee-LennonWB #multimodal
- User-centred multimodal reminders for assistive living (MRML, MKW, SAB), pp. 2105–2114.
- CHI-2011-WoelferH #people
- Homeless young people and living with personal digital artifacts (JPW, DGH), pp. 1697–1706.
- CSCW-2011-FarnhamC #online #social
- Faceted identity, faceted lives: social and technical issues with being yourself online (SF, EFC), pp. 359–368.
- HIMI-v1-2011-MarincSBLHK #interactive #personalisation
- Interactive Personalization of Ambient Assisted Living Environments (AM, CS, AB, CL, CH, AK), pp. 567–576.
- HIMI-v2-2011-KinoeN #communication #design #product line
- Designing Peripheral Communication Services for Families Living-Apart: Elderly Persons and Family (YK, MN), pp. 147–156.
- OCSC-2011-ChenK #interactive #online #social #visualisation
- Conversational Lives: Visualizing Interpersonal Online Social Interactions (HC, AK), pp. 241–250.
- ICMT-2011-SunGWGW #approach #editing
- A Demonstration-based Approach to Support Live Transformations in a Model Editor (YS, JG, CW, MG, JW), pp. 213–227.
- SAC-2011-MajchrzakJLU #integration #mobile #social #towards #web
- Towards better social integration through mobile web 2.0 ambient assisted living devices (TAM, AJ, ML, FÜ), pp. 821–822.
- ICSE-2011-DIppolitoBPU #behaviour #modelling #synthesis
- Synthesis of live behaviour models for fallible domains (ND, VAB, NP, SU), pp. 211–220.
- HPDC-2011-DeshpandeWG #migration #virtual machine
- Live gang migration of virtual machines (UD, XW, KG), pp. 135–146.
- HPDC-2011-LiuXJGL #energy #migration #modelling #performance #virtual machine
- Performance and energy modeling for live migration of virtual machines (HL, CZX, HJ, JG, XL), pp. 171–182.
- CADE-2011-Cook #liveness #proving #roadmap #termination
- Advances in Proving Program Termination and Liveness (BC), p. 4.
- CASE-2010-NazeemR #approach #design #resource management
- A practical approach to the design of maximally permissive liveness-enforcing supervisors for complex resource allocation systems (AN, SR), pp. 451–458.
- DATE-2010-ZhangPLWM
- Carbon nanotube circuits: Living with imperfections and variations (JZ, NP, AL, HSPW, SM), pp. 1159–1164.
- CHI-2010-KelkarJS #collaboration #enterprise
- Some observations on the “live” collaborative tagging of audio conferences in the enterprise (SK, AJ, DDS), pp. 995–998.
- ICPR-2010-LeskoKNGTVV #graph #segmentation
- Live Cell Segmentation in Fluorescence Microscopy via Graph Cut (ML, ZK, AN, IG, ZT, LVJ, LV), pp. 1485–1488.
- ICPR-2010-ZhangXLWH #segmentation
- Slap Fingerprint Segmentation for Live-Scan Devices and Ten-Print Cards (YLZ, GX, YML, HTW, YPH), pp. 1180–1183.
- SAC-2010-KuuskeriLM #collaboration #kernel #peer-to-peer
- Peer-to-peer collaboration in the lively kernel (JK, JL, TM), pp. 812–817.
- SAC-2010-LiuHLW #consistency #migration #network #virtual machine
- Network state consistency of virtual machine in live migration (XL, JH, QL, TW), pp. 727–728.
- FSE-2010-DIppolitoBPU #behaviour #modelling #synthesis
- Synthesis of live behaviour models (ND, VAB, NP, SU), pp. 77–86.
- FSE-2010-Sanbonmatsu #biology #comprehension #towards
- Supercomputing in biology: towards understanding living systems in atomic detail (KYS), pp. 1–2.
- SPLC-2010-LutzWKY #product line
- Software Product Line Engineering for Long-Lived, Sustainable Systems (RRL, DMW, SK, JY), pp. 430–434.
- CGO-2010-Zorn #exclamation #performance
- Performance is dead, long live performance! (BGZ), p. 1.
- HPDC-2010-LinWG #gpu #migration
- OpenGL application live migration with GPU acceleration in personal cloud (YL, WW, KG), pp. 280–283.
- OSDI-2010-WuCY #execution
- Bypassing Races in Live Applications with Execution Filters (JW, HC, JY), pp. 135–149.
- CAV-2010-BloemCGHJ #liveness #robust
- Robustness in the Presence of Liveness (RB, KC, KG, TAH, BJ), pp. 410–424.
- DATE-2009-BaumgartnerM #liveness #scalability
- Scalable liveness checking via property-preserving transformations (JB, HM), pp. 1680–1685.
- SIGMOD-2009-DindarGLOST #declarative #named #pattern matching
- DejaVu: declarative pattern matching over live and archived streams of events (ND, BG, PL, AÖ, MS, NT), pp. 1023–1026.
- TACAS-2009-KuglerS #composition #sequence chart #specification #synthesis
- Compositional Synthesis of Reactive Systems from Live Sequence Chart Specifications (HK, IS), pp. 77–91.
- CHI-2009-DantecPW #design #evolution #experience
- Values as lived experience: evolving value sensitive design in support of value discovery (CALD, ESP, SW), pp. 1141–1150.
- CHI-2009-HeathLLYK
- Enhancing remote participation in live auctions: an “intelligent” gavel (CH, PL, DvL, JY, HK), pp. 1427–1436.
- CHI-2009-PerryJEE #agile #collaboration #gesture #video
- Lean collaboration through video gestures: co-ordinating the production of live televised sport (MJP, OJ, ME, AE), pp. 2279–2288.
- CHI-2009-SuhmP #experience
- Call browser: a system to improve the caller experience by analyzing live calls end-to-end (BS, PP), pp. 1313–1322.
- HCI-NIMT-2009-ChangW #gesture
- The Gestural Input System for Living Room Digital Devices (WSC, FGW), pp. 151–160.
- HCI-NT-2009-Chi #design #human-computer #interactive
- A Position Paper on “Living Laboratories”: Rethinking Ecological Designs and Experimentation in Human-Computer Interaction (EHC), pp. 597–605.
- ICEIS-SAIC-2009-BalzanoSL #ajax #collaboration #realtime #web
- A Scheme of Strategies for Real-time Web Collaboration based on AJAX/Comet Techniques for Live RIA (WB, MRDS, LDL), pp. 35–40.
- RecSys-2009-JaschkeEHS #recommendation #testing
- Testing and evaluating tag recommenders in a live system (RJ, FE, AH, GS), pp. 369–372.
- SIGIR-2009-MaekawaYSKKO #web
- Web searching for daily living (TM, YY, YS, YK, KK, TO), pp. 27–34.
- POPL-2009-GantyMR #liveness #source code #verification
- Verifying liveness for asynchronous programs (PG, RM, AR), pp. 102–113.
- SAC-2009-MikkonenT #case study #experience #framework #kernel #mobile #web
- Creating a mobile web application platform: the lively kernel experiences (TM, AT), pp. 177–184.
- CC-2009-BraunH #source code
- Register Spilling and Live-Range Splitting for SSA-Form Programs (MB, SH), pp. 174–189.
- CC-2009-DaoAKV #debugging #distributed
- Live Debugging of Distributed Systems (DD, JRA, CEK, AV), pp. 94–108.
- HPDC-2009-LiuJLHY #migration #virtual machine
- Live migration of virtual machine based on full system trace and replay (HL, HJ, XL, LH, CY), pp. 101–110.
- ISMM-2009-AlbertGG #analysis #garbage collection
- Live heap space analysis for languages with garbage collection (EA, SG, MGZ), pp. 129–138.
- LCTES-2009-BlazyR #performance
- Live-range unsplitting for faster optimal coalescing (SB, BR), pp. 70–79.
- VMCAI-2009-Cook #liveness #roadmap #termination
- Advances in Program Termination and Liveness (BC), p. 4.
- ASE-2008-GibbsBSDC #automation #question
- Living with the Law: Can Automation give us Moore with Less? (CG, JB, NS, MD, YC), pp. 395–398.
- CASE-2008-NugentHHFS #impact analysis #reliability
- Assessing the impact of individual sensor reliability within smart living environments (CDN, XH, JH, DDF, KS), pp. 685–690.
- CASE-2008-ZhuCS #markov #recognition #using
- Human intention recognition in Smart Assisted Living Systems using a Hierarchical Hidden Markov Model (CZ, QC, WS), pp. 253–258.
- ICSM-2008-KnodelMR #architecture #empirical #feedback
- Constructive architecture compliance checking — an experiment on support by live feedback (JK, DM, DR), pp. 287–296.
- GT-VMT-2008-KumarM #automaton #sequence chart #verification
- Improving Live Sequence Chart to Automata Transformation for Verification (RK, EGM).
- CHI-2008-EliasEFH
- Do I live in a flood basin?: synthesizing ten thousand maps (ME, JE, DF, JH), pp. 255–264.
- CHI-2008-LiL #process #prototype
- Activity-based prototyping of ubicomp applications for long-lived, everyday human activities (YL, JAL), pp. 1303–1312.
- CHI-2008-McLachlanMKN #interactive #named #visual notation
- LiveRAC: interactive visual exploration of system management time-series data (PM, TM, EK, SCN), pp. 1483–1492.
- CSCW-2008-PlodererHT #network #online #social
- Being online, living offline: the influence of social ties over the appropriation of social network sites (BP, SH, PT), pp. 333–342.
- ICMT-2008-RathBOV #incremental #model transformation #pattern matching
- Live Model Transformations Driven by Incremental Pattern Matching (IR, GB, AÖ, DV), pp. 107–121.
- ECOOP-2008-OstrowskiBDA #distributed #programming
- Programming with Live Distributed Objects (KO, KB, DD, JHA), pp. 463–489.
- ICSE-2008-SibayUB #revisited #sequence chart
- Existential live sequence charts revisited (GES, SU, VAB), pp. 41–50.
- CGO-2008-BoissinotHGDR #liveness #performance #source code
- Fast liveness checking for ssa-form programs (BB, SH, DG, BDdD, FR), pp. 35–44.
- PPoPP-2008-WangYFDWJ #analysis #automation #source code
- Automated application-level checkpointing based on live-variable analysis in MPI programs (PW, XY, HF, YD, ZW, JJ), pp. 273–274.
- ICLP-2008-MileoMB #approach #logic programming #monitoring
- A Logic Programming Approach to Home Monitoring for Risk Prevention in Assisted Living (AM, DM, RB), pp. 145–159.
- CASE-2007-McVittieSMMLHM #automation #classification #using
- Automated Classification of Macrophage Membrane Integrity using a Fluorescent Live/Dead Stain (PM, CSS, TWM, SM, MEL, MH, DRM), pp. 554–559.
- DAC-2007-Tabor #parallel #programming
- Programming Living Cells to Function as Massively Parallel Computers (JJT), pp. 638–639.
- TACAS-2007-BattBW #liveness #model checking #network #search-based
- Model Checking Liveness Properties of Genetic Regulatory Networks (GB, CB, RW), pp. 323–338.
- HCI-IPT-2007-ChiCLC #design #interactive
- Designing Smart Living Objects — Enhancing vs. Distracting Traditional Human-Object Interaction (PYC, JhC, SyL, HHC), pp. 788–797.
- HIMI-IIE-2007-BaekPKJ
- e-Sports Live: e-Sports Relay Broadcasting on Demand (WB, AP, JK, KJ), pp. 685–693.
- OCSC-2007-AlShebliGK #social
- The Social Implications of an Assisted Living Reminder System (BKA, EG, KK), pp. 239–249.
- RecSys-2007-NguyenR #evaluation #game studies #interactive #mobile #recommendation
- Replaying live-user interactions in the off-line evaluation of critique-based mobile recommendations (QNN, FR), pp. 81–88.
- OOPSLA-2007-McDirmid #live programming #programming language
- Living it up with a live programming language (SM), pp. 623–638.
- OOPSLA-2007-Rinard07a
- Living in the comfort zone (MCR), pp. 611–622.
- SAC-2007-IeongL #forensics
- Deriving cse-specific live forensics investigation procedures from FORZA (RSCI, HCL), pp. 175–180.
- SAC-2007-NakamuraM #design #linux #trust
- Designing a trust chain for a thin client on a live Linux cd (MN, SM), pp. 1605–1606.
- ICSE-2007-ChenYCZY #named
- POLUS: A POwerful Live Updating System (HC, JY, RC, BZ, PCY), pp. 271–281.
- HPDC-2007-AbbasiWS #named
- LIVE: : a light-weight data workspace for computational science (HA, MW, KS), pp. 227–228.
- CAV-2007-KupfermanPV #liveness
- From Liveness to Promptness (OK, NP, MYV), pp. 406–419.
- QoSA-2006-Stafford #documentation
- Documentation Principles and Practices That You Can Live with (JAS), pp. 3–4.
- DocEng-2006-CostaMRS #documentation #editing #hypermedia
- Live editing of hypermedia documents (RMdRC, MFM, RFR, LFGS), pp. 165–172.
- ITiCSE-2006-Joel #education
- Living in a digital world: teaching computers and society via literature (WJJ), p. 303.
- FASE-2006-WestphalT #sequence chart
- The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: Well-Formedness of Live Sequence Charts (BW, TT), pp. 230–246.
- PLDI-2006-NakaikeIKN
- Profile-based global live-range splitting (TN, TI, HK, TN), pp. 216–227.
- CSCW-2006-KientzHAG
- From the war room to the living room: decision support for home-based therapy teams (JAK, GRH, GDA, REG), pp. 209–218.
- SOFTVIS-2006-GreevyLW #3d #visualisation
- Visualizing live software systems in 3D (OG, ML, CW), pp. 47–56.
- ICPR-v4-2006-ZhangY06a #recognition
- Insulators Recognition for 220kv/330kv High-voltage Live-line Cleaning Robot (JZ, RY), pp. 630–633.
- SIGIR-2006-Soboroff #effectiveness #web
- Dynamic test collections: measuring search effectiveness on the live web (IS), pp. 276–283.
- SAC-2006-BodhuinCPT #complexity #physics
- Hiding complexity and heterogeneity of the physical world in smart living environments (TB, GC, RP, MT), pp. 1921–1927.
- ICSE-2006-NehmerBKL #approach
- Living assistance systems: an ambient intelligence approach (JN, MB, AIK, RL), pp. 43–50.
- CAV-2006-KloseTWW #performance #sequence chart #verification
- Check It Out: On the Efficient Formal Verification of Live Sequence Charts (JK, TT, BW, HW), pp. 219–233.
- ICLP-2006-UedaKHM #declarative
- LMNtal as a Unifying Declarative Language: Live Demonstration (KU, NK, KH, KM), pp. 457–458.
- FoSSaCS-2005-BontempsS #complexity #sequence chart
- The Complexity of Live Sequence Charts (YB, PYS), pp. 364–378.
- IWPC-2005-GuiKM #comprehension #named #web
- REGoLive: Web Site Comprehension with Viewpoints (GG, HMK, HAM), pp. 161–164.
- SEKE-2005-OgataF #approach #liveness #proving #verification
- Proof Score Approach to Verification of Liveness Properties (KO, KF), pp. 608–613.
- SIGIR-2005-HoenkampD05a #feedback #query #visual notation
- Live visual relevance feedback for query formulation (EH, GvD), pp. 611–612.
- VMCAI-2005-Pnueli #abstraction #liveness
- Abstraction for Liveness (AP), p. 146.
- WICSA-2004-PostmaAW #approach #architecture #component
- Component Replacement in a Long-Living Architecture: The 3RDBA Approach (AP, PA, JGW), pp. 89–100.
- DATE-v1-2004-ManoliosS #automation #liveness #modelling #safety #using #verification #web
- Automatic Verification of Safety and Liveness for XScale-Like Processor Models Using WEB Refinements (PM, SKS), pp. 168–175.
- TACAS-2004-FangPPZ #liveness #ranking
- Liveness with Incomprehensible Ranking (YF, NP, AP, LDZ), pp. 482–496.
- ICEIS-v3-2004-PalkovitsRW #modelling #process
- Process Modelling — Burden or Relief? Living Process Modelling Within a Public Organisation (SP, TR, MW), pp. 94–102.
- OSDI-2004-OlshefskiNN #named
- ksniffer: Determining the Remote Client Perceived Response Time from Live Packet Streams (DPO, JN, EMN), pp. 333–346.
- CSL-2004-Maier #liveness #ltl #safety
- Intuitionistic LTL and a New Characterization of Safety and Liveness (PM), pp. 295–309.
- VMCAI-2004-FangPPZ #liveness #ranking
- Liveness with Invisible Ranking (YF, NP, AP, LDZ), pp. 223–238.
- EDOC-2003-WegmannP #architecture #enterprise
- MDA in Enterprise Architecture? The Living System Theory to the Rescue... (AW, OP), pp. 2–13.
- ICEIS-v2-2003-CorkillRLL #process
- Live-Representation Process Management (DDC, ZBR, SEL, VRL), pp. 202–208.
- CADE-2003-BaumgartnerFGS #deduction #interactive #quote #slicing
- “Living Book” :- “Deduction”, “Slicing”, “Interaction” (PB, UF, MGH, AS), pp. 284–288.
- RTA-2003-GieslZ #liveness
- Liveness in Rewriting (JG, HZ), pp. 321–336.
- VMCAI-2003-UnnikrishnanSL #analysis #bound
- Optimized Live Heap Bound Analysis (LU, SDS, YAL), pp. 70–85.
- ICSM-2002-Nikora #maintenance
- Maintenance Issues for Very Long-Lived Robotic Space Systems (APN), p. 471.
- WCRE-2002-ProbstKS #analysis #liveness #optimisation
- Register Liveness Analysis for Optimizing Dynamic Binary Translation (MP, AK, BS), pp. 35–44.
- PLDI-2002-BudimlicCHKOR #identification #performance
- Fast Copy Coalescing and Live-Range Identification (ZB, KDC, TJH, KK, TSO, SWR), pp. 25–32.
- DLT-2002-HarjuR #assembly #process
- Computational Processes in Living Cells: Gene Assembly in Ciliates (TH, GR), pp. 1–20.
- IFM-2002-BarradasB #liveness #proving #specification
- Specification and Proof of Liveness Properties under Fairness Assumptions in B Event Systems (HRB, DB), pp. 360–379.
- CSCW-2002-PrinceCFWJBK #3d #artificial reality #interactive #realtime
- 3-D live: real time interaction for mixed reality (SP, ADC, FF, TW, NJ, MB, HK), pp. 364–371.
- ICEIS-2002-ChristoffelSS #adaptation #automation #generative
- Semi-Automatic Wrapper Generation and Adaption: Living with Heterogeneity in a Market Environment (MC, BS, JS), pp. 65–72.
- ICPR-v2-2002-SungC #knowledge-based #recognition
- Knowledge-Based Numeric Open Caption Recognition for Live Sportscast (SHS, WSC), pp. 822–825.
- SIGIR-2002-Hurst #authoring #on the fly
- Indexing, searching, and retrieving of recorded live presentations with the AOF (authoring on the fly) search engine (WH), p. 447.
- ICSE-2002-Balzer #off the shelf
- Living with COTS (RB), p. 5.
- ISMM-2002-ShahamKS #impact analysis #java #liveness
- Estimating the impact of heap liveness information on space consumption in Java (RS, EKK, SS), pp. 171–182.
- CAV-2002-PnueliXZ #abstraction #liveness
- Liveness with (0, 1, infty)-Counter Abstraction (AP, JX, LDZ), pp. 107–122.
- VMCAI-2002-BaukusLS #liveness #protocol #safety #verification
- Parameterized Verification of a Cache Coherence Protocol: Safety and Liveness (KB, YL, KS), pp. 317–330.
- TACAS-2001-KloseW #automaton #sequence chart
- An Automata Based Interpretation of Live Sequence Charts (JK, HW), pp. 512–527.
- ICSM-2001-TewksburyMM #corba #replication #using
- Live Upgrades of CORBA Applications Using Object Replication (LAT, LEM, PMMS), p. 488–?.
- SVIS-2001-DiehlGK #algorithm
- Animating Algorithms Live and Post Mortem (SD, CG, AK), pp. 46–57.
- ICEIS-v2-2001-WillmottB #information management
- May Your Information Service Live in Interesting Times.. (SW, BB), pp. 1101–1109.
- ECOOP-2001-HirzelDH #detection #garbage collection #liveness #on the
- On the Usefulness of Liveness for Garbage Collection and Leak Detection (MH, AD, ALH), pp. 181–206.
- CC-2001-OttoniRARM #embedded #source code
- Optimal Live Range Merge for Address Register Allocation in Embedded Programs (GO, SR, GA, SR, SM), pp. 274–288.
- LCTES-OM-2001-UnnikrishnanSL #analysis #automation #garbage collection #memory management
- Automatic Accurate Live Memory Analysis for Garbage-Collected Languages (LU, SDS, YAL), pp. 102–111.
- LICS-2001-ManoliosT #branch #liveness #safety
- Safety and Liveness in Branching Time (PM, RJT), pp. 366–374.
- VLDB-2000-ManolescuFKXO #named #relational #xml
- Agora: Living with XML and Relational (IM, DF, DK, FX, DO), pp. 623–626.
- TACAS-2000-BornotGS #on the
- On the Construction of Live Timed Systems (SB, GG, JS), pp. 109–126.
- SIGIR-2000-ChuangPLC #interactive #web
- Auto-construction of a live thesaurus from search term logs for interactive Web search (SLC, HTP, WHL, LFC), pp. 334–336.
- TOOLS-USA-2000-GilesS #distributed #liveness #object-oriented #testing
- A Tool for Testing Liveness in Distributed Object Systems (CPG, PAGS), pp. 319–328.
- FSE-2000-NaumovichC #classification
- Classifying properties: an alternative to the safety-liveness classification (GN, LAC), pp. 159–168.
- LCTES-2000-CintraA #array #using
- Array Reference Allocation Using SSA-Form and Live Range Growth (MSC, GA), pp. 48–62.
- CAV-2000-PnueliS #liveness #verification
- Liveness and Acceleration in Parameterized Verification (AP, ES), pp. 328–343.
- SAS-1999-BozgaFG #analysis #reduction
- State Space Reduction Based on Live Variables Analysis (MB, JCF, LG), pp. 164–178.
- HCI-CCAD-1999-KleinS #independence #people #research
- Independent living for elder and handicapped people — results of a research project (BK, BS), pp. 957–960.
- HCI-CCAD-1999-KohnoMNA #network
- A sensor network system for human support in living environments (MK, MM, HN, YA), pp. 241–245.
- RE-1999-GoedickeMT #consistency #development #distributed #graph transformation #nondeterminism #towards
- ViewPoint-Oriented Software Development by Distributed Graph Transformation: Towards a Basis for Living with Inconsistencies (MG, TM, GT), pp. 92–99.
- LCTES-1999-Persson #analysis #embedded #garbage collection #memory management
- Live Memory Analysis for Garbage Collection in Embedded Systems (PP), pp. 45–54.
- CSL-1999-KestenP #abstraction #liveness #verification
- Verifying Liveness by Augmented Abstraction (YK, AP), pp. 141–156.
- PLDI-1998-AgesenDM #garbage collection #java #liveness #virtual machine
- Garbage Collection and Local Variable Type-Precision and Liveness in Java Virtual Machines (OA, DD, JEBM), pp. 269–279.
- SIGAda-1998-MacosM
- The Rendezvous is Dead — Long Live the Protected Object (DM, FM), pp. 287–293.
- TOOLS-USA-1998-Taylor
- Objects are Dead — Long Live Agents (DAT), p. 4.
- CC-1998-CooperS #graph
- Live Range Splitting in a Graph Coloring Register Allocator (KDC, LTS), pp. 174–187.
- CC-1998-KnoopKS #graph #question
- Basic-Block Graphs: Living Dinosaurs? (JK, DK, BS), pp. 65–79.
- HT-1997-Smith
- The King is Dead; Long Live the King (Keynote) (JBS), p. 240.
- ICSM-2000-Lynd #2d #maintenance #using
- Living with the 2-digit Year Year 2000 Maintenance Using a Procedural Solution (ECL), p. 206–?.
- DLT-1997-NiessnerNO #liveness
- Deterministic ω-regular liveness properties (FN, UN, PO), pp. 237–248.
- HCI-CC-1997-Fukuzumi #using
- Discrimination of Living Body Fingers by Using EMG and Finger Pulse Volume (SF), pp. 575–578.
- ESEC-FSE-1997-CheungGK #analysis #composition #liveness #reachability #using #verification
- Verification of Liveness Properties Using Compositional Reachability Analysis (SCC, DG, JK), pp. 227–243.
- ICSE-1997-Gentleman #component #effectiveness #off the shelf #tutorial
- Effective Use of COTS (Commercial-off-the-Shelf) Software Components in Long Lived Systems (Tutorial) (WMG), pp. 635–636.
- CAV-1997-SistlaMG #liveness #model checking #named #symmetry #verification
- SMC: A Symmetry Based Model Checker for Verification of Liveness Properties (APS, LM, VG), pp. 464–467.
- ICLP-1997-BruynoogheJK #analysis #logic programming #programming language
- Live-Structure Analysis for Logic Programming Languages with Declarations (MB, GJ, AK), pp. 33–47.
- FME-1996-ValmariS #liveness #safety #verification #visual notation
- Visual Verification of Safety and Liveness (AV, MS), pp. 228–247.
- ICPR-1996-BoucherG #multi
- A multi-agent system to segment living cells (AB, CG), pp. 558–562.
- FSE-1995-Fekete #case study #liveness #modelling #specification
- Liveness Conditions in Model-Based Service Specifications: A Case Study (AF), pp. 62–71.
- CAV-1995-AlurH #composition #liveness #modelling
- Local Liveness for Compositional Modeling of Fair Reactive Systems (RA, TAH), pp. 166–179.
- ICALP-1994-GawlickSSL #liveness
- Liveness in Timed and Untimed Systems (RG, RS, JFSA, NAL), pp. 166–177.
- CSCW-1994-StreitzGHH #named
- DOLPHIN: Integrated Meeting Support Across Local and Remote Desktop Environments and LiveBoards (NAS, JG, JMH, JH), pp. 345–358.
- INTERCHI-1993-TerveenSL #design #memory management
- From “folklore” to “living design memory” (LGT, PGS, MDL), pp. 15–22.
- CHI-1992-TaniYTFT #interactive #object-oriented #video
- Object-Oriented Video: Interaction with Real-World Objects Through Live Video (MT, KY, KT, MF, ST), pp. 593–598.
- CAV-1992-Corbett #integer #liveness #programming #safety #verification
- Verifying General Safety and Liveness Propterties with Integer Programming (JCC), pp. 357–369.
- PEPM-1991-GomardS
- Globalization and Live Variables (CKG, PS), pp. 166–177.
- PLILP-1991-GrahamK #functional #imperative
- Domesticating Imperative Constructs So That They Can Live in a Functional World (TCNG, GK), pp. 51–62.
- CAV-1991-Goldschlag #liveness #safety #verification
- Mechanically Verifying Safety and Liveness Properties of Delay Insensitive Circuits (DMG), pp. 354–364.
- ICALP-1990-PeledP #liveness #partial order #proving
- Proving Partial Order Liveness Properties (DP, AP), pp. 553–571.
- CAV-1990-Burch #liveness #safety #verification
- Verifying Liveness Properties by Verifying Safety Properties (JRB), pp. 224–232.
- CAV-1990-BuyM #liveness #proving
- A Proof Lattice-Based Technique for Analyzing Liveness of Resource Controllers (UAB, RM), pp. 292–301.
- PLDI-1989-ChiD #liveness #using
- Unified Management of Registers and Cache Using Liveness and Cache Bypass (CHC, HGD), pp. 344–355.
- ICSE-1989-GalloST #approach #configuration management #named #object-oriented #scalability
- ObNet: An Object-Oriented Approach for Supporting Large, Long-Lived, Highly Configurable Systems (TG, GS, FT), pp. 138–144.
- ICALP-1987-Josko #liveness #model checking
- Modelchecking of CTL Formulae under Liveness Assumptions (BJ), pp. 280–289.
- SIGIR-1985-BollmannJRWZ #evaluation #retrieval
- The LIVE Project — Retrieval Experiments Based on Evaluation Viewpoints (PB, FJ, UR, VW, HZ), pp. 213–214.
- SIGMOD-1984-Fogg #database #interface #lessons learnt #query #visual notation
- Lessons from a “Living in a Database” Graphical Query Interface (DF), pp. 100–106.
- STOC-1984-DeganoM #convergence #liveness #metric
- Liveness Properties as Convergence in Metric Spaces (PD, UM), pp. 31–38.