Travelled to:
1 × France
1 × Germany
1 × Russia
4 × USA
Collaborated with:
W.K.Fuchs K.Chang H.Chou C.Chung C.Chang C.Liu S.Yuan Y.Chou I.Chen G.Chen F.J.Hill K.Cheng R.Liang B.Chen R.Liang H.Yu D.Dobbyn A.Larin O.Seredin A.Kopylov S.Huang B.Chen
Talks about:
reconfigur (2) regist (2) object (2) spare (2) reset (2) level (2) array (2) alloc (2) rectilinear (1) nondetermin (1)
Person: Sy-Yen Kuo
DBLP: Kuo:Sy=Yen
Contributed to:
Wrote 9 papers:
- MLDM-2014-LarinSKKHC #classification #parametricity #representation #using
- Parametric Representation of Objects in Color Space Using One-Class Classifiers (AL, OS, AK, SYK, SCH, BHC), pp. 300–314.
- DATE-2011-ChungCCK
- Formal reset recovery slack calculation at the register transfer level (CNC, CWC, KHC, SYK), pp. 571–574.
- CHI-2010-ChengLCLK #named
- iCon: utilizing everyday objects as additional, auxiliary and instant tabletop controllers (KYC, RHL, BYC, RHL, SYK), pp. 1155–1164.
- DATE-2010-ChouYCDK #case study #design #nondeterminism #scalability
- Finding reset nondeterminism in RTL designs — scalable X-analysis methodology and case study (HZC, HY, KHC, DD, SYK), pp. 1494–1499.
- DAC-2009-ChouCK #synthesis
- Handling don’t-care conditions in high-level synthesis and application for reducing initialized registers (HZC, KHC, SYK), pp. 412–415.
- DAC-2009-LiuYKC #algorithm
- An O(n log n) path-based obstacle-avoiding algorithm for rectilinear Steiner tree construction (CHL, SYY, SYK, YHC), pp. 314–319.
- DAC-1993-ChenCHK #array
- The Sea-of-Wires Array Aynthesis System (IYC, GLC, FJH, SYK), pp. 188–193.
- DAC-1988-KuoF #configuration management #scalability
- Spare Allocation and Reconfiguration in Large Area VLSI (SYK, WKF), pp. 609–612.
- DAC-1986-KuoF #array #configuration management #performance
- Efficient spare allocation in reconfigurable arrays (SYK, WKF), pp. 385–390.