145 papers:
DocEng-2015-FilhoM #physics #segmentation- Segmentation of Overlapping Digits through the Emulation of a Hypothetical Ball and Physical Forces (ANGLF, CABM), pp. 223–226.
LATA-2015-ChoHK #mining- Frequent Pattern Mining with Non-overlapping Inversions (DJC, YSH, HK), pp. 121–132.
GaM-2015-KissingerZ #exclamation- !-graphs with trivial overlap are context-free (AK, VZ), pp. 16–31.
KDD-2015-HouWGD #clustering #programming #rank- Non-exhaustive, Overlapping Clustering via Low-Rank Semidefinite Programming (YH, JJW, DFG, ISD), pp. 427–436.
RecSys-2015-LiWTM #community #predict #rating #recommendation #social- Overlapping Community Regularization for Rating Prediction in Social Recommender Systems (HL, DW, WT, NM), pp. 27–34.
CADE-2015-SakaiOO #confluence- Non-E-Overlapping, Weakly Shallow, and Non-Collapsing TRSs are Confluent (MS, MO, MO), pp. 111–126.
SIGMOD-2014-DignosBG- Overlap interval partition join (AD, MHB, JG), pp. 1459–1470.
SIGMOD-2014-KimHLPY #framework #graph #named #parallel #scalability- OPT: a new framework for overlapped and parallel triangulation in large-scale graphs (JK, WSH, SL, KP, HY), pp. 637–648.
ESOP-2014-CockxPD #independence #similarity- Overlapping and Order-Independent Patterns — Definitional Equality for All (JC, FP, DD), pp. 87–106.
AFL-2014-DuS #infinity #similarity #word- Similarity density of the Thue-Morse word with overlap-free infinite binary words (CFD, JS), pp. 231–245.
DLT-2014-DickyJ #finite #infinity #word- Embedding Finite and Infinite Words into Overlapping Tiles — (Short Paper) (AD, DJ), pp. 339–347.
ICALP-v1-2014-KrawczykW #game studies #graph #online- Coloring Relatives of Interval Overlap Graphs via On-line Games (TK, BW), pp. 738–750.
LATA-2014-DubourgJ #algebra #tool support- Algebraic Tools for the Overlapping Tile Product (ED, DJ), pp. 335–346.
CHI-2014-ZhuKK #community #online- The impact of membership overlap on the survival of online communities (HZ, REK, AK), pp. 281–290.
HIMI-DE-2014-KimH14a #embedded #interactive- Label Embedded Treemapping: A Label Overlap Prevention Technique for Zoomable Treemaps and a User Interaction Technique (KK, JH), pp. 44–53.
ICPR-2014-ChaudhariM #clustering #matrix #semistructured data #symmetry #using- Average Overlap for Clustering Incomplete Data Using Symmetric Non-negative Matrix Factorization (SC, MNM), pp. 1431–1436.
ICPR-2014-ChenPH #algorithm- O(1) Algorithms for Overlapping Group Sparsity (CC, ZP, JH), pp. 1645–1650.
ICPR-2014-ZhangYZJT #adaptation- Overlapped Fingerprints Separation Based on Adaptive Orientation Model Fitting (NZ, XY, YZ, XJ, JT), pp. 678–683.
ICPR-2014-ZouL- Calibrating Non-overlapping RGB-D Cameras (WZ, SL), pp. 4200–4205.
KDD-2014-HeFKMP #category theory #clustering- Relevant overlapping subspace clusters on categorical data (XH, JF, BK, STM, CP), pp. 213–222.
RecSys-2014-CremonesiQ #question #recommendation- Cross-domain recommendations without overlapping data: myth or reality? (PC, MQ), pp. 297–300.
POPL-2014-EisenbergVJW #equation #product line- Closed type families with overlapping equations (RAE, DV, SLPJ, SW), pp. 671–684.
SAC-2014-KimK #community #detection #mobile #network #social- A detection of overlapping community in mobile social network (PK, SK), pp. 175–179.
HPDC-2014-IslamLWP #approach #named- SOR-HDFS: a SEDA-based approach to maximize overlapping in RDMA-enhanced HDFS (NSI, XL, MWuR, DKP), pp. 261–264.
PPoPP-2014-SongH #3d #design #parallel- Designing and auto-tuning parallel 3-D FFT for computation-communication overlap (SS, JKH), pp. 181–192.
CASE-2013-LiF #approach #integer #linear #multi #problem #programming #scheduling- A mixed integer linear programming approach for multi-degree cyclic multi-hoist scheduling problems without overlapping (XL, RYKF), pp. 274–279.
DAC-2013-YuYGP #named- E-BLOW: e-beam lithography overlapping aware stencil planning for MCC system (BY, KY, JRG, DZP), p. 7.
HT-2013-BastosPT #topic #twitter- Tweeting across hashtags: overlapping users and the importance of language, topics, and politics (MTB, CP, RT), pp. 164–168.
ICDAR-2013-LiLLLFT #detection #geometry- Detection of Overlapped Quadrangles in Plane Geometric Figures (KL, XL, HL, LL, TF, ZT), pp. 260–264.
SIGMOD-2013-CuiXWLW #community #online- Online search of overlapping communities (WC, YX, HW, YL, WW), pp. 277–288.
VLDB-2013-BronziCMP #integration #web- Extraction and Integration of Partially Overlapping Web Sources (MB, VC, PM, PP), pp. 805–816.
VLDB-2014-SalloumDST13 #data flow #online- Online Ordering of Overlapping Data Sources (MS, XLD, DS, VJT), pp. 133–144.
DUXU-NTE-2013-VilarRNTDF #question- Are Emergency Egress Signs Strong Enough to Overlap the Influence of the Environmental Variables? (EV, FR, PN, LT, ED, EF), pp. 205–214.
KDIR-KMIS-2013-NcirE #clustering #on the #question- On the Extension of k-Means for Overlapping Clustering — Average or Sum of Clusters’ Representatives? (CEBN, NE), pp. 208–213.
SIGIR-2013-Hasibi #query- Indexing and querying overlapping structures (FH), p. 1144.
CASE-2012-GhonaimGS #on the #problem- On the assignment problem of arbitrary processing time operations in partially overlapping manufacturing resources (WG, HG, WS), pp. 341–346.
HT-2012-ChakrabortyGG #community #detection #folksonomy- Detecting overlapping communities in folksonomies (AC, SG, NG), pp. 213–218.
HT-2012-CravinoDF #clustering #community #network #using- Using the overlapping community structure of a network of tags to improve text clustering (NC, JLD, ÁF), pp. 239–244.
CHI-2012-ButlerIHMHK- Shake’n’sense: reducing interference for overlapping structured light depth cameras (AB, SI, OH, DM, SH, DK), pp. 1933–1936.
CIKM-2012-HoffartSNTW #ambiguity #named- KORE: keyphrase overlap relatedness for entity disambiguation (JH, SS, DBN, MT, GW), pp. 545–554.
ICML-2012-KumarD #learning #multi- Learning Task Grouping and Overlap in Multi-task Learning (AK, HDI), p. 224.
ICPR-2012-SatakeM #multi- Stereo-based tracking of multiple overlapping persons (JS, JM), pp. 2581–2585.
ICPR-2012-YagiMM #online #retrieval #robust #similarity #using- Robust on-line handwritten object retrieval using a similarity measure based on overlap area of circles (TY, HM, MM), pp. 721–724.
KDD-2012-CosciaRGP #community #named- DEMON: a local-first discovery method for overlapping communities (MC, GR, FG, DP), pp. 615–623.
KDD-2012-HanSCX #composition #modelling #visual notation- Overlapping decomposition for causal graphical modeling (LH, GS, GC, KX), pp. 114–122.
KDD-2012-ZhangY #bound #community #detection #matrix- Overlapping community detection via bounded nonnegative matrix tri-factorization (YZ, DYY), pp. 606–614.
KEOD-2012-ZainolN #design #process- Conflict Resolution in Overlapping Information Fields for Context-based Activity Design (ZZ, KN), pp. 190–195.
CGO-2012-ZhouGGKNP- Hierarchical overlapped tiling (XZ, JPG, MJG, RHK, YN, DAP), pp. 207–218.
ICDAR-2011-GargHCG #multi- A CRF Based Scheme for Overlapping Multi-colored Text Graphics Separation (RG, EH, SC, MG), pp. 1215–1219.
ICDAR-2011-Suwa #image- Color-Mixing Correction of Overlapped Colors in Scanner Images (MS), pp. 217–221.
ICDAR-2011-WanLZ #online #recognition- On-line Chinese Character Recognition System for Overlapping Samples (XW, CL, YZ), pp. 799–803.
ICDAR-2011-ZouLLW #mobile- Overlapped Handwriting Input on Mobile Phones (YZ, YL, YL, KW), pp. 369–373.
KMIS-2011-SchmidlK #information management #using- Using Task Histories to Support Person-to-person Knowledge Exchange — Extracting and using Contextual Overlap and Levels of Expertise to Connect Knowledge Workers (JS, HK), pp. 77–86.
SIGIR-2011-SongZXLL #query #ranking- Query term ranking based on search results overlap (WS, YZ, YX, TL, SL), pp. 1253–1254.
ICLP-J-2011-BoneSS #automation #parallel- Estimating the overlap between dependent computations for automatic parallelization (PB, ZS, PS), pp. 575–591.
RTA-2011-SeveriV #axiom #λ-calculus- Weakening the Axiom of Overlap in Infinitary λ Calculus (PS, FJdV), pp. 313–328.
CASE-2010-XuSY #algorithm #problem- Exact algorithms for non-overlapping 2-frame problem with non-partial coverage for networked robotic cameras (YX, DS, JY), pp. 503–508.
ICFP-2010-MorrisJ #programming- Instance chains: type class programming without overlapping instances (JGM, MPJ), pp. 375–386.
CHI-2010-XuC- Push-and-pull switching: window switching based on window overlapping (QX, GC), pp. 1335–1338.
ICPR-2010-HuangCWC #modelling #probability- Probabilistic Modeling of Dynamic Traffic Flow across Non-overlapping Camera Views (CH, WcC, SJW, JHC), pp. 3332–3335.
ICPR-2010-RoyM #using #video- Crossmodal Matching of Speakers Using Lip and Voice Features in Temporally Non-overlapping Audio and Video Streams (AR, SM), pp. 4504–4507.
ICPR-2010-SatakeM #multi #using- Stereo-Based Multi-person Tracking Using Overlapping Silhouette Templates (JS, JM), pp. 4304–4307.
KDD-2010-TangAOM #empirical #framework #performance- Overlapping experiment infrastructure: more, better, faster experimentation (DT, AA, DO, MM), pp. 17–26.
KDIR-2010-NcirEB #clustering #kernel- Kernel Overlapping K-Means for Clustering in Feature Space (CEBN, NE, PB), pp. 250–255.
KDIR-2010-ThanhYU #clustering #documentation #scalability #set #similarity- Clustering Documents with Large Overlap of Terms into Different Clusters based on Similarity Rough Set Model (NCT, KY, MU), pp. 396–399.
SIGIR-2010-YangMSM #low cost #quality- Collecting high quality overlapping labels at low cost (HY, AM, KMS, SM), pp. 459–466.
HPCA-2010-LiBKKRH #architecture #manycore #operating system- Operating system support for overlapping-ISA heterogeneous multi-core architectures (TL, PB, RCK, DAK, DR, SH), pp. 1–12.
PPoPP-2010-MarjanovicLAV #communication #effectiveness #hybrid- Effective communication and computation overlap with hybrid MPI/SMPSs (VM, JL, EA, MV), pp. 337–338.
VMCAI-2010-KreikerSV #analysis #c #low level- Shape Analysis of Low-Level C with Overlapping Structures (JK, HS, VV), pp. 214–230.
DocEng-2009-PeroniV #order- Annotations with EARMARK for arbitrary, overlapping and out-of order markup (SP, FV), pp. 171–180.
LATA-2009-Blanchet-SadriMRW #algorithm #using #word- An Answer to a Conjecture on Overlaps in Partial Words Using Periodicity Algorithms (FBS, RM, AR, EW), pp. 188–199.
LATA-2009-LiefoogheTV #algorithm #self- Self-overlapping Occurrences and Knuth-Morris-Pratt Algorithm for Weighted Matching (AL, HT, JSV), pp. 481–492.
ICML-2009-JacobOV #graph- Group lasso with overlap and graph lasso (LJ, GO, JPV), pp. 433–440.
MLDM-2009-GadK #clustering #semantics #similarity #using- New Semantic Similarity Based Model for Text Clustering Using Extended Gloss Overlaps (WKG, MSK), pp. 663–677.
ESEC-FSE-2009-LongWC #api- Api hyperlinking via structural overlap (FL, XW, YC), pp. 203–212.
LCTES-2009-StotzerL #scheduling- Modulo scheduling without overlapped lifetimes (ES, ELL), pp. 1–10.
CADE-2009-GregoireMP #question #set- Does This Set of Clauses Overlap with at Least One MUS? (ÉG, BM, CP), pp. 100–115.
DAC-2008-JiangSC #design #scalability- Routability-driven analytical placement by net overlapping removal for large-scale mixed-size designs (ZWJ, BYS, YWC), pp. 167–172.
DocEng-2008-MelloRL #segmentation- Segmentation of overlapping cursive handwritten digits (CABM, ER, EBL), pp. 271–274.
LATA-2008-BrijderH #assembly #graph- Extending the Overlap Graph for Gene Assembly in Ciliates (RB, HJH), pp. 137–148.
CHI-2008-JiangWFBKS #ad hoc #collaboration #interactive #named #visual notation- LivOlay: interactive ad-hoc registration and overlapping of applications for collaborative visual exploration (HJ, DW, CF, MB, JK, CS), pp. 1357–1360.
CIKM-2008-DuWW #community #detection #network- Overlapping community structure detection in networks (ND, BW, BW), pp. 1371–1372.
ICPR-2008-AshrafF #robust- Robust auto-calibration of a PTZ camera with non-overlapping FOV (NA, HF), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-Cleuziou #clustering- An extended version of the k-means method for overlapping clustering (GC), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-CloppetB #biology #image #segmentation- Segmentation of overlapping/aggregating nuclei cells in biological images (FC, AB), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-TorselloBP #clustering- Beyond partitions: Allowing overlapping groups in pairwise clustering (AT, SRB, MP), pp. 1–4.
KDD-2008-XiangJFD #database #summary #transaction- Succinct summarization of transactional databases: an overlapped hyperrectangle scheme (YX, RJ, DF, FFD), pp. 758–766.
SIGIR-2008-Diaz #retrieval- A method for transferring retrieval scores between collections with non-overlapping vocabularies (FDD), pp. 805–806.
PPoPP-2008-PatrickSK #communication #performance- Enhancing the performance of MPI-IO applications by overlapping I/O, computation and communication (CMP, SWS, MTK), pp. 277–278.
ICLP-2008-Parisini #constraints- Bi-dimensional Domains for the Non-overlapping Rectangles Constraint (FP), pp. 811–812.
ICDAR-2007-Renaudin #collaboration- A General Method of Segmentation-Recognition Collaboration Applied to Pairs of Touching and Overlapping Symbols (CR), pp. 659–663.
ICDAR-2007-TonouchiK #mobile #online #recognition #using- Text Input System Using Online Overlapped Handwriting Recognition for Mobile Devices (YT, AK), pp. 754–758.
CHI-2007-ChapuisR- Copy-and-paste between overlapping windows (OC, NR), pp. 201–210.
ICEIS-DISI-2007-NemoBRK #composition #distributed #semantics #towards- Semantic orchestration merging — towards composition of overlapping orchestrations (CN, MBF, MR, GK), pp. 378–383.
ECIR-2007-ZhangZC #performance #scalability #using- Efficient Construction of FM-index Using Overlapping Block Processing for Large Scale Texts (DZ, YZ, JC), pp. 113–123.
SIGIR-2007-ShokouhiZ #retrieval- Federated text retrieval from uncooperative overlapped collections (MS, JZ), pp. 495–502.
PPoPP-2007-IancuS #communication #network #optimisation #performance- Optimizing communication overlap for high-speed networks (CI, ES), pp. 35–45.
SIGMOD-2006-GouKC #evaluation #performance #query #using- Query evaluation using overlapping views: completeness and efficiency (GG, MK, RC), pp. 37–48.
ICSM-2006-GoldHLM #approach #bound #concept #source code #using- Allowing Overlapping Boundaries in Source Code using a Search Based Approach to Concept Binding (NG, MH, ZL, KM), pp. 310–319.
ICPR-v1-2006-PflugfelderB #matrix- Fundamental matrix and slightly overlapping views (RPP, HB), pp. 527–530.
ICPR-v1-2006-ShimanukiKW #analysis #sketching- Analysis of Overlapping Faces for Constructing Paper-made Objects from Sketches (HS, JK, TW), pp. 247–250.
ICPR-v1-2006-ShimawakiSMS #estimation #image #sequence #video- Estimation of Ball Route under Overlapping with Players and Lines in Soccer Video Image Sequence (TS, TS, JM, YS), pp. 359–362.
ICPR-v3-2006-LeoputraTL #distributed #using- Non-overlapping Distributed Tracking using Particle Filter (WSL, TT, FLL), pp. 181–185.
ICPR-v4-2006-NiuG #network #using- Recovering Non-overlapping Network Topology Using Far-field Vehicle Tracking Data (CN, EG), pp. 944–949.
ICLP-2006-AntoyH #functional #logic programming #source code- Overlapping Rules and Logic Variables in Functional Logic Programs (SA, MH), pp. 87–101.
TestCom-2006-UralZ #sequence- Reducing the Lengths of Checking Sequences by Overlapping (HU, FZ), pp. 274–288.
SIGMOD-2005-IacobD #framework #xml- A framework for processing complex document-centric XML with overlapping structures (IEI, AD), pp. 897–899.
CIKM-2005-BambaRM #clustering #named #query- OSQR: overlapping clustering of query results (BB, PR, MKM), pp. 239–240.
KDD-2005-BanerjeeKGBM #clustering #modelling- Model-based overlapping clustering (AB, CK, JG, SB, RJM), pp. 532–537.
SIGIR-2005-BenderMTWZ- Improving collection selection with overlap awareness in P2P search engines (MB, SM, PT, GW, CZ), pp. 67–74.
SIGIR-2005-Clarke #retrieval #xml- Controlling overlap in content-oriented XML retrieval (CLAC), pp. 314–321.
CHI-2004-BaudischG #game studies #multi #named- Multiblending: displaying overlapping windows simultaneously without the drawbacks of alpha blending (PB, CG), pp. 367–374.
ICPR-v2-2004-TeraiMO #composition- Color Decomposition of Overlapped Watercolors (TT, SM, MO), pp. 919–922.
ICPR-v4-2004-WillisC #3d #dataset #multi #symmetry- Alignment of Multiple Non-Overlapping Axially Symmetric 3D Datasets (ARW, DBC), pp. 96–99.
SIGIR-2004-KazaiLV #evaluation #problem #retrieval #xml- The overlap problem in content-oriented XML retrieval evaluation (GK, ML, APdV), pp. 72–79.
SAC-2004-WuCY #performance- VCR indexing for fast event matching for highly-overlapping range predicates (KLW, SKC, PSY), pp. 740–747.
IJCAR-2004-TourE #equation- Overlapping Leaf Permutative Equations (TBdlT, ME), pp. 430–444.
DAC-2003-RaoBO- Test application time and volume compression through seed overlapping (WR, IB, AO), pp. 732–737.
ICDAR-2003-WuM #feature model #recognition- Feature Extraction by Hierarchical Overlapped Elastic Meshing for Handwritten Chinese Character Recognition (TW, SM), pp. 529–533.
VLDB-2003-NieKH #effectiveness #integration #mining #named #statistics #using- BibFinder/StatMiner: Effectively Mining and Using Coverage and Overlap Statistics in Data Integration (ZN, SK, TH), pp. 1097–1100.
FASE-2003-Kruger #using- Capturing Overlapping, Triggered, and Preemptive Collaborations Using MSCs (IK), pp. 387–402.
PPDP-2003-Virseda #calculus- A demand-driven narrowing calculus with overlapping definitional trees (RdVV), pp. 253–263.
RTA-2003-Geser #string #termination- Termination of String Rewriting Rules That Have One Pair of Overlaps (AG), pp. 410–423.
ICPR-v4-2002-FujiyoshiK #detection #multi- Layered Detection for Multiple Overlapping Objects (HF, TK), pp. 156–161.
ICDAR-2001-CaoT- Separation of Overlapping Text from Graphics (RC, CLT), pp. 44–48.
ICDAR-2001-GatosP #image #performance #segmentation #set- Applying Fast Segmentation Techniques at a Binary Image Represented by a Set of Non-Overlapping Blocks (BG, NP), pp. 1147–1153.
ICPR-v2-2000-KudoIS #classification- A Histogram-Based Classifier on Overlapped Bins (MK, HI, MS), pp. 2029–2033.
RTA-2000-TakaiKS #effectiveness #finite #linear #term rewriting- Right-Linear Finite Path Overlapping Term Rewriting Systems Effectively Preserve Recognizability (TT, YK, HS), pp. 246–260.
DATE-1999-NagC- Post-Placement Residual-Overlap Removal with Minimal Movement (SN, KC), pp. 581–586.
VLDB-1999-JosifovskiR #database #object-oriented- Integrating Heterogenous Overlapping Databases through Object-Oriented Transformations (VJ, TR), pp. 435–446.
DAC-1998-GovindarajuDHH #approximate #reachability #using- Approximate Reachability with BDDs Using Overlapping Projections (SGG, DLD, AJH, MH), pp. 451–456.
ICPR-1998-LamIL #algorithm #performance- Approaches to decompose flat structuring element for fast overlapping search morphological algorithm (RWKL, HHSI, CKL), pp. 1461–1463.
ASPLOS-1998-KrintzCLZ #execution #mobile #source code #strict #using- Overlapping Execution with Transfer Using Non-Strict Execution for Mobile Programs (CK, BC, HBL, BGZ), pp. 159–169.
ICDAR-1997-NaoiY #automation #information management- Global Interpolation Method II for Handwritten Numbers Overlapping a Border by Automatic Knowledge Acquisition of Overlapped Condition (SN, MY), pp. 540–543.
SIGIR-1997-OgawaM #statistics #word- Overlapping Statistical Word Indexing: A New Indexing Method for Japanese Text (YO, TM), pp. 226–234.
CAiSE-1996-PuustjarviTV #transaction #workflow- Managing Overlapping Transactional Workflows (JP, HT, JV), pp. 345–361.
ICPR-1996-ChungLPL- Extraction and restoration of digits touching or overlapping lines (YC, KL, JP, YL), pp. 155–159.
ICPR-1996-IkedaOM #metric- Traffic measurement with a roadside vision system-individual tracking of overlapped vehicles (TI, SO, MM), pp. 859–864.
TOOLS-USA-1993-Page-Jones93a #object-oriented- Object-Orientation and Structured Techniques: Overlaps and Conflicts (MPJ), p. 573.
LICS-1992-Toyama #linear #term rewriting- Strong Sequentiality of Left-Linear Overlapping Term Rewriting Systems (YT), pp. 274–284.
DAC-1990-OkuboWW #algorithm- New Algorithm for Overlapping Cell Treatment in Hierarchical CAD Data/Electron Beam Exposure Data Conversion (TO, TW, KW), pp. 321–326.
ASPLOS-1989-DehnertHB- Overlapped Loop Support in the Cydra 5 (JCD, PYTH, JPB), pp. 26–38.
SIGIR-1983-Das-GuptaK #case study #documentation- A Study of the Overlap Among Document Representations (PDG, JK), pp. 106–114.
ICALP-1982-GuttagKM #term rewriting #tool support- Derived Pairs, Overlap Closures, and Rewrite Dominoes: New Tools for Analyzing Term rewriting Systems (JVG, DK, DRM), pp. 300–312.
STOC-1971-Wise #algorithm- Domolki’s Algorithm Applied to Generalized Overlap Resolvable Grammars (DSW), pp. 171–184.