72 papers:
CASE-2015-PanXSL #capacity #energy #optimisation- Capacity optimization of battery energy storage systems for frequency regulation (XP, HX, JS, CL), pp. 1139–1144.
DAC-2015-CuiWCZNP #energy #grid #smarttech- Optimal control of PEVs for energy cost minimization and frequency regulation in the smart grid accounting for battery state-of-health degradation (TC, YW, SC, QZ, SN, MP), p. 6.
DAC-2015-YuUK- Leveraging on-chip voltage regulators as a countermeasure against side-channel attacks (WY, OAU, SK), p. 6.
CHI-2015-RenaudM #privacy- Regulating Access to Adult Content (with Privacy Preservation) (KR, JM), pp. 4019–4028.
CSCW-2015-HuangT0 #mobile #social- Emotion Map: A Location-based Mobile Social System for Improving Emotion Awareness and Regulation (YH, YT, YW), pp. 130–142.
CSCW-2015-KoYLHJLSYSC #named #self #smarttech- NUGU: A Group-based Intervention App for Improving Self-Regulation of Limiting Smartphone Use (MK, SY, JL, CH, JJ, UL, DS, KY, JS, KMC), pp. 1235–1245.
ICEIS-v1-2015-MorriHS #modelling #multi- Multi-agent Modelling for a Regulation Support System of Public Transport (NM, SEH, LBS), pp. 624–629.
ICEIS-v3-2015-Piedrabuena0R #data transformation- Enforcing Data Protection Regulations within e-Government Master Data Management Systems (FP, LG, RR), pp. 316–321.
MoDELS-2015-SunkleKK #case study #modelling- Model-driven regulatory compliance: A case study of “Know Your Customer” regulations (SS, DK, VK), pp. 436–445.
CASE-2014-LongLXJ #distributed #probability- A scenario-based distributed stochastic MPC for building temperature regulation (YL, SL, LX, KHJ), pp. 1091–1096.
DAC-2014-Kose #challenge- Thermal Implications of On-Chip Voltage Regulation: Upcoming Challenges and Possible Solutions (SK), p. 6.
DATE-2014-AksanliR #data transformation- Providing regulation services and managing data center peak power budgets (BA, TR), pp. 1–4.
DATE-2014-GangopadhyayLNR #adaptation #analysis #linear #modelling #performance- Modeling and analysis of digital linear dropout regulators with adaptive control for high efficiency under wide dynamic range digital loads (SG, YL, SBN, AR), pp. 1–6.
DATE-2014-LeeWP #configuration management #framework #manycore #named- VRCon: Dynamic reconfiguration of voltage regulators in a multicore platform (WL, YW, MP), pp. 1–6.
DATE-2014-WangXWCWW #manycore #power management- Characterizing power delivery systems with on/off-chip voltage regulators for many-core processors (XW, JX, ZW, KJC, XW, ZW), pp. 1–4.
ITiCSE-2014-FalknerVF #identification #learning #self- Identifying computer science self-regulated learning strategies (KF, RV, NJGF), pp. 291–296.
LCT-NLE-2014-Kim #feedback #learning #self #simulation- Simulation Training in Self-Regulated Learning: Investigating the Effects of Dual Feedback on Dynamic Decision-Making Tasks (JHK), pp. 419–428.
SCSM-2014-RayaRRP #adaptation #game studies #using- Using Serious Games to Train Adaptive Emotional Regulation Strategies (MAR, ARO, BR, EP), pp. 541–549.
KMIS-2014-ToureMM14a #information management #modelling #towards #what- What If We Considered Awareness for Sustainable Knowledge Management? Towards a Model for Self Regulated Knowledge Management Systems Based on Acceptance Models of Technologies and Awareness (CET, CM, JCM), pp. 413–418.
RE-2014-Buksa #process- Business processes and regulations compliance management technology (IB), pp. 489–493.
RE-2014-GhanavatiRDA #multi- Goal-oriented compliance with multiple regulations (SG, AR, ED, DA), pp. 73–82.
CASE-2013-Xu #robust- New robust position and force regulation for a compliant microgripper (QX), pp. 801–806.
HCI-AS-2013-Harris #interface #speech- Emotion and Emotion Regulation Considerations for Speech-Based In-Vehicle Interfaces (HH), pp. 571–577.
HCI-III-2013-HilbornCEL #game studies- A Biofeedback Game for Training Arousal Regulation during a Stressful Task: The Space Investor (OH, HC, JE, CL), pp. 403–410.
HIMI-LCCB-2013-Eschenbrenner #information management #self- Enhancing Information Systems Users’ Knowledge and Skills Transference through Self-regulation Techniques (BE), pp. 16–24.
ICSE-2013-FitzgeraldSOO #agile #case study #industrial #scalability- Scaling agile methods to regulated environments: an industry case study (BF, KJS, RO, DO), pp. 863–872.
HPCA-2013-ZhaoCCD #memory management #transaction- In-network traffic regulation for Transactional Memory (LZ, WC, LC, JTD), pp. 520–531.
DATE-2012-SinkarWK #manycore #optimisation #performance- Workload-aware voltage regulator optimization for power efficient multi-core processors (AAS, HW, NSK), pp. 1134–1137.
CHI-2012-WisniewskiLW #bound- Fighting for my space: coping mechanisms for sns boundary regulation (PJW, HRL, DW), pp. 609–618.
CSCW-2012-FredericW #bound #social #social media- Boundary regulation in social media (SF, HW), pp. 769–778.
CIKM-2012-CumminsO #automation #constraints #normalisation- A constraint to automatically regulate document-length normalisation (RC, CO), pp. 2443–2446.
ICPR-2012-GaoLZXX #recognition #representation- Human action recognition based on sparse representation induced by L1/L2 regulations (ZG, AL, HZ, GX, YX), pp. 1868–1871.
KMIS-2012-RezendeLBJMRB #framework #information management #modelling- Modelling and Knowledge Management in the Field of Road Infrastructure Operation and Regulation — Study on the Methods Application in an Organizational Unit (LR, MAL, CRNB, JdLPCJ, LAM, SAR, CAMB), pp. 265–268.
HPCA-2012-YanLHLGL #architecture #hybrid #manycore #named #performance- AgileRegulator: A hybrid voltage regulator scheme redeeming dark silicon for power efficiency in a multicore architecture (GY, YL, YH, XL, MG, XL), pp. 287–298.
RTA-2012-KanovichKNSTP #framework #process- A Rewriting Framework for Activities Subject to Regulations (MIK, TBK, VN, AS, CLT, RP), pp. 305–322.
CHI-2011-HarrisN- Emotion regulation for frustrating driving contexts (HH, CN), pp. 749–752.
EDOC-2011-Papazoglou #process #standard- Making Business Processes Compliant to Standards and Regulations (MPP), pp. 3–13.
DAC-2010-ZengYFL #analysis #network #optimisation #power management #trade-off- Tradeoff analysis and optimization of power delivery networks with on-chip voltage regulation (ZZ, XY, ZF, PL), pp. 831–836.
DATE-2010-FanucciPDSTCLT #programmable- An high voltage CMOS voltage regulator for automotive alternators with programmable functionalities and full reverse polarity capability (LF, GP, PD, RS, FT, PC, LL, PT), pp. 526–531.
DATE-2010-JafariLJY- Optimal regulation of traffic flows in networks-on-chip (FJ, ZL, AJ, MHY), pp. 1621–1624.
DATE-2010-PasettiFS #power management- A High-Voltage Low-Power DC-DC buck regulator for automotive applications (GP, LF, RS), pp. 937–940.
KEOD-2010-SaxenaW #design #ontology- Panhaa Systemic Design of Regulation Enabling Ontology (ABS, AW), pp. 70–83.
REFSQ-2010-IslamMW #elicitation #framework #privacy #requirements #security #towards- Towards a Framework to Elicit and Manage Security and Privacy Requirements from Laws and Regulations (SI, HM, SW), pp. 255–261.
CGO-2010-StephensonRYH #behaviour #statistics- Statistically regulating program behavior via mainstream computing (MS, RR, EY, EVH), pp. 238–247.
DATE-2009-LuMJBWH #communication- Flow regulation for on-chip communication (ZL, MM, AJ, ACB, PvdW, TH), pp. 578–581.
LATA-2009-Masopust #context-free grammar #generative #power of- A Note on the Generative Power of Some Simple Variants of Context-Free Grammars Regulated by Context Conditions (TM), pp. 554–565.
HCD-2009-GuessardPBMS #approach #concept- Ergonomic Approach for the Conception of a Theatre Medical Regulation System (WG, AP, RB, POM, AS), pp. 965–971.
HCI-NIMT-2009-Alexandris #approach #editing #process- A Speech-Act Oriented Approach for User-Interactive Editing and Regulation Processes Applied in Written and Spoken Technical Texts (CA), pp. 645–653.
KDIR-2009-Fang #development #gender- Development and Application of a Roach Gene Regulation Profile based Gender Discrimination Method (YF), pp. 263–269.
LATA-2008-BordihnH #distributed #random- Random Context in Regulated Rewriting VersusCooperating Distributed Grammar Systems (HB, MH), pp. 125–136.
CAiSE-2008-SaekiK #elicitation #requirements- Supporting the Elicitation of Requirements Compliant with Regulations (MS, HK), pp. 228–242.
HPCA-2008-KimGWB #analysis #performance #using- System level analysis of fast, per-core DVFS using on-chip switching regulators (WK, MSG, GYW, DMB), pp. 123–134.
ASE-2007-KiyavitskayaZBACMM #process #towards- Extracting rights and obligations from regulations: toward a tool-supported process (NK, NZ, TDB, AIA, JRC, LM, JM), pp. 429–432.
DAC-2007-AmelifardP #network #power management- Optimal Selection of Voltage Regulator Modules in a Power Delivery Network (BA, MP), pp. 168–173.
CIAA-2007-KutribMW #automaton #nondeterminism- Regulated Nondeterminism in Pushdown Automata (MK, AM, LW), pp. 85–96.
LATA-2007-MasopustM #complexity- Descriptional Complexity of Grammars Regulated by Context Conditions (TM, AM), pp. 403–412.
CHI-2007-SeayK #game studies #online #problem #self- Project massive: self-regulation and problematic use of online gaming (AFS, REK), pp. 829–838.
HIMI-IIE-2007-KrachinaRT #ontology #perspective #policy #privacy #semantics- Reconciling Privacy Policies and Regulations: Ontological Semantics Perspective (OK, VR, KET), pp. 730–739.
RE-2007-KaragiannisMS- Business Process-Based Regulation Compliance: The Case of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act (DK, JM, MS), pp. 315–321.
FM-2006-DelahayeED #security #using- Certifying Airport Security Regulations Using the Focal Environment (DD, JFÉ, VDG), pp. 48–63.
RE-2006-BreauxVA #requirements #towards- Towards Regulatory Compliance: Extracting Rights and Obligations to Align Requirements with Regulations (TDB, MWV, AIA), pp. 46–55.
ASPLOS-2006-XuHB #memory management #reduction #transitive- A regulated transitive reduction (RTR) for longer memory race recording (MX, MDH, RB), pp. 49–60.
CASE-2005-ZhuZL #adaptation- An adaptive PI controller for regulation of pressure of hypertension patients (KZ, HZ, JL), pp. 67–72.
KR-2004-BoellaT #multi- Regulative and Constitutive Norms in Normative Multiagent Systems (GB, LWNvdT), pp. 255–266.
RE-2004-RegevW #approach #requirements- Defining Early IT System Requirements with Regulation Principles: The Lightswitch Approach (GR, AW), pp. 144–153.
KDD-2003-LauLW #analysis #similarity- Similarity analysis on government regulations (GTL, KHL, GW), pp. 711–716.
SAC-2003-KwonHN- Inference of Transcriptional Regulation Relationships from Gene Expression Data (ATJK, HHH, RTN), pp. 135–140.
DLT-2001-SosikF #string- String Rewriting Sequential P-Systems and Regulated Rewriting (PS, RF), pp. 379–388.
KDD-2000-Senator #case study #detection #information management #scalability- Ongoing management and application of discovered knowledge in a large regulatory organization: a case study of the use and impact of NASD Regulation’s Advanced Detection System (RADS) (TES), pp. 44–53.
SOSP-1999-DouceurB #process- Progress-based regulation of low-importance processes (JRD, WJB), pp. 247–260.
SAC-1994-KruseGK #fuzzy- A fuzzy controller for idle speed regulation (RK, JG, FK), pp. 155–160.
ICALP-1985-BucherEH #on the- On Total Regulators Generated by Derivation Relations (WB, AE, DH), pp. 71–79.