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240 papers:

DATEDATE-2015-DuongNXWTBYWW #analysis
Coherent crosstalk noise analyses in ring-based optical interconnects (LHKD, MN, JX, ZW, YT, SLB, PY, XW, ZW), pp. 501–506.
ICSMEICSME-2015-XiaLWY #analysis #bibliography #recommendation
Who should review this change?: Putting text and file location analyses together for more accurate recommendations (XX, DL, XW, XY), pp. 261–270.
ICFPICFP-2015-AvanziniLM #complexity #first-order #functional #higher-order #source code
Analysing the complexity of functional programs: higher-order meets first-order (MA, UDL, GM), pp. 152–164.
HCIDHM-HM-2015-ShodaYSS #analysis #behaviour #how #people
Exploring How People Collaborate with a Stranger: — Analyses of Verbal and Nonverbal Behaviors in Abstract Art Reproduction (HS, TY, NS, MS), pp. 379–388.
HCISCSM-2015-HallC #collaboration #information management #performance #process #social
Analysing Yammer Usage Pattern in the Context of Social Collaborative Activity Performance by Knowledge Workers (JH, BBC), pp. 127–137.
ICEISICEIS-v1-2015-CerqueiraOG #community #framework #network #scalability #social
A Framework for Analysing Dynamic Communities in Large-scale Social Networks (VC, MDBO, JG), pp. 235–242.
ICEISICEIS-v1-2015-SabelnikovaCT #approach #case study #outsourcing
Analysing Business-IT Alignment in the IT Outsourcing Context — A Case Study Approach (ES, CMC, JJMT), pp. 5–16.
ECOOPECOOP-2015-DimovskiBW #abstraction #analysis #precise #variability
Variability Abstractions: Trading Precision for Speed in Family-Based Analyses (ASD, CB, AW), pp. 247–270.
GPCEGPCE-2015-El-SharkawyKS #analysis #semantics #tool support
Analysing the Kconfig semantics and its analysis tools (SES, AK, KS), pp. 45–54.
POPLPOPL-2015-GiacobazziLR #analysis #metaprogramming
Analyzing Program Analyses (RG, FL, FR), pp. 261–273.
SACSAC-2015-JakobsW #analysis #data flow #proving #source code
Programs from proofs of predicated dataflow analyses (MCJ, HW), pp. 1729–1736.
SACSAC-2015-PintoMCS #process #using
Using event logs and the Ψ-theory to analyse business processes (PLP, CM, AC, MMdS), pp. 1195–1202.
ESEC-FSEESEC-FSE-2015-RuscioKKMV #automation #framework #metric #named #open source
OSSMETER: a software measurement platform for automatically analysing open source software projects (DDR, DSK, IK, NDM, JJV), pp. 970–973.
ICSEICSE-v2-2015-ChenGSYH #energy #named #performance
StressCloud: A Tool for Analysing Performance and Energy Consumption of Cloud Applications (FC, JCG, JGS, YY, QH), pp. 721–724.
HPDCHPDC-2015-AlvarezOEAGR #analysis
HPC System Lifetime Story: Workload Characterization and Evolutionary Analyses on NERSC Systems (GPRÁ, POÖ, EE, KA, RG, LR), pp. 57–60.
ISSTAISSTA-2015-Narayanaswamy #concurrent #performance
When truth is efficient: analysing concurrency (GN), pp. 141–152.
CASECASE-2014-HungCYDYW #behaviour #data mining #mining
Data mining for analysing kiosk usage behavior patterns (YSH, KLBC, CTY, GFD, YHY, NCW), pp. 1115–1120.
DACDAC-2014-SlijepcevicKAQC #manycore #realtime
Time-Analysable Non-Partitioned Shared Caches for Real-Time Multicore Systems (MS, LK, JA, EQ, FJC), p. 6.
TACASTACAS-2014-LoweMW #analysis #contest
CPAchecker with Sequential Combination of Explicit-Value Analyses and Predicate Analyses — (Competition Contribution) (SL, MUM, PW), pp. 392–394.
MSRMSR-2014-MatragkasWKP #ecosystem #git #open source
Analysing the “biodiversity” of open source ecosystems: the GitHub case (NDM, JRW, DSK, RFP), pp. 356–359.
PLDIPLDI-2014-ZhangMGNY #abstraction #analysis #datalog #on the #refinement
On abstraction refinement for program analyses in Datalog (XZ, RM, RG, MN, HY), p. 27.
IFMIFM-2014-LaibinisBPTTP #in the cloud #modelling #simulation
Integrating Event-B Modelling and Discrete-Event Simulation to Analyse Resilience of Data Stores in the Cloud (LL, BB, IP, ET, KET, IP), pp. 103–119.
HCIHCI-AIMT-2014-Man #hardware #using #video
Analysing Emotional Video Using Consumer EEG Hardware (JdM), pp. 729–738.
CAiSECAiSE-2014-PikaWFHLA #behaviour #framework #using
An Extensible Framework for Analysing Resource Behaviour Using Event Logs (AP, MTW, CJF, AHMtH, ML, WMPvdA), pp. 564–579.
AMTAMT-2014-EramoMPR #bidirectional #nondeterminism #towards
Towards Analysing Non-Determinism in Bidirectional Transformations (RE, RM, AP, GR), pp. 76–85.
OOPSLAOOPSLA-2014-NazareMSBGP #analysis #memory management #validation
Validation of memory accesses through symbolic analyses (HN, IM, WS, LB, LG, FMQP), pp. 791–809.
LOPSTRLOPSTR-2014-SchreyeNN #compilation #deduction
Analysing and Compiling Coroutines with Abstract Conjunctive Partial Deduction (DDS, VN, CJN), pp. 21–38.
SACSAC-2014-EliasMFB #algorithm #analysis #memory management
Experimental and theoretical analyses of memory allocation algorithms (DE, RM, MF, LBdA), pp. 1545–1546.
ICSEICSE-2014-ArztB #analysis #data flow #incremental #named
Reviser: efficiently updating IDE-/IFDS-based data-flow analyses in response to incremental program changes (SA, EB), pp. 288–298.
ICSEICSE-2014-NadiBKC #analysis #constraints #empirical #mining
Mining configuration constraints: static analyses and empirical results (SN, TB, CK, KC), pp. 140–151.
SLESLE-J-2012-KrishnanW #analysis #attribute grammar #composition #higher-order #termination
Monolithic and modular termination analyses for higher-order attribute grammars (LK, EVW), pp. 511–526.
CCCC-2014-TavaresBPR #analysis #data flow
Parameterized Construction of Program Representations for Sparse Dataflow Analyses (ALCT, BB, FMQP, FR), pp. 18–39.
RTARTA-TLCA-2014-Schmidt-Schauss #analysis #concurrent #programming language #semantics
Concurrent Programming Languages and Methods for Semantic Analyses (Extended Abstract of Invited Talk) (MSS), pp. 21–30.
TAPTAP-2014-KosmatovS #analysis #runtime #tutorial
Runtime Assertion Checking and Its Combinations with Static and Dynamic Analyses — Tutorial Synopsis (NK, JS), pp. 165–168.
VMCAIVMCAI-2014-Ferrara #abstract interpretation #analysis
Generic Combination of Heap and Value Analyses in Abstract Interpretation (PF), pp. 302–321.
ASEASE-2013-SumnerZ #analysis #execution #identification
Identifying execution points for dynamic analyses (WNS, XZ), pp. 81–91.
DATEDATE-2013-KosmidisAQC #design #realtime
A cache design for probabilistically analysable real-time systems (LK, JA, EQ, FJC), pp. 513–518.
ESOPESOP-2013-BeyerHTV #analysis #multi #reachability #reuse
Information Reuse for Multi-goal Reachability Analyses (DB, AH, MT, HV), pp. 472–491.
ICSMEICSM-2013-LabicheKM #analysis #diagrams
Combining Static and Dynamic Analyses to Reverse-Engineer Scenario Diagrams (YL, BK, HM), pp. 130–139.
HCIDHM-HB-2013-ZhaoLZ #analysis #higher-order #statistics
Higher Order Statistics Analyses Based on the Mathematical Model of Surface Electromyography (YZ, DL, JZ), pp. 402–408.
HCIHCI-UC-2013-YangRV #industrial #interactive
Principled Ways of Finding, Analysing and Planning for Communicative Overhead in Interaction Technology for Fashion Industry (JY, SR, SV), pp. 484–491.
ICEISICEIS-J-2013-VaniyaBN13a #approach
Analysing the M&A Preparedness Building Approach (NV, PB, ON), pp. 459–473.
KEODKEOD-2013-NadarajanYC #framework #multi #ontology #performance #scalability #workflow
Multiple Ontologies Enhanced with Performance Capabilities to Define Interacting Domains within a Workflow Framework for Analysing Large Undersea Videos (GN, CLY, YHCB), pp. 419–426.
SEKESEKE-2013-RamosRO #process #source code #towards
Towards a strategy for analysing benefits of Software Process Improvement programs (CSR, ARR, KMdO), pp. 638–643.
OOPSLAOOPSLA-2013-HuangB #analysis #context-sensitive grammar #memory management #performance
Efficient context sensitivity for dynamic analyses via calling context uptrees and customized memory management (JH, MDB), pp. 53–72.
PADLPADL-2013-GiorgidzeGHK #database #haskell #wiki
Analysing the Entire Wikipedia History with Database Supported Haskell (GG, TG, IH, MK), pp. 19–25.
SACSAC-2013-CelestiniNT #coordination #specification
Specifying and analysing reputation systems with a coordination language (AC, RDN, FT), pp. 1363–1368.
ESEC-FSEESEC-FSE-2013-MusluBEN #analysis
Making offline analyses continuous (KM, YB, MDE, DN), pp. 323–333.
CADECADE-2013-BeckertGS #algorithm #logic
Analysing Vote Counting Algorithms via Logic — And Its Application to the CADE Election Scheme (BB, RG, CS), pp. 135–144.
ICSTICST-2013-FryW #analysis #maintenance
Leveraging Light-Weight Analyses to Aid Software Maintenance (ZPF, WW), pp. 507–508.
DATEDATE-2012-GerdesKURS #realtime
Time analysable synchronisation techniques for parallelised hard real-time applications (MG, FK, TU, CR, PS), pp. 671–676.
PLDIPLDI-2012-AlbarghouthiKNR #analysis #interprocedural #top-down
Parallelizing top-down interprocedural analyses (AA, RK, AVN, SKR), pp. 217–228.
PLDIPLDI-2012-OhHLLY #analysis #design #implementation
Design and implementation of sparse global analyses for C-like languages (HO, KH, WL, WL, KY), pp. 229–238.
SASSAS-2012-DSilvaHK #satisfiability
Satisfiability Solvers Are Static Analysers (VD, LH, DK), pp. 317–333.
SASSAS-2012-Krishnamurthi #analysis #javascript #semantics #web
Semantics and Analyses for JavaScript and the Web (SK), p. 4.
IFMIFM-2012-BlackmoreHBER #automation #generative #simulation #verification
Analysing and Closing Simulation Coverage by Automatic Generation and Verification of Formal Properties from Coverage Reports (TB, DH, PB, KE, NR), pp. 84–98.
SEFMSEFM-2012-FerraraFJ #analysis
TVAL+ : TVLA and Value Analyses Together (PF, RF, UJ), pp. 63–77.
Deep Mixtures of Factor Analysers (YT, RS, GEH), p. 147.
ICPRICPR-2012-WangWZJ #analysis #bias #database
Bias analyses of spontaneous facial expression database (ZW, SW, YZ, QJ), pp. 2926–2929.
RERE-2012-Hoffmann #approach #requirements
A Pattern-based approach for analysing requirements in socio-technical systems engineering (AH), pp. 341–344.
RERE-2012-TunBPYHON #mobile #privacy #requirements
Privacy arguments: Analysing selective disclosure requirements for mobile applications (TTT, AKB, BAP, YY, CBH, IO, BN), pp. 131–140.
SACSAC-2012-TangJ #analysis #precise
Exploiting regularity of user-defined types to improve precision of program analyses (XT, JJ), pp. 1743–1750.
ASPLOSASPLOS-2012-OlszewskiZKAA #analysis #named
Aikido: accelerating shared data dynamic analyses (MO, QZ, DK, JA, SPA), pp. 173–184.
CAVCAV-2012-BerdineCIW #abstraction #analysis
Diagnosing Abstraction Failure for Separation Logic-Based Analyses (JB, AC, SI, CMW), pp. 155–173.
ICSTICST-2012-GansR #protocol #smarttech #testing
The SmartLogic Tool: Analysing and Testing Smart Card Protocols (GdKG, JdR), pp. 864–871.
CSMRCSMR-2011-MensDHVK #evolution #modelling #named #quality
QUALGEN: Modeling and Analysing the Quality of Evolving Software Systems (TM, LD, NH, BV, FK), pp. 351–354.
SEFMSEFM-2011-TongSJ #approach #formal method #information management #process
A Formal Approach to Analysing Knowledge Transfer Processes in Developing Countries (JT, SAS, AEJ), pp. 486–501.
CHICHI-2011-WobbrockFGH #analysis #parametricity #rank #using
The aligned rank transform for nonparametric factorial analyses using only anova procedures (JOW, LF, DG, JJH), pp. 143–146.
CSCWCSCW-2011-MarshallRP #interactive #physics #using
Using F-formations to analyse spatial patterns of interaction in physical environments (PM, YR, NP), pp. 445–454.
KEODKEOD-2011-KohnMSL #complexity #ontology
Use of Existing Ontologies as Input for Structural Complexity Management — Reducing the Effort for Analysing and Improving Engineering Systems (AK, MM, HXS, UL), pp. 195–201.
PADLPADL-2011-MantadelisPJVB #ad hoc #mobile #network
Analysing a Publish/Subscribe System for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks with ProbLog (TM, KP, GJ, YV, YB), pp. 34–37.
SACSAC-2011-CordovillaBNP #multi #scheduling
Multiprocessor schedulability analyser (MC, FB, EN, CP), pp. 735–741.
ISSTAISSTA-2011-LeS #analysis #detection #fault #generative
Generating analyses for detecting faults in path segments (WL, MLS), pp. 320–330.
RTARTA-2011-KochemsO #analysis #functional #linear #reachability #using
Improved Functional Flow and Reachability Analyses Using Indexed Linear Tree Grammars (JK, CHLO), pp. 187–202.
MSRMSR-2010-NiaBDF #analysis #network #open source
Validity of network analyses in Open Source Projects (RN, CB, PTD, VF), pp. 201–209.
SCAMSCAM-2010-EdvinssonLL #analysis #parallel #reachability
Parallel Reachability and Escape Analyses (ME, JL, WL), pp. 125–134.
PLDIPLDI-2010-BondBG #analysis #context-sensitive grammar #debugging #detection #named #performance
Breadcrumbs: efficient context sensitivity for dynamic bug detection analyses (MDB, GZB, SZG), pp. 13–24.
CIKMCIKM-2010-BronBR #analysis #component #ranking
Ranking related entities: components and analyses (MB, KB, MdR), pp. 1079–1088.
ICSEICSE-2010-LimQF #named #network #scalability #social #using
StakeNet: using social networks to analyse the stakeholders of large-scale software projects (SLL, DQ, AF), pp. 295–304.
ICSEICSE-2010-SutcliffeT #people #problem #requirements
Analysing “people” problems in requirements engineering (AGS, ST), pp. 469–470.
SLESLE-2010-GenonHA #effectiveness
Analysing the Cognitive Effectiveness of the BPMN 2.0 Visual Notation (NG, PH, DA), pp. 377–396.
ICSTICST-2010-SeguraHBR #analysis #approach #automation #feature model #generative #modelling #testing
Automated Test Data Generation on the Analyses of Feature Models: A Metamorphic Testing Approach (SS, RMH, DB, ARC), pp. 35–44.
ISSTAISSTA-2010-BaoZLZX #analysis #data flow #dependence #information management #strict
Strict control dependence and its effect on dynamic information flow analyses (TB, YZ, ZL, XZ, DX), pp. 13–24.
ASEASE-2009-YuAB #analysis #generative #source code #string #using
Generating Vulnerability Signatures for String Manipulating Programs Using Automata-Based Forward and Backward Symbolic Analyses (FY, MA, TB), pp. 605–609.
DACDAC-2009-KimRH #analysis #probability
Stochastic steady-state and AC analyses of mixed-signal systems (JK, JR, MAH), pp. 376–381.
SCAMSCAM-2009-GutzmannKLL #analysis #points-to #towards
Towards Comparing and Combining Points-to Analyses (TG, AK, JL, WL), pp. 45–54.
PEPMPEPM-2009-FradeSU #analysis #bidirectional #data flow
Bidirectional data-flow analyses, type-systematically (MJF, AS, TU), pp. 141–150.
LATALATA-2009-LiuM #automation #complexity
Analysing Complexity in Classes of Unary Automatic Structures (JL, MM), pp. 518–529.
HCIDHM-2009-DemirelD #analysis #feedback
Impact of Force Feedback on Computer Aided Ergonomic Analyses (HOD, VGD), pp. 608–613.
HCIHCI-NIMT-2009-ElliottCR #bibliography #visual notation
Overview of Meta-analyses Investigating Vibrotactile versus Visual Display Options (LRE, MDC, ESR), pp. 435–443.
HCIHIMI-DIE-2009-HorvathLK #analysis #approach #data mining #mining #usability
Usability Analyses of CRM Systems in Call Centers: The Data Mining Approach (ÁH, LL, AK), pp. 40–48.
SIGIRSIGIR-2009-CloughSANP #multi #query
Multiple approaches to analysing query diversity (PDC, MS, MA, SN, MLP), pp. 734–735.
OOPSLAOOPSLA-2009-BravenboerS #analysis #declarative #points-to #specification #strict
Strictly declarative specification of sophisticated points-to analyses (MB, YS), pp. 243–262.
GPCEGPCE-2009-WillcockLQ #analysis #reuse
Reusable, generic program analyses and transformations (JW, AL, DJQ), pp. 5–14.
ESEC-FSEESEC-FSE-2009-BeltRD #analysis #lightweight #optimisation #symbolic computation
Sireum/Topi LDP: a lightweight semi-decision procedure for optimizing symbolic execution-based analyses (JB, R, XD), pp. 355–364.
LCTESLCTES-2009-FidgeC #analysis #data flow #hardware
Integrating hardware and software information flow analyses (CJF, DC), pp. 157–166.
ICLPICLP-2009-Raiser #constraints #graph transformation #research #summary #using
Analysing Graph Transformation Systems Using Extended Methods from Constraint Handling Rules (Research Summary) (FR), pp. 540–541.
QoSAQoSA-2008-WaignierMD #analysis #architecture #specification
Architectural Specification and Static Analyses of Contractual Application Properties (GW, AFLM, LD), pp. 152–170.
WICSAWICSA-2008-KeulerMU #analysis #architecture #performance #quality
Efficient Quality Impact Analyses for Iterative Architecture Construction (TK, DM, TU), pp. 19–28.
ASEASE-2008-DIppolitoFCU #named
MTSA: The Modal Transition System Analyser (ND, DF, MC, SU), pp. 475–476.
CASECASE-2008-NandakumarHM #analysis #automation #flexibility #framework #interactive
A flexible framework for automation of single cell and cell-to-cell interaction analyses (VN, MH, DRM), pp. 424–430.
ICSMEICSM-2008-AntoniolHGP #cost analysis #reuse
Reuse or rewrite: Combining textual, static, and dynamic analyses to assess the cost of keeping a system up-to-date (GA, JHH, YGG, MDP), pp. 147–156.
PLDIPLDI-2008-DincklageD #analysis
Explaining failures of program analyses (DvD, AD), pp. 260–269.
SASSAS-2008-SeidlFP #equation #polynomial
Analysing All Polynomial Equations in ℤ₂ᵂ (HS, AF, MP), pp. 299–314.
SEFMSEFM-2008-GuoS #finite #impact analysis #proving #state machine #theorem proving #using
Formal Change Impact Analyses of Extended Finite State Machines Using a Theorem Prover (BG, MS), pp. 335–344.
ICMTICMT-2008-CabotCGL #graph transformation #ocl
Analysing Graph Transformation Rules through OCL (JC, RC, EG, JdL), pp. 229–244.
SACSAC-2008-VellosoR #algorithm #analysis
Percolation analyses in a swarm based algorithm for shortest-path finding (BPV, MR), pp. 1861–1865.
ISMMISMM-2008-ChinNPQ #bound #low level #memory management #source code
Analysing memory resource bounds for low-level programs (WNC, HHN, CP, SQ), pp. 151–160.
ESOPESOP-2007-SeidlFP #difference #linear
Interprocedurally Analysing Linear Inequality Relations (HS, AF, MP), pp. 284–299.
ICSMEICSM-2007-Salahuddin #testing #using
Analysing the Impact of Change on Test Sets Using X-Machines (SS), pp. 511–512.
PASTEPASTE-2007-Brown #analysis #composition #integration #named
AWE: improving software analysis through modular integration of static and dynamic analyses (REB), pp. 69–74.
WCREWCRE-2007-Staiger #analysis #reverse engineering #user interface #using #visual notation
Reverse Engineering of Graphical User Interfaces Using Static Analyses (SS), pp. 189–198.
SEKESEKE-2007-AnnoniRT #analysis #process #requirements
Data and Process Analyses of Data Warehouse Requirements (EA, FR, OT), pp. 191–196.
PADLPADL-2007-EichbergKSMO #analysis #automation #prolog
Automatic Incrementalization of Prolog Based Static Analyses (ME, MK, DS, MM, KO), pp. 109–123.
POPLPOPL-2007-BerdineCCDO #analysis
Variance analyses from invariance analyses (JB, AC, BC, DD, PWO), pp. 211–224.
SACSAC-2007-ShinH #analysis #automation #comparison #difference #process
Comparison of two activity analyses for automatic differentiation: context-sensitive flow-insensitive vs. context-insensitive flow-sensitive (JS, PDH), pp. 1323–1329.
VMCAIVMCAI-2007-Lev-AmiSIR #analysis
Constructing Specialized Shape Analyses for Uniform Change (TLA, MS, NI, TWR), pp. 215–233.
ASEASE-2006-EichbergMKOR #analysis #scheduling #set
Integrating and Scheduling an Open Set of Static Analyses (ME, MM, SK, KO, BR), pp. 113–122.
ICSMEICSM-2006-ShenM #architecture #named
ESDM — A Method for Developing Evolutionary Scenarios for Analysing the Impact of Historical Changes on Architectural Elements (YS, NHM), pp. 45–54.
MSRMSR-2006-KimN #analysis #multi
Program element matching for multi-version program analyses (MK, DN), pp. 58–64.
ICFPICFP-2006-MightS #analysis #garbage collection
Improving flow analyses via ΓCFA: abstract garbage collection and counting (MM, OS), pp. 13–25.
SEKESEKE-2006-ZiemerSS #approach #development #modelling #requirements #trade-off #web
A Decision Modelling Approach for Analysing Requirements Configuration Trade-offs in Timeconstrained Web Application Development (SZ, PRFS, TS), pp. 144–149.
GPCEGPCE-2006-KaminAK #analysis #generative #staging
Staging static analyses for program generation (SK, BA, MK), pp. 1–10.
QAPLQAPL-2006-SotinCJ #behaviour #java #static analysis
Quantitative Static Analysis Over Semirings: Analysing Cache Behaviour for Java Card (PS, DC, TPJ), pp. 153–167.
ICLPICLP-2006-CabalarOPV #equilibrium #logic #semantics #using
Analysing and Extending Well-Founded and Partial Stable Semantics Using Partial Equilibrium Logic (PC, SPO, DP, AV), pp. 346–360.
RTARTA-2006-Turuani #protocol
The CL-Atse Protocol Analyser (MT), pp. 277–286.
VMCAIVMCAI-2006-ArnoldMSS #abstraction #analysis
Combining Shape Analyses by Intersecting Abstractions (GA, RM, MS, RS), pp. 33–48.
ASEASE-2005-ShepherdPPC #analysis #automation #framework #mining #named
Timna: a framework for automatically combining aspect mining analyses (DCS, JP, LLP, MCC), pp. 184–193.
CASECASE-2005-MeldrumHFSMRPMCDW #analysis
Sample preparation in glass capillaries for high-throughput biochemical analyses (DRM, MH, CHF, MSS, SKM, TTHR, WHP, SEM, DLC, DAD, PJW), pp. 7–12.
MSRMSR-2005-ConklinHC #analysis #collaboration #repository #using
Collaboration using OSSmole: a repository of FLOSS data and analyses (MC, JH, KC), pp. 76–80.
PASTEPASTE-2005-PickettV #framework #java #multi #named #thread
SableSpMT: a software framework for analysing speculative multithreading in Java (CJFP, CV), pp. 59–66.
FMFM-2005-Johnson #debugging #formal method #using
The Natural History of Bugs: Using Formal Methods to Analyse Software Related Failures in Space Missions (CWJ), pp. 9–25.
VISSOFTVISSOFT-2005-SmithM #identification #interactive #java #runtime #source code
Identifying Structural Features of Java Programs by Analysing the Interaction of Classes at Runtime (MPS, MM), pp. 108–113.
ICEISICEIS-v3-2005-KloseKB #integration #modelling #process #specification
Process Modelling for Service Processes — Modelling Methods Extensions for Specifying and Analysing Customer Integration (KK, RK, JB), pp. 260–265.
POPLPOPL-2005-LernerMRC #analysis #automation #data flow #proving
Automated soundness proofs for dataflow analyses and transformations via local rules (SL, TDM, ER, CC), pp. 364–377.
GTTSEGTTSE-2005-BenavidesSMC #analysis #automation #csp #feature model #java #modelling #using
Using Java CSP Solvers in the Automated Analyses of Feature Models (DB, SS, PTMA, ARC), pp. 399–408.
COCVCOCV-J-2005-SalcianuA #analysis #correctness #data flow #proving
Machine-Checkable Correctness Proofs for Intra-procedural Dataflow Analyses (AS, KA), pp. 53–68.
ICLPICLP-2005-GallagherHB #analysis #scalability
Techniques for Scaling Up Analyses Based on Pre-interpretations (JPG, KSH, GB), pp. 280–296.
ICLPICLP-2005-Schrijvers #analysis #constraints #optimisation #summary
Analyses, Optimizations and Extensions of Constraint Handling Rules: Ph.D. Summary (TS), pp. 435–436.
ESOPESOP-2004-CacheraJPR #data flow #logic
Extracting a Data Flow Analyser in Constructive Logic (DC, TPJ, DP, VR), pp. 385–400.
CSMRCSMR-2004-AntoniolP #analysis #architecture #distributed
A Distributed Architecture for Dynamic Analyses on User-Profile Data (GA, MDP), pp. 319–328.
ICSMEICSM-2004-MerloAPR #analysis #clone detection #complexity #detection #evolution #linear #object-oriented #similarity
Linear Complexity Object-Oriented Similarity for Clone Detection and Software Evolution Analyses (EM, GA, MDP, VFR), pp. 412–416.
PASTEPASTE-2004-Ezick #analysis #constraints #query
Resolving and applying constraint queries on context-sensitive analyses (JE), pp. 2–7.
WCREWCRE-2004-Harrold #analysis #control flow #source code
Static and Dynamic Analyses of Programs with Implicit Control Flow (MJH), p. 5.
Analysing Definitional Trees: Looking for Determinism (PJI, CVL), pp. 55–69.
CAiSECAiSE-2004-EderKM #detection #slicing
Analysing Slices of Data Warehouses to Detect Structural Modifications (JE, CK, DM), pp. 492–505.
ICEISICEIS-v1-2004-HendersonW #enterprise #modelling #simulation
Information Invasion in Enterprise Systems: Modelling, Simulating and Analysing System-Level Information Propagation (PH, SC, RJW), pp. 473–481.
ICEISICEIS-v3-2004-MouratidisGM #design #information management #security #using
Using Security Attack Scenarios to Analyse Security During Information Systems Design (HM, PG, GAM), pp. 10–17.
ICPRICPR-v1-2004-SalahA #incremental
Incremental Mixtures of Factor Analysers (AAS, EA), pp. 276–279.
LOPSTRPDCL-2004-HoweKL #logic programming #reasoning #source code
Analysing Logic Programs by Reasoning Backwards (JMH, AK, LL), pp. 152–188.
POPLPOPL-2004-Benton #analysis #correctness #program transformation #proving #relational
Simple relational correctness proofs for static analyses and program transformations (NB), pp. 14–25.
DATEDATE-2003-ChakrabortyKT #design #embedded #framework
A General Framework for Analysing System Properties in Platform-Based Embedded System Designs (SC, SK, LT), pp. 10190–10195.
SCAMSCAM-2003-BinkleyH #algorithm #analysis #graph #optimisation #performance #reachability #scalability #source code
Results from a Large-Scale Study of Performance Optimization Techniques for Source Code Analyses Based on Graph Reachability Algorithms (DB, MH), p. 203–?.
IFLIFL-2003-SeguraP #analysis #correctness #nondeterminism
Correctness of Non-determinism Analyses in a Parallel-Functional Language (CS, RP), pp. 69–85.
CAiSECAiSE-2003-EmburyS #constraints #information management
Analysing the Impact of Adding Integrity Constraints to Information Systems (SME, JS), pp. 175–192.
ICEISICEIS-v3-2003-Lyytikainen #content management #requirements
Analysing Requirements for Content Management (VL), pp. 104–111.
ICEISICEIS-v3-2003-MouratidisMGG #information management #requirements #security #using
Analysing Security Requirements of Information Systems Using Tropos (HM, GAM, AG, PG), pp. 623–626.
SEKESEKE-2003-DongSWLL #alloy #case study #ontology #web
Analysing Web Ontology in Alloy: A Military Case Study (JSD, JS, HHW, CHL, HBL), pp. 542–546.
GPCEGPCE-2003-Kastner #analysis #hardware #named #optimisation
TDL: A Hardware Description Language for Retargetable Postpass Optimizations and Analyses (DK), pp. 18–36.
RERE-2003-LinNIJM #requirements #security
Introducing Abuse Frames for Analysing Security Requirements (LL, BN, DCI, MJ, JDM), pp. 371–372.
DATEDATE-2002-ZhengPBK #analysis #modelling #scalability
Window-Based Susceptance Models for Large-Scale RLC Circuit Analyses (HZ, LTP, MWB, BK), pp. 628–633.
ESOPESOP-2002-WandW #analysis #composition #proving
A Modular, Extensible Proof Method for Small-Step Flow Analyses (MW, GBW), pp. 213–227.
PASTEPASTE-2002-Naumovich #analysis #data flow #design pattern #implementation #using
Using the observer design pattern for implementation of data flow analyses (GN), pp. 61–68.
PLDIPLDI-2002-HallemCXE #analysis
A System and Language for Building System-Specific, Static Analyses (SH, BC, YX, DRE), pp. 69–82.
PLDIPLDI-2002-RamalingamWFGS #analysis #component #consistency
Deriving Specialized Program Analyses for Certifying Component-Client Conformance (GR, AV, JF, DG, SS), pp. 83–94.
SASSAS-2002-PierroHW #approximate
Analysing Approximate Confinement under Uniform Attacks (ADP, CH, HW), pp. 310–325.
SASSAS-2002-Ruf #analysis #data flow #precise
Improving the Precision of Equality-Based Dataflow Analyses (ER), pp. 247–262.
EDOCEDOC-2002-SalinesiP #adaptation #information management
A Method to Analyse Changes in the Realisation of Business Intentions and Strategies for Information System Adaptation (CS, MJP), pp. 84–95.
ICEISICEIS-2002-BaranauskasSL #communication
Analysing Communication in the Context of a Software Production Organisation (MCCB, JPS, KL), pp. 562–569.
ICEISICEIS-2002-EstevesP #enterprise #framework #implementation
A Framework to Analyse Most Critical Work Packages in ERP Implementation Projects (JE, JAP), pp. 89–98.
ECIRECIR-2002-Sormunen #evaluation #interactive #performance #query
A Retrospective Evaluation Method for Exact-Match and Best-Match Queries Applying an Interactive Query Performance Analyser (ES), pp. 334–352.
SEKESEKE-2002-BuonoCJH #visualisation
Analysing data trough visualizations in a web-based trade fair system (PB, MFC, GJ, MH), pp. 579–582.
SEKESEKE-2002-WohlinA #order
Analysing primary and lower order project success drivers (CW, AAA), pp. 393–400.
SIGIRSIGIR-2002-SormunenHKPS #information retrieval #performance #query #research
Query performance analyser: a web-based tool for IR research and instruction (ES, SH, PK, PP, BS), p. 450.
POPLPOPL-2002-LernerGC #analysis #data flow
Composing dataflow analyses and transformations (SL, DG, CC), pp. 270–282.
ICLPICLP-2002-RussoMNK #abduction #approach #requirements #specification
An Abductive Approach for Analysing Event-Based Requirements Specifications (AR, RM, BN, JK), pp. 22–37.
ISSTAISSTA-2002-MilanovaRR #analysis #java #points-to
Parameterized object sensitivity for points-to and side-effect analyses for Java (AM, AR, BGR), pp. 1–11.
VMCAIVMCAI-2002-BernardeschiF #abstract interpretation #bytecode #java #model checking #security
Combining Abstract Interpretation and Model Checking for Analysing Security Properties of Java Bytecode (CB, NDF), pp. 1–15.
PASTEPASTE-2001-LiangPH #analysis #java #points-to
Extending and evaluating flow-insenstitive and context-insensitive points-to analyses for Java (DL, MP, MJH), pp. 73–79.
PASTEPASTE-2001-MockDCE #analysis #comparison #comprehension #optimisation #points-to #set
Dynamic points-to sets: a comparison with static analyses and potential applications in program understanding and optimization (MM, MD, CC, SJE), pp. 66–72.
SASSAS-2001-Goubault #analysis #float #precise
Static Analyses of the Precision of Floating-Point Operations (EG), pp. 234–259.
SASSAS-2001-LeviM #abstract interpretation #framework #mobile
An Abstract Interpretation Framework for Analysing Mobile Ambients (FL, SM), pp. 395–411.
SASSAS-2001-LiangH #analysis #interprocedural #performance #pointer
Efficient Computation of Parameterized Pointer Information for Interprocedural Analyses (DL, MJH), pp. 279–298.
SASSAS-2001-Spoto #analysis #composition #semantics
Watchpoint Semantics: A Tool for Compositional and Focussed Static Analyses (FS), pp. 127–145.
SIGIRSIGIR-2001-ChowdhuryFGM #analysis #multi #retrieval
Analyses of Multiple-Evidence Combinations for Retrieval Strategies (AC, OF, DAG, MCM), pp. 394–395.
CCCC-2001-RountevR #analysis #library #points-to #source code
Points-to and Side-Effect Analyses for Programs Built with Precompiled Libraries (AR, BGR), pp. 20–36.
CAVCAV-2001-BlomFGLLP #algebra #named #specification #tool support
µCRL: A Toolset for Analysing Algebraic Specifications (SB, WF, JFG, IvL, BL, JvdP), pp. 250–254.
FASEFASE-2000-ReggioACH #approach #formal method #lightweight #state machine #uml
Analysing UML Active Classes and Associated State Machines — A Lightweight Formal Approach (GR, EA, CC, HH), pp. 127–146.
SASSAS-2000-Lev-AmiS #analysis #implementation #named
TVLA: A System for Implementing Static Analyses (TLA, SS), pp. 280–301.
ICALPICALP-2000-Konig #mobile #process #type system
Analysing Input/Output-Capabilities of Mobile Processes with a Generic Type System (BK0), pp. 403–414.
ICMLICML-2000-OkamotoY #algorithm #analysis #nearest neighbour
Generalized Average-Case Analyses of the Nearest Neighbor Algorithm (SO, NY), pp. 695–702.
POPLPOPL-2000-MuthD #analysis #complexity #data flow #on the
On the Complexity of Flow-Sensitive Dataflow Analyses (RM, SKD), pp. 67–80.
ICSEICSE-2000-LiangH #analysis #performance
Light-weight context recovery for efficient and accurate program analyses (DL, MJH), pp. 366–375.
LCTESLCTES-2000-Kastner #analysis #named #optimisation
PROPAN: A Retargetable System for Postpass Optimisations and Analyses (DK), pp. 63–80.
DACDAC-1999-BeattieP #analysis #modelling
IC Analyses Including Extracted Inductance Models (MWB, LTP), pp. 915–920.
CSMRCSMR-1999-Tonella #analysis #points-to #set
Effects of Different Flow Insensitive Points-to Analyses on DEF/USE Sets (PT), pp. 62–71.
ICSMEICSM-1999-ZhouZC #framework #legacy
A Framework for Analysing the Effect of “Change” in Legacy Code (SZ, HZ, AC), pp. 411–420.
PASTEPASTE-1999-LiangH #analysis #data flow #equivalence #performance #pointer
Equivalence Analysis: A General Technique to Improve the Efficiency of Data-flow Analyses in the Presence of Pointers (DL, MJH), pp. 39–46.
SASSAS-1999-AldrichCSE #analysis #java #source code
Static Analyses for Eliminating Unnecessary Synchronization from Java Programs (JA, CC, EGS, SJE), pp. 19–38.
SASSAS-1999-JeannetHR #analysis #clustering
Dynamic Partitioning in Analyses of Numerical Properties (BJ, NH, PR), pp. 39–50.
SASSAS-1999-McAllester #analysis #complexity #on the
On the Complexity Analysis of Static Analyses (DAM), pp. 312–329.
FMFM-v1-1999-HusbergM #industrial #named #reachability
Emma: Developing an Industrial Reachability Analyser for SDL (NH, TM), pp. 642–661.
UMLUML-1999-PetreBP #case study #contract #uml
Analysing UML Use Cases as Contracts (LP, RJB, IP), pp. 518–533.
CADECADE-1999-Prost #analysis #formal method #system f
A formalization of Static Analyses in System F (FP), pp. 252–266.
PASTEPASTE-1998-ChaseCHY #analysis #architecture #multi #source code
Recovering Software Architecture from Multiple Source Code Analyses (MPC, SMC, DRH, ASY), pp. 43–50.
WCREWCRE-1998-KoschkeG #analysis #representation #reverse engineering
An Intermediate Representation for Reverse Engineering Analyses (RK, JFG), pp. 241–250.
SASSAS-1998-Gouranton #case study #semantics #slicing
Deriving Analysers by Folding/Unfolding of Natural Semantics and a Case Study: Slicing (VG), pp. 115–133.
SASSAS-1998-HandjievaT #analysis #clustering #control flow #using
Refining Static Analyses by Trace-Based Partitioning Using Control Flow (MH, ST), pp. 200–214.
SASSAS-1998-HindP #alias #analysis #pointer
Assessing the Effects of Flow-Sensitivity on Pointer Alias Analyses (MH, AP), pp. 57–81.
Analysing Rock Samples for the Mars Lander (JJO, TR, PG, WLB, RAB, SRW), pp. 299–303.
PPDPALP-PLILP-1998-HatcliffDL #analysis #staging #using
Staging Static Analyses Using Abstraction-Based Program Specialization (JH, MBD, SL), pp. 134–151.
SASSAS-1997-Granger #analysis #congruence
Static Analyses of Congruence Properties on Rational Numbers (Extended Abstract) (PG), pp. 278–292.
ICFPICFP-1997-GasserNN #analysis #control flow
Systematic Realisation of Control Flow Analyses for CML (KLSG, FN, HRN), pp. 38–51.
SIGIRSIGIR-1997-Lee #analysis #multi
Analyses of Multiple Evidence Combination (JHL), pp. 267–276.
POPLPOPL-1997-Ruf #analysis #clustering #data flow #using
Partitioning Dataflow Analyses Using Types (ER), pp. 15–26.
TACASTACAS-1996-AlurHP #sequence chart
An Analyser for Mesage Sequence Charts (RA, GJH, DP), pp. 35–48.
ICSMEICSM-1996-BurdMW #cobol #reuse #scalability #source code
Analysing Large COBOL Programs: the extraction of reusable modules (EB, MM, CDW), pp. 238–243.
SASSAS-1996-CrnogoracKS #comparison
A Comparison of Three Occur-Check Analysers (LC, ADK, HS), pp. 159–173.
ICALPICALP-1996-AlbersM #algorithm #analysis
Average Case Analyses of List Update Algorithms, with Applications to Data Compression (SA, MM), pp. 514–525.
ICALPICALP-1996-ChoiG #algorithm #analysis
Lopsided Trees: Analyses, Algorithms, and Applications (VSNC, MJG), pp. 538–549.
ICPRICPR-1996-GreenhillFJ #image #using
Analysing interferometric images using the Hough transform (DG, PF, GAJ), pp. 844–848.
Analysing Binary Associations (AJK, PWA), pp. 311–314.
FSEFSE-1996-ZhangRL #alias #analysis #composition #pointer #towards
Program Decomposition for Pointer Aliasing: A Step Toward Practical Analyses (SZ, BGR, WL), pp. 81–92.
TACASTACAS-1995-KnoopSV #analysis #exclamation #explosion #for free #parallel
Parallelism for Free: Bitvector Analyses -> No State Explosion! (JK, BS, JV), pp. 264–289.
STOCSTOC-1995-GhoshLMMPRRTZ #algorithm #analysis
Tight analyses of two local load balancing algorithms (BG, FTL, BMM, SM, CGP, RR, AWR, RET, DZ), pp. 548–558.
SEKESEKE-1995-RamachandranLS #framework #reuse
A Framework for Analysing Reuse Knowledge (MR, IS), pp. 220–225.
RERE-1995-FieldsWH #approach #fault #requirements
A task centered approach to analysing human error tolerance requirements (BF, PCW, MDH), pp. 18–26.
PEPMPEPM-1994-CourtenageC #type inference #λ-calculus
Analysing Resource Use in the λ Calculus by Type Inference (SC, CDC), pp. 33–41.
HCIHCI-SHI-1993-UetakeNTT #analysis #using
A Meeting Support System Based on Analyses of Human-Communication — Using the Context and Contents of Meetings (TU, MN, KT, HT), pp. 967–972.
POPLPOPL-1993-YiH #analysis #automation #generative #interprocedural
Automatic Generation and Management of Interprocedural Program Analyses (KY, WLHI), pp. 246–259.
RERE-1993-LuffJHG #analysis #interactive #requirements #social
Tasks and social interaction: the relevance of naturalistic analyses of conduct for requirements engineering (PL, MJ, CH, DG), pp. 187–190.
CAVCAV-1993-Gordon #imperative #source code #verification
A Verifier and Timing Analyser for Simple Imperative Programs (Abstract) (MJCG), p. 320.
ICLPILPS-1993-AlpuenteFV #analysis #constraints #equation #incremental
Incremental Equational Constraint Analyses (MA, MF, GV), p. 657.
ICLPILPS-1993-CodishD #logic programming #source code #using
Analysing Logic Programs Using “Prop”-ositional Logic Programs and a Magic Wand (MC, BD), pp. 114–129.
PPDPPLILP-1992-AlpuenteFM #analysis #consistency #equation #incremental #logic programming #nondeterminism
Analyses of Inconsistency for Incremental Equational Logic Programming (MA, MF, FM), pp. 443–457.
PLDIPLDI-1991-Launchbury #analysis #strict
Strictness and Binding-Time Analyses: Two for the Price of One (JL), pp. 80–91.
STOCSTOC-1991-CoffmanCGJMSWY #analysis #case study
Fundamental Discrepancies between Average-Case Analyses under Discrete and Continuous Distributions: A Bin Packing Case Study (EGCJ, CC, MRG, DSJ, LAM, PWS, RRW, MY), pp. 230–240.
CHICHI-1990-John #analysis #performance #visual notation
Extensions of GOMS analyses to expert performance requiring perception of dynamic visual and auditory information (BEJ), pp. 107–116.
ICSEICSE-1984-Gerhart #axiom #specification
Application of Axiomatic Methods to a Specification Analyser (SLG), pp. 441–453.
DACDAC-1980-Miller #analysis #automation #design
Inter-active graphic methods for automating mechanical engineering design and analyses (JMM), pp. 114–128.

Bibliography of Software Language Engineering in Generated Hypertext (BibSLEIGH) is created and maintained by Dr. Vadim Zaytsev.
Hosted as a part of SLEBOK on GitHub.