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Travelled to:
2 × France
2 × Germany
6 × USA
Collaborated with:
S.Mitra J.Zhang N.Patil M.M.Shulaker A.Lin H.Wei G.Hills Z.Xiao M.D.F.Wong H.Yi H.Chen J.Deng D.Guo M.C.Tung T.F.Wu M.M.Sabry S.Fujita S.Yasuda D.Lee X.Chen D.Akinwande Y.Du H.Tian H.Zhang C.Mackin J.V.Rethy G.G.E.Gielen S.Bobba G.D.Micheli H.Li Z.Jiang P.Huang Y.Wu H.Chen B.Gao X.Y.Liu J.F.Kang C.Lee L.Liyanage C.Chen W.S.Lee R.Parsa S.Chong J.Provine J.Watt R.T.Howe
Talks about:
carbon (8) nanotub (7) circuit (4) design (4) variat (3) opportun (2) templat (2) pattern (2) assembl (2) direct (2)

Person: H.-S. Philip Wong

DBLP DBLP: Wong:H==S=_Philip

Contributed to:

DAC 20152015
DATE 20152015
DAC 20142014
DAC 20132013
DATE 20132013
DATE 20122012
DAC 20102010
DATE 20102010
DAC 20092009
DAC 20072007

Wrote 13 papers:

DAC-2015-XiaoGWYTW #layout #optimisation #self #verification
Layout optimization and template pattern verification for directed self-assembly (DSA) (ZX, DG, MDFW, HY, MCT, HSPW), p. 6.
DATE-2015-LiJHWCGLKW #design #optimisation #using
Variation-aware, reliability-emphasized design and optimization of RRAM using SPICE model (HL, ZJ, PH, YW, HYC, BG, XYL, JFK, HSPW), pp. 1425–1430.
DATE-2015-ShulakerWSWWM #3d #concept #integration
Monolithic 3D integration: a path from concept to reality (MMS, TFW, MMS, HW, HSPW, SM), pp. 1197–1202.
DAC-2014-XiaoDTWYWZ #self #verification
Directed Self-Assembly (DSA) Template Pattern Verification (ZX, YD, HT, MDFW, HY, HSPW, HZ), p. 6.
DAC-2013-HillsZMSWWM #agile #design #guidelines
Rapid exploration of processing and design guidelines to overcome carbon nanotube variations (GH, JZ, CM, MMS, HW, HSPW, SM), p. 10.
DAC-2013-ShulakerRHCGWM #named
Sacha: the Stanford carbon nanotube controlled handshaking robot (MMS, JVR, GH, HYC, GGEG, HSPW, SM), p. 3.
DATE-2013-WeiSHCLLZWM #challenge
Carbon nanotube circuits: opportunities and challenges (HW, MMS, GH, HYC, CSL, LL, JZ, HSPW, SM), pp. 619–624.
DATE-2012-ChenLPCPWHWM #design
Nano-Electro-Mechanical relays for FPGA routing: Experimental demonstration and a design technique (CC, WSL, RP, SC, JP, JW, RTH, HSPW, SM), pp. 1361–1366.
DAC-2010-FujitaYLCAW #power management
Detachable nano-carbon chip with ultra low power (SF, SY, DL, XC, DA, HSPW), pp. 631–632.
DAC-2010-ZhangBPLWMM #correlation
Carbon nanotube correlation: promising opportunity for CNFET circuit yield enhancement (JZ, SB, NP, AL, HSPW, GDM, SM), pp. 889–892.
Carbon nanotube circuits: Living with imperfections and variations (JZ, NP, AL, HSPW, SM), pp. 1159–1164.
DAC-2009-PatilLZWM #logic #using
Digital VLSI logic technology using Carbon Nanotube FETs: frequently asked questions (NP, AL, JZ, HSPW, SM), pp. 304–309.
DAC-2007-PatilDWM #automation #design
Automated Design of Misaligned-Carbon-Nanotube-Immune Circuits (NP, JD, HSPW, SM), pp. 958–961.

Bibliography of Software Language Engineering in Generated Hypertext (BibSLEIGH) is created and maintained by Dr. Vadim Zaytsev.
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