Travelled to:
1 × China
1 × The Netherlands
12 × USA
2 × Germany
2 × Greece
Collaborated with:
B.Shizuki K.Misue S.Takahashi T.Kuribara T.Kurosawa Y.Suzuki T.Oe A.Atia K.Onishi Y.Kuno D.Yamaji H.Karam M.A.Memon E.Davaasuren U.Lee H.Kamo S.Chu T.Oshiba M.Kishishita Y.Kondo T.Sakamoto G.Kimioka T.Ito D.Nemeskey A.Kobayashi J.Gao K.Shiraishi T.Sato T.Yoshikawa H.Hakoda K.Shima Y.Mita Y.Fukatsu Y.Mita Y.Murata K.Kurihara T.Mochizuki A.Noguchi A.Suzuki Y.Sakamoto
Talks about:
devic (9) use (9) gestur (7) base (7) techniqu (6) interact (6) system (6) visual (5) mobil (5) interfac (4)
Person: Jiro Tanaka
DBLP: Tanaka:Jiro
Contributed to:
Wrote 34 papers:
- HCI-IT-2015-HakodaKSST #bound #gesture #mobile #named #using
- AirFlip: A Double Crossing In-Air Gesture Using Boundary Surfaces of Hover Zone for Mobile Devices (HH, TK, KS, BS, JT), pp. 44–53.
- HCI-IT-2015-KondoTT #communication #smarttech #using
- Information Select and Transfer Between Touch Panel and Wearable Devices Using Human Body Communication (YK, ST, JT), pp. 208–216.
- HCI-IT-2015-KuribaraST #using
- Mouse Augmentation Using a Malleable Mouse Pad (TK, BS, JT), pp. 217–226.
- HCI-IT-2015-KurosawaST #mobile
- Spatial Arrangement of Data and Commands at Bezels of Mobile Touchscreen Devices (TK, BS, JT), pp. 227–237.
- HCI-IT-2015-OnishiST #mobile #scalability
- Investigation of Transferring Touch Events for Controlling a Mobile Device with a Large Touchscreen (KO, BS, JT), pp. 250–261.
- HIMI-IKD-2015-YamajiT #recognition
- Recognition of Written Cues System for Users of General Paper Media (DY, JT), pp. 466–476.
- HCI-AIMT-2014-KuribaraMOST #named #using
- HandyScope: A Remote Control Technique Using Circular Widget on Tabletops (TK, YM, KO, BS, JT), pp. 69–80.
- HIMI-DE-2014-KaramT #gesture #interactive #symmetry
- Two-Handed Interactive Menu: An Application of Asymmetric Bimanual Gestures and Depth Based Selection Techniques (HK, JT), pp. 187–198.
- DUXU-NTE-2013-FukatsuOKST #evaluation #mobile
- Evaluation of Effects of Textures Attached to Mobile Devices on Pointing Accuracy (YF, TO, YK, BS, JT), pp. 255–263.
- DUXU-WM-2013-MemonT #case study #experience #locality
- Sharing Life Experiences with Friends Based on Individual’s Locality (MAM, JT), pp. 706–713.
- HCI-III-2013-KunoST
- Long-Term Study of a Software Keyboard That Places Keys at Positions of Fingers and Their Surroundings (YK, BS, JT), pp. 72–81.
- HCI-IMT-2013-DavaasurenT #gesture #interactive #mobile #multi #named #smarttech
- MOBAJES: Multi-user Gesture Interaction System with Wearable Mobile Device (ED, JT), pp. 196–204.
- HCI-IMT-2013-KurosawaST
- Keyboard Clawing: Input Method by Clawing Key Tops (TK, BS, JT), pp. 272–280.
- HCI-IMT-2013-LeeT #gesture #interactive #using
- Finger Controller: Natural User Interaction Using Finger Gestures (UL, JT), pp. 281–290.
- HCI-IMT-2013-NoguchiKSSOYST #evaluation #interface #multi
- Evaluation of a Soft-Surfaced Multi-touch Interface (AN, TK, AS, YS, TO, TY, BS, JT), pp. 469–478.
- HCI-IMT-2013-OeST #undo
- Undo/Redo by Trajectory (TO, BS, JT), pp. 712–721.
- HCI-IMT-2013-SakamotoTT #music #using
- A Method for Discussing Musical Expression between Music Ensemble Players Using a Web-Based System (TS, ST, JT), pp. 730–739.
- HCI-IMT-2013-YoshikawaMKST #using
- A Remote Pointing Technique Using Pull-out (TY, YM, TK, BS, JT), pp. 416–426.
- HIMI-LCCB-2013-KamoT #collaboration #multi
- Interlocked Surfaces: A Dynamic Multi-device Collaboration System (HK, JT), pp. 317–325.
- HCI-ITE-2011-ChuT #gesture
- Hand Gesture for Taking Self Portrait (SC, JT), pp. 238–247.
- HCI-ITE-2011-KimiokaST #multi #using
- Niboshi for Slate Devices: A Japanese Input Method Using Multi-touch for Slate Devices (GK, BS, JT), pp. 81–89.
- HCI-ITE-2011-MurataKMST #design #interface #visualisation
- Design of Shadows on the OHP Metaphor-Based Presentation Interface Which Visualizes a Presenter’s Actions (YM, KK, TM, BS, JT), pp. 557–564.
- HCI-NIMT-2009-AtiaTMT #gesture #named #profiling #ubiquitous
- UbiGesture: Customizing and Profiling Hand Gestures in Ubiquitous Environment (AA, ST, KM, JT), pp. 141–150.
- HCI-NIMT-2009-ItoMT #3d #graph #visualisation
- Sphere Anchored Map: A Visualization Technique for Bipartite Graphs in 3D (TI, KM, JT), pp. 811–820.
- HCI-NIMT-2009-SuzukiMT #interactive #interface #using
- Interaction Technique for a Pen-Based Interface Using Finger Motions (YS, KM, JT), pp. 503–512.
- HCI-NT-2009-NemeskeyST #named #ontology #persistent #undo
- OntoDesk: Ontology-Based Persistent System-Wide Undo on the Desktop (DN, BS, JT), pp. 890–899.
- HCI-VAD-2009-KobayashiST #named #video
- ImproV: A System for Improvisational Construction of Video Processing Flow (AK, BS, JT), pp. 534–542.
- HIMI-II-2009-GaoMT #multi #network #social #visualisation
- A Multiple-Aspects Visualization Tool for Exploring Social Networks (JG, KM, JT), pp. 277–286.
- HIMI-II-2009-ShiraishiMT #category theory #representation #visual notation
- A Tool for Analyzing Categorical Data Visually with Granular Representation (KS, KM, JT), pp. 342–351.
- ICPC-2008-SatoST #comprehension #execution #source code #user interface #visualisation
- Support for Understanding GUI Programs by Visualizing Execution Traces Synchronized with Screen Transitions (TS, BS, JT), pp. 272–275.
- HCI-IPT-2007-AymanTT #interactive #interface
- Coin Size Wireless Sensor Interface for Interaction with Remote Displays (AA, ST, JT), pp. 733–742.
- HCI-IPT-2007-SuzukiMT #interactive
- Stylus Enhancement to Enrich Interaction with Computers (YS, KM, JT), pp. 133–142.
- HCI-CCAD-1999-OshibaT #3d #modelling
- Three-dimensional modeling environment “claymore” based on augmented direct manipulation technique (TO, JT), pp. 1075–1079.
- ESOP-1986-TanakaK #compilation #concurrent #prolog #queue
- Compiling Extended Concurrent Prolog — Single Queue Compilation (JT, MK), pp. 301–314.