Travelled to:
2 × France
3 × Germany
3 × USA
Collaborated with:
M.Miranda P.Zuber G.Vandersteen P.Wambacq S.Donnay Y.Rolain M.Engels I.Bolsens P.Roussel S.Bronckers K.v.d.Zanden J.Jung G.V.d.Plas M.Badaroglu G.G.E.Gielen H.D.Man
Talks about:
analysi (4) circuit (3) model (3) sram (3) high (3) nonlinear (2) substrat (2) statist (2) enhanc (2) analog (2)
Person: Petr Dobrovolný
DBLP: Dobrovoln=yacute=:Petr
Contributed to:
Wrote 8 papers:
- DATE-2011-MirandaZDR #logic #modelling #variability
- Variability aware modeling for yield enhancement of SRAM and logic (MM, PZ, PD, PR), pp. 1153–1158.
- DAC-2010-ZuberDM #analysis #approach #statistics
- A holistic approach for statistical SRAM analysis (PZ, PD, MM), pp. 717–722.
- DATE-2010-ZuberMDZJ #analysis #statistics
- Statistical SRAM analysis for yield enhancement (PZ, MM, PD, KvdZ, JHJ), pp. 57–62.
- DATE-2006-VandersteenBDR
- Systematic stability-analysis method for analog circuits (GV, SB, PD, YR), pp. 150–155.
- DAC-2004-PlasBVDWDGM #simulation
- High-level simulation of substrate noise in high-ohmic substrates with interconnect and supply effects (GVdP, MB, GV, PD, PW, SD, GGEG, HDM), pp. 854–859.
- DATE-2003-DobrovolnyVWD #analysis #modelling
- Analysis and White-Box Modeling of Weakly Nonlinear Time-Varying Circuits (PD, GV, PW, SD), pp. 10624–10629.
- DAC-2000-VandersteenWRDDEB #data flow #performance #simulation
- A methodology for efficient high-level dataflow simulation of mixed-signal front-ends of digital telecom transceivers (GV, PW, YR, PD, SD, ME, IB), pp. 440–445.
- DATE-2000-WambacqDDEB #communication #modelling
- Compact Modeling of Nonlinear Distortion in Analog Communication Circuits (PW, PD, SD, ME, IB), pp. 350–354.