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Travelled to:
1 × Egypt
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1 × India
1 × Ireland
1 × Korea
1 × Norway
1 × Singapore
2 × Italy
2 × Switzerland
2 × The Netherlands
23 × USA
3 × Australia
4 × Canada
Collaborated with:
A.G.Parameswaran A.Paepcke N.Shivakumar J.Widom K.C.Chang A.Crespo J.Cho W.Labio L.Gravano A.Tomasic G.Koutrika J.D.Ullman Z.Gyöngyi R.Yerneni S.E.Whang B.Bercovitz S.Raghavan K.Salem R.K.Abbott S.Whang B.F.Cooper M.Joglekar N.Polyzotis C.A.Polyzois S.S.Chawathe P.Papadimitriou M.Bawa P.Lofgren T.Winograd B.Adelberg K.A.Shoens Y.Papakonstantinou V.Verroios A.Rajaraman R.Ikeda J.O.Pedersen O.Buyukkokten J.Hammer R.Motwani H.Park D.Menestrina J.Yang B.Kao A.Arasu B.Yang E.Y.Chang T.W.Yan C.Clifton S.P.Ketchpel M.Naaman P.Ganesan J.L.Wiener Y.Zhuge M.Theobald C.Li S.Guo K.Zhao P.Heymann D.Ramage I.Antonellis C.Chang C.Chekuri S.Abiteboul S.Brin J.Davis R.B.Hagmann J.Kent J.Chung F.M.Pittelli S.B.Davidson S.Melnik V.Vassalos R.Ramakrishnan R.Johari C.Ré M.H.Teh A.Dasdan S.Kolay N.N.Dalvi R.Rastogi P.Berkhin A.Gionis V.Gorelik R.Goldman S.Venkatasubramanian A.Graham Y.J.Song R.B.Yeh P.Krishnamurthy R.A.Lewis D.H.Reiley A.D.Sarma S.Kandel E.Abelson Y.Cui M.Fang U.Dayal M.Hsu M.Shan D.Hillmann C.Lagoze E.D.Liddy S.Weibel S.Boyd A.Gupta A.Ramesh R.Pang D.Abadi M.J.Carey S.Chaudhuri J.M.Patel F.Kaliszan H.Liou Z.M.Zadeh S.Nestorov M.M.Breunig H.Gupta K.Ireland S.B.Cousins S.W.Hassan M.Röscheisen M.Q.W.Baldonado S.Katz C.Brower J.Shanmugasundaram S.Vassilvitskii E.Vee M.Valiveti S.Kadambi J.Chen D.Lomax A.Silberstein E.Tam G.Aggarwal K.Kenthapadi N.Mishra U.Srivastava D.Thomas Y.Xu
Talks about:
data (15) system (12) databas (11) digit (11) web (10) evalu (8) inform (7) queri (7) algorithm (6) resolut (6)

Person: Hector Garcia-Molina

DBLP DBLP: Garcia-Molina:Hector

Facilitated 1 volumes:


Contributed to:

KDD 20152015
SIGMOD 20152015
VLDB 20152015
SIGMOD 20142014
VLDB 20142014
CIKM 20132013
KDD 20132013
VLDB 20132013
CIKM 20122012
SIGMOD 20122012
VLDB 20122012
KDD 20112011
VLDB 20112011
VLDB 20112010
CIKM 20102010
SIGMOD 20102010
VLDB 20102010
RecSys 20092009
SIGMOD 20092009
VLDB 20092009
CHI 20082008
ECDL 20082008
RecSys 20082008
SIGIR 20082008
VLDB 20082008
CIKM 20062006
VLDB 20062006
VLDB 20052005
SIGMOD 20042004
VLDB 20042004
SIGMOD 20032003
VLDB 20032003
CHI 20012001
VLDB 20012001
CHI 20002000
ECDL 20002000
SIGMOD 20002000
VLDB 20002000
SIGMOD 19991999
SIGMOD 19981998
VLDB 19981998
ECDL 19971997
SIGMOD 19971997
VLDB 19971997
SIGMOD 19961996
VLDB 19961996
SIGMOD 19951995
VLDB 19951995
SIGIR 19941994
SIGMOD 19941994
SIGMOD 19931993
SIGMOD 19921992
PODS 19911991
VLDB 19901990
VLDB 19891989
VLDB 19881988
SIGMOD 19871987
PODS 19851985
PODS 19841984
DL 19951995
DL 19961996
DL 19971997
DL 19981998
DL 20002000
JCDL 20012001
JCDL 20022002
JCDL 20042004
JCDL 20052005

Wrote 111 papers:

KDD-2015-Verroios0JG #clustering #modelling
Client Clustering for Hiring Modeling in Work Marketplaces (VV, PP, RJ, HGM), pp. 2187–2196.
SIGMOD-2015-JoglekarGPR #correlation #evaluation
Exploiting Correlations for Expensive Predicate Evaluation (MJ, HGM, AGP, CR), pp. 1183–1198.
SIGMOD-2015-VerroiosLG #crowdsourcing #named
tDP: An Optimal-Latency Budget Allocation Strategy for Crowdsourced MAXIMUM Operations (VV, PL, HGM), pp. 1047–1062.
VLDB-2015-JoglekarGP #data analysis
Smart Drill-Down: A New Data Exploration Operator (MJ, HGM, AGP), pp. 1928–1939.
SIGMOD-2014-ParameswaranTGW #named #tool support
DataSift: a crowd-powered search toolkit (AGP, MHT, HGM, JW), pp. 885–888.
VLDB-2014-ParameswaranBG0PW #algorithm #rating
Optimal Crowd-Powered Rating and Filtering Algorithms (AGP, SB, HGM, AG, NP, JW), pp. 685–696.
Disinformation techniques for entity resolution (SEW, HGM), pp. 715–720.
Evaluating the crowd with confidence (MJ, HGM, AGP), pp. 686–694.
Question Selection for Crowd Entity Resolution (SEW, PL, HGM), pp. 349–360.
CIKM-2012-ParameswaranPGPW #crowdsourcing #declarative #named
Deco: declarative crowdsourcing (AGP, HP, HGM, NP, JW), pp. 1203–1212.
So who won?: dynamic max discovery with the crowd (SG, AGP, HGM), pp. 385–396.
SIGMOD-2012-ParameswaranGPPRW #algorithm #named
CrowdScreen: algorithms for filtering data with humans (AGP, HGM, HP, NP, AR, JW), pp. 361–372.
VLDB-2012-ParkPPGPW #crowdsourcing #declarative #named
Deco: A System for Declarative Crowdsourcing (HP, RP, AGP, HGM, NP, JW), pp. 1990–1993.
KDD-2011-PapadimitriouGKLR #social
Display advertising impact: search lift and social influence (PP, HGM, PK, RAL, DHR), pp. 1019–1027.
VLDB-2011-KadambiCCLRSTG #question
Where in the World is My Data? (SK, JC, BFC, DL, RR, AS, ET, HGM), pp. 1040–1050.
Output URL Bidding (PP, HGM, AD, SK), pp. 161–172.
VLDB-2011-ParameswaranDGR #robust #web
Optimal Schemes for Robust Web Extraction (AGP, NND, HGM, RR), pp. 980–991.
VLDB-2011-ParameswaranSGPW #graph
Human-assisted graph search: it’s okay to ask questions (AGP, ADS, HGM, NP, JW), pp. 267–278.
CIKM-2010-ParameswaranGU #recommendation
Evaluating, combining and generalizing recommendations with prerequisites (AGP, HGM, JDU), pp. 919–928.
SIGMOD-2010-ParameswaranKBG #algorithm #mining #named #precedence #recommendation
Recsplorer: recommendation algorithms based on precedence mining (AGP, GK, BB, HGM), pp. 87–98.
VLDB-2010-AbadiCCGPR #database #question #what
Cloud Databases: What’s New? (DA, MJC, SC, HGM, JMP, RR), p. 1657.
VLDB-2010-ChoG #web
Dealing with Web Data: History and Look ahead (JC, HGM), p. 4.
Evaluating Entity Resolution Results (DM, SW, HGM), pp. 208–219.
VLDB-2010-ParameswaranGR #concept #dataset #scalability #towards #web
Towards The Web of Concepts: Extracting Concepts from Large Datasets (AGP, HGM, AR), pp. 566–577.
VLDB-2010-WhangG #evolution
Entity Resolution with Evolving Rules (SW, HGM), pp. 1326–1337.
RecSys-2009-ParameswaranG #recommendation
Recommendations with prerequisites (AGP, HGM), pp. 353–356.
SIGMOD-2009-BercovitzKKLZG #named #social
CourseRank: a social system for course planning (BB, FK, GK, HL, ZMZ, HGM), pp. 1107–1110.
SIGMOD-2009-KoutrikaBG #flexibility #named #recommendation
FlexRecs: expressing and combining flexible recommendations (GK, BB, HGM), pp. 745–758.
Entity resolution with iterative blocking (SEW, DM, GK, MT, HGM), pp. 219–232.
Indexing Boolean Expressions (SW, CB, JS, SV, EV, RY, HGM), pp. 37–48.
CHI-2008-KandelPTGA #named #spreadsheet
Photospread: a spreadsheet for managing photos (SK, AP, MT, HGM, EA), pp. 1749–1758.
ECDL-2008-IkedaZG #using
Matching Hierarchies Using Shared Objects (RI, KZ, HGM), pp. 209–220.
RecSys-2008-KoutrikaIBG #flexibility #recommendation
Flexible recommendations over rich data (GK, RI, BB, HGM), pp. 203–210.
SIGIR-2008-HeymannRG #predict #social
Social tag prediction (PH, DR, HGM), pp. 531–538.
VLDB-2008-AntonellisGC #analysis #graph #query
Simrank++: query rewriting through link analysis of the click graph (IA, HGM, CCC), pp. 408–421.
CIKM-2006-Garcia-Molina #challenge #overview
Pair-Wise entity resolution: overview and challenges (HGM), p. 1.
VLDB-2006-GyongyiBGP #detection #estimation
Link Spam Detection Based on Mass Estimation (ZG, PB, HGM, JOP), pp. 439–450.
Link Spam Alliances (ZG, HGM), pp. 517–528.
SIGMOD-2004-BawaGGM #network
The Price of Validity in Dynamic Networks (MB, AG, HGM, RM), pp. 515–526.
VLDB-2004-AggarwalBGGKMMSTW #privacy
Vision Paper: Enabling Privacy for the Paranoids (GA, MB, PG, HGM, KK, NM, RM, US, DT, JW, YX), pp. 708–719.
VLDB-2004-GanesanBG #online #peer-to-peer
Online Balancing of Range-Partitioned Data with Applications to Peer-to-Peer Systems (PG, MB, HGM), pp. 444–455.
VLDB-2004-GyongyiGP #web
Combating Web Spam with TrustRank (ZG, HGM, JOP), pp. 576–587.
SIGMOD-2003-ArasuG #web
Extracting Structured Data from Web Pages (AA, HGM), pp. 337–348.
VLDB-2003-RaghavanG #query #repository #web
Complex Queries over Web Repositories (SR, HGM), pp. 33–44.
CHI-2001-BuyukkoktenGP #summary
Accordion summarization for end-game browsing on PDAs and cellular phones (OB, HGM, AP), pp. 213–220.
VLDB-2001-RaghavanG #crawling #web
Crawling the Hidden Web (SR, HGM), pp. 129–138.
VLDB-2001-YangG #hybrid #peer-to-peer
Comparing Hybrid Peer-to-Peer Systems (BY, HGM), pp. 561–570.
CHI-2000-BuyukkoktenGPW #performance #web
Power browser: efficient Web browsing for PDAs (OB, HGM, AP, TW), pp. 430–437.
ECDL-2000-CooperCG #implementation #reliability
Implementing a Reliable Digital Object Archive (BFC, AC, HGM), pp. 128–143.
ECDL-2000-CrespoG #library #modelling #repository
Modeling Archival Repositories for Digital Libraries (AC, HGM), pp. 190–205.
SIGMOD-2000-ChoG #database
Synchronizing a Database to Improve Freshness (JC, HGM), pp. 117–128.
SIGMOD-2000-ChoSG #web
Finding Replicated Web Collections (JC, NS, HGM), pp. 355–366.
SIGMOD-2000-LabioWGG #performance
Efficient Resumption of Interrupted Warehouse Loads (WL, JLW, HGM, VG), pp. 46–57.
VLDB-2000-ChangG #approximate #query
Approximate Query Translation Across Heterogeneous Information Sources (KCCC, HGM), pp. 566–577.
VLDB-2000-ChoG #crawling #evolution #incremental #web
The Evolution of the Web and Implications for an Incremental Crawler (JC, HGM), pp. 200–209.
VLDB-2000-LabioYCGW #incremental #maintenance #performance
Performance Issues in Incremental Warehouse Maintenance (WL, JY, YC, HGM, JW), pp. 461–472.
SIGMOD-1999-ChangG #query
Mind Your Vocabulary: Query Mapping Across Heterogeneous Information Sources (KCCC, HGM), pp. 335–346.
Shrinking the Warehouse Update Window (WL, RY, HGM), pp. 383–394.
Computing Capabilities of Mediators (RY, CL, HGM, JDU), pp. 443–454.
Capability Based Mediation in TSIMMIS (CL, RY, VV, HGM, YP, JDU, MV), pp. 564–566.
VLDB-1998-FangSGMU #query
Computing Iceberg Queries Efficiently (MF, NS, HGM, RM, JDU), pp. 299–310.
Expiring Data in a Warehouse (HGM, WL, JY), pp. 500–511.
VLDB-1998-GoldmanSVG #database #proximity
Proximity Search in Databases (RG, NS, SV, HGM), pp. 26–37.
VLDB-1998-ShivakumarGC #approximate
Filtering with Approximate Predicates (NS, HGM, CC), pp. 263–274.
ECDL-1997-CrespoG #library
Awareness Services for Digital Libraries (AC, HGM), pp. 147–171.
SIGMOD-1997-AdelbergGW #maintenance
The STRIP Rule System For Efficiently Maintaining Derived Data (BA, HGM, JW), pp. 147–158.
SIGMOD-1997-ChawatheG #detection
Meaningful Change Detection in Structured Data (SSC, HGM), pp. 26–37.
SIGMOD-1997-GravanoCGP #internet #named
STARTS: Stanford Proposal for Internet Meta-Searching (LG, KCCC, HGM, AP), pp. 207–218.
Template-Based Wrappers in the TSIMMIS System (JH, HGM, SN, RY, MMB, VV), pp. 532–535.
SIGMOD-1997-LabioZWGGW #maintenance #prototype
The WHIPS Prototype for Data Warehouse Creation and Maintenance (WL, YZ, JLW, HG, HGM, JW), pp. 557–559.
SIGMOD-1997-ShivakumarG #database #evolution #named
Wave-Indices: Indexing Evolving Databases (NS, HGM), pp. 381–392.
VLDB-1997-ChangG #effectiveness #memory management
Effective Memory Use in a Media Server (EYC, HGM), pp. 496–505.
VLDB-1997-GravanoG #internet
Merging Ranks from Heterogeneous Internet Sources (LG, HGM), pp. 196–205.
SIGMOD-1996-ChawatheRGW #detection
Change Detection in Hierarchically Structured Information (SSC, AR, HGM, JW), pp. 493–504.
VLDB-1996-LabioG #algorithm #difference #performance
Efficient Snapshot Differential Algorithms for Data Warehousing (WL, HGM), pp. 63–74.
Object Fusion in Mediator Systems (YP, SA, HGM), pp. 413–424.
SIGMOD-1995-AdelbergGK #database #realtime
Applying Update Streams in a Soft Real-Time Database System (BA, HGM, BK), pp. 245–256.
SIGMOD-1995-BrinDG #detection #documentation
Copy Detection Mechanisms for Digital Documents (SB, JD, HGM), pp. 398–409.
Information Translation, Mediation, and Mosaic-Based Browsing in the TSIMMIS System (JH, HGM, KI, YP, JDU, JW), p. 483.
SIGMOD-1995-ZhugeGHW #maintenance
View Maintenance in a Warehousing Environment (YZ, HGM, JH, JW), pp. 316–327.
VLDB-1995-GravanoG #database
Generalizing GlOSS to Vector-Space Databases and Broker Hierarchies (LG, HGM), pp. 78–89.
VLDB-1995-YanG #information management
Duplicate Removal in Information System Dissemination (TWY, HGM), pp. 66–77.
SIGIR-1994-ShoensTG #analysis #incremental #performance
Synthetic Workload Performance Analysis of Incremental Updates (KAS, AT, HGM), pp. 329–338.
SIGMOD-1994-GravanoGT #database #effectiveness #problem
The Effectiveness of GlOSS for the Text Database Discovery Problem (LG, HGM, AT), pp. 126–137.
SIGMOD-1994-TomasicGS #documentation #incremental #retrieval
Incremental Updates of Inverted Lists for Text Document Retrieval (AT, HGM, KAS), pp. 289–300.
SIGMOD-1993-DayalGHKS #challenge #database #generative #monitoring
Third Generation TP Monitors: A Database Challenge (UD, HGM, MH, BK, MCS), pp. 393–397.
SIGMOD-1993-TomasicG #database #distributed #information retrieval #scalability
Caching and Database Scaling in Distributed Shard-Nothing Information Retrieval Systems (AT, HGM), pp. 129–138.
SIGMOD-1992-PolyzoisG #algorithm #evaluation #transaction
Evaluation of Remote Backup Algorithms for Transaction Processing Systems (CAP, HGM), pp. 246–255.
PODS-1991-Garcia-MolinaS #nondeterminism #queue
Non-Deterministic Queue Operations (HGM, KS), pp. 53–62.
VLDB-1990-CliftonG #database #hypermedia
Indexing in a Hypertext Database (CC, HGM), pp. 36–49.
VLDB-1990-Garcia-MolinaPH #algorithm
Two Epoch Algorithms for Disaster Recovery (HGM, CAP, RBH), pp. 222–230.
VLDB-1989-AbbottG #realtime #scheduling #transaction
Scheduling Real-Time Transactions with Disk Resident Data (RKA, HGM), pp. 385–396.
VLDB-1988-AbbottG #evaluation #performance #realtime #scheduling #transaction
Scheduling Real-time Transactions: a Performance Evaluation (RKA, HGM), pp. 1–12.
Sagas (HGM, KS), pp. 249–259.
PODS-1985-KentGC #evaluation
An Experimental Evaluation of Crash Recovery Mechanisms (JK, HGM, JC), pp. 113–122.
PODS-1984-Garcia-MolinaPD #database #distributed #question
Is Byzantine Agreement Useful in a Distributed Database? (HGM, FMP, SBD), pp. 61–69.
DL-1995-CousinsKPGHR #library #multi #named
InterPay: Managing Multiple Payment Mechanisms in Digital Libraries (SBC, SPK, AP, HGM, SWH, MR).
DL-1995-ShivakumarG #detection #documentation #named
SCAM: A Copy Detection Mechanism for Digital Documents (NS, HGM).
DL-1996-ShivakumarG #detection #scalability
Building a Scalable and Accurate Copy Detection Mechanism (NS, HGM), pp. 160–168.
DL-1997-ChangG #cost analysis #query
Evaluating the Cost of Boolean Query Mapping (KCCC, HGM), pp. 103–112.
DL-1997-KetchpelGP #architecture #flexibility #modelling
Shopping Models: A Flexible Architecture for Information Commerce (SPK, HGM, AP), pp. 65–74.
DL-1998-BaldonadoKPCGW #agile #design #interactive #query
An Extensible Constructor Tool for the Rapid, Interactive Design of Query Synthesizers (MQWB, SK, AP, KCCC, HGM, TW), pp. 19–28.
DL-1998-ChangG #constraints
Conjunctive Constraint Mapping for Data Translation (KCCC, HGM), pp. 49–58.
DL-1998-CrespoG #library
Archival Storage for Digital Libraries (AC, HGM), pp. 69–78.
DL-2000-MelnikGP #framework #library
A mediation infrastructure for digital library services (SM, HGM, AP), pp. 123–132.
JCDL-2001-CooperG #network
Creating trading networks of digital archives (BFC, HGM), pp. 353–362.
JCDL-2001-CrespoG #design #repository
Cost-driven design for archival repositories (AC, HGM), pp. 363–372.
JCDL-2002-Garcia-MolinaHLLW #how #metadata #question
How important is metadata? (HGM, DH, CL, EDL, SW), p. 369.
JCDL-2002-GrahamGPW #library
Time as essence for photo browsing through personal digital libraries (AG, HGM, AP, TW), pp. 326–335.
JCDL-2004-NaamanSPG #automation #coordination
Automatic organization for digital photographs with geographic coordinates (MN, YJS, AP, HGM), pp. 53–62.
Leveraging context to resolve identity in photo albums (MN, RBY, HGM, AP), pp. 178–187.

Bibliography of Software Language Engineering in Generated Hypertext (BibSLEIGH) is created and maintained by Dr. Vadim Zaytsev.
Hosted as a part of SLEBOK on GitHub.