95 papers:
CASE-2015-McKinleyGSKMNLP #single use- A single-use haptic palpation probe for locating subcutaneous blood vessels in robot-assisted minimally invasive surgery (SM, AG, SS, RK, AM, KAN, SL, SP, PA, AMO, KG), pp. 1151–1158.
CHI-2015-AkshitaSILB #feedback #interactive #multimodal #towards #visual notation- Towards Multimodal Affective Feedback: Interaction between Visual and Haptic Modalities (A, HAS, BI, EL, YB), pp. 2043–2052.
CHI-2015-ObristSGLC- Emotions Mediated Through Mid-Air Haptics (MO, SS, EG, BL, TC), pp. 2053–2062.
CHI-2015-YannierILK #feedback #named- FeelSleeve: Haptic Feedback to Enhance Early Reading (NY, AI, JFL, RLK), pp. 1015–1024.
DHM-EH-2015-CheffiRBBS #approach #cost analysis #feedback #optimisation- A Bi-level Optimization Approach to Get an Optimal Combination of Cost Functions for Pilot’s Arm Movement: The Case of Helicopter’s Flying Aid Functions with Haptic Feedback (SC, TR, LB, PB, JCS), pp. 248–257.
DHM-EH-2015-KollingKHC #design #evaluation #feedback #interactive #process #using- Estimating Ergonomic Comfort During the Process of Mechanism Design by Interaction with a Haptic Feedback-System — Evaluation of Simulated and Kinesthetically Displayed Mechanisms Using the Haptic Feedback System RePlaLink (TK, MK, MH, BC), pp. 62–73.
DUXU-UI-2015-AlacamAH #comprehension- Haptic Exploration Patterns in Virtual Line-Graph Comprehension (ÖA, CA, CH), pp. 403–414.
HCI-DE-2015-Kelly #experience #interactive- Interactions in Affective Computing: Sharing a Haptic Experience Increases Calmness and Closeness (NK), pp. 477–488.
HCI-IT-2015-AydinCOTST #user interface- GUIs with Haptic Interfaces (MAA, NEÇ, EÖ, ET, HS, GT), pp. 153–164.
HIMI-IKD-2015-YamamotoYK- Study of Haptics and Tactile Sense of the Direction of Movement (SY, YY, DK), pp. 477–487.
SAC-2015-BogoniPS #artificial reality #evaluation- Evaluation of a haptic virtual reality simulator for endodontics training (TNB, MSP, RS), pp. 267–269.
CHI-2014-ChengLLSB #framework #people- Haptic turk: a motion platform based on people (LPC, PL, PL, CS, PB), pp. 3463–3472.
CHI-2014-HachisuF #feedback #interactive #interface #named #using- VacuumTouch: attractive force feedback interface for haptic interactive surface using air suction (TH, MF), pp. 411–420.
CHI-2014-KangasARIMR #feedback #gesture #mobile- Gaze gestures and haptic feedback in mobile devices (JK, DA, JR, PI, PM, RR), pp. 435–438.
CHI-2014-MullenbachSCP #communication- Exploring affective communication through variable-friction surface haptics (JM, CDS, JEC, AMP), pp. 3963–3972.
CHI-2014-PrasadTGH #interface #named- HaptiMoto: turn-by-turn haptic route guidance interface for motorcyclists (MP, PT, DWG, TAH), pp. 3597–3606.
CHI-2014-WilsonCSB #feedback #locality- Perception of ultrasonic haptic feedback on the hand: localisation and apparent motion (GW, TC, SS, SAB), pp. 1133–1142.
DHM-2014-FacoettiVCR #low cost #modelling- A Low Cost Haptic Mouse for Prosthetic Socket Modeling (GF, AV, GC, CR), pp. 508–515.
DHM-2014-RasoolSPK #image #using- Virtual Knee Arthroscopy Using Haptic Devices and Real Surgical Images (SR, AS, VP, FK), pp. 436–447.
DUXU-DI-2014-BarrosSF- Use of Immersive Reality and Haptic Devices in Rehabilitation after Cerebral Vascular Accident: Clinical Perspectives and Neuro-Image Evidence (HOB, MMS, ELRF), pp. 501–508.
DUXU-DI-2014-OrlandiniCB #evaluation #interface #mobile #usability- Ergonomics and Usability in Sound Dimension: Evaluation of a Haptic and Acoustic Interface Application for Mobile Devices (GO, GAC, LMPB), pp. 193–202.
HCI-AIMT-2014-DharmaT #bibliography #elicitation #empirical #heuristic #perspective- A Heuristic Model of Vibrotactile Haptic Feedbacks Elicitation Based on Empirical Review (AAGD, KT), pp. 624–632.
HCI-AS-2014-SengulCOTE #3d #game studies #integration #user interface- Haptic User Interface Integration for 3D Game Engines (GS, NEÇ, EÖ, ET, BE), pp. 654–662.
HIMI-DE-2014-MurataUS #interactive- Effect of Haptic Perception on Remote Human-Pet Interaction (KM, KU, YS), pp. 226–232.
LCT-TRE-2014-MagnanelliBGMRC #interactive #named #visual notation- HaptiChem: Haptic and Visual Support in Interactions with the Microscopic World (EM, GB, RVEG, GM, AMR, SC), pp. 72–82.
CASE-2013-MilneBPCHGP #feedback- Robotic arm kinematics and bilateral haptic feedback over an ethernet communications link (BM, GB, SP, XC, CEH, AG, RP), pp. 960–965.
CHI-2013-FanISMWIFT #feedback- Reality jockey: lifting the barrier between alternate realities through audio and haptic feedback (KF, HI, YS, KM, SW, MI, NF, ST), pp. 2557–2566.
CHI-2013-HachisuK #interactive #named- HACHIStack: dual-layer photo touch sensing for haptic and auditory tapping interaction (TH, HK), pp. 1411–1420.
CHI-2013-TamMMK #design- The design and field observation of a haptic notification system for timing awareness during oral presentations (DT, KEM, JM, KJK), pp. 1689–1698.
DUXU-NTE-2013-DonovanSS #gesture #interactive #research- Gestural, Emergent and Expressive: Three Research Themes for Haptic Interaction (JD, GS, JS), pp. 352–361.
DUXU-PMT-2013-Flanagan #feedback #how #interface- Haptic Interface Aesthetics — “Feedback Loops, Live Coding and How to Harness the Potential of Embodied Estrangement in Artistic Practices and Aesthetic Theories within Interface Culture” (PJF), pp. 58–67.
HCI-IMT-2013-ClamannMK #artificial reality #comparison #simulation #visual notation- Comparison of Enhanced Visual and Haptic Features in a Virtual Reality-Based Haptic Simulation (MPC, WM, DBK), pp. 551–560.
HCI-IMT-2013-CorbettYLHBN #3d #feedback- Influence of Haptic Feedback on a Pointing Task in a Haptically Enhanced 3D Virtual Environment (BC, TY, SL, LH, SB, CSN), pp. 561–567.
HCI-IMT-2013-DharmaOOYT #design #navigation #smarttech- Design of a Wearable Haptic Vest as a Supportive Tool for Navigation (AAGD, TO, YO, LY, KT), pp. 568–577.
HCI-IMT-2013-DharmaT #diagrams- Mapping Texture Phase Diagram of Artificial Haptic Stimuli Generated by Vibrotactile Actuators (AAGD, KT), pp. 578–586.
HCI-IMT-2013-HwangK #design- Preliminary Design of Haptic Icons from Users (WH, DK), pp. 587–593.
HCI-IMT-2013-KarunanayakaSENG #interface- Magnetic Field Based Near Surface Haptic and Pointing Interface (KK, SS, CPE, RN, GP), pp. 601–609.
HCI-IMT-2013-LeeBN #visual notation- Use of Reference Frame in Haptic Virtual Environments: Implications for Users with Visual Impairments (JYL, SB, CSN), pp. 610–617.
HCI-IMT-2013-LiuBCN #behaviour #visual notation- Behavioral Characteristics of Users with Visual Impairment in Haptically Enhanced Virtual Environments (SL, SB, HC, CSN), pp. 618–625.
HIMI-D-2013-KobayashiSY #case study #interactive- Study on Haptic Interaction with Maps (DK, AS, NY), pp. 62–71.
HIMI-D-2013-KoedaKN #estimation- Relative Position Calibration between Two Haptic Devices Based on Minimum Variance Estimation (MK, YK, HN), pp. 72–79.
HIMI-HSM-2013-ParkRSOKAVSM #assessment #development- Development of Haptic Assistance for Route Assessment Tool of NASA NextGen Cockpit Situation Display (EP, JR, PS, RO, MTK, GBA, KPLV, TZS, PM), pp. 163–172.
HIMI-HSM-2013-WadaNS #approach- Approach to Haptic Guidance Control in Steering Operation Based on Cooperative States between Driver and Control System (TW, RN, SS), pp. 596–605.
CASE-2012-RyuYKKKK #design- Design of a new miniature haptic button based on magneto-rheological fluids (SR, THY, SYK, JHK, KUK, DSK), pp. 121–124.
CHI-2012-YemKYSYY #using- Assisting hand skill transfer of tracheal intubation using outer-covering haptic display (VY, HK, NY, RS, HY, JY), pp. 3177–3180.
CHI-2011-BadshahGCVHP #feedback #generative #interactive #self- Interactive generator: a self-powered haptic feedback device (AB, SG, GC, NV, SH, SNP), pp. 2051–2054.
CHI-2011-IannacciTAP #feedback #interactive #multi #physics- The haptic laser: multi-sensation tactile feedback for at-a-distance physical space perception and interaction (FI, ET, DA, SNP), pp. 2047–2050.
CHI-2011-KimL11a #experience #named #people #statistics- Handscope: enabling blind people to experience statistical graphics on websites through haptics (DjK, YKL), pp. 2039–2042.
CHI-2011-PasqueroSS #interactive- A haptic wristwatch for eyes-free interactions (JP, SJS, NS), pp. 3257–3266.
DUXU-v1-2011-FaliagkaKRSTT #integration #process- Investigating the Integration of Hand-Held Haptic Devices in Daily Work Activities: The Case of a Tennis Coaching Assistant on iPhone (EF, PK, MR, SS, GT, AKT), pp. 555–563.
HCI-ITE-2011-AkahaneHYS #development- Development of a High Definition Haptic Rendering for Stability and Fidelity (KA, TH, TY, MS), pp. 3–12.
HCI-ITE-2011-JohnsonLNY #behaviour- Analyzing User Behavior within a Haptic System (SLJ, YL, CSN, TY), pp. 62–70.
HCI-ITE-2011-ShinPCPK #feedback- Needle Insertion Simulator with Haptic Feedback (SS, WP, HC, SHP, LK), pp. 119–124.
HCI-ITE-2011-SpiesBLWBH #concept #development #industrial #metric- Measurement of Driver’s Distraction for an Early Prove of Concepts in Automotive Industry at the Example of the Development of a Haptic Touchpad (RS, AB, CL, MW, KB, WH), pp. 125–132.
HCI-ITE-2011-UllahLORM #case study #collaboration #distributed #interactive #what- What You Feel Is What I Do: A Study of Dynamic Haptic Interaction in Distributed Collaborative Virtual Environment (SU, XL, SO, PR, MM), pp. 140–147.
HCI-ITE-2011-YamaguchiCR #3d #memory management- The Effect of Haptic Cues on Working Memory in 3D Menu Selection (TY, DC, PR), pp. 158–166.
HCI-MIIE-2011-IchiyanagiCKO #interface- A Haptic Emotional Model for Audio System Interface (YI, EWC, VVK, HO), pp. 535–542.
HCI-UA-2011-LiJN #learning #user interface #visual notation- Haptically Enhanced User Interface to Support Science Learning of Visually Impaired (YL, SLJ, CSN), pp. 68–76.
HIMI-v1-2011-ElliottSR #communication #development #navigation- Development of Tactile and Haptic Systems for U.S. Infantry Navigation and Communication (LRE, ETS, ESR), pp. 399–407.
HIMI-v1-2011-KobayashiAY #case study #interactive #mobile- Study on Haptic Interaction with Digital Map on Mobile Device (DK, YA, SY), pp. 443–449.
CASE-2010-KawasakiKME #interface- Finger pad force display for hand haptic interface (HK, SK, TM, TE), pp. 374–379.
CHI-2010-BianchiOK- The secure haptic keypad: a tactile password system (AB, IO, DSK), pp. 1089–1092.
SAC-2010-FunfzigTA #constraints #parametricity #using- Haptic manipulation of rational parametric planar cubics using shape constraints (CF, PT, GA), pp. 1253–1257.
CHI-2009-ChoiK #design #evaluation #interface #named- TouchBall: a design and evaluation of a hand-held trackball based touch-haptic interface (MC, GJK), pp. 1535–1538.
CHI-2009-NanayakkaraTWO #design #evaluation #experience #music- An enhanced musical experience for the deaf: design and evaluation of a music display and a haptic chair (SCN, EAT, LW, SHO), pp. 337–346.
CHI-2009-VaucelleBI #design #interface- Design of haptic interfaces for therapy (CV, LB, HI), pp. 467–470.
HCI-NIMT-2009-KasamatsuMIJ #effectiveness #feedback #visual notation- Effective Combination of Haptic, Auditory and Visual Information Feedback in Operation Feeling (KK, TM, KI, HJ), pp. 58–65.
ICEIS-J-2009-LipariBB #2d #fault #visual notation- Investigation of Error in 2D Vibrotactile Position Cues with Respect to Visual and Haptic Display Properties: A Radial Expansion Model for Improved Cuing (NGL, CWB, VBB), pp. 963–974.
CHI-2008-KimKLNL #feedback- Inflatable mouse: volume-adjustable mouse with air-pressure-sensitive input and haptic feedback (SK, HK, BL, TJN, WL), pp. 211–224.
CHI-2008-SalminenSLRSRRE #behaviour- Emotional and behavioral responses to haptic stimulation (KS, VS, JL, JR, RS, RR, JR, GEE), pp. 1555–1562.
CASE-2007-LucianoBR- GPU-based elastic-object deformation for enhancement of existing haptic applications (CL, PPB, SHRR), pp. 146–151.
CASE-2007-RizziBL #3d #artificial reality #automation #image #modelling #simulation- Automating the Extraction of 3D Models from Medical Images for Virtual Reality and Haptic Simulations (SHRR, PPB, CL), pp. 152–157.
CHI-2007-KuberYM #feedback #internet #towards #visual notation- Towards developing assistive haptic feedback for visually impaired internet users (RK, WY, GM), pp. 1525–1534.
HCI-IDU-2007-JiJMK #development #evaluation #interface- Development of AHP Model for Telematics Haptic Interface Evaluation (YGJ, BSJ, JSM, SMK), pp. 517–526.
HCI-IPT-2007-BartneckAK #interface #rating- Hit Me Baby One More Time: A Haptic Rating Interface (CB, PA, TK), pp. 743–747.
HCI-IPT-2007-OyarzabalFCMBO #collaboration #interface #multi- Multi-finger Haptic Interface for Collaborative Tasks in Virtual Environments (MO, MF, SC, MM, JB, JO), pp. 673–680.
HIMI-MTT-2007-AndoSA #evaluation #interactive #visual notation- Human Evaluation of Visual and Haptic Interaction (HA, YS, HA), pp. 12–20.
HIMI-MTT-2007-TagawaHH #case study #interactive #simulation- A Study on Haptic Interaction and Simulation of Motion and Deformation of Elastic Object (KT, KH, MH), pp. 985–993.
CASE-2006-LiuW #multi #simulation- Haptic Simulation of Multibody Contact Dynamics for Fixture Loading Planning (TL, MYW), pp. 304–309.
CHI-2006-LukPLMLH #design #interactive #mobile #prototype #using- A role for haptics in mobile interaction: initial design using a handheld tactile display prototype (JL, JP, SL, KEM, VL, VH), pp. 171–180.
CHI-2004-LecuyerBE #interface #pseudo- Feeling bumps and holes without a haptic interface: the perception of pseudo-haptic textures (AL, JMB, LE), pp. 239–246.
ICPR-v1-2004-UejoT #modelling- Active Modeling of Articulated Objects with Haptic Vision (MU, HTT), pp. 22–26.
ICPR-v3-2004-TanakaTAUT #estimation- Active Mass Estimation With Haptic Vision (ST, TT, YA, MU, HTT), pp. 256–261.
CHI-2003-HwangKLC #multi- Multiple haptic targets for motion-impaired computer users (FH, SK, PL, PJC), pp. 41–48.
ICPR-v2-2002-TanakaK- Haptic Vision — Vision-Based Haptic Exploration (HTT, KK), pp. 852–855.
CHI-2000-WangM #constraints #visual notation- The role of contextual haptic and visual constraints on object manipulation in virtual environments (YW, CLM), pp. 532–539.
HCI-CCAD-1999-YanoKOH #interface- Haptic interface for immersive projection display (HY, NK, TO, MH), pp. 1030–1034.
ICEIS-1999-FaldellaP #3d #recognition- A General Methodology for Robotic Haptic Recognition of 3-D Objects (EF, MP), pp. 203–210.
CHI-1998-FoggCAE #named- HandJive: A Device for Interpersonal Haptic Entertainment (BJF, LDC, PA, CE), pp. 57–64.
CHI-1998-PlesniakP #artificial reality #using #video- Coincident Display Using Haptics and Holographic Video (WP, RP), pp. 304–311.
CHI-1997-Kurze #interactive- Rendering Drawings for Interactive Haptic Perception (MK), pp. 423–430.
HCI-CC-1997-Lee- Effect of the Field-of-View Against Target Ratio in Haptic Exploration (SL), pp. 595–598.
HCI-SEC-1997-OgiHWK #realtime #simulation- Real-Time Numerical Simulation in Haptic Environment (TO, MH, HW, NK), pp. 965–968.
CHI-1996-NomaMK- A Palmtop Display for Dextrous Manipulation with Haptic Sensation (HN, TM, FK), pp. 126–133.
HCI-SHI-1993-LeeWV #2d #interactive #interface- Interactive Haptic Interface: Two-Dimensional Form Perception for Blind Access to Computers (SL, SFW, GCV), pp. 190–195.