Travelled to:
1 × France
1 × Italy
1 × South Korea
3 × Canada
8 × USA
Collaborated with:
C.Gutwin M.V.Birk K.M.Gerling Jason T. Bowey K.M.Inkpen Colby Johanson Ansgar E. Depping M.A.Nacenta R.Vicencio-Moreira S.Bateman M.Birk Y.Gao C.Lough Maximilian A. Friehs K.K.Dergousoff I.J.Livingston L.Nacke Anke V. Reinschlüssel Cale J. Passmore R.Orji I.Stavness M.Miller A.Doucette C.Linehan C.Epp M.Lippold J.R.Wallace M.S.Atkins Cheralyn Atkins J.Vassileva G.McEwan T.Stach L.E.Nacke M.Kalyn D.Pinelle M.Barjawi Kevin G. Stanley Diane Watson D.Valtchanov M.S.Hancock I.Iacovides Daniel M. Johnson 0001 Matthew K. Miller 0001 Martin Dechant Aristides Mairena J.D.Smeddinck A.Pavlovych S.Sharma Jared E. Cechanowicz Shelby C. Thomson Dmitry Alexandrovsky Maximilian Achim Friehs Rowan K. Yates A.Genest D.McDine C.A.Brooks
Talks about:
game (28) play (9) use (9) effect (8) player (7) social (6) interact (5) evalu (5) control (4) person (4)
Person: Regan L. Mandryk
DBLP: Mandryk:Regan_L=
Facilitated 1 volumes:
Contributed to:
Wrote 44 papers:
- CHI-2015-DergousoffM #crowdsourcing #gamification #mobile
- Mobile Gamification for Crowdsourcing Data Collection: Leveraging the Freemium Model (KKD, RLM), pp. 1065–1074.
- CHI-2015-GerlingML #game studies #using #video
- Long-Term Use of Motion-Based Video Games in Care Home Settings (KMG, RLM, CL), pp. 1573–1582.
- CHI-2015-Vicencio-Moreira #game studies
- Now You Can Compete With Anyone: Balancing Players of Different Skill Levels in a First-Person Shooter Game (RVM, RLM, CG), pp. 2255–2264.
- CHI-2014-GerlingMBMO #game studies #people #persuasion #towards #using
- The effects of embodied persuasive games on player attitudes toward people using wheelchairs (KMG, RLM, MVB, MM, RO), pp. 3413–3422.
- CHI-2014-GerlingMMBS #experience #game studies #performance #physics #self
- Effects of balancing for physical abilities on player performance, experience and self-esteem in exergames (KMG, MM, RLM, MVB, JDS), pp. 2201–2210.
- CHI-2014-Vicencio-MoreiraMGB #effectiveness #game studies
- The effectiveness (or lack thereof) of aim-assist techniques in first-person shooter games (RVM, RLM, CG, SB), pp. 937–946.
- CSCW-2014-LivingstonGMB #how
- How players value their characters in world of warcraft (IJL, CG, RLM, MB), pp. 1333–1343.
- CHI-2013-BirkM #game studies #motivation
- Control your game-self: effects of controller type on enjoyment, motivation, and personality in game (MB, RLM), pp. 685–694.
- CHI-2013-DoucetteMGNP #feedback #interactive
- The effects of tactile feedback and movement alteration on interaction and awareness with digital embodiments (AD, RLM, CG, MAN, AP), pp. 1891–1900.
- CHI-2013-OrjiMVG #game studies #health #persuasion
- Tailoring persuasive health games to gamer type (RO, RLM, JV, KMG), pp. 2467–2476.
- CSCW-2013-DoucetteGMNS #collaboration #how
- Sometimes when we touch: how arm embodiments change reaching and collaboration on digital tables (AD, CG, RLM, MAN, SS), pp. 193–202.
- CHI-2012-GaoM #game studies
- The acute cognitive benefits of casual exergame play (YG, RLM), pp. 1863–1872.
- CHI-2012-GerlingLNM #game studies #interactive
- Full-body motion-based game interaction for older adults (KMG, IJL, LN, RLM), pp. 1873–1882.
- CSCW-2012-NackeMGM #game studies #online #quote #social
- “I’m just here to play games”: social dynamics and sociality in an online game site (LN, GM, CG, RLM), pp. 549–558.
- CHI-2011-BatemanMSG #game studies
- Target assistance for subtly balancing competitive play (SB, RLM, TS, CG), pp. 2355–2364.
- CHI-2011-EppLM #identification #using
- Identifying emotional states using keystroke dynamics (CE, ML, RLM), pp. 715–724.
- CHI-2011-MandrykL
- The effects of intended use on target acquisition (RLM, CL), pp. 1649–1652.
- CHI-2011-NackeKLM #design #game studies #interactive #using
- Biofeedback game design: using direct and indirect physiological control to enhance game interaction (LEN, MK, CL, RLM), pp. 103–112.
- CHI-2010-BatemanMGGMB #comprehension #visual notation
- Useful junk?: the effects of visual embellishment on comprehension and memorability of charts (SB, RLM, CG, AG, DM, CAB), pp. 2573–2582.
- CHI-2009-PinelleBNM #coordination #evaluation
- An evaluation of coordination techniques for protecting objects and territories in tabletop groupware (DP, MB, MAN, RLM), pp. 2129–2138.
- CHI-2008-NacentaMG
- Targeting across displayless space (MAN, RLM, CG), pp. 777–786.
- CSCW-2008-WallaceMI
- Comparing content and input redirection in MDEs (JRW, RLM, KMI), pp. 157–166.
- CHI-2006-MandrykAI #evaluation #experience #game studies #interactive
- A continuous and objective evaluation of emotional experience with interactive play environments (RLM, MSA, KMI), pp. 1027–1036.
- CSCW-2004-MandrykI #collaboration #evaluation #game studies
- Physiological indicators for the evaluation of co-located collaborative play (RLM, KMI), pp. 102–111.
- CHI-PLAY-2014-CechanowiczGBMS #game studies
- Improving player balancing in racing games (JEC, CG, SB, RLM, IS), pp. 47–56.
- CHI-PLAY-2014-GaoGMS #behaviour #game studies #using
- Decreasing sedentary behaviours in pre-adolescents using casual exergames at school (YG, KMG, RLM, KGS), pp. 97–106.
- CHI-PLAY-2014-WatsonVHM #design
- Designing a gameful system to support the collection, curation, exploration, and sharing of sports memorabilia (DW, DV, MSH, RLM), pp. 451–452.
- CHI-PLAY-2015-BirkIJM #game studies
- The False Dichotomy between Positive and Negative Affect in Game Play (MVB, II, DMJ0, RLM), pp. 799–804.
- CHI-PLAY-2015-BirkMMG #game studies #how #interactive #self
- How Self-Esteem Shapes our Interactions with Play Technologies (MVB, RLM, MKM0, KMG), pp. 35–45.
- CHI-PLAY-2015-BoweyBM #experience
- Manipulating Leaderboards to Induce Player Experience (JTB, MVB, RLM), pp. 115–120.
- CHI-PLAY-2016-BirkMA #game studies #motivation
- The Motivational Push of Games: The Interplay of Intrinsic Motivation and External Rewards in Games for Training (MVB, RLM, CA), pp. 291–303.
- CHI-PLAY-2016-DeppingMJBT #game studies #social #trust
- Trust Me: Social Games are Better than Social Icebreakers at Building Trust (AED, RLM, CJ, JTB, SCT), pp. 116–129.
- CHI-PLAY-2016-GutwinVM #development #game studies
- Does Helping Hurt?: Aiming Assistance and Skill Development in a First-Person Shooter Game (CG, RVM, RLM), pp. 338–349.
- CHI-PLAY-2016-ReinschluesselM #game studies #self #using
- Using Positive or Negative Reinforcement in Neurofeedback Games for Training Self-Regulation (AVR, RLM), pp. 186–198.
- CHI-PLAY-2017-BirkFM #crowdsourcing #experience
- Age-Based Preferences and Player Experience: A Crowdsourced Cross-sectional Study (MVB, MAF, RLM), pp. 157–170.
- CHI-PLAY-2017-BoweyM #game studies #prototype #using
- Those are not the Stories you are Looking For: Using Text Prototypes to Evaluate Game Narratives Early (JTB, RLM), pp. 265–276.
- CHI-PLAY-2017-DeppingM #game studies #how #multi #social
- Cooperation and Interdependence: How Multiplayer Games Increase Social Closeness (AED, RLM), pp. 449–461.
- CHI-PLAY-2017-JohansonGM #3d #game studies #learning #navigation #performance
- The Effects of Navigation Assistance on Spatial Learning and Performance in a 3D Game (CJ, CG, RLM), pp. 341–353.
- CHI-PLAY-2018-DechantSMM #empirical #evaluation #game studies #hybrid
- Empirical Evaluation of Hybrid Gaze-Controller Selection Techniques in a Gaming Context (MD, IS, AM, RLM), pp. 73–85.
- CHI-PLAY-2018-DeppingJM #design #game studies #modelling #social
- Designing for Friendship: Modeling Properties of Play, In-Game Social Capital, and Psychological Well-being (AED, CJ, RLM), pp. 87–100.
- CHI-PLAY-2018-PassmoreM #game studies #representation
- An About Face: Diverse Representation in Games (CJP, RLM), pp. 365–380.
- CHI-PLAY-2019-AlexandrovskyFB #game studies
- Game Dynamics that Support Snacking, not Feasting (DA, MAF, MVB, RKY, RLM), pp. 573–588.
- CHI-PLAY-2019-JohansonGBM #development #game studies
- Press Pause when you Play: Comparing Spaced Practice Intervals for Skill Development in Games (CJ, CG, JTB, RLM), pp. 169–184.
- FDG-2019-BoweyFM #identification
- Red or blue pill: fostering identification and transportation through dialogue choices in RPGs (JTB, MAF, RLM), p. 11.