Travelled to:
1 × Germany
2 × USA
Collaborated with:
A.Nohl T.Kogel H.Yagi B.Moyer J.Kunkel J.Cornish C.Rowen Y.Tanurhan A.Kuehlmann T.Jones J.Epperheimer J.M.Rabaey R.Razdan N.Gupta R.Puri S.Krolikoski J.Cong B.D.McCredie J.Shen A.Takach T.Hattori P.G.Paulin W.Wolf D.Wingard M.Müller S.S.Sapatnekar K.Keutzer A.Devgan D.Kirkpatrick S.Meier D.Pryor T.Spyrou T.Borgstrom R.Wilson D.Abada A.Dauman R.Chandra O.Mielo C.Cruse W.Roesner H.Tangi M.McNamara G.Smith N.Dutt G.Mancini
Talks about:
eda (3) challeng (2) system (2) should (2) processor (1) milliwatt (1) reinvent (1) prototyp (1) multicor (1) megawatt (1)
Person: Eshel Haritan
DBLP: Haritan:Eshel
Contributed to:
Wrote 7 papers:
- DATE-2010-MoyerKCRHT #assembly #question
- Are we there yet? Has IP block assembly become as easy as LEGO? (BM, JK, JC, CR, EH, YT), p. 123.
- DAC-2009-BorgstromHWADCMCN #hardware #hybrid #prototype #question
- System prototypes: virtual, hardware or hybrid? (TB, EH, RW, DA, AD, RC, OM, CC, AN), pp. 1–3.
- DAC-2009-HaritanKJERRG #question
- EDA in flux: should I stay or should I go? (EH, AK, TJ, JE, JMR, RR, NG), pp. 91–92.
- DAC-2009-PuriHKCKMST #challenge
- From milliwatts to megawatts: system level power challenge (RP, EH, SK, JC, TK, BDM, JS, AT), pp. 750–751.
- DAC-2008-HaritanHYPWNWM #challenge #design #exclamation #manycore #question #what
- Multicore design is the challenge! what is the solution? (EH, TH, HY, PGP, WW, AN, DW, MM), pp. 128–130.
- DAC-2008-SapatnekarHKDKMPS #manycore
- Reinventing EDA with manycore processors (SSS, EH, KK, AD, DK, SM, DP, TS), pp. 126–127.
- DAC-2008-YagiRKHTMSDM #question
- ESL hand-off: fact or EDA fiction? (HY, WR, TK, EH, HT, MM, GS, ND, GM), pp. 310–312.