Travelled to:
5 × France
5 × Germany
7 × USA
Collaborated with:
∅ N.Kranitis D.Gizopoulos A.M.Paschalis M.Nicolaidis E.J.Marinissen N.Mokhoff M.Renovell J.M.Portal J.Figueras M.Psarakis R.Wilson I.Pomeranz C.Dufaza D.Wassung A.J.v.d.Goor I.Schanstra K.N.Ruparel P.Muhmenthaler B.Prince D.Keitel-Schulz T.Bogue M.Gössel H.Jürgensen R.d.O.Duarte H.Bederr M.S.Abadir M.Bapst C.Harris G.Xenoulis M.Redford J.Sawicki P.Subramaniam C.Hou K.Michaels H.Nham F.Pessolano K.S.Kim D.Y.Lepejian C.W.H.Strolenberg K.Veelenturf B.Frerichs J.Ensel G.Stark M.Gianfagna S.Venkataraman R.Puri S.Griffith A.Oberai R.Madge G.Yeric W.Ng P.Prinetto J.P.Teixeira I.C.Teixeira C.E.Pereira O.P.Dias J.Semião W.Radermacher C.Metra G.A.Mojoli S.Pastore D.Salvi G.R.Sechi L.Anghel N.Zergainoh T.Karnik K.A.Bowman J.Tschanz S.Lu C.Tokunaga A.Raychowdhury M.M.Khellah J.Kulkarni V.De D.Avresky
Talks about:
test (16) embed (6) design (5) self (4) core (4) base (4) processor (3) softwar (3) effect (3) determinist (2)
Person: Yervant Zorian
DBLP: Zorian:Yervant
Contributed to:
Wrote 29 papers:
- DATE-2012-NicolaidisAZZKBTLTRKKDA #design #reliability
- Design for test and reliability in ultimate CMOS (MN, LA, NEZ, YZ, TK, KAB, JT, SLL, CT, AR, MMK, JK, VD, DA), pp. 677–682.
- DAC-2009-RedfordSSHZM #named #question
- DFM: don’t care or competitive weapon? (MR, JS, PS, CH, YZ, KM), pp. 296–297.
- DAC-2007-VenkataramanPGOMYNZ
- Making Manufacturing Work For You (SV, RP, SG, AO, RM, GY, WN, YZ), pp. 107–108.
- DAC-2006-MokhoffZ #trade-off
- Tradeoffs and choices for emerging SoCs in high-end applications (NM, YZ), p. 273.
- DAC-2006-WilsonZ
- Decision-making for complex SoCs in consumer electronic products (RW, YZ), p. 173.
- DAC-2005-MokhoffZRNPK #how
- How to determine the necessity for emerging solutions (NM, YZ, KNR, HN, FP, KSK), pp. 274–275.
- DAC-2005-WassungZABH #design
- Choosing flows and methodologies for SoC design (DW, YZ, MSA, MB, CH), p. 167.
- DATE-2005-MarinissenPKZ #challenge #design #embedded #memory management
- Challenges in Embedded Memory Design and Test (EJM, BP, DKS, YZ), pp. 722–727.
- DATE-2005-ZorianFWESGR #industrial #question
- Semiconductor Industry Disaggregation vs Reaggregation: Who Will be the Shark? (YZ, BF, DW, JE, GS, MG, KNR), p. 572.
- DATE-2003-KranitisXGPZ #low cost #self
- Low-Cost Software-Based Self-Testing of RISC Processor Cores (NK, GX, DG, AMP, YZ), pp. 10714–10719.
- DAC-2002-Zorian #framework
- Embedding infrastructure IP for SOC yield improvement (YZ), pp. 709–712.
- DATE-2002-KranitisPGZ #effectiveness #self
- Effective Software Self-Test Methodology for Processor Cores (NK, AMP, DG, YZ), pp. 592–597.
- DATE-2002-PomeranzZ #fault #testing #using
- Fault Isolation Using Tests for Non-Isolated Blocks (IP, YZ), p. 1123.
- DATE-2001-PaschalisGKPZ #embedded #self
- Deterministic software-based self-testing of embedded processor cores (AMP, DG, NK, MP, YZ), pp. 92–96.
- DATE-2001-ZorianPTTPDSMR #embedded #tutorial
- Embedded tutorial: TRP: integrating embedded test and ATE (YZ, PP, JPT, ICT, CEP, OPD, JS, PM, WR), pp. 34–37.
- DAC-2000-ZorianM #design #how #question
- System chip test: how will it impact your design? (YZ, EJM), pp. 136–141.
- DATE-2000-GizopoulosKPPZ #effectiveness #power management
- Effective Low Power BIST for Datapaths (DG, NK, MP, AMP, YZ), p. 757.
- DATE-2000-Zorian #embedded #scalability #trade-off
- Yield Improvement and Repair Trade-Off for Large Embedded Memories (YZ), pp. 69–70.
- DATE-2000-ZorianNMLSV #tutorial
- Tutorial Statement (YZ, MN, PM, DYL, CWHS, KV), p. 66.
- DATE-1999-NicolaidisZ #online #scalability #testing
- Scaling Deeper to Submicron: On-Line Testing to the Rescue (MN, YZ), p. 432–?.
- DATE-1999-PaschalisKPGZ #architecture #effectiveness #multi #performance
- An Effective BIST Architecture for Fast Multiplier Cores (AMP, NK, MP, DG, YZ), pp. 117–121.
- DATE-1999-RenovellPFZ #configuration management #interface #logic #testing
- Testing the Configurable Interconnect/Logic Interface of SRAM-Based FPGA’s (MR, JMP, JF, YZ), pp. 618–622.
- DAC-1998-Zorian
- System-Chip Test Strategies (YZ), pp. 752–757.
- DATE-1998-BogueGJZ #self
- Built-In Self-Test with an Alternating Output (TB, MG, HJ, YZ), pp. 180–184.
- DATE-1998-MetraRMPPFZSS #novel #testing
- Novel Technique for Testing FPGAs (CM, MR, GAM, JMP, SP, JF, YZ, DS, GRS), pp. 89–94.
- DATE-1998-RenovellPFZ #approach #configuration management #logic
- RAM-Based FPGA’s: A Test Approach for the Configurable Logic (MR, JMP, JF, YZ), pp. 82–88.
- EDTC-1997-DuarteNBZ #design #implementation
- Fault-secure shifter design: results and implementations (RdOD, MN, HB, YZ), pp. 335–341.
- EDTC-1997-DufazaZ #generative #on the #pseudo #sequence #testing
- On the generation of pseudo-deterministic two-patterns test sequence with LFSRs (CD, YZ), pp. 69–76.
- EDAC-1994-AGZS #functional #testing
- Functional Tests for Ring-Address SRAM-type FIFOs (AJvdG, YZ, IS), p. 666.