Travelled to:
2 × Germany
2 × USA
3 × France
Collaborated with:
M.Lukasiewycz S.Chakraborty M.Kauer L.Hedrich F.Sagstetter P.Mundhenk S.A.Fahmy S.Narayanaswamy S.Naranayaswami D.Goswami A.Masrur S.Ramesh E.Barke D.Grabowski H.Gräb S.Heinen R.Popp Y.Wang M.Wolf A.Bouard W.R.Harris S.Jha T.Peyrin A.Poschmann S.Andalam P.Waszecki W.Chang S.Shreejith
Talks about:
architectur (5) system (4) cell (4) use (4) softwar (3) automot (3) design (3) balanc (3) analog (3) secur (3)
Person: Sebastian Steinhorst
DBLP: Steinhorst:Sebastian
Contributed to:
Wrote 13 papers:
- DAC-2015-LukasiewyczSS #design #embedded #performance #platform
- Efficient design space exploration of embedded platforms (ML, FS, SS), p. 6.
- DAC-2015-MundhenkSLFC #analysis #architecture #model checking #probability #security #using
- Security analysis of automotive architectures using probabilistic model checking (PM, SS, ML, SAF, SC), p. 6.
- DATE-2015-KauerNLSC #geometry #optimisation #programming #using
- Inductor optimization for active cell balancing using geometric programming (MK, SN, ML, SS, SC), pp. 281–284.
- DATE-2015-MundhenkSLFC #authentication #lightweight #network
- Lightweight authentication for secure automotive networks (PM, SS, ML, SAF, SC), pp. 285–288.
- DATE-2015-SteinhorstL #composition #identification
- Topology identification for smart cells in modular batteries (SS, ML), pp. 1249–1252.
- DATE-2014-NarayanaswamySLKC #architecture
- Optimal dimensioning of active cell balancing architectures (SN, SS, ML, MK, SC), pp. 1–6.
- DAC-2013-GoswamiLKSMCR #development #modelling #verification
- Model-based development and verification of control software for electric vehicles (DG, ML, MK, SS, AM, SC, SR), p. 9.
- DAC-2013-KauerNSLCH #architecture #composition #concurrent
- Modular system-level architecture for concurrent cell balancing (MK, SN, SS, ML, SC, LH), p. 10.
- DAC-2013-LukasiewyczSASWCKMSFC #architecture #design
- System architecture and software design for electric vehicles (ML, SS, SA, FS, PW, WC, MK, PM, SS, SAF, SC), p. 6.
- DATE-2013-LukasiewyczSC #programming #using
- Priority assignment for event-triggered systems using mathematical programming (ML, SS, SC), pp. 982–987.
- DATE-2013-SagstetterLSWBHJPPC #architecture #challenge #design #hardware #security
- Security challenges in automotive hardware/software architecture design (FS, ML, SS, MW, AB, WRH, SJ, TP, AP, SC), pp. 458–463.
- DATE-2009-BarkeGGHHPSW #formal method #verification
- Formal approaches to analog circuit verification (EB, DG, HG, LH, SH, RP, SS, YW), pp. 724–729.
- DATE-2008-SteinhorstH #model checking #specification #using
- Model Checking of Analog Systems using an Analog Specification Language (SS, LH), pp. 324–329.