110 papers:
CASE-2015-TiengYC #precise #tool support- Total precision inspection of machine tools with virtual metrology (HT, HCY, FTC), pp. 1446–1447.
FoSSaCS-2015-BacciBLM #distance #markov #on the- On the Total Variation Distance of Semi-Markov Chains (GB, GB, KGL, RM), pp. 185–199.
SIGMOD-2014-ZhuLWX #approach #graph #order #query #reachability #scalability- Reachability queries on large dynamic graphs: a total order approach (ADZ, WL, SW, XX), pp. 1323–1334.
SCAM-2014-MurtazaHKC #automation #detection- Total ADS: Automated Software Anomaly Detection System (SSM, AHL, WK, MC), pp. 83–88.
ICML-c2-2014-MalioutovS- Convex Total Least Squares (DM, NS), pp. 109–117.
ICML-c2-2014-WangLYFWY #algorithm #modelling #parallel #scalability- A Highly Scalable Parallel Algorithm for Isotropic Total Variation Models (JW, QL, SY, WF, PW, JY), pp. 235–243.
KR-2014-BartholomewL #modelling #multi- Stable Models of Multi-Valued Formulas: Partial versus Total Functions (MB, JL).
LICS-CSL-2014-ChenK #distance #markov #on the- On the total variation distance of labelled Markov chains (TC, SK), p. 10.
CASE-2013-LiJJ #algorithm #heuristic- A heuristic algorithm for minimizing total absolute deviation from distinct due dates on a single machine (YL, ZJ, WJ), pp. 392–397.
GCM-J-2012-PoskittP #correctness #graph #source code #verification- Verifying Total Correctness of Graph Programs (CMP, DP).
KDD-2013-YangWFZWY #algorithm #multi #performance #problem- An efficient ADMM algorithm for multidimensional anisotropic total variation regularization problems (SY, JW, WF, XZ, PW, JY), pp. 641–649.
SAC-2013-YiSLC #mobile #process #towards- Towards a total recall: an activity tracking and recall mechanism for mobile devices (SY, JS, YL, HJC), pp. 570–572.
ICSE-2013-ZhangH0RM #testing- Bridging the gap between the total and additional test-case prioritization strategies (LZ, DH, LZ, GR, HM), pp. 192–201.
ICML-2012-LinXWZ #learning- Total Variation and Euler’s Elastica for Supervised Learning (TL, HX, LW, HZ), p. 82.
ASPLOS-2012-ChangMRSSB #design #lifecycle- Totally green: evaluating and designing servers for lifecycle environmental impact (JC, JM, PR, AS, RS, CB), pp. 25–36.
ICALP-v2-2011-BouajjaniMM #robust- Deciding Robustness against Total Store Ordering (AB, RM, EM), pp. 428–440.
CAiSE-2011-Beis #game studies #information management #integration- Total Integration: The Case of Information Systems for Olympic Games (DAB), p. 2.
ICML-2011-JimenezS #performance- Fast Newton-type Methods for Total Variation Regularization (ÁBJ, SS), pp. 313–320.
HPCA-2011-LeeSNY #analysis #order- Offline symbolic analysis to infer Total Store Order (DL, MS, SN, ZY), pp. 357–358.
STOC-2010-DeyHK #linear #programming- Optimal homologous cycles, total unimodularity, and linear programming (TKD, ANH, BK), pp. 221–230.
ICFP-2010-Danielsson #combinator #parsing- Total parser combinators (NAD), pp. 285–296.
ICML-2010-SzlamB- Total Variation, Cheeger Cuts (AS, XB), pp. 1039–1046.
ICPR-2010-BespalovDS #geometry- Geometric Total Variation for Texture Deformation (DB, ABD, AS), pp. 4597–4600.
ICPR-2010-LindbladSL #image- De-noising of SRµCT Fiber Images by Total Variation Minimization (JL, NS, TL), pp. 4621–4624.
CASE-2009-LiQW #parallel #scheduling- ACO-based scheduling of parallel batch processing machines to minimize the total weighted tardiness (LL, FQ, QW), pp. 280–285.
ICDAR-2009-Likforman-SulemDS #documentation #preprocessor- Pre-Processing of Degraded Printed Documents by Non-local Means and Total Variation (LLS, JD, EHBS), pp. 758–762.
HCI-VAD-2009-KashiwagiXSKO #learning #physics #process- A Language Learning System Utilizing RFID Technology for Total Physical Response Activities (HK, YX, YS, MK, KO), pp. 119–128.
SAC-2009-DavtyanKKMNRSSS- Taking total control of voting systems: firmware manipulations on an optical scan voting terminal (SD, SK, AK, LDM, NCN, AR, AS, NS, AAS), pp. 2049–2053.
TLCA-2009-Tasson #algebra #towards- Algebraic Totality, towards Completeness (CT), pp. 325–340.
CASE-2008-Monch #heuristic #parallel- Heuristics to minimize total weighted tardiness of jobs on unrelated parallel machines (LM), pp. 572–577.
TACAS-2008-LiS- Trusted Source Translation of a Total Function Language (GL, KS), pp. 471–485.
STOC-2008-BlumHLR- Regret minimization and the price of total anarchy (AB, MH, KL, AR), pp. 373–382.
ICEIS-HCI-2008-ZineldinV- A Cyber Organization in the Cyber World — ICT and e.Total Relationship Management (e.TRM) (MZ, VV), pp. 118–123.
SAC-2008-SilvaBBVMP #fuzzy- Fuzzy and neuro-fuzzy estimates of the total height of eucalyptus trees (RMdAS, FGB, GBB, FLV, ARdM, DMP), pp. 1772–1776.
SAC-2008-SteffenelKB #order #pervasive- Total order broadcast on pervasive systems (LAS, MKP, YB), pp. 2202–2206.
RTA-2008-KuhlmannN #automaton #logic #order- Logics and Automata for Totally Ordered Trees (MK, JN), pp. 217–231.
CASE-2007-NishiHI #problem #scheduling- A Successive Lagrangian Relaxation Method for Solving Flowshop Scheduling Problems with Total Weighted Tardiness (TN, YH, MI), pp. 875–880.
DATE-2007-AycinenaBLMGW #open source #question #towards- Towards total open source in aeronautics and space? (PA, EB, GL, RM, FG, AW), p. 1556.
IFL-2007-WidemannP #functional #programming- Tabular Expressions and Total Functional Programming (BTyW, DLP), pp. 219–236.
RE-2007-KousikV #development #requirements- Total Requirements Control at Every Stage of Product Development (SRK, RV), pp. 337–342.
CASE-2006-ChandrasekaranSPV #algorithm #optimisation #permutation #problem #scheduling- An Application of Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm to Permutation Flowshop Scheduling Problems to Minimize Makespan, Total Flowtime and Completion Time Variance (SC, RKS, SGP, NV), pp. 513–518.
DATE-2006-SchusterNPF #architecture #power management- Architectural and technology influence on the optimal total power consumption (CS, JLN, CP, PAF), pp. 989–994.
ICSM-2006-JansenR #network- Reducing Customers’ Total Cost of OwnershipWithin a Software Supply Network (SJ, WR), pp. 269–271.
ICML-2006-WarmuthLR #algorithm- Totally corrective boosting algorithms that maximize the margin (MKW, JL, GR), pp. 1001–1008.
ICPR-v2-2006-ChenH #bound #composition #image #segmentation- Boundary correction for total variation regularized L^1 function with applications to image decomposition and segmentation (TC, TSH), pp. 316–319.
KR-2006-BoothMW #how- A Bad Day Surfing Is Better than a Good Day Working: How to Revise a Total Preorder (RB, TAM, KSW), pp. 230–238.
SAC-2006-RodriguesMC #order- From spontaneous total order to uniform total order: different degrees of optimistic delivery (LR, JM, NC), pp. 723–727.
VMCAI-2006-Subramani #constraints #scheduling- Totally Clairvoyant Scheduling with Relative Timing Constraints (KS), pp. 398–411.
DAC-2005-GaoH #multi #reduction- Total power reduction in CMOS circuits via gate sizing and multiple threshold voltages (FG, JPH), pp. 31–36.
DAC-2005-ManiDO #algorithm #constraints #performance #statistics- An efficient algorithm for statistical minimization of total power under timing yield constraints (MM, AD, MO), pp. 309–314.
DATE-2005-BaiKKSM #multi #trade-off- Power-Performance Trade-Offs in Nanometer-Scale Multi-Level Caches Considering Total Leakage (RB, NSK, TK, DS, TNM), pp. 650–651.
DAC-2004-DeogunRSB #encoding #reduction- Leakage-and crosstalk-aware bus encoding for total power reduction (HD, RRR, DS, DB), pp. 779–782.
DATE-v1-2004-LeeDBS #power management- Simultaneous State, Vt and Tox Assignment for Total Standby Power Minimization (DL, HD, DB, DS), pp. 494–499.
PEPM-2004-PettorossiP #formal method #logic programming #program transformation- A theory of totally correct logic program transformations (AP, MP), pp. 159–168.
ICEIS-v1-2004-Gilb04a- Competitive Engineering: A Totally Metrics-Based System-Development Method (TG), p. XXXI.
CSL-2004-Cordon-FrancoFM #induction #recursion- Provably Total Primitive Recursive Functions: Theories with Induction (ACF, AFM, FFLM), pp. 355–369.
IJCAR-2004-GilHSZ #algorithm #constraints #finite #order #performance #problem- Efficient Algorithms for Constraint Description Problems over Finite Totally Ordered Domains: Extended Abstract (ÀJG, MH, GS, BZ), pp. 244–258.
DAC-2003-LeeKBS #analysis- Analysis and minimization techniques for total leakage considering gate oxide leakage (DL, WK, DB, DS), pp. 175–180.
DAC-2003-MukhopadhyayRR #estimation #logic #modelling- Accurate estimation of total leakage current in scaled CMOS logic circuits based on compact current modeling (SM, AR, KR), pp. 169–174.
DAC-2002-KarnikYTWBGDB #optimisation #performance- Total power optimization by simultaneous dual-Vt allocation and device sizing in high performance microprocessors (TK, YY, JT, LW, SMB, VG, VD, SB), pp. 486–491.
ICALP-2002-MeseguerR #algebra #approach #specification- A Total Approach to Partial Algebraic Specification (JM, GR), pp. 572–584.
ICALP-2001-IsobeZN #graph- Total Colorings of Degenerated Graphs (SI, XZ, TN), pp. 506–517.
ICEIS-v2-2001-HelmT #approach- An Approach for Totally Dynamic Forms Processing in Web-Based Applications (DJH, BWT), pp. 974–977.
IJCAR-2001-Waldmann #order- Superposition and Chaining for Totally Ordered Divisible Abelian Groups (UW), pp. 226–241.
TLCA-2001-Normann #calculus- Definability of Total Objects in PCF and Related Calculi (DN), pp. 4–5.
HPCA-2000-StetsDKRS #memory management #network #order- The Effect of Network Total Order, Broadcast, and Remote-Write Capability on Network-Based Shared Memory Computing (RS, SD, LIK, UR, MLS), pp. 265–276.
CL-2000-NarendranR #decidability #formal method- The Theory of Total Unary RPO Is Decidable (PN, MR), pp. 660–672.
FoSSaCS-1999-Maneth #metaprogramming #string #transducer- String Languages Generated by Total Deterministic Macro Tree Transducers (SM), pp. 258–272.
HCI-EI-1999-SchmittO #using- Calculation of Totally Optimized Button Configurations Using Fitts’ Law (AS, PO), pp. 392–396.
TLCA-1999-Berardid- Total Functionals and Well-Founded Strategies (SB, Ud), pp. 54–68.
ICALP-1998-BucciarelliS- Totality, Definability and Boolean Ciruits (AB, IS), pp. 808–819.
ICALP-1998-Walukiewicz98a #higher-order #reduction- A Total AC-Compatible Reduction Ordering on Higher-Order Terms (DW), pp. 530–542.
ICPR-1998-PrevostM #automation #classification #multi #recognition- Automatic allograph selection and multiple expert classification for totally unconstrained handwritten character recognition (LP, MM), pp. 381–383.
EDTC-1997-PaschalisGGK #fault #self- A totally self-checking 1-out-of-3 code error indicator (AMP, NG, DG, PK), pp. 450–454.
STOC-1997-LeonardiR #approximate #parallel- Approximating Total Flow Time on Parallel Machines (SL, DR), pp. 110–119.
ICALP-1997-BuccafurriGS #power of #semantics- The Expressive Power of Unique Total Stable Model Semantics (FB, SG, DS), pp. 849–859.
HCI-SEC-1997-ChangKC #development #maintenance- Development Strategies on an Intelligent Software System for Total Operation and Maintenance of Nuclear Power Plants (SHC, HGK, SSC), pp. 229–232.
ICSE-1997-NguyenWC #case study #evolution #experience #process- Total Software Process Model Evolution in EPOS (Experience Report) (MNN, AIW, RC), pp. 390–399.
HPDC-1997-FriedmanR #performance #protocol- Packing Messages as a Tool for Boosting the Performance of Total Ordering Protocols (RF, RvR), pp. 233–242.
ICLP-1997-DekhtyarD #constraints #recognition- Total Homeostaticity and Integrity Constraints Restorability Recognition (MID, AJD), pp. 241–255.
LICS-1997-Baader #order #reduction- Combination of Compatible Reduction Orderings that are Total on Ground Terms (FB), pp. 2–13.
RTA-1997-KapurS #order #proving #term rewriting #termination- A Total, Ground path Ordering for Proving Termination of AC-Rewrite Systems (DK, GS), pp. 142–156.
STOC-1996-KellererTW- Approximability and Nonapproximability Results for Minimizing Total Flow Time on a Single Machine (HK, TT, GJW), pp. 418–426.
ICPR-1996-BellaireS #3d #recognition- 3-D object recognition by matching the total view information (GB, KS), pp. 534–538.
ICDAR-v2-1995-HaNB #string- A system for segmenting and recognising totally unconstrained handwritten numeral strings (TMH, DN, HB), pp. 1003–1009.
PODS-1995-Ross #constraints- Structural Totality and Constraint Stratification (KAR), pp. 184–195.
DLT-1995-MateiT #context-free grammar- (0, 1)-Total Pure Context-Free Grammars (CM, FLT), pp. 148–153.
ICALP-1995-BlundoSPV #on the #random- On the Number of Random Bits in Totally Private Computation (CB, ADS, GP, UV), pp. 171–182.
POPL-1995-Sands #correctness #program transformation- Total Correctness by Local Improvement in Program Transformation (DS), pp. 221–232.
DAC-1994-KuznarBZ #clustering #multi- Multi-way Netlist Partitioning into Heterogeneous FPGAs and Minimization of Total Device Cost and Interconnect (RK, FB, BZ), pp. 238–243.
SAS-1994-Solberg #analysis #strict- Strictness and Totality Analysis (KLS), pp. 408–422.
ALP-1994-FerreiraZ #analysis #termination- Syntactical Analysis of Total Termination (MCFF, HZ), pp. 204–222.
CADE-1994-BachmairG #order- Ordered Chaining for Total Orderings (LB, HG), pp. 435–450.
LICS-1994-Loader #linear #logic- Linear Logic, Totality and Full Completeness (RL), pp. 292–298.
ICDAR-1993-AbuhaibaA #fuzzy #graph #recognition- Totally unconstrained handwritten numeral recognition via fuzzy graphs (ISIA, PA), pp. 846–849.
HPDC-1993-NakamuraT #network #performance #protocol- Starvation-Prevented Priority-Based Total Ordering Broadcast Protocol on High-Speed Single Channel Network (AN, MT), pp. 281–288.
SOSP-1993-CheritonS #communication #comprehension #order- Understanding the Limitations of Causally and Totally Ordered Communication (DRC, DS), pp. 44–57.
RTA-1993-FerreiraZ #term rewriting #termination- Total Termination of Term Rewriting (MCFF, HZ), pp. 213–227.
RTA-1993-RubioN #order- A Precedence-Based Total AC-Compatible Ordering (AR, RN), pp. 374–388.
PODS-1992-PapadimitriouY #semantics- Tie-Breaking Semantics and Structural Totality (CHP, MY), pp. 16–22.
KR-1992-MintonDBP #partial order #performance- Total Order vs. Partial Order Planning: Factors Influencing Performance (SM, MD, JLB, ABP), pp. 83–92.
POPL-1990-Gunter #correctness #nondeterminism #source code- Relating Total and Partial Correctness Interpretations of Non-Deterministic Programs (CAG), pp. 306–319.
DAC-1985-BudneyH #design #named- MIDAS: integrated CAD for total system design (WMB, SKH), pp. 529–535.
ICALP-1985-BucherEH #on the- On Total Regulators Generated by Derivation Relations (WB, AE, DH), pp. 71–79.
SIGMOD-1984-Chan- Optimal Computation of Total Projections with Unions of Simple Chase Join Expressions (EPFC), pp. 149–163.
DAC-1983-LaPaughL #testing- Total stuct-at-fault testing by circuit transformation (ASL, RJL), pp. 713–716.
SIGMOD-1982-Kuss #database #distributed #on the- On Totally Ordering Checkpoints in Distributed Data Bases (HK), p. 174.
DAC-1981-Mills #approach #design- A totally integrated systems approach to design and manufacturing at McDonnell Douglas Corporation (MM), pp. 160–165.
DAC-1981-Ward #verification- A total verification of printed circuit artwork (MAW), pp. 720–725.
VLDB-1977-ItohKSS #information management- Total Hospital Information System of Komagome Metropolitan Hospital (II, SK, TS, MS), pp. 270–276.