156 papers:
DAC-2015-Bowen #performance #quality- Walking a thin line: performance and quality grading vs. yield overcut (CB), p. 2.
SIGMOD-2015-ShinJSK #approach #graph #named #random #scalability- BEAR: Block Elimination Approach for Random Walk with Restart on Large Graphs (KS, JJ, LS, UK), pp. 1571–1585.
VLDB-2015-NaziZT0D #network #online #performance #social- Walk, Not Wait: Faster Sampling Over Online Social Networks (AN, ZZ, ST, NZ, GD), pp. 678–689.
LATA-2015-DaiW #algorithm #parallel #random #sequence- A Parallel Algorithm for Finding All Minimal Maximum Subsequences via Random Walk (HKD, ZW), pp. 133–144.
CHI-2015-CrivellaroCDBWO- Contesting the City: Enacting the Political Through Digitally Supported Urban Walks (CC, RC, MDR, SJB, PCW, PO), pp. 2853–2862.
CHI-2015-GromalaTCKS #artificial reality- The Virtual Meditative Walk: Virtual Reality Therapy for Chronic Pain Management (DG, XT, AC, MK, CDS), pp. 521–524.
CHI-2015-PfeifferDSAR #using- Cruise Control for Pedestrians: Controlling Walking Direction using Electrical Muscle Stimulation (MP, TD, SS, FA, MR), pp. 2505–2514.
CHI-2015-RosnerSFC- Walking by Drawing (DKR, HS, JF, AC), pp. 397–406.
CHI-2015-Tajadura-Jimenez- As Light as your Footsteps: Altering Walking Sounds to Change Perceived Body Weight, Emotional State and Gait (ATJ, MB, OD, MF, NM, NBB), pp. 2943–2952.
DHM-EH-2015-MaruyamaKD #adaptation #scalability #simulation- MoCap-Based Adaptive Human-Like Walking Simulation in Laser-Scanned Large-Scale as-Built Environments (TM, SK, HD), pp. 193–204.
HIMI-IKD-2015-IchiharaHIK #behaviour #metric- Presentation Method of Walking Sensation Based on Walking Behavior Measurement with Inertial Sensors and Pressure Sensors (KI, KH, YI, MK), pp. 374–385.
RecSys-2015-ChristoffelPNB #random #recommendation #scalability- Blockbusters and Wallflowers: Accurate, Diverse, and Scalable Recommendations with Random Walks (FC, BP, CN, AB), pp. 163–170.
SIGIR-2015-NguyenKNZ #documentation #random #web- A Time-aware Random Walk Model for Finding Important Documents in Web Archives (TNN, NK, CN, XZ), pp. 915–918.
SIGIR-2015-TranTCN #optimisation #random #ranking #web- A Random Walk Model for Optimization of Search Impact in Web Frontier Ranking (GT, AT, BBC, WN), pp. 153–162.
SLE-2015-Bagge #analysis #library- Analysis and transformation with the nuthatch tree-walking library (AHB), pp. 83–88.
CASE-2014-KoHCAY- Guidance and obstacle avoidance of passive robot walking helper based on receding horizon control (CHK, YHH, YTC, SKA, KYY), pp. 1032–1037.
CASE-2014-LiaoLCHF #analysis- Vision based gait analysis on robotic walking stabilization system for patients with Parkinson’s Disease (CKL, CDL, CYC, CMH, LCF), pp. 818–823.
CASE-2014-LyuYCCC #development #monitoring- Development of robotic walking-aid system with mobility assistance and remote monitoring (SRL, WTY, YSC, HHC, YLC), pp. 830–835.
DAC-2014-WangMZSS- Walking Pads: Managing C4 Placement for Transient Voltage Noise Minimization (KW, BHM, RZ, MRS, KS), p. 6.
SIGMOD-2014-WuJZ #graph #nearest neighbour #performance #query #random #scalability- Fast and unified local search for random walk based k-nearest-neighbor query in large graphs (YW, RJ, XZ), pp. 1139–1150.
VLDB-2014-YuMS #random #using- Reverse Top-k Search using Random Walk with Restart (AWY, NM, HS), pp. 401–412.
LATA-2014-Khanna #random- Matchings, Random Walks, and Sampling (SK), pp. 32–33.
CHI-2014-HazzardBB #case study #experience- Walk this way: musically guided walking experiences (AH, SB, GEB), pp. 605–614.
CIKM-2014-GuoB #random #robust- Robust Entity Linking via Random Walks (ZG, DB), pp. 499–508.
ICPR-2014-Desrosiers #adaptation #approach #image #performance #random #segmentation- A Fast and Adaptive Random Walks Approach for the Unsupervised Segmentation of Natural Images (CD), pp. 130–135.
ICPR-2014-GavriilidisT #classification #kernel #random #using- Random Walk Kernel Applications to Classification Using Support Vector Machines (VG, AT), pp. 3898–3903.
ICPR-2014-LuZXGW #approximate #morphism #quantum- Approximate Maximum Common Sub-graph Isomorphism Based on Discrete-Time Quantum Walk (KL, YZ, KX, YG, RCW), pp. 1413–1418.
ICPR-2014-PandaKC #graph #random #scalability #summary #using #video- Scalable Video Summarization Using Skeleton Graph and Random Walk (RP, SKK, ASC), pp. 3481–3486.
KDD-2014-PerozziAS #learning #named #online #social- DeepWalk: online learning of social representations (BP, RAR, SS), pp. 701–710.
SIGIR-2014-ZhuNG #adaptation #learning #random #social- An adaptive teleportation random walk model for learning social tag relevance (XZ, WN, MG), pp. 223–232.
LICS-CSL-2014-BolligGMZ #automaton #logic- Logical characterization of weighted pebble walking automata (BB, PG, BM, MZ), p. 10.
DATE-2013-ZhaiYZ #algorithm #float #random- GPU-friendly floating random walk algorithm for capacitance extraction of VLSI interconnects (KZ, WY, HZ), pp. 1661–1666.
VLDB-2013-ZhaoCSZZ #on the #random- On the Embeddability of Random Walk Distances (XZ, AC, ADS, HZ, BYZ), pp. 1690–1701.
ICALP-v1-2013-BelovsCJKM #3d #quantum- Time-Efficient Quantum Walks for 3-Distinctness (AB, AMC, SJ, RK, FM), pp. 105–122.
CHI-2013-Hincapie-RamosI #interactive #mobile #named- CrashAlert: enhancing peripheral alertness for eyes-busy mobile interaction while walking (JDHR, PI), pp. 3385–3388.
DHM-HB-2013-MaruyamaKD #3d #simulation- Simulating a Walk of Digital Human Model Directly in Massive 3D Laser-Scanned Point Cloud of Indoor Environments (TM, SK, HD), pp. 366–375.
DUXU-NTE-2013-TeixeiraVDNRS #artificial reality #development #interface- Strategy for the Development of a Walk-In-Place Interface for Virtual Reality (LT, EV, ED, PN, FR, FMdS), pp. 419–426.
CIKM-2013-WangLZ #approach #graph #metric #multi #random #towards- Towards metric fusion on multi-view data: a cross-view based graph random walk approach (YW, XL, QZ), pp. 805–810.
RecSys-2013-Kyrola #named #random- DrunkardMob: billions of random walks on just a PC (AK), pp. 257–264.
SIGIR-2013-GaoXX #query #random #using- Query expansion using path-constrained random walks (JG, GX, JX), pp. 563–572.
SIGIR-2013-YuL #incremental #named #random- IRWR: incremental random walk with restart (WY, XL), pp. 1017–1020.
ICMT-2013-BaggeL- Walk Your Tree Any Way You Want (AHB, RL), pp. 33–49.
CASE-2012-LuoCCH #energy #generative- Walking pattern generation based on energy function and inverse pendulum model for biped robot (RCL, HHC, CCC, KCH), pp. 729–734.
CASE-2012-WeiZW #detection #recognition #research- Research on a detection and recognition method of tactile-slip sensation used to control the Elderly-assistant & Walking-assistant Robot (XW, XZ, YW), pp. 1040–1045.
VLDB-2012-FujiwaraNOK #performance #random- Fast and Exact Top-k Search for Random Walk with Restart (YF, MN, MO, MK), pp. 442–453.
CHI-2012-GoelFW #mobile #named #using- WalkType: using accelerometer data to accomodate situational impairments in mobile touch screen text entry (MG, LF, JOW), pp. 2687–2696.
CIKM-2012-Cohen #learning #metric #random #similarity- Learning similarity measures based on random walks (WWC), p. 3.
ECIR-2012-LucchesePSVV #how #random- How Random Walks Can Help Tourism (CL, RP, FS, HV, RV), pp. 195–206.
ICPR-2012-DuttaGLBP #documentation #graph #kernel #random #visual notation- Combination of product graph and random walk kernel for symbol spotting in graphical documents (AD, JG, JL, HB, UP), pp. 1663–1666.
ICPR-2012-MorinDD #approach #multi #random #segmentation- A random walk approach for multiatlas-based segmentation (JPM, CD, LD), pp. 3636–3639.
ICPR-2012-ThanhMNMY #detection #recognition #robust #using- Inertial-sensor-based walking action recognition using robust step detection and inter-class relationships (TNT, YM, HN, YM, YY), pp. 3811–3814.
CASE-2011-DAngeloLL- A new electrically driven walking frame for both passive and active mobility support (LTD, AL, TCL), pp. 816–821.
DATE-2011-BoghratiS #analysis #grid #performance #power management #random- A scaled random walk solver for fast power grid analysis (BB, SSS), pp. 38–43.
FoSSaCS-2011-Jacobs #algebra #quantum- Coalgebraic Walks, in Quantum and Turing Computation (BJ0), pp. 12–26.
PEPM-2011-DanvyJZ #semantics- A walk in the semantic park (OD, JJ, IZ), pp. 1–12.
CIAA-2011-HeamHK #automaton- Loops and Overloops for Tree Walking Automata (PCH, VH, OK), pp. 166–177.
CHI-2011-MarshallMRKD #approach #how #interface #multi- Rethinking “multi-user”: an in-the-wild study of how groups approach a walk-up-and-use tabletop interface (PM, RM, YR, SK, MD), pp. 3033–3042.
DUXU-v2-2011-ArdavanC #3d #exclamation #safety #towards- Listen! Somebody Is Walking towards Your Car (Introducing the Awareness-3D Sound System into the Driver to Increase the Pedestrian’s Safety) (MA, FC), pp. 89–98.
HIMI-v1-2011-KinoshitaTN #using #visualisation- Kansei Stroll Map: Walking around a City Using Visualized Impressions of Streetscapes (YK, ST, TN), pp. 211–220.
CIKM-2011-CuiLYJJHGCD #framework #multi #random- Multi-view random walk framework for search task discovery from click-through log (JC, HL, JY, LJ, RJ, JH, YG, ZC, XD), pp. 135–140.
CIKM-2011-LiYL #power of #predict #random- Link prediction: the power of maximal entropy random walk (RHL, JXY, JL), pp. 1147–1156.
CIKM-2011-WangZLBW #classification #multi #random #using- Using random walks for multi-label classification (CW, WZ, ZL, YB, JW), pp. 2197–2200.
MLDM-2011-AlshukriCZ #bound #detection #incremental #random #using- Incremental Web-Site Boundary Detection Using Random Walks (AA, FC, MZ), pp. 414–427.
RecSys-2011-LeeSKLL #graph #multi #random #ranking #recommendation- Random walk based entity ranking on graph for multidimensional recommendation (SL, SiS, MK, DL, SgL), pp. 93–100.
ICALP-v1-2010-KroviMOR #detection #quantum- Finding Is as Easy as Detecting for Quantum Walks (HK, FM, MO, JR), pp. 540–551.
ICPR-2010-BouchrikaCNMT #detection #people #using- Using Gait Features for Improving Walking People Detection (IB, JNC, MSN, RM, GT), pp. 3097–3100.
KDD-2010-LaoC #execution #modelling #performance #query #random #retrieval- Fast query execution for retrieval models based on path-constrained random walks (NL, WWC), pp. 881–888.
KR-2010-BagetLM #decidability- Walking the Decidability Line for Rules with Existential Variables (JFB, ML, MLM).
STOC-2009-KannanN #linear #programming #random- Random walks on polytopes and an affine interior point method for linear programming (RK, HN), pp. 561–570.
CIAA-2009-HeamNS #automaton #generative #random- Random Generation of Deterministic Tree (Walking) Automata (PCH, CN, SS), pp. 115–124.
ICALP-v1-2009-ElsasserS #bound #multi #random- Tight Bounds for the Cover Time of Multiple Random Walks (RE, TS), pp. 415–426.
ICALP-v2-2009-CooperFR #multi #random- Multiple Random Walks and Interacting Particle Systems (CC, AMF, TR), pp. 399–410.
ICALP-v2-2009-CooperIKK #graph #random #using- Derandomizing Random Walks in Undirected Graphs Using Locally Fair Exploration Strategies (CC, DI, RK, AK), pp. 411–422.
IFM-2009-BuiN #random #verification- Formal Verification Based on Guided Random Walks (THB, AN), pp. 72–87.
SEFM-2009-BuiN #heuristic #model checking- Heuristic Sensitivity in Guided Random-Walk Based Model Checking (THB, AN), pp. 125–134.
CHI-2009-WigdorJFBS #collaboration #deployment #design #development #multi #named #visual notation- WeSpace: the design development and deployment of a walk-up and share multi-surface visual collaboration system (DW, HJ, CF, MB, CS), pp. 1237–1246.
CIKM-2009-MohammedFD #analysis- Walking in the crowd: anonymizing trajectory data for pattern analysis (NM, BCMF, MD), pp. 1441–1444.
CIKM-2009-PattanasriMM #comprehension #graph #named #random- ComprehEnRank: estimating comprehension in classroom by absorbing random walks on a cognitive graph (NP, MM, MM), pp. 1769–1772.
KDD-2009-JamaliE #named #random #recommendation #trust- TrustWalker: a random walk model for combining trust-based and item-based recommendation (MJ, ME), pp. 397–406.
KDD-2009-LiDJEL #random #recommendation- Grocery shopping recommendations based on basket-sensitive random walk (ML, MBD, IHJ, WED, PJGL), pp. 1215–1224.
SIGIR-2009-KeikhaCC #random #using- Blog distillation using random walks (MK, MJC, FC), pp. 638–639.
PODS-2008-CateS #automaton #logic #transitive #xpath- XPath, transitive closure logic, and nested tree walking automata (BtC, LS), pp. 251–260.
ICALP-A-2008-AvinKL #evolution #graph #how #random- How to Explore a Fast-Changing World (Cover Time of a Simple Random Walk on Evolving Graphs) (CA, MK, ZL), pp. 121–132.
LATA-2008-Bojanczyk #automaton- Tree-Walking Automata (MB), pp. 1–2.
CIKM-2008-WijayaB #random #rank #rating- A random walk on the red carpet: rating movies with user reviews and pagerank (DTW, SB), pp. 951–960.
ICPR-2008-RysavyFEO #classification #random #segmentation- Classifiability criteria for refining of random walks segmentation (SR, AF, RE, KO), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-ShenCLB #random #using- Stereo matching using random walks (RS, IC, XL, AB), pp. 1–4.
RecSys-2008-YildirimK #collaboration #problem #random- A random walk method for alleviating the sparsity problem in collaborative filtering (HY, MSK), pp. 131–138.
SIGIR-2008-BilenkoWRM #query- Talking the talk vs. walking the walk: salience of information needs in querying vs. browsing (MB, RWW, MR, GCM), pp. 705–706.
SIGIR-2008-SerdyukovRH08a #modelling #random- Modeling expert finding as an absorbing random walk (PS, HR, DH), pp. 797–798.
SAC-2008-YuMCWL #mobile #named- CityWalker: a mobile GPS for walking travelers (THY, YSM, KLC, HCW, YCL), pp. 1962–1963.
ASPLOS-2008-BhargavaSSM #2d- Accelerating two-dimensional page walks for virtualized systems (RB, BS, FS, SM), pp. 26–35.
CASE-2007-TadakumaTH- Few D.O.F. Walking Robot with Outer-Wheels (RT, KT, RDH), pp. 1117–1124.
PODS-2007-EngelfrietHS #transducer #xml- XML transformation by tree-walking transducers with invisible pebbles (JE, HJH, BS), pp. 63–72.
SIGMOD-2007-DasguptaDM #approach #database #random- A random walk approach to sampling hidden databases (AD, GD, HM), pp. 629–640.
STOC-2007-BrinkmanKL #graph #random #reduction- Vertex cuts, random walks, and dimension reduction in series-parallel graphs (BB, AK, JRL), pp. 621–630.
STOC-2007-MagniezNRS #quantum- Search via quantum walk (FM, AN, JR, MS), pp. 575–584.
HIMI-IIE-2007-KaminoyamaMHSKA #navigation #people #using- Walk Navigation System Using Photographs for People with Dementia (HK, TM, FH, KS, NK, SA), pp. 1039–1049.
ICML-2007-AgarwalC #graph #learning #random #rank- Learning random walks to rank nodes in graphs (AA, SC), pp. 9–16.
ICML-2007-Azran #algorithm #learning #markov #multi #random- The rendezvous algorithm: multiclass semi-supervised learning with Markov random walks (AA), pp. 49–56.
SIGIR-2007-BlancoL #information retrieval #random- Random walk term weighting for information retrieval (RB, CL), pp. 829–830.
SIGIR-2007-CraswellS #graph #random- Random walks on the click graph (NC, MS), pp. 239–246.
ESEC-FSE-2007-SaulFDB #random #recommendation- Recommending random walks (ZMS, VF, PTD, CB), pp. 15–24.
STOC-2006-ReingoldTV #graph #problem #pseudo- Pseudorandom walks on regular digraphs and the RL vs. L problem (OR, LT, SPV), pp. 457–466.
ICALP-v1-2006-Radhakrishnan #lazy evaluation #random #using- Gap Amplification in PCPs Using Lazy Random Walks (JR), pp. 96–107.
ICPR-v2-2006-MakiharaSMEY #adaptation #identification- Adaptation to Walking Direction Changes for Gait Identification (YM, RS, YM, TE, YY), pp. 96–99.
ICPR-v3-2006-EmmsHW #graph #quantum #using- Graph Matching using Interference of Coined Quantum Walks (DE, ERH, RCW), pp. 133–136.
ICPR-v3-2006-Wang06a #analysis #using- Abnormal Walking Gait Analysis Using Silhouette-Masked Flow Histograms (LW0), pp. 473–476.
SIGIR-2006-HarabagiuLH #modelling #random- Answering complex questions with random walk models (SMH, VFL, AH), pp. 220–227.
STOC-2005-BojanczykC #automaton #regular expression- Tree-walking automata do not recognize all regular languages (MB, TC), pp. 234–243.
CIKM-2005-Collins-ThompsonC #modelling #query #random #using- Query expansion using random walk models (KCT, JC), pp. 704–711.
SEKE-2005-HuangC #approximate #case study #distance- A Study of the Approximate Shortest Distance Route for the Construction Walk of Welding Robot (CJH, BKC), pp. 550–555.
SAT-2005-Prestwich #random- Random Walk with Continuously Smoothed Variable Weights (SDP), pp. 203–215.
SAT-2005-SeitzAO #behaviour #random #satisfiability- Threshold Behaviour of WalkSAT and Focused Metropolis Search on Random 3-Satisfiability (SS, MA, PO), pp. 475–481.
ITiCSE-WGR-2004-CanningMRR #c #using- Reading types in C using the right left walk method (JC, WM, AR, DR), pp. 52–54.
ICALP-2004-BojanczykC #automaton- Tree-Walking Automata Cannot Be Determinized (MB, TC), pp. 246–256.
ICML-2004-ClimerZ #approach #clustering- Take a walk and cluster genes: a TSP-based approach to optimal rearrangement clustering (SC, WZ).
ICML-2004-ToutanovaMN #dependence #learning #modelling #random #word- Learning random walk models for inducing word dependency distributions (KT, CDM, AYN).
ICPR-v3-2004-GoriMS #graph #random #using- Graph matching using Random Walks (MG, MM, LS), pp. 394–397.
DAC-2003-QianNS #network #random- Random walks in a supply network (HQ, SRN, SSS), pp. 93–98.
STOC-2003-ChildsCDFGS #algorithm #exponential #quantum- Exponential algorithmic speedup by a quantum walk (AMC, RC, ED, EF, SG, DAS), pp. 59–68.
ICALP-2003-IkedaKOY #finite #graph #random- Impact of Local Topological Information on Random Walks on Finite Graphs (SI, IK, NO, MY), pp. 1054–1067.
RE-2003-MavinM #case study #experience #generative #requirements- Determining Socio-Technical Systems Requirements: Experiences with Generating and Walking through Scenarios (AM, NAMM), pp. 213–222.
SAT-2003-SemerjianM #case study #physics #problem #random #satisfiability- A Study of Pure Random Walk on Random Satisfiability Problems with “Physical” Methods (GS, RM), pp. 120–134.
PODS-2002-Neven #on the #power of #query- On the Power of Walking for Querying Tree-Structured Data (FN), pp. 77–84.
STOC-2002-BertsimasV #random #source code- Solving convex programs by random walks (DB, SV), pp. 109–115.
STOC-2002-Gacs #random #scheduling- Clairvoyant scheduling of random walks (PG), pp. 99–108.
ICPR-v1-2002-DavisT #analysis #recognition- Analysis and Recognition of Walking Movements (JWD, SRT), pp. 315–318.
ICPR-v1-2002-LvZN #self #video- Self-Calibration of a Camera from Video of a Walking Human (FL, TZ, RN), p. 562–?.
ICPR-v1-2002-YamNC #automation #identification #on the- On the Relationship of Human Walking and Running: Automatic Person Identification by Gait (CYY, MSN, JNC), pp. 287–290.
SAT-2002-HirschK #named #satisfiability- UnitWalk: A new SAT solver that uses local search guided by unit clause elimination (EH, AK), p. 38.
VLDB-2001-TanSHCR #realtime #scalability- Walking Through a Very Large Virtual Environment in Real-time (LS, JC, ZH, YR, KLT), pp. 401–410.
STOC-2001-AmbainisBNVW #quantum- One-dimensional quantum walks (AA, EB, AN, AV, JW), pp. 37–49.
STOC-2001-AmbainisKV #graph #quantum- Quantum walks on graphs (DA, AA, JK, UVV), pp. 50–59.
KDD-2001-HarelK #clustering #random #using- Clustering spatial data using random walks (DH, YK), pp. 281–286.
VLDB-2000-Bar-YossefBCFW #approximate #query #random #web- Approximating Aggregate Queries about Web Pages via Random Walks (ZBY, ACB, SC, JF, DW), pp. 535–544.
STOC-2000-FaginKKRRRST #random- Random walks with “back buttons” (extended abstract) (RF, ARK, JMK, PR, SR, RR, MS, AT), pp. 484–493.
ICALP-2000-NevenS #automaton #on the #power of- On the Power of Tree-Walking Automata (FN, TS), pp. 547–560.
CSCW-2000-YanoNIM #interface #using- Shared walk environment using locomotion interfaces (HY, HN, HI, TM), pp. 163–170.
ICPR-v3-2000-SmolkaW #image #random- Edge Preserving Image Smoothing Based on Self Avoiding Random Walk (BS, KWW), pp. 3668–3671.
ICPR-v4-2000-HatteryCLG #embedded #migration- Optical Signatures of Small, Deeply Embedded, Tumor-Like Inclusions in Tissue-Like Turbid Media Based on a Random-Walk Theory of Photon Migration (DH, VC, MHL, AG), pp. 4348–4351.
ICPR-v4-2000-KagamiOII #3d #generative #realtime- Realtime 3D Depth Flow Generation and its Application to Track to Walking Human Being (SK, KO, MI, HI), pp. 4197–4200.
ICPR-v4-2000-MurakamiW #automation- An Automatic Extraction and Display Method of Walking Person’s Trajectories (SiM, AW), pp. 4611–4614.
STOC-1997-BroderFU #approach #graph #random- Static and Dynamic Path Selection on Expander Graphs: A Random Walk Approach (Preliminary Version) (AZB, AMF, EU), pp. 531–539.
CSCW-1996-BellottiB #collaboration #design #distributed- Walking away from the Desktop Computer: Distributed Collaboration and Mobility in a Product Design Team (VB, SAB), pp. 209–218.
CSCW-1996-NakanishiYNI #named #network- FreeWalk: Supporting Casual Meetings in a Network (HN, CY, TN, TI), pp. 308–314.
STOC-1994-Odlyzko #random- Search for the maximum of a random walk (AMO), pp. 336–345.
CHI-1994-CardPM94a #evaluation #information management #visualisation- The cost-of-knowledge characteristic function: display evaluation for direct-walk dynamic information visualizations (SKC, PP, JDM), pp. 238–244.
CAV-1994-MihailP #on the #protocol #random #testing- On the Random Walk Method for Protocol Testing (MM, CHP), pp. 132–141.
STOC-1993-BarnesF #graph #random- Short random walks on graphs (GB, UF), pp. 728–737.
STOC-1993-FreundKRRSS #automaton #finite #learning #performance #random- Efficient learning of typical finite automata from random walks (YF, MJK, DR, RR, RES, LS), pp. 315–324.
STOC-1992-AzarBKLP #random- Biased Random Walks (YA, AZB, ARK, NL, SP), pp. 1–9.
ML-1991-HsuS #evaluation #learning- Learning Football Evaluation for a Walking Robot (GTH, RGS), pp. 303–307.
STOC-1990-CoppersmithDRS #algorithm #graph #online #random- Random Walks on Weighted Graphs, and Applications to On-line Algorithms (Preliminary Version) (DC, PD, PR, MS), pp. 369–378.
CHI-1990-LewisPWR #design #interface #testing- Testing a walkthrough methodology for theory-based design of walk-up-and-use interfaces (CHL, PGP, CW, JR), pp. 235–242.
CHI-1990-WalkerS #comparison- A comparison of selection time from walking and pull-down menus (NW, JBS), pp. 221–226.