70 papers:
DAC-2014-ReimannGTCGUWEA #architecture #integration- Advanced Diagnosis: SBST and BIST Integration in Automotive E/E Architectures (FR, MG, JT, AC, LRG, DU, HJW, PE, UA), p. 9.
DATE-2014-DogaruSR #flexibility- A flexible BIST strategy for SDR transmitters (ED, FVdS, WR), pp. 1–6.
DATE-2014-KahngK #logic #memory management #scheduling- Co-optimization of memory BIST grouping, test scheduling, and logic placement (ABK, IK), pp. 1–6.
DATE-2014-MaliukM #framework #network #prototype- An analog non-volatile neural network platform for prototyping RF BIST solutions (DM, YM), pp. 1–6.
DATE-2012-Voyiatzis #concurrent #logic #monitoring #multi- Input vector monitoring on line concurrent BIST based on multilevel decoding logic (IV), pp. 1251–1256.
DATE-2008-AsianVR #implementation #network- Practical Implementation of a Network Analyzer for Analog BIST Applications (MJBA, DV, AR), pp. 80–85.
DATE-2008-StratigopoulosTM #estimation #parametricity- A General Method to Evaluate RF BIST Techniques Based on Non-parametric Density Estimation (HGDS, JT, SM), pp. 68–73.
DATE-2008-VenutoR #generative- PWM-Based Test Stimuli Generation for BIST of High Resolution ADCs (DDV, LR), pp. 284–287.
DATE-2007-ZjajoAG #interactive #monitoring #parametricity #process- Interactive presentation: BIST method for die-level process parameter variation monitoring in analog/mixed-signal integrated circuits (AZ, MJBA, JPdG), pp. 1301–1306.
DATE-2006-DhayniMRB #functional #linear #pseudo- Pseudorandom functional BIST for linear and nonlinear MEMS (AD, SM, LR, AB), pp. 664–669.
DATE-2005-CheonLWWHCPCW #logic- At-Speed Logic BIST for IP Cores (BC, EL, LTW, XW, PH, JC, JP, HC, SW), pp. 860–861.
DATE-2005-LiC #analysis #clustering #hybrid #sequence- Hybrid BIST Based on Repeating Sequences and Cluster Analysis (LL, KC), pp. 1142–1147.
DATE-2005-NegreirosCS #evaluation #low cost #using- Noise Figure Evaluation Using Low Cost BIST (MN, LC, AAS), pp. 158–163.
DAC-2004-Pomeranz04a- Scan-BIST based on transition probabilities (IP), pp. 940–943.
DAC-2004-WohlWP #architecture #scalability- Scalable selector architecture for x-tolerant deterministic BIST (PW, JAW, SP), pp. 934–939.
DATE-2005-BernardiMQR04 #approach #logic #testing #using- Testing Logic Cores using a BIST P1500 Compliant Approach: A Case of Study (PB, GM, FQ, MSR), pp. 228–233.
DAC-2003-LiYRP #generative #markov #using- A scan BIST generation method using a markov source and partial bit-fixing (WL, CY, SMR, IP), pp. 554–559.
DAC-2003-NegreirosCS #low cost- Ultimate low cost analog BIST (MN, LC, AAS), pp. 570–573.
DAC-2003-WohlWPA #architecture #logic #performance- Efficient compression and application of deterministic patterns in a logic BIST architecture (PW, JAW, SP, MBA), pp. 566–569.
DATE-2003-BernardiRRV #approach #embedded #programmable- A P1500-Compatible Programmable BIST Approach for the Test of Embedded Flash Memories (PB, MR, MSR, MV), pp. 10720–10725.
DATE-2003-LiuC #approach #fault #identification- A Partition-Based Approach for Identifying Failing Scan Cells in Scan-BIST with Applications to System-on-Chip Fault Diagnosis (CL, KC), pp. 10230–10237.
DATE-2003-LupeaPJ #analysis #named- RF-BIST: Loopback Spectral Signature Analysis (DL, UP, HJJ), pp. 10478–10483.
DATE-2003-PolianBR #markov #optimisation #pseudo #random- Evolutionary Optimization of Markov Sources for Pseudo Random Scan BIST (IP, BB, SMR), pp. 11184–11185.
DATE-2003-SantosFTT #generative #quality- RTL Test Pattern Generation for High Quality Loosely Deterministic BIST (MBS, JMF, ICT, JPT), pp. 10994–10999.
DAC-2002-WohlWPM #effectiveness- Effective diagnostics through interval unloads in a BIST environment (PW, JAW, SP, GAM), pp. 249–254.
DATE-2002-BayraktarogluO #fault- Gate Level Fault Diagnosis in Scan-Based BIST (IB, AO), pp. 376–381.
DATE-2002-Hoffmann #design #generative #testing- A New Design Flow and Testability Measure for the Generation of a Structural Test and BIST for Analogue and Mixed-Signal Circuits (CH), pp. 197–204.
DATE-2002-KapurWM #logic- Directed-Binary Search in Logic BIST Diagnostics (RK, TWW, MRM), p. 1121.
DATE-2002-LiuCG #identification- An Interval-Based Diagnosis Scheme for Identifying Failing Vectors in a Scan-BIST Environment (CL, KC, MG), pp. 382–386.
DAC-2001-OckunzziP #algorithm- Test Strategies for BIST at the Algorithmic and Register-Transfer Levels (KAO, CAP), pp. 65–70.
DATE-2001-AzaisBBR #implementation #linear- Implementation of a linear histogram BIST for ADCs (FA, SB, YB, MR), pp. 590–595.
DATE-2001-BayraktarogluO- Diagnosis for scan-based BIST: reaching deep into the signatures (IB, AO), pp. 102–111.
DATE-2001-IrionKVW #clustering #logic #performance #synthesis- Circuit partitioning for efficient logic BIST synthesis (AI, GK, HPEV, HJW), pp. 86–91.
DATE-2001-NicoliciA #3d #design #testing #trade-off- Testability trade-offs for BIST RTL data paths: the case for three dimensional design space (NN, BMAH), p. 802.
SAC-2001-CornoRS #architecture #effectiveness #evolution- Evolving effective CA/CSTP: BIST architectures for sequential circuits (FC, MSR, GS), pp. 345–350.
DAC-2000-BayraktarogluO #fault- Improved fault diagnosis in scan-based BIST via superposition (IB, AO), pp. 55–58.
DATE-2000-BergfeldNR #embedded #testing #using- Diagnostic Testing of Embedded Memories Using BIST (TJB, DN, EMR), pp. 305–309.
DATE-2000-CataldoCPW #functional #generative #hardware- Optimal Hardware Pattern Generation for Functional BIST (SC, SC, PP, HJW), pp. 292–297.
DATE-2000-CotaRABCL #reuse- Reuse of Existing Resources for Analog BIST of a Switch Capacitor Filte (ÉFC, MR, FA, YB, LC, ML), pp. 226–230.
DATE-2000-GizopoulosKPPZ #effectiveness #power management- Effective Low Power BIST for Datapaths (DG, NK, MP, AMP, YZ), p. 757.
DATE-2000-GoodbyO #fault #quality- Test Quality and Fault Risk in Digital Filter Datapath BIST (LG, AO), pp. 468–475.
DATE-2000-HuangOC #testing- A BIST Scheme for On-Chip ADC and DAC Testing (JLH, CKO, KTC), pp. 216–220.
DATE-2000-LuW #logic #memory management #modelling- Cost and Benefit Models for Logic and Memory BIST (JML, CWW), pp. 710–714.
DATE-2000-SilvaDM #configuration management #correlation #hardware #using- Mixed-Signal BIST Using Correlation and Reconfigurable Hardware (JMdS, JSD, JSM), p. 744.
DATE-2000-SugiharaYD #analysis #approach- Analysis and Minimization of Test Time in a Combined BIST and External Test Approach (MS, HY, HD), pp. 134–140.
DAC-1999-TsaiCB #quality #using- Improving the Test Quality for Scan-Based BIST Using a General Test Application Scheme (HCT, KTC, SB), pp. 748–753.
DATE-1999-HellebrandWY #symmetry- Symmetric Transparent BIST for RAMs (SH, HJW, VNY), pp. 702–707.
DATE-1999-NicoliciA #hardware #performance- Efficient BIST Hardware Insertion with Low Test Application Time for Synthesized Data Paths (NN, BMAH), p. 289–?.
DATE-1999-PaschalisKPGZ #architecture #effectiveness #multi #performance- An Effective BIST Architecture for Fast Multiplier Cores (AMP, NK, MP, DG, YZ), pp. 117–121.
DATE-1999-RayaneVN #detection #embedded- A One-Bit-Signature BIST for Embedded Operational Amplifiers in Mixed-Signal Circuits Based on the Slew-Rate Detection (IR, JVM, MN), p. 792–?.
DAC-1998-GhoshJB #analysis #testing- A BIST Scheme for RTL Controller-Data Paths Based on Symbolic Testability Analysis (IG, NKJ, SB), pp. 554–559.
DAC-1998-ParulkarGB #behaviour- Introducing Redundant Computations in a Behavior for Reducing BIST Resources (IP, SKG, MAB), pp. 548–553.
DATE-1998-ParulkarGB #scheduling- Scheduling and Module Assignment for Reducing Bist Resources (IP, SKG, MAB), pp. 66–73.
DATE-1998-YarmolikHW #performance #self- Self-Adjusting Output Data Compression: An Efficient BIST Technique for RAMs (VNY, SH, HJW), pp. 173–179.
DAC-1997-GoodbyO- Frequency-Domain Compatibility in Digital Filter BIST (LG, AO), pp. 540–545.
DAC-1997-TsaiCLB #algorithm #hybrid- A Hybrid Algorithm for Test Point Selection for Scan-Based BIST (HCT, KTC, CJL, SB), pp. 478–483.
EDTC-1997-Kristof #architecture #bound #effectiveness #idea #self #testing- Extension of the boundary-scan architecture and new idea of BIST for more effective testing and self-testing of interconnections (AK), p. 630.
EDTC-1997-NouraniP #analysis #behaviour #using- Structural BIST insertion using behavioral test analysis (MN, CAP), pp. 64–68.
DAC-1995-ParulkarGB #design- Data Path Allocation for Synthesizing RTL Designs with Low BIST Area Overhead (IP, SKG, MAB), pp. 395–401.
DAC-1994-ParulkarBN #representation- Extraction of a High-level structural Representation from Circuit Descriptions with Applications to DFT/BIST (IP, MAB, CN), pp. 345–356.
EDAC-1994-ChenG #generative #testing- BIST Test Pattern Generators for Stuck-Open and Delay Testing (CAC, SKG), pp. 289–296.
EDAC-1994-HarrisO #concurrent #fine-grained #scheduling- Fine-Grained Concurrency in Test Scheduling for Partial-Intrusion BIST (IGH, AO), pp. 119–123.
EDAC-1994-IllmanT #architecture- A Fragmented Register Architecture and Test Advisor for BIST (RI, DJT), pp. 124–129.
EDAC-1994-LinGB #generative #low cost #novel- A Low Cost BIST Methodology and Associated Novel Test Pattern Generator (SPL, SKG, MAB), pp. 106–112.
EDAC-1994-VuksicF #approach #fault #testing- A New BIST Approach for Delay Fault Testing (AV, KF), pp. 284–288.
DAC-1990-UpadhyayaT #case study- BIST PLAs, Pass or Fail — A Case Study (SJU, JAT), pp. 724–727.
DAC-1988-KimTH #automation #hardware #using- Automatic Insertion of BIST Hardware Using VHDL (KK, JGT, DSH), pp. 9–15.
DAC-1988-Stroud #approach #automation #logic #synthesis- An Automated BIST Approach for General Sequential Logic Synthesis (CES), pp. 3–8.
DAC-1987-KrasniewskiP #low cost #self- Circular Self-Test Path: A Low-Cost BIST Technique (AK, SP), pp. 407–415.
DAC-1987-LiuSU #array #design #logic #named #programmable #scalability #self- BIST-PLA: A Built-in Self-Test Design of Large Programmable Logic Arrays (CYL, KKS, SJU), pp. 385–391.