Travelled to:
1 × France
1 × Italy
1 × South Korea
4 × Canada
6 × USA
Collaborated with:
P.Irani A.Karnik D.M.Plasencia J.Alexander S.A.Seah M.Obrist T.Carter C.Gutwin M.J.Perry A.Roudaut C.Vi S.Gustafson D.Aliakseyeu K.Hornbæk I.Jamil M.A.Nacenta D.R.Sahoo J.Ferreira E.W.Pedersen E.Joyce W.W.Mayol-Cuevas J.Cechanowicz R.S.Kattinakere T.Grossman T.Omirou A.Marzo R.Reed T.Hao C.T.Vi D.Coyle G.Wilson S.A.Brewster M.Löchtefeld M.T.Marshall M.Rahman A.Lucero K.Shi J.Dyck C.Fedak E.Gatti B.Long T.Han W.Judd K.O'Hara E.Jones A.Andreou S.Sallam B.Champoux R.Comber B.Piqueras-Fiszman C.Velasco C.Spence Y.Jansen P.Dragicevic P.Isenberg J.Kildal P.D.Bennett V.S.Otrocol J.Knibbe A.Cockburn G.Wang J.Koshy K.Paramasivam M.Zadeh N.Narkhede J.Rao J.Kreps J.Stein
Talks about:
interact (7) base (6) techniqu (4) display (4) multi (4) pressur (3) design (3) shape (3) input (3) tabl (3)
Person: Sriram Subramanian
DBLP: Subramanian:Sriram
Contributed to:
Wrote 29 papers:
- CHI-2015-JansenDIAKKSH #challenge
- Opportunities and Challenges for Data Physicalization (YJ, PD, PI, JA, AK, JK, SS, KH), pp. 3227–3236.
- CHI-2015-ObristSGLC
- Emotions Mediated Through Mid-Air Haptics (MO, SS, EG, BL, TC), pp. 2053–2062.
- CHI-2015-OmirouMSS #3d #composition #named #visualisation
- LeviPath: Modular Acoustic Levitation for 3D Path Visualisations (TO, AM, SAS, SS), pp. 309–312.
- CHI-2015-SahooPS
- Control of Non-Solid Diffusers by Electrostatic Charging (DRS, DMP, SS), pp. 11–14.
- CSCW-2015-FerreiraPS #social
- Spending Time with Money: From Shared Values to Social Connectivity (JF, MJP, SS), pp. 1222–1234.
- Building a Replicated Logging System with Apache Kafka (GW, JK, SS, KP, MZ, NN, JR, JK, JS), pp. 1654–1665.
- CHI-2014-ObristCSPVS #case study #design #experience #framework
- Temporal, affective, and embodied characteristics of taste experiences: a framework for design (MO, RC, SS, BPF, CV, CS), pp. 2853–2862.
- CHI-2014-PedersenSH #scalability #using
- Is my phone alive?: a large-scale study of shape change in handheld devices using videos (EWP, SS, KH), pp. 2579–2588.
- CHI-2014-PlasenciaJS #named
- MisTable: reach-through personal screens for tabletops (DMP, EJ, SS), pp. 3493–3502.
- CHI-2014-RoudautRHS #assembly #design #named
- Changibles: analyzing and designing shape changing constructive assembly (AR, RR, TH, SS), pp. 2593–2596.
- CHI-2014-SeahPBKOKCS #named #smell
- SensaBubble: a chrono-sensory mid-air display of sight and smell (SAS, DMP, PDB, AK, VSO, JK, AC, SS), pp. 2863–2872.
- CHI-2014-ViJCS #fault #interactive
- Error related negativity in observing interactive tasks (CTV, IJ, DC, SS), pp. 3787–3796.
- CHI-2014-WilsonCSB #feedback #locality
- Perception of ultrasonic haptic feedback on the hand: localisation and apparent motion (GW, TC, SS, SAB), pp. 1133–1142.
- CHI-2013-ObristSS #case study #experience
- Talking about tactile experiences (MO, SAS, SS), pp. 1659–1668.
- CHI-2013-RoudautKLS #flexibility #mobile #named #self #towards
- Morphees: toward high “shape resolution” in self-actuated flexible mobile devices (AR, AK, ML, SS), pp. 593–602.
- CHI-2012-AlexanderHJIS #gesture
- Putting your best foot forward: investigating real-world mappings for foot-based gestures (JA, TH, WJ, PI, SS), pp. 1229–1238.
- CHI-2012-KarnikMS #multi #named
- MUSTARD: a multi user see through AR display (AK, WWMC, SS), pp. 2541–2550.
- CHI-2012-MarshallCAS #interactive #named
- Ultra-tangibles: creating movable tangible objects on interactive tables (MTM, TC, JA, SS), pp. 2185–2188.
- CHI-2012-ViS #design #detection #interactive
- Detecting error-related negativity for interaction design (CV, SS), pp. 493–502.
- CHI-2011-JamilOPKS #collaboration #interactive #learning
- The effects of interaction techniques on talk patterns in collaborative peer learning around interactive tables (IJ, KO, MJP, AK, SS), pp. 3043–3052.
- CHI-2010-JonesAAIS #gesture #named
- GesText: accelerometer-based gestural text-entry systems (EJ, JA, AA, PI, SS), pp. 2173–2182.
- CHI-2009-RahmanGIS
- Tilt techniques: investigating the dexterity of wrist-based input (MR, SG, PI, SS), pp. 1943–1952.
- CHI-2008-AliakseyeuILS #evaluation #interface #multi #named
- Multi-flick: an evaluation of flick-based scrolling techniques for pen interfaces (DA, PI, AL, SS), pp. 1689–1698.
- CHI-2008-ShiIGS #named
- PressureFish: a method to improve control of discrete pressure-based input (KS, PI, SG, SS), pp. 1295–1298.
- CHI-2007-CechanowiczIS
- Augmenting the mouse with pressure sensitive input (JC, PI, SS), pp. 1385–1394.
- CHI-2007-KattinakereGS #interactive #modelling
- Modeling steering within above-the-surface interaction layers (RSK, TG, SS), pp. 317–326.
- CHI-2006-NacentaSCSG #interactive #multi
- Perspective cursor: perspective-based interaction for multi-display environments (MAN, SS, BC, SS, CG), pp. 289–298.
- CHI-2005-NacentaASG #comparison #multi
- A comparison of techniques for multi-display reaching (MAN, DA, SS, CG), pp. 371–380.
- CSCW-2004-DyckGSF
- High-performance telepointers (JD, CG, SS, CF), pp. 172–181.