284 papers:
CASE-2015-ChenY15a #adaptation- Contouring control of biaxial systems with optimal and adaptive cross coupling controller (SLC, JHY), pp. 1450–1452.
CASE-2015-ChenYC #novel- Novel optimal cross-coupling control for the power wheelchair with rim motor (SHC, CLY, JJC), pp. 1533–1538.
CASE-2015-GuoD #bottom-up #coordination #multi- Bottom-up motion and task coordination for loosely-coupled multi-agent systems with dependent local tasks (MG, DVD), pp. 348–355.
DAC-2015-LinYP #constraints #performance- High performance dummy fill insertion with coupling and uniformity constraints (YL, BY, DZP), p. 6.
DATE-2015-DiaoLWW #reduction- A coupling area reduction technique applying ODC shifting (YD, TKL, XW, YLW), pp. 1461–1466.
MSR-2015-BlincoeHD #ecosystem #git #identification #using- Ecosystems in GitHub and a Method for Ecosystem Identification Using Reference Coupling (KB, FH, DD), pp. 202–211.
GCM-2015-Zaytsev #co-evolution- Coupled Transformations of Shared Packed Parse Forests (VZ), pp. 2–17.
CHI-2015-CramerJ #communication #question #what #why- Couples’ Communication Channels: What, When & Why? (HC, MLJ), pp. 709–712.
KDD-2015-DongZTCW #named #network #predict- CoupledLP: Link Prediction in Coupled Networks (YD, JZ, JT, NVC, BW), pp. 199–208.
KDD-2015-FanEWAH #health #personalisation- Hierarchical Graph-Coupled HMMs for Heterogeneous Personalized Health Data (KF, ME, AW, AA, KAH), pp. 239–248.
SEKE-2015-ManiPW #co-evolution #modelling #performance #using- Exploring SOA Pattern Performance using Coupled Transformations and Performance Models (NM, DCP, CMW), pp. 552–557.
SAC-2015-OliveiraQMM #community #complexity #detection #using- Community detection, with lower time complexity, using coupled Kuramoto oscillators (JEMdO, MGQ, MDNM, EENM), pp. 1160–1166.
DAC-2014-DattaSCPR- Neuro Inspired Computing with Coupled Relaxation Oscillators (SD, NS, MC, AP, AR), p. 6.
DAC-2014-LiuCCJ- Simultaneous EUV Flare Variation Minimization and CMP Control with Coupling-Aware Dummification (CYL, HJKC, YWC, JHRJ), p. 6.
DAC-2014-PengPL #optimisation #performance- Fast and Accurate Full-chip Extraction and Optimization of TSV-to-Wire Coupling (YP, DP, SKL), p. 6.
DAC-2014-WangOC #optimisation #performance #polynomial #synthesis- Enabling Efficient Analog Synthesis by Coupling Sparse Regression and Polynomial Optimization (YW, MO, CC), p. 6.
DATE-2014-BurgioDMCB #clustering #hardware #programmable #scalability- A tightly-coupled hardware controller to improve scalability and programmability of shared-memory heterogeneous clusters (PB, RD, AM, PC, LB), pp. 1–4.
DATE-2014-BurgioTCMB #clustering #embedded #hardware #memory management #parallel- Tightly-coupled hardware support to dynamic parallelism acceleration in embedded shared memory clusters (PB, GT, FC, AM, LB), pp. 1–6.
DATE-2014-GomonyAG #optimisation #performance #realtime- Coupling TDM NoC and DRAM controller for cost and performance optimization of real-time systems (MDG, BA, KG), pp. 1–6.
VLDB-2015-HeZH14 #architecture #cpu #gpu #query- In-Cache Query Co-Processing on Coupled CPU-GPU Architectures (JH, SZ, BH), pp. 329–340.
CSMR-WCRE-2014-MondalRS14a #detection- Improving the detection accuracy of evolutionary coupling by measuring change correspondence (MM, CKR, KAS), pp. 358–362.
ICSME-2014-MondalRS #analysis #fine-grained- A Fine-Grained Analysis on the Evolutionary Coupling of Cloned Code (MM, CKR, KAS), pp. 51–60.
ICALP-v1-2014-CzumajV #markov- Thorp Shuffling, Butterflies, and Non-Markovian Couplings (AC, BV), pp. 344–355.
CHI-2014-ScissorsRG #self- Room for interpretation: the role of self-esteem and CMC in romantic couple conflict (LES, MER, DG), pp. 3953–3962.
EDOC-2014-WeissK #lifecycle #multi- A Life Cycle for Coupled Multi-scale, Multi-field Experiments Realized through Choreographies (AW, DK), pp. 234–241.
CIKM-2014-MengCS #analysis #approximate #keyword #query #semantics- Semantic Approximate Keyword Query Based on Keyword and Query Coupling Relationship Analysis (XM, LC, JS), pp. 529–538.
ICML-c2-2014-YanLXH #predict- Coupled Group Lasso for Web-Scale CTR Prediction in Display Advertising (LY, WJL, GRX, DH), pp. 802–810.
ICPR-2014-MarteauGR #gesture #kernel #performance #recognition- Down-sampling Coupled to Elastic Kernel Machines for Efficient Recognition of Isolated Gestures (PFM, SG, CR), pp. 363–368.
ICPR-2014-WalhaDLGA #approach #image #learning #taxonomy- Sparse Coding with a Coupled Dictionary Learning Approach for Textual Image Super-resolution (RW, FD, FL, CG, AMA), pp. 4459–4464.
ICPR-2014-ZhaoSJ #classification #markov- Coupled Hidden Markov Model for Electrocorticographic Signal Classification (RZ, GS, QJ), pp. 1858–1862.
RecSys-2014-RafailidisN #modelling- Modeling the dynamics of user preferences in coupled tensor factorization (DR, AN), pp. 321–324.
SIGIR-2014-YuWYTLZ #performance #retrieval #taxonomy- Discriminative coupled dictionary hashing for fast cross-media retrieval (ZY, FW, YY, QT, JL, YZ), pp. 395–404.
IJCAR-2014-SteigmillerGL #algorithm #logic- Coupling Tableau Algorithms for Expressive Description Logics with Completion-Based Saturation Procedures (AS, BG, TL), pp. 449–463.
CASE-2013-TranH13a #composition #predict- Plug-and-play predictive control of modular nonlinear systems with coupling delays (TT, QPH), pp. 699–704.
DAC-2013-HoOCT #array- Coupling-aware length-ratio-matching routing for capacitor arrays in analog integrated circuits (KHH, HCO, YWC, HFT), p. 6.
DAC-2013-SongLPL #3d #multi #optimisation- Full-chip multiple TSV-to-TSV coupling extraction and optimization in 3D ICs (TS, CL, YP, SKL), p. 7.
DATE-2013-BurgioTMB #clustering #fine-grained #memory management- Enabling fine-grained OpenMP tasking on tightly-coupled shared memory clusters (PB, GT, AM, LB), pp. 1504–1509.
DATE-2013-JaninBCDEGLT #design- Designing tightly-coupled extension units for the STxP70 processor (YJ, VB, HC, TD, CE, OAG, VL, TT), pp. 1052–1053.
DATE-2013-RahimiMBGB #clustering- Variation-tolerant OpenMP tasking on tightly-coupled processor clusters (AR, AM, PB, RKG, LB), pp. 541–546.
VLDB-2013-HeLH #architecture #cpu #gpu- Revisiting Co-Processing for Hash Joins on the Coupled CPU-GPU Architecture (JH, ML, BH), pp. 889–900.
ICPC-2013-MondalRS #co-evolution #empirical #identification- Insight into a method co-change pattern to identify highly coupled methods: An empirical study (MM, CKR, KAS), pp. 103–112.
ICPC-2013-MondalRS13a #detection- Improving the detection accuracy of evolutionary coupling (MM, CKR, KAS), pp. 223–226.
ICSM-2013-Beck #analysis #multi- Analysis of Multi-dimensional Code Couplings (FB), pp. 560–565.
MSR-2013-AlaliBNM #detection #distance #metric #using- A preliminary investigation of using age and distance measures in the detection of evolutionary couplings (AA, BB, CDN, JIM), pp. 169–172.
MSR-2013-SouzaM #category theory #metric #question- Do software categories impact coupling metrics? (LBLdS, MdAM), pp. 217–220.
SCAM-2013-NicolayNRM #javascript #type inference #using- Determining dynamic coupling in JavaScript using object type inference (JN, CN, CDR, WDM), pp. 126–135.
WCRE-2013-BantelayZK #commit #interactive- Comparing and combining evolutionary couplings from interactions and commits (FB, MBZ, HHK), pp. 311–320.
CHI-2013-ParkBN- The roles of touch during phone conversations: long-distance couples’ use of POKE in their homes (YP, KMB, TJN), pp. 1679–1688.
CSCW-2013-BatemanGM #navigation #social #using- Social navigation for loosely-coupled information seeking in tightly-knit groups using webwear (SB, CG, GIM), pp. 955–966.
CSCW-2013-ScissorsG #quote- “Back and forth, back and forth”: channel switching in romantic couple conflict (LES, DG), pp. 237–248.
VISSOFT-2013-AbuthawabehBZD #matrix #multi #visualisation- Finding structures in multi-type code couplings with node-link and matrix visualizations (AA, FB, DZ, SD), pp. 1–10.
ICML-c2-2013-MeentBWGW #learning #markov #modelling- Hierarchically-coupled hidden Markov models for learning kinetic rates from single-molecule data (JWvdM, JEB, FW, RLG, CW), pp. 361–369.
SEKE-2013-CorreaOW #co-evolution #evolution #graph #metamodelling #modelling #towards #traceability- Towards Coupled Evolution of Metamodels, Models, Graph-Based Transformations and Traceability Links (S) (CKFC, TCO, CW), pp. 747–752.
ICMT-2013-KrauseDG #co-evolution #evolution #graph transformation #metamodelling- Metamodel-Specific Coupled Evolution Based on Dynamically Typed Graph Transformations (CK, JD, HG), pp. 76–91.
ICMT-2013-RuscioIP #approach #atl #co-evolution #evolution #metamodelling- A Methodological Approach for the Coupled Evolution of Metamodels and ATL Transformations (DDR, LI, AP), pp. 60–75.
SAC-2013-MaiaGFNVA #middleware #named- LOCCAM — loosely coupled context acquisition middleware (MEFM, RG, ASF, BJAN, WV, RMCA), pp. 534–541.
ICSE-2013-BavotaDOPPL #developer #empirical- An empirical study on the developers’ perception of software coupling (GB, BD, RO, MDP, DP, ADL), pp. 692–701.
ICSE-2013-DornT #adaptation #architecture- Coupling software architecture and human architecture for collaboration-aware system adaptation (CD, RNT), pp. 53–62.
ICSE-2013-RahmanARP #case study #on the- On the relationships between domain-based coupling and code clones: an exploratory study (MSR, AA, CKR, FP), pp. 1265–1268.
DAC-2012-AthikulwongsePL #3d- Exploiting die-to-die thermal coupling in 3D IC placement (KA, MP, SKL), pp. 741–746.
DATE-2012-XuYCJW #3d #performance- Efficient variation-aware EM-semiconductor coupled solver for the TSV structures in 3D IC (YX, WY, QC, LJ, NW), pp. 1409–1412.
TACAS-2012-BarbotHP #model checking #statistics- Coupling and Importance Sampling for Statistical Model Checking (BB, SH, CP), pp. 331–346.
MSR-2012-SteffR #co-evolution #commit #estimation #fault #logic- Co-evolution of logical couplings and commits for defect estimation (MS, BR), pp. 213–216.
SCAM-2012-GethersAP #concept #database #dependence #detection- Combining Conceptual and Domain-Based Couplings to Detect Database and Code Dependencies (MG, AA, DP), pp. 144–153.
STOC-2012-KelnerMP #approximate #multi #performance #using- Faster approximate multicommodity flow using quadratically coupled flows (JAK, GLM, RP), pp. 1–18.
ICGT-2012-RuscioIP #co-evolution #ecosystem #evolution #how #metamodelling- Evolutionary Togetherness: How to Manage Coupled Evolution in Metamodeling Ecosystems (DDR, LI, AP), pp. 20–37.
CHI-2012-ParkBN #how #question- How do couples use CheekTouch over phone calls? (YP, SHB, TJN), pp. 763–766.
ICML-2012-MannorMX #nondeterminism #robust- Lightning Does Not Strike Twice: Robust MDPs with Coupled Uncertainty (SM, OM, HX), p. 62.
ICPR-2012-DrifiH #estimation #modelling- Coupling reduced models for optimal motion estimation (KD, IH), pp. 2651–2654.
ICPR-2012-Lee #constraints #image- Camera calibration from a single image based on coupled line cameras and rectangle constraint (JHL), pp. 758–762.
ICPR-2012-LuJ #recognition- Audio-visual emotion recognition with boosted coupled HMM (KL, YJ), pp. 1148–1151.
ICPR-2012-YangZLP #3d #optimisation #using- Coupled 3D tracking and pose optimization of rigid objects using particle filter (HY, YZ, XL, IP), pp. 1451–1454.
KDD-2012-BoleyMG #linear #using- Linear space direct pattern sampling using coupling from the past (MB, SM, TG), pp. 69–77.
KDD-2012-SongCWWYD #analysis #behaviour- Coupled behavior analysis for capturing coupling relationships in group-based market manipulations (YS, LC, XW, GW, WY, WD), pp. 976–984.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2012-WimmerMV #co-evolution- Viewpoint Co-evolution through Coarse-Grained Changes and Coupled Transformations (MW, NM, AV), pp. 336–352.
ICSE-2012-Mendes12a #co-evolution #evolution #modelling #spreadsheet- Coupled evolution of model-driven spreadsheets (JM), pp. 1616–1618.
HPDC-2012-TanMZ #pipes and filters- Coupling scheduler for MapReduce/Hadoop (JT, XM, LZ), pp. 129–130.
ASE-2011-WongC #dependence #probability- Generalizing evolutionary coupling with stochastic dependencies (SW, YC), pp. 293–302.
DAC-2011-AadithyaVDR #impact analysis #named #predict #probability #random- MUSTARD: a coupled, stochastic/deterministic, discrete/continuous technique for predicting the impact of random telegraph noise on SRAMs and DRAMs (KVA, SV, AD, JSR), pp. 292–297.
DAC-2011-LiuSCKKL #3d #analysis #optimisation- Full-chip TSV-to-TSV coupling analysis and optimization in 3D IC (CL, TS, JC, JK, JK, SKL), pp. 783–788.
DATE-2011-Al-DujailyMXYP #concurrent #detection #network #runtime #transitive #using- Run-time deadlock detection in networks-on-chip using coupled transitive closure networks (RAD, TSTM, FX, AY, MP), pp. 497–502.
ICSM-2011-QusefBOLB #concept #named #slicing #traceability #using- SCOTCH: Test-to-code traceability using slicing and conceptual coupling (AQ, GB, RO, ADL, DB), pp. 63–72.
WCRE-2011-MurgiaTCCM #empirical #refactoring- An Empirical Study of Refactoring in the Context of FanIn and FanOut Coupling (AM, RT, SC, GC, MM), pp. 372–376.
WCRE-2011-Qusef #concept #slicing #traceability- Recovering Test-to-Code Traceability Via Slicing and Conceptual Coupling (AQ), pp. 417–420.
WCRE-2011-QusefBOLB #named #slicing- SCOTCH: Slicing and Coupling Based Test to Code Trace Hunter (AQ, GB, RO, ADL, DB), pp. 443–444.
CSCW-2011-BalesLG #communication #mobile #named- CoupleVIBE: mobile implicit communication to improve awareness for (long-distance) couples (EB, KAL, WGG), pp. 65–74.
VISSOFT-2011-BeckPD #multi #visual notation- Visually exploring multi-dimensional code couplings (FB, RP, SD), pp. 1–8.
CIKM-2011-ChenCC #framework #hybrid #network #query- Coupling or decoupling for KNN search on road networks?: a hybrid framework on user query patterns (YJC, KTC, MSC), pp. 795–804.
CIKM-2011-IslamABR #experience #visual notation #web- Tightly coupling visual and linguistic features for enriching audio-based web browsing experience (MAI, FA, YB, IVR), pp. 2085–2088.
CIKM-2011-WangCWLWO #learning #similarity- Coupled nominal similarity in unsupervised learning (CW, LC, MW, JL, WW, YO), pp. 973–978.
SEKE-2011-AhmedNG #metric- Cyclic Association Rules: Coupling Between Dimensions With Measures (EBA, AN, FG), pp. 379–384.
BX-2011-Cleve #co-evolution #source code #using- Co-evolving schemas and programs using coupled transformations (AC), p. 54.
ECOOP-2011-Taube-SchockWW #question- Can We Avoid High Coupling? (CTS, RJW, IHW), pp. 204–228.
ESEC-FSE-2011-BeckD #composition #congruence #on the- On the congruence of modularity and code coupling (FB, SD), pp. 354–364.
HPCA-2011-YangR #array #named- I-CASH: Intelligently Coupled Array of SSD and HDD (QY, JR), pp. 278–289.
ECSA-2010-Hock-koonO10a #composition #specification- Specifying Loose Coupling from Existing Service Composition Approaches (AAHk, MO), pp. 464–471.
ASE-2010-Paulheim #component #user interface- Seamlessly integrated, but loosely coupled: building user interfaces from heterogeneous components (HP), pp. 123–126.
DATE-2010-KarmarkarT #generative #scalability- Scalable codeword generation for coupled buses (KK, ST), pp. 729–734.
DATE-2010-TajalliL #design #framework #power management #using- Ultra-low power mixed-signal design platform using subthreshold source-coupled circuits (AT, YL), pp. 711–716.
ESOP-2010-AdjeGG #invariant #policy #static analysis- Coupling Policy Iteration with Semi-definite Relaxation to Compute Accurate Numerical Invariants in Static Analysis (AA, SG, EG), pp. 23–42.
ICSM-2010-CanforaCCP #detection #empirical #logic #multi #using- Using multivariate time series and association rules to detect logical change coupling: An empirical study (GC, MC, LC, MDP), pp. 1–10.
ICSM-2010-GethersP #modelling #object-oriented #relational #topic #using- Using Relational Topic Models to capture coupling among classes in object-oriented software systems (MG, DP), pp. 1–10.
SCAM-2010-AllierVDS #graph #metric- Deriving Coupling Metrics from Call Graphs (SA, SV, BD, HAS), pp. 43–52.
SCAM-2010-UjhaziFPG #concept #metric #object-oriented- New Conceptual Coupling and Cohesion Metrics for Object-Oriented Systems (BU, RF, DP, TG), pp. 33–42.
WCRE-2010-KagdiGPC #concept #impact analysis #source code- Blending Conceptual and Evolutionary Couplings to Support Change Impact Analysis in Source Code (HHK, MG, DP, MLC), pp. 119–128.
ICEIS-ISAS-2010-ZhangJ #challenge #comprehension #data access #multi- Understanding Access Control Challenges in Loosely-Coupled Multidomain Environments (YZ, JBDJ), pp. 356–361.
KDD-2010-CaoOYW #behaviour #detection #sequence- Detecting abnormal coupled sequences and sequence changes in group-based manipulative trading behaviors (LC, YO, PSY, GW), pp. 85–94.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2010-CarretonMCM #ad hoc #distributed #mobile #network #programming- Loosely-Coupled Distributed Reactive Programming in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (ALC, SM, TVC, WDM), pp. 41–60.
SAC-2010-ChowdhuryZ #complexity #metric #question- Can complexity, coupling, and cohesion metrics be used as early indicators of vulnerabilities? (IC, MZ), pp. 1963–1969.
SLE-2010-BakCW #metamodelling- Feature and Meta-Models in Clafer: Mixed, Specialized, and Coupled (KB, KC, AW), pp. 102–122.
SLE-2010-Herrmannsdoerfer #co-evolution #evolution #metamodelling #modelling #named- COPE — A Workbench for the Coupled Evolution of Metamodels and Models (MH), pp. 286–295.
SLE-2010-HerrmannsdoerferVW #co-evolution #evolution #metamodelling #modelling- An Extensive Catalog of Operators for the Coupled Evolution of Metamodels and Models (MH, SV, GW), pp. 163–182.
HPDC-2010-DocanPK #coordination #framework #interactive #named #simulation #workflow- DataSpaces: an interaction and coordination framework for coupled simulation workflows (CD, MP, SK), pp. 25–36.
DATE-2009-BonnaudS #design- Cross-coupling in 65nm fully integrated EDGE System On Chip Design and cross-coupling prevention of complex 65nm SoC (PHB, GS), pp. 1045–1050.
ICDAR-2009-BukhariSB #documentation #image #segmentation- Coupled Snakelet Model for Curled Textline Segmentation of Camera-Captured Document Images (SSB, FS, TMB), pp. 61–65.
MSR-2009-Laar #industrial #on the- On the transfer of evolutionary couplings to industry (PvdL), pp. 187–190.
WCRE-1999-AbdeenDSA99a #automation- Automatic Package Coupling and Cycle Minimization (HA, SD, HAS, IA), pp. 103–112.
WCRE-1999-DAmbrosLR99a #fault #on the- On the Relationship Between Change Coupling and Software Defects (MD, ML, RR), pp. 135–144.
CHI-2009-LottridgeMM #design- Sharing empty moments: design for remote couples (DML, NM, WEM), pp. 2329–2338.
DHM-2009-YangFKXR- Joint Coupling for Human Shoulder Complex (JY, XF, JHK, YX, SR), pp. 72–81.
ICMT-2009-CicchettiRP #co-evolution #evolution- Managing Dependent Changes in Coupled Evolution (AC, DDR, AP), pp. 35–51.
ECOOP-2009-HerrmannsdoerferBJ #automation #co-evolution #evolution #metamodelling #modelling #named- COPE — Automating Coupled Evolution of Metamodels and Models (MH, SB, EJ), pp. 52–76.
WCRE-2008-RobbesPL #fine-grained #logic- Logical Coupling Based on Fine-Grained Change Information (RR, DP, ML), pp. 42–46.
WCRE-2008-ZhouWGGL #approach #network #predict- A Bayesian Network Based Approach for Change Coupling Prediction (YZ, MW, EG, HG, JL), pp. 27–36.
CSCW-2008-StuckelG #distributed #interactive- The effects of local lag on tightly-coupled interaction in distributed groupware (DS, CG), pp. 447–456.
ICPR-2008-GaoL #classification #polynomial #recognition- Combining quadratic classifier and pair discriminators by pairwise coupling for handwritten Chinese character recognition (TFG, CLL), pp. 1–4.
BX-2008-Laemmel1- A Suite for Coupled Grammar Transformations (RL), p. 39.
MoDELS-2008-HerrmannsdoerferBJ #co-evolution #evolution #metamodelling #modelling- Automatability of Coupled Evolution of Metamodels and Models in Practice (MH, SB, EJ), pp. 645–659.
MoDELS-2008-VermolenV #co-evolution #evolution- Heterogeneous Coupled Evolution of Software Languages (SV, EV), pp. 630–644.
MoDELS-2008-HerrmannsdoerferBJ #co-evolution #evolution #metamodelling #modelling- Automatability of Coupled Evolution of Metamodels and Models in Practice (MH, SB, EJ), pp. 645–659.
MoDELS-2008-VermolenV #co-evolution #evolution- Heterogeneous Coupled Evolution of Software Languages (SV, EV), pp. 630–644.
OOPSLA-2008-ChernV- The impact of static-dynamic coupling on remodularization (RC, KDV), pp. 261–276.
SAC-2008-DegesysBR #random- Synchronization of strongly pulse-coupled oscillators with refractory periods and random medium access (JD, PB, JR), pp. 1976–1980.
CASE-2007-RabindranT #parallel- Study of the dynamic coupling term (μ) in parallel force/velocity actuated systems (DR, DT), pp. 418–423.
CASE-2007-XiaoWL #flexibility #simulation- Dynamic Coupling Simulation of a Power Transmission Line Inspection Robot with its Flexible Moving Path when Overcoming Obstacles (XX, GW, SL), pp. 326–331.
CASE-2007-YangXL- Two-Degree-of-Freedom Based Cross-Coupled Control for High-Accuracy Tracking Systems (JY, JX, ZL), pp. 950–955.
DAC-2007-RoyMC #nondeterminism- Effects of Coupling Capacitance and Inductance on Delay Uncertainty and Clock Skew (AR, NHM, MHC), pp. 184–187.
ICDAR-2007-DriraLE #approach #documentation #image #segmentation- A Coupled Mean Shift-Anisotropic Diffusion Approach for Document Image Segmentation and Restoration (FD, FL, HE), pp. 814–818.
CSMR-2007-BeszedesGFGF #evolution #metric- The Dynamic Function Coupling Metric and Its Use in Software Evolution (ÁB, TG, SF, TG, FF), pp. 103–112.
ICPC-2007-ZouGH #detection #interactive- Detecting Interaction Coupling from Task Interaction Histories (LZ, MWG, AEH), pp. 135–144.
HCI-IPT-2007-MartiG #physics- Coupling the Digital and the Physical in Therapeutic Environments (PM, LG), pp. 1173–1182.
ICEIS-DISI-2007-CairesC #architecture #semantics #using #web- Using semantic web and service oriented technologies to build loosely coupled systems: SWOAT — a service and semantic web oriented architecture technology (BC, JC), pp. 226–232.
SEKE-2007-YuSC #kernel #reuse- Common Coupling as a Measure of Reuse Effort in Kernel-Based Software (LY, SRS, KC), pp. 39–44.
PADL-2007-BerdaguerCPV #sql #xml- Coupled Schema Transformation and Data Conversion for XML and SQL (PB, AC, HP, JV), pp. 290–304.
VLDB-2006-SawiresTPAAC #maintenance #xpath- Maintaining XPath Views In Loosely Coupled Systems (AS, JT, OP, DA, AEA, KSC), pp. 583–594.
FASE-2006-GeigerFGP #clone tracking- Relation of Code Clones and Change Couplings (RG, BF, HCG, MP), pp. 411–425.
CSMR-2006-JoshiJ #metric #refactoring- Microscopic Coupling Metrics for Refactoring (PJ, RKJ), pp. 145–152.
ICPC-2006-FluriG- Classifying Change Types for Qualifying Change Couplings (BF, HCG), pp. 35–45.
ICPC-2006-ZaidmanBD #comprehension #how #metric #mining- How Webmining and Coupling Metrics Improve Early Program Comprehension (AZ, BDB, SD), pp. 74–78.
ICSM-2006-PoshyvanykM #concept #metric #object-oriented- The Conceptual Coupling Metrics for Object-Oriented Systems (DP, AM), pp. 469–478.
MSR-2006-DAmbrosLL #evolution #logic #visualisation- The evolution radar: visualizing integrated logical coupling information (MD, ML, ML), pp. 26–32.
MSR-2006-GuiS #component #evaluation #metric #reuse- Coupling and cohesion measures for evaluation of component reusability (GG, PDS), pp. 18–21.
WCRE-2006-DAmbrosL #logic #reverse engineering- Reverse Engineering with Logical Coupling (MD, ML), pp. 189–198.
CHI-2006-TangTPNC #collaboration- Collaborative Coupling over Tabletop Displays (AT, MT, BAP, PN, MSTC), pp. 1181–1190.
CIKM-2006-LuPLA #feature model #identification #machine learning #query- Coupling feature selection and machine learning methods for navigational query identification (YL, FP, XL, NA), pp. 682–689.
ICPR-v1-2006-CastelanH #3d #statistics- A Simple Coupled Statistical Model for 3D Face Shape Recovery (MC, ERH), pp. 231–234.
ICPR-v1-2006-HansenLEC #segmentation- Coupled Shape Model Segmentation in Pig Carcasses (MFH, RL, BKE, LBC), pp. 468–471.
ICPR-v1-2006-JiangXT #learning- Shape Alignment by Learning a Landmark-PDM Coupled Model (YJ, JX, HTT), pp. 959–962.
ICPR-v1-2006-XieL #animation #markov #modelling #speech #using- Speech Animation Using Coupled Hidden Markov Models (LX, ZQL), pp. 1128–1131.
ICPR-v4-2006-AlbuLCOHZPBMDDMJTGL #monitoring #named #network- MONNET: Monitoring Pedestrians with a Network of Loosely-Coupled Cameras (ABA, DL, SC, DO, PH, AZ, MP, RB, XM, RD, SD, NMB, FJ, HT, LG, FL), pp. 924–928.
SIGIR-2006-Olsson #analysis #classification #set- An analysis of the coupling between training set and neighborhood sizes for the kNN classifier (JSO), pp. 685–686.
SAC-2006-ReynosoGPM #comprehension #ocl #question- Does object coupling really affect the understanding and modifying of OCL expressions? (LR, MG, MP, MEM), pp. 1721–1727.
FSE-2006-GirouxR #detection #testing #using- Detecting increases in feature coupling using regression tests (OG, MPR), pp. 163–174.
OSDI-2006-Burrows #distributed- The Chubby Lock Service for Loosely-Coupled Distributed Systems (MB), pp. 335–350.
DAC-2005-GopeCJ #3d #multi #named #performance- DiMES: multilevel fast direct solver based on multipole expansions for parasitic extraction of massively coupled 3D microelectronic structures (DG, IC, VJ), pp. 159–162.
DATE-2005-BhaduriV #higher-order #induction #metric- Inductive and Capacitive Coupling Aware Routing Methodology Driven by a Higher Order RLCK Moment Metric (AB, RV), pp. 922–923.
DATE-2005-WangM #approximate #modelling- EM Wave Coupling Noise Modeling Based on Chebyshev Approximation and Exact Moment Formulation (BW, PM), pp. 976–981.
SCAM-2005-FluriGP #analysis #fine-grained- Fine-Grained Analysis of Change Couplings (BF, HG, MP), pp. 66–74.
SEKE-2005-KrishnaGV #concept #consistency #modelling #specification- Loosely-coupled Consistency between Agent-oriented Conceptual Models and Z Specifications (AK, AKG, SAV), pp. 455–460.
SIGIR-2005-Ribeiro-NetoCGM- Impedance coupling in content-targeted advertising (BARN, MC, PBG, ESdM), pp. 496–503.
SAC-2005-MitchellP #metric #runtime #using- Using object-level run-time metrics to study coupling between objects (ÁM, JFP), pp. 1456–1462.
DAC-2004-GuptaP #evaluation #named- CHIME: coupled hierarchical inductance model evaluation (SG, LTP), pp. 800–805.
DAC-2004-HrkicLB #approach #logic #replication- An approach to placement-coupled logic replication (MH, JL, GB), pp. 711–716.
DAC-2004-SilveiraP #algorithm #network #reduction- Exploiting input information in a model reduction algorithm for massively coupled parasitic networks (LMS, JRP), pp. 385–388.
DATE-v1-2004-BrandtnerW #named #simulation- SubCALM: A Program for Hierarchical Substrate Coupling Simulation on Floorplan Level (TB, RW), pp. 616–621.
DATE-v1-2004-WongT #configuration management #encoding #power management- Re-Configurable Bus Encoding Scheme for Reducing Power Consumption of the Cross Coupling Capacitance for Deep Sub-Micron Instruction Bus (SKW, CYT), pp. 130–135.
DATE-v2-2004-JiangC04a #reduction- Realizable Reduction for Electromagnetically Coupled RLMC Interconnects (RJ, CCPC), pp. 1400–1401.
DATE-v2-2004-LanD #analysis #modelling #synthesis- Synthesized Compact Models (SCM) of Substrate Noise Coupling Analysis and Synthesis in Mixed-Signal ICs (HL, RWD), pp. 836–843.
DATE-v2-2004-LorenzM #algorithm #code generation #search-based #using- Phase Coupled Code Generation for DSPs Using a Genetic Algorithm (ML, PM), pp. 1270–1275.
DATE-v2-2004-MeiVVL #architecture #case study #configuration management #design #matrix- Design Methodology for a Tightly Coupled VLIW/Reconfigurable Matrix Architecture: A Case Study (BM, SV, DV, RL), pp. 1224–1229.
CSMR-2004-HassounJC #architecture #metric #runtime- A Dynamic Runtime Coupling Metric for Meta-Level Architectures (YH, RJ, SC), pp. 339–346.
ICSM-2004-RillingMO #slicing- Context Driven Slicing Based Coupling Measure (JR, WJM, OO), p. 532.
WCRE-2004-BoisDV #named #refactoring- Refactoring — Improving Coupling and Cohesion of Existing Code (BDB, SD, JV), pp. 144–151.
CHI-2004-GergleMKF #chat #matter #persistent- Persistence matters: making the most of chat in tightly-coupled work (DG, DRM, REK, SRF), pp. 431–438.
ICEIS-v2-2004-VeskiojaV #problem- Majority Voting in Stable Marriage Problem with Couples (TV, LV), pp. 442–447.
ICPR-v2-2004-DupreA #markov #modelling #recognition- Hidden Markov Models for Couples of Letters Applied to Handwriting Recognition (XD, EA), pp. 618–621.
ICPR-v3-2004-EhtiatiC #architecture #identification- A Strongly Coupled Architecture for Contextual Object and Scene Identification (TE, JJC), pp. 69–72.
ICPR-v3-2004-Pernkopf #3d #using- 3D Surface Inspection using Coupled HMMs (FP), pp. 223–226.
ICPR-v4-2004-Frigui04a #visualisation- Projection and Visualization based on Synchronization of Coupled Oscillators (HF), pp. 561–564.
DAC-2003-OMahonyYHW #design #network #using- Design of a 10GHz clock distribution network using coupled standing-wave oscillators (FO, CPY, MH, SSW), pp. 682–687.
DocEng-2003-BoulmaizRB #documentation #pretty-printing- Improving formatting documents by coupling formatting systems (FB, CR, FB), pp. 92–94.
ICDAR-2003-ChoisyB #markov #network #recognition #word- Coupling of a local vision by Markov field and a global vision by Neural Network for the recognition of handwritten words (CC, AB), pp. 849–853.
FASE-2003-Kelsen #object-oriented- An Information-Based View of Representational Coupling in Object-Oriented Systems (PK), pp. 216–230.
ICEIS-v1-2003-BadrLF #database #documentation #named- DRUID: Coupling User Written Documents and Databases (YB, FL, AF), pp. 191–196.
UML-2003-Nunes #contract #ocl- An OCL Extension for Low-Coupling Preserving Contracts (IN), pp. 310–324.
CGO-2003-Krintz #online #performance- Coupling On-Line and Off-Line Profile Information to Improve Program Performance (CK), pp. 69–78.
DAC-2002-LinC #named #orthogonal- TCG-S: orthogonal coupling of P*-admissible representations for general floorplans (JML, YWC), pp. 842–847.
DAC-2002-VanasscheGS #behaviour #modelling- Behavioral modeling of (coupled) harmonic oscillators (PV, GGEG, WMCS), pp. 536–541.
DAC-2002-VrudhulaBS #estimation- Estimation of the likelihood of capacitive coupling noise (SBKV, DB, SS), pp. 653–658.
DATE-2002-BrandtnerW #network #power management #simulation- Hierarchical Simulation of Substrate Coupling in Mixed-Signal ICs Considering the Power Supply Network (TB, RW), pp. 1028–1032.
DATE-2002-GoorAC #fault- Minimal Test for Coupling Faults in Word-Oriented Memories (AJvdG, MSA, AC), pp. 944–948.
DATE-2002-KhazakaN #megamodelling- Compact Macromodel for Lossy Coupled Transmission Lines (RK, MSN), p. 1114.
DATE-2002-ThielenV #performance #simulation- Fast Method to Include Parasitic Coupling in Circuit Simulations (BLAVT, GAEV), pp. 1033–1037.
CIKM-2002-WangK #clustering #web- Evaluating contents-link coupled web page clustering for web search results (YW, MK), pp. 499–506.
ICPR-v1-2002-JeongKSS #gesture #linear #recognition #using- Two-Hand Gesture Recognition using Coupled Switching Linear Model (MHJ, YK, NS, YS), pp. 9–12.
ICPR-v2-2002-RenX #recognition- Human Action Recognition with Primitive-Based Coupled-HMM (HR, GX), pp. 494–498.
ICPR-v2-2002-SanchezBK #markov #video- Coupled Markov Chains for Video Contents Characterization (JMS, XB, JRK), pp. 461–464.
ICPR-v3-2002-JeongKSS02a #gesture #linear #recognition #using- Two-Hand Gesture Recognition Using Coupled Switching Linear Model (MHJ, YK, NS, YS), pp. 529–532.
SEKE-2002-BriandFL #algorithm #integration #metric #order #search-based #using- Using genetic algorithms and coupling measures to devise optimal integration test orders (LCB, JF, YL), pp. 43–50.
HPDC-2002-Bettencourt #distributed #framework- Distributed Model Coupling Framework (MTB), pp. 284–290.
HPDC-2002-TaylorWGS #kernel #parallel #performance #predict #using- Using Kernel Couplings to Predict Parallel Application Performance (VET, XW, JG, RLS), pp. 125–134.
DAC-2001-ArunachalamBP #analysis #interactive- False Coupling Interactions in Static Timing Analysis (RA, RDB, LTP), pp. 726–731.
DAC-2001-BeattieP01a #modelling- Modeling Magnetic Coupling for On-Chip Interconnect (MWB, LTP), pp. 335–340.
DAC-2001-KimJSLK #optimisation #using- Coupling Delay Optimization by Temporal Decorrelation using Dual Threshold Voltage Technique (KWK, SOJ, PS, CLL, SMK), pp. 732–737.
DAC-2001-ShinS #design #power management- Coupling-Driven Bus Design for Low-Power Application-Specific Systems (YS, TS), pp. 750–753.
DAC-2001-UchinoC #energy- An Interconnect Energy Model Considering Coupling Effects (TU, JC), pp. 555–558.
DATE-2001-YuK #algorithm #distributed #performance- Explicit formulas and efficient algorithm for moment computation of coupled RC trees with lumped and distributed elements (QY, ESK), pp. 445–450.
CSMR-2001-AbreuG #composition #question- Coupling and Cohesion as Modularization Drivers: Are We Being Over-Persuaded? (FBeA, MG), pp. 47–57.
CHI-2001-TanRC #3d #navigation- Exploring 3D navigation: combining speed-coupled flying with orbiting (DST, GGR, MC), pp. 418–425.
ICML-2001-MarxDB #clustering #detection- Coupled Clustering: a Method for Detecting Structural Correspondence (ZM, ID, JMB), pp. 353–360.
HPDC-2001-FollenKLTS #corba #development #legacy- A CORBA-Based Development Environment for Wrapping and Coupling Legacy Scientific Codes (GJF, CMK, IL, ST, JS), p. 22–?.
DAC-2000-ArunachalamRP #analysis #named- TACO: timing analysis with coupling (RA, KR, LTP), pp. 266–269.
DAC-2000-HeijningenBDEB #generative #power management #simulation- High-level simulation of substrate noise generation including power supply noise coupling (MvH, MB, SD, ME, IB), pp. 446–451.
DAC-2000-KahngMS #analysis #on the- On switch factor based analysis of coupled RC interconnects (ABK, SM, ES), pp. 79–84.
DAC-2000-KanapkaPW #performance- Fast methods for extraction and sparsification of substrate coupling (JK, JRP, JW), pp. 738–743.
DAC-2000-Sheehan #predict- Predicting coupled noise in RC circuits by matching 1, 2, and 3 moments (BNS), pp. 532–535.
DATE-2000-Sheehan #predict- Predicting Coupled Noise in RC Circuits (BNS), pp. 517–521.
CSMR-2000-AbreuPS #analysis #approach #clustering #composition #object-oriented- A Coupling-Guided Cluster Analysis Approach to Reengineer the Modularity of Object-Oriented Systems (FBeA, GP, PMAS), pp. 13–22.
HPDC-2000-GouacheP #corba #industrial #simulation #using- Coupling of Industrial Simulation Codes using CORBA (SG, TP), pp. 312–314.
DAC-1999-Grajcar #algorithm #multi #scheduling #search-based- Genetic List Scheduling Algorithm for Scheduling and Allocation on a Loosely Coupled Heterogeneous Multiprocessor System (MG), pp. 280–285.
DAC-1999-YimK #design- Reducing Cross-Coupling Among Interconnect Wires in Deep-Submicron Datapath Design (JSY, CMK), pp. 485–490.
DATE-1999-CostaSC #modelling #performance- Efficient Techniques for Accurate Extraction and Modeling of Substrate Coupling in Mixed-Signal IC’s (JPC, LMS, MC), pp. 396–400.
DATE-1999-WangYK #distributed #estimation- Coupled Noise Estimation for Distributed RC Interconnect Model (JMW, QY, ESK), pp. 664–668.
DATE-1999-YeCFCNC #design #verification- Chip-Level Verification for Parasitic Coupling Effects in Deep-Submicron Digital Designs (LY, FCC, PF, RC, NN, FC), pp. 658–663.
ICSM-1999-BriandWL #impact analysis #metric #object-oriented #using- Using Coupling Measurement for Impact Analysis in Object-Oriented Systems (LCB, JW, HL), pp. 475–482.
ICML-1999-WangM #markov #optimisation #process- Hierarchical Optimization of Policy-Coupled Semi-Markov Decision Processes (GW, SM), pp. 464–473.
TOOLS-PACIFIC-1999-SoulieBM #multi- Coupling Multiagent Systems and Environmental Data (JCS, SB, PM), pp. 265–273.
RE-1999-RollandGK #experience #requirements- Experience with Goal-Scenario Coupling in Requirements Engineering (CR, GG, RK), p. 74–?.
DAC-1998-ChouW #equation #multi #parametricity- Multilevel Integral Equation Methods for the Extraction of Substrate Coupling Parameters in Mixed-Signal IC’s (MC, JW), pp. 20–25.
DATE-1998-CostaCS #modelling #performance #simulation- Efficient Techniques for Accurate Modeling and Simulation of Substrate Coupling in Mixed-Signal IC’s (JPC, MC, LMS), pp. 892–898.
ICSM-1998-GallHJ #detection #logic- Detection of Logical Coupling Based on Product Release History (HG, KH, MJ), pp. 190–197.
CSCW-1998-SmithO #user interface- Re-coupling Tailored User Interfaces (GS, JO), pp. 237–246.
ACIR-1998-ZaragozaG #information management #information retrieval #modelling #probability- Coupled Hierarchical IR and Stochastic Models for Surface Information Extraction (HZ, PG).
ICSE-1998-BinkleyS #dependence #maintenance #metric #predict #runtime #validation- Validation of the Coupling Dependency Metric as a Predictor of Run-Time Failures and Maintenance Measures (ABB, SRS), pp. 452–455.
HPDC-1998-BeckmanFHM #parallel #performance #using- Efficient Coupling of Parallel Applications Using PAWS (PHB, PKF, WFH, SMM), pp. 215–222.
RTA-1998-Fuchs #information management #proving- Coupling Saturation-Based Provers by Exchanging Positive/Negative Information (DF), pp. 317–331.
DAC-1997-AluruW #algorithm #simulation- Algorithms for Coupled Domain MEMS Simulation (NRA, JW), pp. 686–690.
DAC-1997-DartuP #worst-case- Calculating Worst-Case Gate Delays Due to Dominant Capacitance Coupling (FD, LTP), pp. 46–51.
EDTC-1997-WunscheCSW #design #using- Microsystem design using simulator coupling (SW, CC, PS, FW), pp. 113–118.
ICDAR-1997-MiledOCL #markov #recognition- Coupling observation/letter for a Markovian modelisation applied to the recognition of Arabic handwriting (HM, CO, MC, YL), pp. 580–583.
ICDAR-1997-RobertLL #image- Image and text coupling for creating electronic books from manuscripts (LR, LLS, EL), pp. 823–826.
CHI-1997-FukumotoT #quote #smarttech- “Body Coupled FingeRing”: Wireless Wearable Keyboard (MF, YT), pp. 147–154.
ICSE-1997-BriandDM #c++ #metric- An Investigation into Coupling Measures for C++ (LCB, PTD, WLM), pp. 412–421.
FME-1996-MartinsH #evaluation #performance #specification- A New System Engineering Methodology Coupling Formal Specification and Performance Evaluation (JJM, JPH), pp. 140–159.
AdaEurope-1996-MillanB #ada #performance #persistent- Ada/O2 Coupling: A Solution for an Efficient Management of Persistence in Ada 83 (TM, PB), pp. 396–412.
KDD-1996-AgrawalS #data mining #database #mining #relational- Developing Tightly-Coupled Data Mining Applications on a Relational Database System (RA, KS), pp. 287–290.
DAC-1995-SilveiraKW #3d #modelling #performance- Efficient Reduced-Order Modeling of Frequency-Dependent Coupling Inductances Associated with 3-D Interconnect Structures (LMS, MK, JW), pp. 376–380.
DAC-1995-WuM #2d #approach #optimisation #orthogonal- Orthogonal Greedy Coupling — A New Optimization Approach to 2-D FPGA Routing (YLW, MMS), pp. 568–573.
SEKE-1995-OhNB #development #object-oriented- A Development Methodology for KB/DB Coupling based on the Object-Oriented EA Model (SYO, CN, DKB), pp. 109–113.
ICALP-1994-HotzP #analysis #context-free grammar #performance- Fast Uniform Analysis of Coupled-Context-Free Languages (GH, GP), pp. 412–423.
TAGT-1994-NaglS #graph grammar #integration #problem #specification- Software Integration Problems and Coupling of Graph Grammar Specifications (MN, AS), pp. 155–169.
CHI-1994-AhlbergS94c #query #visual notation- Visual information seeking: tight coupling of dynamic query filters with starfield displays (CA, BS), pp. 313–317.
CC-1994-RousselPJ #attribute grammar- Coupling Evaluators for Attribute Coupled Grammars (GR, DP, MJ), pp. 52–67.
HT-1993-Raphaely #hypermedia #research- Technologically Assisted Focussing in Psychotherapy with Couples: A Hypertext Application for Clients, Clinicians & Researchers (DR), pp. 250–255.
AdaEurope-1993-CherniackDF #ada #source code- Tool for Computing Cohesion and Coupling in Ada Programs: DIANA Dependent Part (JRC, HSD, JFF), pp. 180–196.
PLILP-1993-JourdanBPR #attribute grammar #implementation #specification #using- Specification and Implementation of Grammar Couplings using Attribute Grammars (MJ, CLB, DP, GR), pp. 123–136.
SAC-1993-VakalisD #adaptation #integration #parallel- Parallel Global Adaptive Integration and Dynamic Load Balancing on Loosely Coupled Systems (IV, EdD), pp. 554–561.
CHI-1992-BaarFM #design #user interface- Coupling Application Design and User Interface Design (DJMJdB, JDF, KEM), pp. 259–266.
SIGIR-1992-CroftST #database #integration #object-oriented #retrieval- A Loosely-Coupled Integration of a Text Retrieval System and an Object-Oriented Database System (WBC, LAS, HRT), pp. 223–232.
TOOLS-USA-1992-RajaramanL #c++ #metric #source code- Some Coupling Measures for C++ Programs (CR, MRL), pp. 225–234.
ASPLOS-1992-HenryJ #interface- A Tightly-Coupled Processor-Network Interface (DSH, CFJ), pp. 111–122.
HPDC-1992-BogineniD #comparison #network #performance #protocol- Performance Comparison of Reservation and Preallocation Protocols for Star-Coupled WDM Photonic Networks (KB, PWD), pp. 94–103.
CHI-1991-DewanC #collaboration #flexibility #user interface- Flexible user interface coupling in a collaborative system (PD, RC), pp. 41–48.
CAiSE-1991-Liu #execution #integration #process- Software Process Planning and Execution: Coupling vs. Integration (CL), pp. 356–374.
ML-1991-WisniewskiM #data-driven- Is it a Pocket or a Purse? Tighly Coupled Theory and Data Driven Learing (EJW, DLM), pp. 564–568.
TAV-1989-Offutt- The Coupling Effect: Fact or Fiction (AJO), pp. 131–140.
DAC-1988-GuraA #simulation- Improved Methods of Simulating RLC Couple and Uncoupled Transmission Lines Based on the Method of Characteristics (CVG, JAA), pp. 300–305.
PLILP-1988-YamashitaN #paradigm #programming- Coupled Contex-Free Grammar As a Programming Paradigm (YY, IN), pp. 132–145.
VLDB-1987-WhangN #approach #logic #normalisation #optimisation #query #recursion- An Extended Disjunctive Normal Form Approach for Optimizing Recursive Logic Queries in Loosely Coupled Environments (KYW, SBN), pp. 275–287.
DAC-1986-VidigalND #analysis #integration #named #network- CINNAMON: coupled integration and nodal analysis of MOS networks (LMV, SRN, SWD), pp. 179–185.
SOSP-1985-KronenbergLS #clustering #distributed #named- VAXclusters: A Closely-Coupled Distributed System (Abstract) (NPK, HML, WDS), p. 1.
VLDB-1984-Woehl #automation #classification #database #documentation #prolog #relational- Automatic Classification of Office Documents by Coupling Relational Data Bases and PROLOG Expert Systems (KW), pp. 529–532.
SCC-1984-GanzingerG #attribute grammar- Attribute coupled grammars (HG, RG), pp. 157–170.
DAC-1967-Malakoff #analysis- Coupling graphics and circuit analysis techniques (JLM).