366 papers:
DATE-2015-DoblerHRPRB #adaptation #identification #named- Bordersearch: an adaptive identification of failure regions (MD, MH, MR, GP, WR, MB), pp. 1036–1041.
DRR-2015-Fan0N #documentation #image #performance- Separation of text and background regions for high performance document image compression (WF, JS, SN).
TACAS-2015-DjoudiB #analysis #low level #named- BINSEC: Binary Code Analysis with Low-Level Regions (AD, SB), pp. 212–217.
CHI-2015-ZhongLBB #image #named- RegionSpeak: Quick Comprehensive Spatial Descriptions of Complex Images for Blind Users (YZ, WSL, ELB, JPB), pp. 2353–2362.
HCI-UC-2015-AlhumoudAAA #aspect-oriented #design #interface #multi- Socio-Cultural Aspects in the Design of Multilingual Banking Interfaces in the Arab Region (SA, LA, NA, AAW), pp. 269–280.
ICML-2015-SchulmanLAJM #optimisation #policy #trust- Trust Region Policy Optimization (JS, SL, PA, MIJ, PM), pp. 1889–1897.
ICML-2015-TheisH #probability #streaming- A trust-region method for stochastic variational inference with applications to streaming data (LT, MDH), pp. 2503–2511.
SEKE-2015-QinMDJ #case study #modelling #safety- Study on the Accident-causing Model Based on Safety Region and Applications in China Railway Transportation System (YQ, HM, MD, LJ), pp. 528–535.
OOPSLA-2015-BiswasZBL #exception #named #performance- Valor: efficient, software-only region conflict exceptions (SB, MZ, MDB, BL), pp. 241–259.
SAC-2015-KimK #scalability #using- Dual region write buffering: making large-scale nonvolatile buffer using small capacitor in SSD (DK, SK), pp. 2039–2046.
ASPLOS-2015-SenguptaBZBK #bound #dynamic analysis #hybrid- Hybrid Static: Dynamic Analysis for Statically Bounded Region Serializability (AS, SB, MZ, MDB, MK), pp. 561–575.
DAC-2014-WuXKCH #named #simulation #statistics #towards- REscope: High-dimensional Statistical Circuit Simulation towards Full Failure Region Coverage (WW, WX, RK, YLC, LH), p. 6.
DATE-2014-MullerM #scheduling- The schedulability region of two-level mixed-criticality systems based on EDF-VD (DM, AM), pp. 1–6.
HT-2014-KumarHL #approach #behaviour #identification #twitter- A behavior analytics approach to identifying tweets from crisis regions (SK, XH, HL), pp. 255–260.
SIGMOD-2014-ZhangMP- Global immutable region computation (JZ, KM, HP), pp. 1151–1162.
VLDB-2014-CaoCJY- Retrieving Regions of Interest for User Exploration (XC, GC, CSJ, MLY), pp. 733–744.
SAS-2014-YeSX #analysis #pointer- Region-Based Selective Flow-Sensitive Pointer Analysis (SY, YS, JX), pp. 319–336.
STOC-2014-GalanisSV- Inapproximability for antiferromagnetic spin systems in the tree non-uniqueness region (AG, DS, EV), pp. 823–831.
DUXU-ELAS-2014-Trocka-Leszczynska #order- The Contemporary Rural Landscape in the South-Western Region of Poland (Sudeten Region) — A Search for Spatial Order (ETL), pp. 470–481.
EDOC-2014-Pufahl0W #process- Batch Regions: Process Instance Synchronization Based on Data (LP, AM, MW), pp. 150–159.
ICPR-2014-AggarwalNJ #perspective- Estimating Floor Regions in Cluttered Indoor Scenes from First Person Camera View (SA, AMN, CVJ), pp. 4275–4280.
ICPR-2014-AghdamPS #adaptation #probability #segmentation- Adaptive Probabilistic Thresholding Method for Accurate Breast Region Segmentation in Mammograms (HHA, DP, AS), pp. 3357–3362.
ICPR-2014-FiratCV #detection #learning #representation- Representation Learning for Contextual Object and Region Detection in Remote Sensing (OF, GC, FTYV), pp. 3708–3713.
ICPR-2014-GaoRKL #documentation- Embedding Document Structure to Bag-of-Words through Pair-wise Stable Key-Regions (HG, MR, DK, JL), pp. 2903–2908.
ICPR-2014-GuptaP #adaptation- Adaptive-Threshold Region Merging via Path Scanning (GG, AP), pp. 948–953.
ICPR-2014-JiangMVP #recognition- Decision Level Fusion of Domain Specific Regions for Facial Action Recognition (BJ, BM, MFV, MP), pp. 1776–1781.
ICPR-2014-LuoZW #image #segmentation #using- Image Fusion Using Region Segmentation and Sigmoid Function (XL, ZZ, XW), pp. 1049–1054.
ICPR-2014-LuoZYY #estimation- Region Tree Based Sparse Model for Optical Flow Estimation (WL, FZ, JY, JYY), pp. 2077–2082.
ICPR-2014-MercanASWBE #image #locality- Localization of Diagnostically Relevant Regions of Interest in Whole Slide Images (EM, SA, LGS, DLW, TTB, JGE), pp. 1179–1184.
ICPR-2014-SunHJC #detection #image #network #robust- Robust Text Detection in Natural Scene Images by Generalized Color-Enhanced Contrasting Extremal Region and Neural Networks (LS, QH, WJ, KC), pp. 2715–2720.
ICPR-2014-TianLST #multi #segmentation- Scene Text Segmentation with Multi-level Maximally Stable Extremal Regions (ST, SL, BS, CLT), pp. 2703–2708.
OOPSLA-2014-HolkNSL #data type #gpu #memory management #programming language- Region-based memory management for GPU programming languages: enabling rich data structures on a spartan host (EH, RN, JGS, AL), pp. 141–155.
SAC-2014-NgoPLS #image #named #query #recommendation- Recommend-Me: recommending query regions for image search (TDN, SP, DDL, SS), pp. 913–918.
LCTES-2014-SpinkWFT #code generation #performance- Efficient code generation in a region-based dynamic binary translator (TS, HW, BF, NPT), pp. 3–12.
CASE-2013-DotoliEFPST #network #realtime- A real time traffic management model for regional railway networks under disturbances (MD, NE, MF, AP, FS, BT), pp. 892–897.
DATE-2013-KimYIBS #manycore #realtime #scheduling- Optimized scheduling of multi-IMA partitions with exclusive region for synchronized real-time multi-core systems (JEK, MKY, SI, RMB, LS), pp. 970–975.
ICDAR-2013-0001LBP #approximate #documentation #graph #string #visual notation- Near Convex Region Adjacency Graph and Approximate Neighborhood String Matching for Symbol Spotting in Graphical Documents (AD, JL, HB, UP), pp. 1078–1082.
ICDAR-2013-GaoRKLSIK #detection #documentation #image #retrieval- Key-Region Detection for Document Images — Application to Administrative Document Retrieval (HG, MR, DK, JL, TS, MI, KK), pp. 230–234.
ICDAR-2013-LiuS #detection #documentation #equation #image- A Simple Equation Region Detector for Printed Document Images in Tesseract (ZL, RS), pp. 245–249.
ICDAR-2013-TencerRC #documentation #retrieval #sketching- Sketch-Based Retrieval of Document Illustrations and Regions of Interest (LT, MR, MC), pp. 728–732.
ITiCSE-2013-Townsend #web #women- Regional conferences for women: another world wide web (GCT), p. 360.
HCI-III-2013-HeLWG #image #segmentation #using- Semi-supervised Remote Sensing Image Segmentation Using Dynamic Region Merging (NH, KL, YW, YG), pp. 153–162.
HCI-UC-2013-SebilloTVGR #design #framework #interactive #mobile- A Framework for Community-Oriented Mobile Interaction Design in Emerging Regions (MS, GT, GV, PDG, MR), pp. 342–351.
KDIR-KMIS-2013-Garcia-AlsinaWL #challenge- Regional Knowledge Maps — Potentials and Challenges (MGA, CW, SLS), pp. 514–519.
KDIR-KMIS-2013-WartenaG #challenge #development #keyword- Challenges and Potentials for Keyword Extraction from Company Websites for the Development of Regional Knowledge Maps (CW, MGA), pp. 241–248.
ASPLOS-2013-AhnDT #alias #named #using- DeAliaser: alias speculation using atomic region support (WA, YD, JT), pp. 167–180.
ASPLOS-2013-WangW #hardware #named #optimisation #performance- TSO_ATOMICITY: efficient hardware primitive for TSO-preserving region optimizations (CW, YW), pp. 509–520.
HPCA-2013-ZebchukCTSM #named- RECAP: A region-based cure for the common cold (cache) (JZ, HWC, XT, VS, AM), pp. 83–94.
CASE-2012-JeongC #algorithm #independence #quality- Independent contact region (ICR) based in-hand motion planning algorithm with guaranteed grasp quality margin (HJ, JC), pp. 1089–1094.
DATE-2012-MarinhoNPP #analysis #float #scheduling- Preemption delay analysis for floating non-preemptive region scheduling (JM, VN, SMP, IP), pp. 497–502.
SIGMOD-2012-MongioviBRSPF #mining #named #network- SigSpot: mining significant anomalous regions from time-evolving networks (abstract only) (MM, PB, RR, AKS, EEP, CF), p. 865.
VLDB-2013-MouratidisP12 #query- Computing Immutable Regions for Subspace Top-k Queries (KM, HP), pp. 73–84.
CHI-2012-GuptaTCB #crowdsourcing #mobile #named- mClerk: enabling mobile crowdsourcing in developing regions (AG, WT, EC, RB), pp. 1843–1852.
CHI-2012-SeifriedRHS #interactive #scalability #undo- Regional undo/redo techniques for large interactive surfaces (TS, CR, MH, SDS), pp. 2855–2864.
CIKM-2012-HuangLTF #keyword #performance #query- Efficient safe-region construction for moving top-K spatial keyword queries (WH, GL, KLT, JF), pp. 932–941.
ICML-2012-BoydDPC #empirical #evaluation- Unachievable Region in Precision-Recall Space and Its Effect on Empirical Evaluation (KB, JD, DP, VSC), p. 210.
ICPR-2012-ChenLL #artificial reality #image #using- Depth image enhancement for Kinect using region growing and bilateral filter (LC, HL, SL), pp. 3070–3073.
ICPR-2012-CheungP #detection #using- Salient region detection using local and global saliency (YmC, QP), pp. 210–213.
ICPR-2012-ChoKKA #detection #kernel- Bilateral kernel-based Region Detector (WC, SYK, AK, MAA), pp. 750–753.
ICPR-2012-DaiC #precise #segmentation- Combining contrast saliency and region discontinuity for precise hand segmentation in projector-camera system (JD, RC), pp. 2161–2164.
ICPR-2012-DaiLDY #segmentation- CCTA-based region-wise segmentation (LD, JL, JD, JY), pp. 238–241.
ICPR-2012-GaoY #automation #segmentation- Saliency-seeded localizing region-based active contour for automatic natural object segmentation (SG, JY), pp. 3644–3647.
ICPR-2012-HsuNWC #component #using- Pedestrian tracking in low contrast regions using aggregated background model and Silhouette Components (GSH, HPN, CHW, SLC), pp. 3680–3683.
ICPR-2012-HuangW0T #effectiveness #modelling- An effective regional saliency model based on extended site entropy rate (YH, WW, LW, TT), pp. 1407–1410.
ICPR-2012-HuLH #visual notation- Visual attention region determination for H.264 videos (KTH, JJL, HHH), pp. 2038–2041.
ICPR-2012-KataokaSM #detection #using- Region of Interest detection using indoor structure and saliency map (KK, KS, MM), pp. 3329–3332.
ICPR-2012-SahayR #3d #modelling #re-engineering #scalability #self- Harnessing self-similarity for reconstruction of large missing regions in 3D Models (PS, ANR), pp. 101–104.
ICPR-2012-SintornK #recognition- Regional Zernike moments for texture recognition (IMS, GK), pp. 1635–1638.
ICPR-2012-Srikham #segmentation- Active contours segmentation with edge based and local region based (MS), pp. 1989–1992.
ICPR-2012-TakedaTRKKYTOMT #image #recognition #self- Self-training with unlabeled regions for NBI image recognition (TT, TT, BR, KK, TK, SY, YT, KO, RM, ST), pp. 25–28.
ICPR-2012-ZhangW #image #segmentation- An image fusion method based on region segmentation and Cauchy convolution (YQZ, XJW), pp. 392–395.
ICPR-2012-ZhangYCLZ #clustering #segmentation #video- Video object segmentation by clustering region trajectories (GZ, ZY, DC, YL, NZ), pp. 2598–2601.
ICPR-2012-ZouKR #image #segmentation #semantics #using- Semantic image segmentation using region bank (WZ, KK, JR), pp. 922–925.
KDD-2012-CorreaL #clustering #graph #using- Locally-scaled spectral clustering using empty region graphs (CDC, PL), pp. 1330–1338.
KDD-2012-YuanZX #using- Discovering regions of different functions in a city using human mobility and POIs (JY, YZ, XX), pp. 186–194.
RecSys-2012-StrickrothP #community #network #quality #recommendation- High quality recommendations for small communities: the case of a regional parent network (SS, NP), pp. 107–114.
OOPSLA-2012-Effinger-DeanLCGB #concurrent #detection #named- IFRit: interference-free regions for dynamic data-race detection (LED, BL, LC, DG, HJB), pp. 467–484.
SAC-2012-CuellarOR #privacy- Indistinguishable regions in geographic privacy (JC, MO, RR), pp. 1463–1469.
SAC-2012-HuangZGWCW #clustering- Reducing last level cache pollution through OS-level software-controlled region-based partitioning (TH, QZ, XG, XW, XC, KW), pp. 1779–1784.
SAC-2012-NunesARTCS #analysis #data type- To be or not to be real: fractal analysis of data streams from a regional climate change model (SAN, AMHdÁ, LASR, AJMT, PPC, EPMdS), pp. 831–832.
ASPLOS-2012-LeeS #architecture #scheduling #using- Region scheduling: efficiently using the cache architectures via page-level affinity (ML, KS), pp. 451–462.
LCTES-2012-KyleBFLT #embedded #manycore #set #simulation #using- Efficiently parallelizing instruction set simulation of embedded multi-core processors using region-based just-in-time dynamic binary translation (SCK, IB, BF, HL, NPT), pp. 21–30.
CAV-2012-BogomolovFGLPW #analysis #distance #reachability- A Box-Based Distance between Regions for Guiding the Reachability Analysis of SpaceEx (SB, GF, RG, HL, AP, MW), pp. 479–494.
VMCAI-2012-RosenbergBN #logic- Decision Procedures for Region Logic (SR, AB, DAN), pp. 379–395.
DRR-2011-FanSNMH #feature model #recognition- Natural scene logo recognition by joint boosting feature selection in salient regions (WF, JS, SN, AM, YH), pp. 1–10.
DRR-2011-XieA #classification- Boosting based text and non-text region classification (BX, GA), pp. 1–10.
ICDAR-2011-SunK #retrieval #using #visual notation- Similar Manga Retrieval Using Visual Vocabulary Based on Regions of Interest (WS, KK), pp. 1075–1079.
ICDAR-2011-YangW #segmentation #visual notation- Segmentation of Graphical Objects as Maximally Stable Salient Regions (SY, YW), pp. 187–191.
ITiCSE-2011-KrishnaswamyK- Enhancing learner capability: success of it@school project, Kerala, region of India (GK, VSK), p. 383.
ICEIS-v4-2011-OndoaDS #case study #evaluation #industrial #process- A Cross Industry Evaluation of Critical Success Factors for Alignment of Strategy and Business Processes — A Case Study of SMEs in the Region of Jönköping in Sweden (MNEO, FAD, US), pp. 338–347.
CIKM-2011-BingLG #detection #segmentation #towards- Towards a unified solution: data record region detection and segmentation (LB, WL, YG), pp. 1265–1274.
CIKM-2011-LiuYS #dataset #query- Subject-oriented top-k hot region queries in spatial dataset (JL, GY, HS), pp. 2409–2412.
ICML-2011-LiuLC #infinity #policy #representation- The Infinite Regionalized Policy Representation (ML, XL, LC), pp. 769–776.
SIGIR-2011-HuangCHHC #crowdsourcing- Region-based landmark discovery by crowdsourcing geo-referenced photos (YTH, AJC, LCH, WHH, KWC), pp. 1141–1142.
ECOOP-2011-BocchinoA #framework #object-oriented #parallel #programming- Types, Regions, and Effects for Safe Programming with Object-Oriented Parallel Frameworks (RLBJ, VSA), pp. 306–332.
SAC-2011-LiuS- Tracking continuous topological changes of complex moving regions (HL, MS), pp. 833–838.
CGO-2011-BorinWBW #commit #named #scalability- LAR-CC: Large atomic regions with conditional commits (EB, YW, MBJ, CW), pp. 54–63.
DRR-2010-YouADRGT #image #multimodal #retrieval #using- Biomedical article retrieval using multimodal features and image annotations in region-based CBIR (DY, SA, DDF, MMR, VG, GRT), pp. 1–10.
GT-VMT-2010-TorriniHRB #graph transformation #probability- Stochastic Graph Transformation with Regions (PT, RH, IR, GB).
CHI-2010-Al-AniMS- Blogging in a region of conflict: supporting transition to recovery (BAA, GM, BS), pp. 1069–1078.
CIKM-2010-KatoOOT- Search as if you were in your home town: geographic search by regional context and dynamic feature-space selection (MPK, HO, SO, KT), pp. 1541–1544.
ICML-2010-KimSD #algorithm #scalability- A scalable trust-region algorithm with application to mixed-norm regression (DK, SS, ISD), pp. 519–526.
ICPR-2010-BhavsarR #image #scalability- Inpainting Large Missing Regions in Range Images (AVB, ANR), pp. 3464–3467.
ICPR-2010-ChenNW #estimation #multi #using- Actual Midline Estimation from Brain CT Scan Using Multiple Regions Shape Matching (WC, KN, KW), pp. 2552–2555.
ICPR-2010-DonoserRB10a- Shape Guided Maximally Stable Extremal Region (MSER) Tracking (MD, HR, HB), pp. 1800–1803.
ICPR-2010-GuneyA- Maximally Stable Texture Regions (MG, NA), pp. 4549–4552.
ICPR-2010-GunluB #3d #composition- 3D Face Decomposition and Region Selection Against Expression Variations (GG, HSB), pp. 1298–1301.
ICPR-2010-KocamazR #automation #refinement- Automatic Refinement of Foreground Regions for Robot Trail Following (MKK, CR), pp. 4077–4080.
ICPR-2010-Liao #using- Region Description Using Extended Local Ternary Patterns (WHL), pp. 1003–1006.
ICPR-2010-ReddySL #adaptation #modelling #robust #segmentation- Robust Foreground Object Segmentation via Adaptive Region-Based Background Modelling (VR, CS, BCL), pp. 3939–3942.
ICPR-2010-ShahrokniGF #novel #performance #recognition- A Novel Shape Feature for Fast Region-Based Pedestrian Recognition (AS, DG, JMF), pp. 444–447.
ICPR-2010-SmeetsFHVS #3d #approach #composition #invariant #modelling #recognition #using- Fusion of an Isometric Deformation Modeling Approach Using Spectral Decomposition and a Region-Based Approach Using ICP for Expression-Invariant 3D Face Recognition (DS, TF, JH, DV, PS), pp. 1172–1175.
ICPR-2010-TakahashiKIM #image- Region-Based Image Transform for Transition Between Object Appearances (TT, YK, II, HM), pp. 2106–2109.
ICPR-2010-XiongOL #algorithm #composition #recursion- A Recursive and Model-Constrained Region Splitting Algorithm for Cell Clump Decomposition (WX, SHO, JHL), pp. 4416–4419.
ICPR-2010-ZhangZGF #re-engineering #statistics- Face Appearance Reconstruction Based on a Regional Statistical Craniofacial Model (RCSM) (YfZ, MQZ, GHG, JF), pp. 1670–1673.
KR-2010-Li #graph #representation- A Layered Graph Representation for Complex Regions (SL).
OOPSLA-2010-UpadhyayaMP #automation #identification #memory management #source code- Automatic atomic region identification in shared memory SPMD programs (GU, SPM, VSP), pp. 652–670.
SAC-2010-BechikhSG #mobile #multi #optimisation #using- Searching for knee regions in multi-objective optimization using mobile reference points (SB, LBS, KG), pp. 1118–1125.
ASPLOS-2010-Brewer- Technology for developing regions: Moore’s law is not enough (EAB), pp. 1–2.
CSL-2010-NenovP #logic #on the- On the Computability of Region-Based Euclidean Logics (YN, IPH), pp. 439–453.
ISSTA-2010-CarbinR #automation #identification- Automatically identifying critical input regions and code in applications (MC, MCR), pp. 37–48.
ASE-2009-VakilianDBOAJ #summary- Inferring Method Effect Summaries for Nested Heap Regions (MV, DD, RLBJ, JO, VSA, REJ), pp. 421–432.
ICDAR-2009-BodicLAHLK #detection #graph #integer #linear #programming #using- Symbol Detection Using Region Adjacency Graphs and Integer Linear Programming (PLB, HL, SA, PH, YL, AK), pp. 1320–1324.
ICDAR-2009-HoangTP #diagrams #image #using- Extraction of Nom Text Regions from Stele Images Using Area Voronoi Diagram (TVH, ST, NYP), pp. 921–925.
SIGMOD-2009-FrankeG #detection #named #network- ORDEN: outlier region detection and exploration in sensor networks (CF, MG), pp. 1075–1078.
SAS-2009-SeidlV #analysis #concurrent #detection- Region Analysis for Race Detection (HS, VV), pp. 171–187.
CHI-2009-BuscherCM #eye tracking #predict #using #web #what- What do you see when you’re surfing?: using eye tracking to predict salient regions of web pages (GB, EC, MRM), pp. 21–30.
CHI-2009-HsiaoCHCHH #comparison #multi #paradigm- To move or not to move: a comparison between steerable versus fixed focus region paradigms in multi-resolution tabletop display systems (CHH, LWC, TTH, MCC, JYjH, YPH), pp. 153–162.
HCD-2009-HashizumeKY #communication #difference- Regional Difference in the Use of Cell Phone and Other Communication Media among Senior Users (AH, MK, TY), pp. 426–435.
ECIR-2009-HenrichL #information retrieval #similarity- Measuring Similarity of Geographic Regions for Geographic Information Retrieval (AH, VL), pp. 781–785.
KDD-2009-SunPLCWLRY #estimation #mining- Mining brain region connectivity for alzheimer’s disease study via sparse inverse covariance estimation (LS, RP, JL, KC, TW, JL, ER, JY), pp. 1335–1344.
KEOD-2009-OliveiraTO #identification #image- Identifying the Cardiac Region in Images of Electrical Impedance Tomography through Wavelet Transform (JPdO, HT, NRSO), pp. 380–383.
MLDM-2009-CelepcikayEO #dataset #using- Regional Pattern Discovery in Geo-referenced Datasets Using PCA (OUC, CFE, CO), pp. 719–733.
MLDM-2009-MoedS #classification #performance- Efficient AdaBoost Region Classification (MM, ENS), pp. 123–136.
MLDM-2009-NunesSP #detection #image #using- Detection of Masses in Mammographic Images Using Simpson’s Diversity Index in Circular Regions and SVM (APN, ACS, ACdP), pp. 540–553.
GPCE-2009-AkaiC #aspectj- Extending AspectJ for separating regions (SA, SC), pp. 45–54.
PPDP-2009-PhanJ #analysis #source code- Path-sensitive region analysis for mercury programs (QP, GJ), pp. 161–170.
SAC-2009-HabbalMMK #automation- Automated device for determination of skin lesion regions (MEH, MEM, OM, AIK), pp. 859–860.
CGO-2009-Baev- Techniques for Region-Based Register Allocation (IDB), pp. 147–156.
ISMM-2009-MarronKH #identification- Identification of logically related heap regions (MM, DK, MVH), pp. 89–98.
VLDB-2008-LeeHLG #classification #clustering #named #using- TraClass: trajectory classification using hierarchical region-based and trajectory-based clustering (JGL, JH, XL, HG), pp. 1081–1094.
VLDB-2008-PerlmanBK- Organizing and indexing non-convex regions (EAP, RCB, MMK), pp. 1500–1503.
PLDI-2008-BlackburnM #garbage collection #named #performance- Immix: a mark-region garbage collector with space efficiency, fast collection, and mutator performance (SMB, KSM), pp. 22–32.
PLDI-2008-WangXLGWZ #analysis #correlation #memory management- Conditional correlation analysis for safe region-based memory management (XW, ZX, XL, ZG, XW, ZZ), pp. 45–55.
CHI-2008-MoravejiKGPMI #education #named- Mischief: supporting remote teaching in developing regions (NM, TK, JG, USP, KM, KI), pp. 353–362.
CIKM-2008-MasudaT #algebra- Nested region algebra extended with variables for tag-annotated text search (KM, JT), pp. 1349–1350.
ICPR-2008-AlliliZ #approach #bound #segmentation- An approach for dynamic combination of region and boundary information in segmentation (MSA, DZ), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-ChenCW #higher-order #named #performance #using- HOPS: Efficient region labeling using Higher Order Proxy Neighborhoods (AYCC, JJC, LW), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-HanburyS #evaluation #metric #on the #segmentation- On segmentation evaluation metrics and region counts (AH, JS), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-IzadiS #robust #using- Robust region-based background subtraction and shadow removing using color and gradient information (MI, PS), pp. 1–5.
ICPR-2008-KawabataHS #agile #kernel- A rapid anomalous region extraction method by iterative projection onto kernel eigenspace (SK, SH, KS), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-KimS #consistency #detection #sequence #using #video- Static text region detection in video sequences using color and orientation consistencies (DK, KS), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-KinoshenkoMY #distance #image #matrix #retrieval- Block-diagonal form of distance matrix for region-based image retrieval (DK, VM, EY), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-LebrunPG #graph #image #kernel #retrieval- Image retrieval with graph kernel on regions (JL, SPF, PHG), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-LecellierFJRA #segmentation- Region-based active contours and sparse representations for texture segmentation (FL, JF, SJB, MR, GA), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-MonteiroC #framework #image #segmentation- Watershed framework to region-based image segmentation (FJCM, ACC), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-PalaioB #adaptation #multi #using- Multi-object tracking using an adaptive transition model particle filter with region covariance data association (HP, JB), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-PerezO #invariant #learning #programming #search-based- Learning invariant region descriptor operators with genetic programming and the F-measure (CBP, GO), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-RendasB #image- MDL region-based image registration (MJR, AB), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-RohithSKG #estimation #image #scalability #towards- Towards estimation of dense disparities from stereo images containing large textureless regions (MVR, GS, CK, CAG), pp. 1–5.
ICPR-2008-ShoemakerBHBK #detection #performance- Detecting and ordering salient regions for efficient browsing (LS, REB, LOH, KWB, WPK), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-SugimotoO #array #image #synthesis #using- Virtual focusing image synthesis for user-specified image region using camera array (SS, MO), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-TodorovicA #invariant- Scale-invariant region-based hierarchical imagematching (ST, NA), pp. 1–5.
ICPR-2008-YamaguchiWNN #estimation #image #sequence #using- Road region estimation using a sequence of monocular images (KY, AW, TN, YN), pp. 1–4.
KDD-2008-MoiseS #approach #clustering #novel #statistics- Finding non-redundant, statistically significant regions in high dimensional data: a novel approach to projected and subspace clustering (GM, JS), pp. 533–541.
ECOOP-2008-BanerjeeNR #invariant #logic #reasoning- Regional Logic for Local Reasoning about Global Invariants (AB, DAN, SR), pp. 387–411.
HPCA-2008-GratzGK- Regional congestion awareness for load balance in networks-on-chip (PG, BG, SWK), pp. 203–214.
ISMM-2008-PhanSJ #memory management #runtime- Runtime support for region-based memory management in Mercury (QP, ZS, GJ), pp. 61–70.
LICS-2008-CarayolHMOS #automaton #game studies #higher-order- Winning Regions of Higher-Order Pushdown Games (AC, MH, AM, CHLO, OS), pp. 193–204.
CASE-2007-CheongS #independence- Computing All Independent Form-Closure Grasp Regions of a Rectilinear Polyhedron (JSC, AFvdS), pp. 288–294.
ICDAR-2007-YeVRSL #learning- Learning to Group Text Lines and Regions in Freeform Handwritten Notes (MY, PAV, SR, HS, CL), pp. 28–32.
VLDB-2007-Brewer- Technology for Developing Regions (EAB), p. 2.
CHI-2007-KamRDTC #design #framework #learning #locality- Localized iterative design for language learning in underdeveloped regions: the PACE framework (MK, DR, VD, AT, JFC), pp. 1097–1106.
CHI-2007-RamachandranKCCF #co-evolution #design #social- Social dynamics of early stage co-design in developing regions (DR, MK, JC, JFC, JFF), pp. 1087–1096.
HCI-IPT-2007-ChenK- Displays Attentive to Unattended Regions: Presenting Information in a Peripheral-Vision-Friendly Way (MCC, RLK), pp. 23–31.
HCI-MIE-2007-Seifert #generative #interactive- Region-Based Model of Tour Planning Applied to Interactive Tour Generation (IS), pp. 499–507.
ICML-2007-BryanMSS- Efficiently computing minimax expected-size confidence regions (BB, HBM, CMS, JGS), pp. 97–104.
ICML-2007-LinWK #scalability #trust- Trust region Newton methods for large-scale logistic regression (CJL, RCW, SSK), pp. 561–568.
ICLP-2007-PhanJ #analysis- Static Region Analysis for Mercury (QP, GJ), pp. 317–332.
VLDB-2006-ChenRST #analysis #predict- Bellwether Analysis: Predicting Global Aggregates from Local Regions (BCC, RR, JWS, PT), pp. 655–666.
ESOP-2006-FluetMA #linear- Linear Regions Are All You Need (MF, GM, AJA), pp. 7–21.
TACAS-2006-LeueW #approach #graph #proving #termination- A Region Graph Based Approach to Termination Proofs (SL, WW), pp. 318–333.
ICML-2006-LiLC #markov #process- Region-based value iteration for partially observable Markov decision processes (HL, XL, LC), pp. 561–568.
ICPR-v1-2006-BernardinES #adaptation #detection #multi #robust- Detection-Assisted Initialization, Adaptation and Fusion of Body Region Trackers for Robust Multiperson Tracking (KB, AE, RS), pp. 441–445.
ICPR-v1-2006-DoYC #detection #estimation #using- Skin Color Detection through Estimation and Conversion of Illuminant Color using Sclera Region of Eye under Varying Illumination (HCD, JYY, SIC), pp. 327–330.
ICPR-v1-2006-KatsoulasK #bound #image- Box-like Superquadric Recovery in Range Images by Fusing Region and Boundary Information (DK, DIK), pp. 719–722.
ICPR-v1-2006-KaufholdCHR #classification #recognition #segmentation #using- Recognition and Segmentation of Scene Content using Region-Based Classification (JPK, RC, AH, PR), pp. 755–760.
ICPR-v1-2006-TavakkoliNB #detection #learning #recursion #robust- Robust Recursive Learning for Foreground Region Detection in Videos with Quasi-Stationary Backgrounds (AT, MN, GB), pp. 315–318.
ICPR-v1-2006-WanH #adaptation- Adaptive, Region-based, Layered Background Model for Target Tracking (MW, JYH), pp. 803–807.
ICPR-v1-2006-YangW #adaptation- Adaptive Contour Construction for Face Regions (JY, RW), pp. 363–366.
ICPR-v1-2006-ZhangDDM #multi #recognition- A Hierarchical Object Recognition System Based on Multi-scale Principal Curvature Regions (WZ, HD, TGD, ENM), pp. 778–782.
ICPR-v2-2006-DhandraMHH #approach #detection #documentation #image- Skew Detection in Binary Image Documents Based on Image Dilation and Region labeling Approach (BVD, VSM, MH, RH), pp. 954–957.
ICPR-v2-2006-PanBD #bottom-up #contest #functional #image #segmentation #using- Bottom-Up Hierarchical Image Segmentation Using Region Competition and the Mumford-Shah Functional (YP, JDB, SMD), pp. 117–121.
ICPR-v2-2006-WangLC #locality- Topological Localization Based on Salient Regions in Unknown Environments (LW, YL, ZC), pp. 369–372.
ICPR-v2-2006-YuC #image #segmentation #semantics #using- Joint Image Segmentation and Interpretation Using Iterative Semantic Region Growing on SAR Sea Ice Imagery (QY, DAC), pp. 223–226.
ICPR-v3-2006-CharoentamPJ #image #multi #problem #robust- A Robust Region-Based Multiscale Image Fusion Scheme for Mis-Registration Problem of Thermal and Visible Images (OC, VP, SJ), pp. 669–672.
ICPR-v3-2006-HarmoucheCAFA #classification #modelling- Bayesian MS Lesion Classification Modeling Regional and Local Spatial Information (RH, DLC, DLA, SJF, TA), pp. 984–987.
ICPR-v3-2006-IakovidisSKM #image #segmentation- Segmentation of Medical Images with Regional Inhomogeneities (DKI, MAS, SAK, DEM), pp. 976–979.
ICPR-v3-2006-NiR- Region of Interest Watermarking Based on Fractal Dimension (RN, QR), pp. 934–937.
ICPR-v3-2006-PhuTW #adaptation #image- Adaptive Region Growing Impulse Noise Estimator for Color Images (MQP, PET, HRW), pp. 786–789.
ICPR-v3-2006-TamakiSY #string- String-Like Occluding Region Extraction for Background Restoration (TT, HS, MY), pp. 615–618.
ICPR-v3-2006-TscherepanowZK #classification #image- Classification of Segmented Regions in Brightfield Microscope Images (MT, FZ, FK), pp. 972–975.
ICPR-v3-2006-ZhangY #image #multi #using- Multiple Regions of Interest Image Coding using Compensation Scheme and Alternating Shift (LbZ, XY), pp. 758–761.
ICPR-v4-2006-ChaiWJZ #novel #recognition- A Novel Human Gait Recognition Method by Segmenting and Extracting the Region Variance Feature (YC, QW, JJ, RZ), pp. 425–428.
ICPR-v4-2006-KarthikJ #image #performance #retrieval- Efficient Region Based Indexing and Retrieval for Images with Elastic Bucket Tries (PSK, CVJ), pp. 169–172.
ICPR-v4-2006-LuoHQ #detection #image #robust- Robust Detection of Region-Duplication Forgery in Digital Image (WL, JH, GQ), pp. 746–749.
ICPR-v4-2006-ProencaA #identification #image #normalisation- A Method for the Identification of Noisy Regions in Normalized Iris Images (HP, LAA), pp. 405–408.
CGO-2006-DasLH #detection #monitoring #optimisation- Region Monitoring for Local Phase Detection in Dynamic Optimization Systems (AD, JL, WCH), pp. 124–134.
ICLP-2006-PhanJ #memory management #source code #towards- Towards Region-Based Memory Management for Mercury Programs (QP, GJ), pp. 433–435.
DocEng-2005-SilvaOMSMMG- Support for arbitrary regions in XSL-FO (ACBdS, JBSdO, FTMM, TBS, LLM, FRM, FG), pp. 64–73.
ICDAR-2005-SongKCBKCJC #documentation #image #segmentation- Text Region Extraction and Text Segmentation on Cameracaptured Document Style Images (YJS, KCK, YWC, HRB, SHK, SYC, DKJ, YC), pp. 172–176.
ICDAR-2005-YinLH #documentation #image #using- Financial Document Image Coding with Regions of Interest Using JPEG2000 (XCY, CPL, ZH), pp. 96–100.
SIGMOD-2005-LeeOH #database #graph #named #scalability #video- STRG-Index: Spatio-Temporal Region Graph Indexing for Large Video Databases (JL, JHO, SH), pp. 718–729.
VLDB-2005-LuLCC #encoding #pattern matching #performance #xml- From Region Encoding To Extended Dewey: On Efficient Processing of XML Twig Pattern Matching (JL, TWL, CYC, TC), pp. 193–204.
CIKM-2005-ComanNS #energy #network #performance #query- Exploiting redundancy in sensor networks for energy efficient processing of spatiotemporal region queries (AC, MAN, JS), pp. 187–194.
CIKM-2005-MihajlovicBHA #algebra #database- Score region algebra: building a transparent XML-R database (VM, HEB, DH, PMGA), pp. 12–19.
POPL-2005-HackettR #analysis- Region-based shape analysis with tracked locations (BH, RR), pp. 310–323.
SAC-2005-HsiehCLT #detection #named #predict #sequence- EXONSCAN: EXON prediction with Signal detection and Coding region AligNment in homologous sequences (SJH, YSC, CYL, CYT), pp. 202–203.
CC-2005-ConditN #independence #slicing- Data Slicing: Separating the Heap into Independent Regions (JC, GCN), pp. 172–187.
PLDI-2004-ChinCQR #object-oriented- Region inference for an object-oriented language (WNC, FC, SQ, MCR), pp. 243–254.
CIAA-2004-FerroOG #fault #finite- Regional Finite-State Error Repair (MVF, JO, JGG), pp. 269–280.
ICFP-2004-FluetM #monad- Monadic regions (MF, JGM), pp. 103–114.
ICEIS-v2-2004-LinaresGSLB- A Qualitative Model of the Indebtedness for the Spanish Autonomous Regions (LJL, JMG, JJCS, VRL, JB), pp. 275–280.
ICEIS-v4-2004-BalatosPIJL #concept #design #e-commerce #framework- Introducing an Operational and Techonological E-Commerce Framework for European SMEs: Designing Regional and Interegional E-Commerce Zones for SMEs in Four Less Favoured European Regions (LFRS) Based on Request Based Virtual Organisation (RBVO) Concept (AB, KP, II, VJ, ML), pp. 309–315.
ICPR-v1-2004-AllierE #documentation #image #segmentation #using- Segmentation and Typography Extraction in Document Images Using Geodesic Active Regions (BA, HE), pp. 409–412.
ICPR-v1-2004-GreenN- Propagating Segmented Regions during a Camera Saccade (IAG, RCN), pp. 640–643.
ICPR-v1-2004-LiBS #image #recognition #using- Object Class Recognition using Images of Abstract Regions (YL, JAB, LGS), pp. 40–43.
ICPR-v2-2004-HeY #adaptation #detection- Curvature Scale Space Corner Detector with Adaptive Threshold and Dynamic Region of Support (XCH, NHCY), pp. 791–794.
ICPR-v2-2004-KoKB #image #retrieval- SVM-based Salient Region(s) Extraction Method for Image Retrieval (BK, SYK, HB), pp. 977–980.
ICPR-v2-2004-SanchezBM- Prioritized Region of Interest Coding in JPEG2000 (VFS, AB, MKM), pp. 799–802.
ICPR-v3-2004-AhonenPHM #recognition- Face Recognition Based on the Appearance of Local Regions (TA, MP, AH, TM), pp. 153–156.
ICPR-v3-2004-DeguchiKO #algorithm- Object Tracking by the Mean-Shift of Regional Color Distribution Combined with the Particle-Filter Algorithm (KD, OK, TO), pp. 506–509.
ICPR-v3-2004-LiCKG #classification #detection #image- Detecting Abnormal Regions in Colonoscopic Images by Patch-based Classifier Ensemble (PL, KLC, SMK, YG), pp. 774–777.
ICPR-v3-2004-LiSH #estimation #feedback #graph #image #retrieval- Image Retrieval with Relevance Feedback Based on Graph-Theoretic Region Correspondence Estimation (CYL, MCS, CTH), pp. 842–845.
ICPR-v4-2004-ChetverikovMJ- Finding Region Correspondences for Wide Baseline Stereo (DC, ZM, ZJ), pp. 276–279.
ICPR-v4-2004-PoonWS- A New Method in Locating and Segmenting Palmprint into Region-of-Interest (CP, DCMW, HCS), pp. 533–536.
ICPR-v4-2004-UkitaSK- Extracting a Gaze Region with the History of View Directions (NU, AS, MK), pp. 957–960.
ICPR-v4-2004-ZhangKZ #graph #image #retrieval #semantics- Region Based a-Semantics Graph Driven Image Retrieval (RZ, SK, Z(Z), pp. 909–912.
SAC-2004-BelwalSC #adaptation #modelling #quality- Adaptive resolution modeling of regional air quality (CB, AS, EMC), pp. 235–239.
CC-2004-CaiGX- Region-Based Partial Dead Code Elimination on Predicated Code (QC, LG, JX), pp. 150–166.
ISMM-2004-CheremR #analysis #java #source code- Region analysis and transformation for Java programs (SC, RR), pp. 85–96.
ICDAR-2003-AndersenZ #documentation #identification- Features for Neural Net Based Region Identification of Newspaper Documents (TLA, WZ), pp. 403–407.
PLDI-2003-BoyapatiSBR #java #memory management #realtime- Ownership types for safe region-based memory management in real-time Java (CB, AS, WSB, MCR), pp. 324–337.
PLDI-2003-ChuFM #clustering #multi- Region-based hierarchical operation partitioning for multicluster processors (MLC, KF, SAM), pp. 300–311.
PLDI-2003-SuganumaYN #compilation #java- A region-based compilation technique for a Java just-in-time compiler (TS, TY, TN), pp. 312–323.
SAS-2003-ChenLG #multi- Code Compaction of Matching Single-Entry Multiple-Exit Regions (WKC, BL, RG), pp. 401–417.
SAS-2003-ChongR #data type #recursion #static analysis- Static Analysis of Accessed Regions in Recursive Data Structures (SC, RR), pp. 463–482.
CIKM-2003-WeberM #image #performance #retrieval- Efficient region-based image retrieval (RW, MM), pp. 69–76.
SAC-2003-ChandranK #embedded #image #retrieval- Image Retrieval With Embedded Region Relationships (SC, NK), pp. 760–764.
CGO-2003-SpadiniFPL- Improving Quasi-Dynamic Schedules through Region Slip (FS, BF, SJP, SSL), pp. 149–158.
PLDI-2002-GrossmanMJHWC #memory management- Region-Based Memory Management in Cyclone (DG, JGM, TJ, MWH, YW, JC), pp. 282–293.
PLDI-2002-HallenbergET #garbage collection- Combining Region Inference and Garbage Collection (NH, ME, MT), pp. 141–152.
ICPR-v1-2002-HoBG #3d #automation #contest #evolution #segmentation- Level-Set Evolution with Region Competition: Automatic 3-D Segmentation of Brain Tumors (SH, EB, GG), p. 532–?.
ICPR-v1-2002-HuangHN- A Region-Based Method for Model-Free Object Tracking (YH, TSH, HN), pp. 592–595.
ICPR-v1-2002-KimMK #approach #detection- Wavelet-Based Morphological Approach for Detection of Human Face Region (JBK, CHM, HJK), pp. 417–420.
ICPR-v1-2002-KoB #image #retrieval #using- Integrated Region-Based Image Retrieval Using Region??s Spatial Relationships (BK, HB), pp. 196–199.
ICPR-v1-2002-SaitohTK #automation #multi #segmentation- Automatic Segmentation of Liver Region through Blood Vessels on Multi-Phase CT (TS, YT, TK), pp. 735–738.
ICPR-v2-2002-EcabertT #bound #image #segmentation- Variational Image Segmentation by Unifying Region and Boundary Information (OE, JPT), pp. 885–888.
ICPR-v2-2002-MinagawaUT- Region Extraction Based on Belief Propagation for Gaussian Model (AM, KU, NT), pp. 507–510.
ICPR-v2-2002-MunozMCF #image #multi #segmentation- Unsupervised Active Regions for Multiresolution Image Segmentation (XM, JM, XC, JF), pp. 905–908.
ICPR-v2-2002-SumengenMK #evolution #image #segmentation #using- Image Segmentation Using Curve Evolution and Region Stability (BS, BSM, CSK), pp. 965–968.
ICPR-v2-2002-TweedM #analysis #automation #detection- Automatic Detection of Regions of Interest in Mammographies Based on a Combined Analysis of Texture and Histogram (TT, SM), pp. 448–452.
ICPR-v2-2002-YuB #image #segmentation #using- Image Segmentation Using Gradient Vector Diffusion and Region Merging (ZY, CLB), pp. 941–944.
ICPR-v2-2002-ZivkovicH #convergence- Better Features to Track by Estimating the Tracking Convergence Region (ZZ, FvdH), pp. 635–638.
ICPR-v3-2002-BoufamaO #image #segmentation- Region Segmentation and Matching in Stereo Images (BB, DJO), pp. 631–634.
ICPR-v3-2002-FauqueurB #detection #image #query- Coarse Detection and Fine Color Description for Region-Based Image Queries (JF, NB), pp. 1027–1034.
ICPR-v3-2002-GolenzerVL #documentation #image- Finding Regions of Interest in Document Images by Planar HMM (JG, CVG, PML), pp. 415–418.
ICPR-v3-2002-KimKKK #bound #sequence- Usefulness of Boundary Sequences in Computing Shape Features for Arbitrary Shaped Regions (SK, SK, JK, MK), pp. 355–358.
ICPR-v3-2002-SugimotoNM #detection #visual notation- Detecting a Gazing Region by Visual Direction and Stereo Cameras (AS, AN, TM), pp. 278–282.
ICPR-v4-2002-KoB02a #feedback #image #multi #network #probability #retrieval- Probabilistic Neural Networks Supporting Multi-Class Relevance Feedback in Region-Based Image Retrieval (BK, HB), pp. 138–141.
SAC-2002-GarigipatiN #profiling- Evaluating the use of profiling by a region-based register allocator (KVG, CN), pp. 953–957.
SAC-2002-MaciasVR #algorithm #mining #using- Mining interesting regions using an evolutionary algorithm (JLÁM, JMV, JCRS), pp. 498–502.
ISMM-2002-DetersC #automation #java #memory management #realtime- Automated discovery of scoped memory regions for real-time Java (MD, RC), pp. 132–142.
ISMM-2002-QianH #adaptation #java- An adaptive, region-based allocator for java (FQ, LJH), pp. 233–244.
ICLP-2002-MakholmS #on the- On Enabling the WAM with Region Support (HM, KFS), pp. 163–178.
ICDAR-2001-TsuruokaTYST #image #segmentation- Region Segmentation for Table Image with Unknown Complex Structure (ST, TT, TY, TS, KT), pp. 709–715.
ICDAR-2001-WangK #image #verification- Character-Like Region Verification for Extracting Text in Scene Images (HW, JK), pp. 957–963.
PLDI-2001-GayA- Language Support for Regions (DG, AA), pp. 70–80.
FLOPS-2001-Kagawa #encapsulation #monad #stack- Monadic Encapsulation with Stack of Regions (KK), pp. 264–279.
ICALP-2001-ParkLC- Visibility-Based Pursuit-Evasion in a Polygonal Region by a Searcher (SMP, JHL, KYC), pp. 456–468.
ICFP-2001-WalkerW #linear #on the- On Regions and Linear Types (DW, KW), pp. 181–192.
PPDP-2001-HengleinMN #approach #control flow #memory management- A Direct Approach to Control-Flow Sensitive Region-Based Memory Management (FH, HM, HN), pp. 175–186.
POPL-2001-Calcagno #calculus #correctness #safety #semantics- Stratified operational semantics for safety and correctness of the region calculus (CC), pp. 155–165.
PLDI-2000-RuginaR #analysis #array #bound #memory management #pointer- Symbolic bounds analysis of pointers, array indices, and accessed memory regions (RR, MCR), pp. 182–195.
CIAA-2000-FerroDR #fault- Regional Least-Cost Error Repair (MVF, VMD, FJR), pp. 293–301.
ICML-2000-VuceticO #contest- Discovering Homogeneous Regions in Spatial Data through Competition (SV, ZO), pp. 1095–1102.
ICPR-v1-2000-AbeM #modelling #multi- Multiple Active Contour Models with Application to Region Extraction (TA, YM), pp. 1626–1630.
ICPR-v1-2000-ClarkM #image #metric #statistics- Combining Statistical Measures to Find Image Text Regions (PC, MM), pp. 1450–1453.
ICPR-v1-2000-CufiMFM #algorithm #concurrent- A Concurrent Region Growing Algorithm Guided by Circumscribed Contours (XC, XM, JF, JM), pp. 1432–1435.
ICPR-v1-2000-FernandezA #image #segmentation- Image Segmentation Combining Region Depth and Object Features (JF, JA), pp. 1618–1621.
ICPR-v1-2000-GolovanYL #detection #image- Pre-Attentive Detection of Perceptually Important Regions in Facial Images (AG, MHY, SWL), pp. 5092–5095.
ICPR-v1-2000-HoogsM #approach #bound- An Integrated Boundary and Region Approach to Perceptual Grouping (AH, JLM), pp. 1284–1290.
ICPR-v1-2000-SchluterKSP #integration #recognition- Integration of Regions and Contours for Object Recognition (DS, FK, GS, SP), pp. 1944–1947.
ICPR-v1-2000-TangXM #contest #parametricity #segmentation #semantics- Semantically Homogeneous Segmentation with Nonparametric Region Competition (MT, JX, SM), pp. 1648–1651.
ICPR-v1-2000-TorreR #algorithm #contest #image- Agricultural-Field Extraction on Aerial Images by Region Competition Algorithm (MT, PR), pp. 1313–1316.
ICPR-v2-2000-TanakaII #evaluation #image #modelling #physics- An Attractiveness Evaluation Model Based on the Physical Features of Image Regions (ST, YI, SI), pp. 2793–2796.
ICPR-v3-2000-AlbanesiFG #adaptation #image- Adaptive Image Compression Based on Regions of Interest and a Modified Contrast Sensitivity Function (MGA, MF, FG), pp. 3219–3222.
ICPR-v3-2000-BadenasSP #integration #monitoring #sequence #using- Using Temporal Integration for Tracking Regions in Traffic Monitoring Sequences (JB, JMS, FP), pp. 7137–7140.
ICPR-v3-2000-Garcia-SevillaP #analysis #case study #comparative- Analysis of Irregularly Shaped Texture Regions: A Comparative Study (PGS, MP), pp. 7080–7083.
ICPR-v3-2000-HuLML #parametricity #representation- Region Based Parametric Motion Representation (CH, YL, SM, HL), pp. 3869–3872.
ICPR-v3-2000-MaedaINTS #algorithm #fuzzy #image #segmentation #using- Rough and Accurate Segmentation of Natural Color Images Using Fuzzy Region-Growing Algorithm (JM, CI, SN, NT, YS), pp. 3642–3645.
ICPR-v3-2000-RittscherS #bound #detection- An Integral Criterion for Detecting Boundary Edges and Textured Regions (JR, JS), pp. 7076–7079.
ICPR-v3-2000-Rocha #composition #diagrams #performance- Efficient Polygonal Decomposition into Singular and Regular Regions via Voronoi Diagrams (JR), pp. 3770–3773.
ICPR-v3-2000-RubertoDKJ00a #automation #image #using- Automatic Thresholding of Infected Blood Images Using Granulometry and Regional Extrema (CDR, AGD, SK, BJ), pp. 3445–3448.
ICPR-v3-2000-SalembierG- Connected Operators Based on Region-Tree Pruning Strategies (PS, JLG), pp. 3371–3374.
ICPR-v3-2000-UchiyamaMK #estimation #image #segmentation- Estimation of Homogeneous Regions for Segmentation of Textured Images (TU, NM, HK), pp. 7084–7087.
ICPR-v4-2000-GotoA #multi- Character Pattern Extraction Based on Local Multilevel Thresholding and Region Growing (HG, HA), pp. 4430–4433.
ICPR-v4-2000-KoLB #feature model #image #performance #retrieval #using- Region-Based Image Retrieval System Using Efficient Feature Description (BK, HSL, HB), pp. 4283–4286.
ISMM-2000-Makholm #memory management #prolog- A Region-Based Memory Manager for Prolog (HM), pp. 25–34.
ICDAR-1999-AntonacopoulosC #analysis #comparative #representation #using- Region Description and Comparative Analysis using a Tesseral Representation (AA, FC), pp. 193–196.
ICDAR-1999-Walischewski #automation #learning- Learning Regions of Interest in Postal Automation (HW), pp. 317–320.
STOC-1999-LiMW #string- Finding Similar Regions in Many Strings (ML, BM, LW), pp. 473–482.
ICEIS-1999-MendesM #scalability #simulation- Traffic Simulation of Large Regions (PM, JM), p. 761.
ICML-1999-Zhang #approach #learning- An Region-Based Learning Approach to Discovering Temporal Structures in Data (WZ), pp. 484–492.
LICS-1999-BanerjeeHR #analysis #polymorphism #λ-calculus- Region Analysis and the Polymorphic λ Calculus (AB, NH, JGR), pp. 88–97.
PLDI-1998-GayA #memory management- Memory Management with Explicit Regions (DG, AA), pp. 313–323.
ICPR-1998-BadenasP #image #monitoring #segmentation #sequence- Segmentation based on region-tracking in image sequences for traffic monitoring (JB, FP), pp. 999–1001.
ICPR-1998-CinqueLLT #image #retrieval #using- Retrieval of images using rich region descriptions (LC, FL, SL, SLT), pp. 899–901.
ICPR-1998-HansenEL #approach #finite #modelling #simulation- Region-of-interest based finite element modelling of the brain-an approach to brain surgery simulation (KVH, MSE, OVL), pp. 292–296.
ICPR-1998-MaedaNMSS #fuzzy #image #segmentation #using- Fuzzy region-growing segmentation of natural images using local fractal dimension (JM, SN, AM, SS, YS), pp. 991–993.
ICPR-1998-OkutomiN #image #using- Extraction of road region using stereo images (MO, SN), pp. 853–856.
ICPR-1998-OsbergerM #automation #identification #image- Automatic identification of perceptually important regions in an image (WO, AJM), pp. 701–704.
ICPR-1998-WangHRKJ #3d #invariant #recognition #statistics- A statistical model to describe invariants extracted from a 3-D quadric surface patch and its applications in region-based recognition (GW, ZH, PPLR, MJK, GJ), pp. 668–672.
KR-1998-Renz #calculus #canonical- A Canonical Model of the Region Connection Calculus (JR), pp. 330–341.
SAC-1998-MortonZHO #distributed #parallel- The parallelization of a physically based, spatially distributed hydrologic code for arctic regions (DJM, ZZ, LDH, SO), pp. 684–689.
ISMM-1998-Tofte- A Brief Introduction to Regions (MT), pp. 186–195.
ICDAR-1997-Antonacopoulos #estimation- Local Skew Angle Estimation from Background Space in Text Regions (AA), pp. 684–688.
ICDAR-1997-AraiO #analysis- Form Processing based on Background Region Analysis (HA, KO), pp. 164–169.
VLDB-1997-LeeLWS #database #design #multi #physics- A Region Splitting Strategy for Physical Database Design of Multidimensional File Organizations (JHL, YKL, KYW, IYS), pp. 416–425.
VLDB-1997-MorimotoIM #performance- Efficient Construction of Regression Trees with Range and Region Splitting (YM, HI, SM), pp. 166–175.
PLDI-1997-BergnerDEO- Spill Code Minimization via Interference Region Spilling (PB, PD, DE, MTO), pp. 287–295.
KDD-1997-TurmonMP #identification- Bayesian Inference for Identifying Solar Active Regions (MJT, SM, JP), pp. 267–270.
KDD-1997-YodaFMMT- Computing Optimized Rectilinear Regions for Association Rules (KY, TF, YM, SM, TT), pp. 96–103.
SAC-1997-Zhan #fuzzy- Topological relations between fuzzy regions (FBZ), pp. 192–196.
ICPR-1996-Benois-PineauKB #graph #optimisation #problem- Coding of structure in the region-based coder as a problem of optimization on graphs (JBP, AK, DB), pp. 651–655.
ICPR-1996-CoxRZ #image #quote #segmentation- “Ratio regions”: a technique for image segmentation (IJC, SR, YZ), pp. 557–564.
ICPR-1996-HerpersMSW #detection- Context based detection of keypoints and features in eye regions (RH, MM, GS, LW), pp. 23–28.
ICPR-1996-KobatakeM #adaptation #detection- Adaptive filter to detect rounded convex regions: iris filter (HK, MM), pp. 340–344.
ICPR-1996-KositskyU #learning- Learning class regions by the union of ellipsoids (MK, SU), pp. 750–757.
ICPR-1996-LakshmananW #bound #detection #image- Detection of bounded weak echo regions in meteorological radar images (VL, AW), pp. 895–899.
ICPR-1996-PauwelsFG #adaptation #algorithm #using- Autonomous grouping of contour-segments using an adaptive region-growing algorithm (EJP, PF, LJVG), pp. 586–590.
ICPR-1996-SobottkaP #using- Extraction of facial regions and features using color and shape information (KS, IP), pp. 421–425.
ICPR-1996-WorringW #analysis #using- Analysis of complex motion patterns using region-based curve analysis (MW, AdW), pp. 388–392.
SEKE-1996-JamoussiB #generative #monte carlo #performance #random testing #testing- Efficient Monte Carlo Method for Generating Random Test Data from Irregular Test Regions (AJ, FBB), pp. 17–24.
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ICDAR-v2-1995-AntonacopoulosR #classification #representation #using- Representation and classification of complex-shaped printed regions using white tiles (AA, RTR), pp. 1132–1135.
ICDAR-v2-1995-AzoklyI #documentation #layout #segmentation- A language for document generic layout description and its use for segmentation into regions (AA, RI), pp. 1123–1126.
ICDAR-v2-1995-RyallSMM #automation- Semi-automatic delineation of regions in floor plans (KR, SMS, JM, MM), pp. 964–969.
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PLDI-1995-AikenFL #analysis #higher-order #memory management- Better Static Memory Management: Improving Region-Based Analysis of Higher-Order Languages (AA, MF, RL), pp. 174–185.
SAS-1995-Tofte #functional #higher-order- Region Inference for Higher-Order Functional Languages (MT), pp. 19–20.
CIKM-1995-ManolopoulosNPV #generative #on the #random- On the Generation of Aggregated Random Spatial Regions (YM, EN, GP, MV), pp. 318–325.
PLDI-1994-JohnsonPP #linear- The Program Structure Tree: Computing Control Regions in Linear Time (RJ, DP, KP), pp. 171–185.
POPL-1994-TofteT #call-by #implementation #stack #using #λ-calculus- Implementation of the Typed Call-by-Value λ-Calculus using a Stack of Regions (MT, JPT), pp. 188–201.
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ICDAR-1993-Ishitani #complexity #detection #documentation- Document skew detection based on local region complexity (YI), pp. 49–52.
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