137 papers:
DATE-2015-HanFNQ #energy #fault tolerance #multi #scheduling- Energy minimization for fault tolerant scheduling of periodic fixed-priority applications on multiprocessor platforms (QH, MF, LN, GQ), pp. 830–835.
SIGIR-2015-Drutsa #evaluation #metric #online #quality- Sign-Aware Periodicity Metrics of User Engagement for Online Search Quality Evaluation (AD), pp. 779–782.
CASE-2014-CuiL #scheduling- Integrated production scheduling and periodic maintenances on a single machine with release dates (WWC, ZL), pp. 353–358.
CASE-2014-TrikiGX #approach #health- A two-phase approach for periodic home health care planning (NT, TG, XX), pp. 518–523.
DATE-2014-YehHN #power management- Leakage-power-aware clock period minimization (HHY, SHH, YTN), pp. 1–6.
ICALP-v1-2014-Ben-SassonRTW #algorithm #proving- Sampling-Based Proofs of Almost-Periodicity Results and Algorithmic Applications (EBS, NRZ, MT, JW), pp. 955–966.
ICALP-v2-2014-0002HKSV #independence #online #set #worst-case- Online Independent Set Beyond the Worst-Case: Secretaries, Prophets, and Periods (OG, MH, TK, TS, BV), pp. 508–519.
AdaEurope-2014-JaouenBPR #protocol- PDP 4PS : Periodic-Delayed Protocol for Partitioned Systems (AJ, EB, LP, TR), pp. 149–165.
ICML-c2-2014-HuS #machine learning #multi #predict- Multi-period Trading Prediction Markets with Connections to Machine Learning (JH, AJS), pp. 1773–1781.
ICPR-2014-PanagiotakisAM #animation #novel #segmentation- Temporal Segmentation and Seamless Stitching of Motion Patterns for Synthesizing Novel Animations of Periodic Dances (CP, AAA, DM), pp. 1892–1897.
SEKE-2014-Otunba0 #approximate #detection #named- APT: Approximate Period Detection in Time Series (RO, JL), pp. 490–494.
LICS-CSL-2014-EndrullisH #morphism #on the- On periodically iterated morphisms (JE, DH), p. 10.
DATE-2013-TuHC- Co-synthesis of data paths and clock control paths for minimum-period clock gating (WPT, SHH, CHC), pp. 1831–1836.
DATE-2013-TzouBHC #bound #composition #using- Periodic jitter and bounded uncorrelated jitter decomposition using incoherent undersampling (NT, DB, SWH, AC), pp. 1667–1672.
DATE-2013-YoonKBS #design #multi #optimisation #parametricity #scheduling- Holistic design parameter optimization of multiple periodic resources in hierarchical scheduling (MKY, JEK, RMB, LS), pp. 1313–1318.
SIGMOD-2013-LuoT0N- Finding time period-based most frequent path in big trajectory data (WL, HT, LC, LMN), pp. 713–724.
DLT-J-2012-KarhumakiPS13 #theorem- Fine and Wilf’s Theorem for k-Abelian Periods (JK, SP, AS), pp. 1135–1152.
DLT-2013-MarsaultS #set- Ultimate Periodicity of b-Recognisable Sets: A Quasilinear Procedure (VM, JS), pp. 362–373.
LATA-2013-Schaeffer #word- Ostrowski Numeration and the Local Period of Sturmian Words (LS), pp. 493–503.
CSCW-2013-KazakosHV #product line- Revisiting the relationship between reunion and technology-mediated separation in periodically transitioning families (KK, SH, FV), pp. 1157–1168.
SAC-2013-WyssBPF #design #latency #multi- End-to-end latency computation in a multi-periodic design (RW, FB, CP, JF), pp. 1682–1687.
ICTSS-2013-StepienP #challenge #testing #using- Challenges of Testing Periodic Messages in Avionics Systems Using TTCN-3 (BS, LP), pp. 207–222.
VMCAI-2013-ChakiGKS #composition #source code- Compositional Sequentialization of Periodic Programs (SC, AG, SK, OS), pp. 536–554.
CASE-2012-PehlivanAXC #approach #capacity #multi #network #optimisation- Multi-period capacity planning for maternity facilities in a perinatal network: A queuing and optimization approach (CP, VA, XX, CCH), pp. 137–142.
DATE-2012-GuerraF #online #scheduling- On-line scheduling of target sensitive periodic tasks with the gravitational task model (RG, GF), pp. 578–581.
DLT-2012-KarhumakiPS #theorem- Fine and Wilf’s Theorem for k-Abelian Periods (JK, SP, AS), pp. 296–307.
KDD-2012-LiWH #mining- Mining event periodicity from incomplete observations (ZL, JW, JH), pp. 444–452.
SAC-2012-BaroBCNP #multi #scheduling- Off-line (Optimal) multiprocessor scheduling of dependent periodic tasks (JB, FB, MC, EN, CP), pp. 1815–1820.
SAC-2012-BhattiBA #approach #manycore #realtime #scheduling- A semi-partitioned real-time scheduling approach for periodic task systems on multicore platforms (MKB, CB, MA), pp. 1594–1601.
DAC-2011-HuangQFQ #constraints #realtime #throughput- Throughput maximization for periodic real-time systems under the maximal temperature constraint (HH, GQ, JF, MQ), pp. 363–368.
DLT-2011-KuncO #automaton #finite #using- Describing Periodicity in Two-Way Deterministic Finite Automata Using Transformation Semigroups (MK, AO), pp. 324–336.
LATA-2011-RigoV #complexity #integer #set- Syntactic Complexity of Ultimately Periodic Sets of Integers (MR, ÉV), pp. 477–488.
DAC-2010-LiuYT #algorithm #analysis #performance #robust #scalability- A robust periodic arnoldi shooting algorithm for efficient analysis of large-scale RF/MM ICs (XL, HY, SXDT), pp. 573–578.
AFL-J-2008-Blanchet-SadriOR10 #theorem #word- Fine and Wilf’s Theorem for Partial Words with Arbitrarily Many Weak Periods (FBS, TO, TDR), pp. 705–722.
DLT-J-2008-HolubN10 #finite #on the #word- On the Relation between Periodicity and Unbordered Factors of Finite Words (SH, DN), pp. 633–645.
DLT-2010-HalavaHKR #on the #word- On the Periodicity of Morphic Words (VH, TH, TK, MR), pp. 209–217.
DLT-2010-JeandelV- Periodicity in Tilings (EJ, PV), pp. 243–254.
ICALP-v1-2010-EisenbrandHNSVW #realtime #scheduling- Scheduling Periodic Tasks in a Hard Real-Time Environment (FE, NH, MN, MS, JV, AW), pp. 299–311.
CIKM-2010-MurataTMKM #detection- Detecting periodic changes in search intentions in a search engine (MM, HT, YM, RK, TM), pp. 1525–1528.
ICPR-2010-CadavidA #automation #detection #modelling #using #visual notation- Exploiting Visual Quasi-periodicity for Automated Chewing Event Detection Using Active Appearance Models and Support Vector Machines (SC, MAM), pp. 1714–1717.
ICPR-2010-MoriMY #recognition #using- Gait Recognition Using Period-Based Phase Synchronization for Low Frame-Rate Videos (AM, YM, YY), pp. 2194–2197.
ICPR-2010-MoroTU #detection #using- Detection of Moving Objects with Removal of Cast Shadows and Periodic Changes Using Stereo Vision (AM, KT, KU), pp. 328–331.
ICPR-2010-OnishiY #visualisation- Visualization of Customer Flow in an Office Complex over a Long Period (MO, IY), pp. 1747–1750.
KDD-2010-LiDHKN #behaviour #mining- Mining periodic behaviors for moving objects (ZL, BD, JH, RK, PN), pp. 1099–1108.
CAV-2010-BozgaIK #performance- Fast Acceleration of Ultimately Periodic Relations (MB, RI, FK), pp. 227–242.
ICDAR-2009-BaudrierBCDLM #bibliography #perspective #retrieval- Retrieval of the Ornaments from the Hand-Press Period: An Overview (EB, SB, SC, MD, JL, FMN), pp. 496–500.
DLT-2009-BucciLL #word- Rich and Periodic-Like Words (MB, AdL, ADL), pp. 145–155.
LATA-2009-Blanchet-SadriMRW #algorithm #using #word- An Answer to a Conjecture on Overlaps in Partial Words Using Periodicity Algorithms (FBS, RM, AR, EW), pp. 188–199.
CIKM-2009-TaoO #data type #mining- Mining data streams with periodically changing distributions (YT, MTÖ), pp. 887–896.
LICS-2009-Baez- Computation and the Periodic Table (JB), p. 211.
DATE-2008-VytyazHMM #analysis #constraints #design #similarity- Periodic Steady-State Analysis Augmented with Design Equality Constraints (IV, PKH, UKM, KM), pp. 312–317.
AFL-2008-Blanchet-SadriOR #word- Computing Weak Periods of Partial Words (FBS, TO, TDR), pp. 134–145.
CIAA-2008-SimunekM #approximate #distance- Approximate Periods with Levenshtein Distance (MS, BM), pp. 286–287.
DLT-2008-CassaigneKZ #complexity #sequence- Relationally Periodic Sequences and Subword Complexity (JC, TK, LQZ), pp. 196–205.
DLT-2008-HolubN #finite #on the #word- On the Relation between Periodicity and Unbordered Factors of Finite Words (SH, DN), pp. 408–418.
LATA-2008-Puzynina #2d #on the #word- On Periodicity of Generalized Two-Dimensional Words (SP), pp. 440–451.
SOFTVIS-2008-SubrahmaniyanBB #visualisation- Software visualization for end-user programmers: trial period obstacles (NS, MMB, CB), pp. 135–144.
ICPR-2008-AzyA #segmentation- Segmentation of periodically moving objects (OA, NA), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-KonyaSGE #algorithm #detection #robust #scalability- A robust front page detection algorithm for large periodical collections (IVK, CS, SG, SE), pp. 1–5.
SAC-2008-DegesysBR #random- Synchronization of strongly pulse-coupled oscillators with refractory periods and random medium access (JD, PB, JR), pp. 1976–1980.
LCTES-2008-BachirTC- Post-pass periodic register allocation to minimise loop unrolling degree (MB, SAAT, AC), pp. 141–150.
DAC-2007-DavareZNPKS #distributed #optimisation #realtime- Period Optimization for Hard Real-time Distributed Automotive Systems (AD, QZ, MDN, CP, SK, ALSV), pp. 278–283.
DAC-2007-HuangCCN- Clock Period Minimization with Minimum Delay Insertion (SHH, CHC, CMC, YTN), pp. 970–975.
DATE-2007-CucuG #multi #scheduling- Feasibility intervals for multiprocessor fixed-priority scheduling of arbitrary deadline periodic systems (LC, JG), pp. 1635–1640.
SIGMOD-2007-TangCLMYZ #effectiveness #pseudo- Effective variation management for pseudo periodical streams (LaT, BC, HL, GM, DY, XZ), pp. 257–268.
CIAA-J-2006-CzeizlerK07 #equation #independence #on the #word- On Non-Periodic Solutions of Independent Systems of Word Equations over Three Unknowns (EC, JK), pp. 873–897.
DLT-2007-Pritykin #on the #sequence- On Almost Periodicity Criteria for Morphic Sequences in Some Particular Cases (YP), pp. 361–370.
LATA-2007-Blanchet-SadriCN #word- Fine and Wilf’s Periodicity Result on Partial Words and Consequences (FBS, KC, JN), pp. 115–126.
HCI-AS-2007-ZhangZCMM #automation #named- HOPE: Extensible System for Automatic & Periodic Diagnosis of Offshore Software Project (XZ, LZ, MC, SM, RM), pp. 807–815.
HIMI-MTT-2007-SatoKF #concept #interface #precise #verification- Basic Experimental Verification of Grasping Information Interface Concept, Grasping Force Increases in Precise Periods (SS, MK, YF), pp. 180–188.
LCTES-2007-ZhongX #energy #optimisation #realtime- Frequency-aware energy optimization for real-time periodic and aperiodic tasks (XZ, CZX), pp. 21–30.
RTA-2007-ZantemaW #termination- Termination by Quasi-periodic Interpretations (HZ, JW), pp. 404–418.
CASE-2006-KazanciogluS #capacity #design #multi- Multi-Period Production Capacity Planning for Integrated Product and Production System Design (EK, KS), pp. 3–8.
DAC-2006-HuangCNY- Register binding for clock period minimization (SHH, CHC, YTN, WCY), pp. 439–444.
DATE-2006-AbbasIA #detection- On-chip 8GHz non-periodic high-swing noise detector (MA, MI, KA), pp. 670–671.
DATE-2006-HsuCK #constraints #energy #multi #realtime #synthesis- Multiprocessor synthesis for periodic hard real-time tasks under a given energy constraint (HRH, JJC, TWK), pp. 1061–1066.
DATE-2006-KranitisMLTPGH #embedded #fault #pipes and filters #testing- Optimal periodic testing of intermittent faults in embedded pipelined processor applications (NK, AM, NL, GT, AMP, DG, CH), pp. 65–70.
CIKM-2006-ParthasarathyMS #algorithm #detection #robust- Robust periodicity detection algorithms (SP, SM, SS), pp. 874–875.
ICPR-v2-2006-GanLY #analysis #detection- Detecting Periodically Expressed Genes based on Time-frequency Analysis and L-curve Method (XG, AWCL, HY), pp. 654–657.
ICPR-v3-2006-HenriquesBGCA- Searching for Similarities in Nearly Periodic Signals With Application to ECG Data Compression (JH, MB, PG, PC, MA), pp. 942–945.
KDD-2006-IwataSY #recommendation- Recommendation method for extending subscription periods (TI, KS, TY), pp. 574–579.
SAC-2006-LuHS #algorithm #precise #realtime #scheduling- A precise schedulability test algorithm for scheduling periodic tasks in real-time systems (WCL, JWH, WKS), pp. 1451–1455.
LCTES-2006-DanneP #configuration management #hardware #scheduling- An EDF schedulability test for periodic tasks on reconfigurable hardware devices (KD, MP), pp. 93–102.
DAC-2005-WanR #linear #reduction- Operator-based model-order reduction of linear periodically time-varying systems (YW, JSR), pp. 391–396.
SIGMOD-2005-ZhangKCY #mining #sequence- Mining Periodic Patterns with Gap Requirement from Sequences (MZ, BK, DWLC, KYY), pp. 623–633.
CHI-2005-MarshallB #using- Saving and using encountered information: implications for electronic periodicals (CCM, SAB), pp. 111–120.
DATE-v1-2004-PaschalisG #effectiveness #embedded #online #self #testing- Effective Software-Based Self-Test Strategies for On-Line Periodic Testing of Embedded Processors (AMP, DG), pp. 578–583.
SIGMOD-2004-VlachosMV #identification #online #query- Identifying Similarities, Periodicities and Bursts for Online Search Queries (MV, CM, ZV, DG), pp. 131–142.
FoSSaCS-2004-Demri #constraints #integer #ltl- LTL over Integer Periodicity Constraints: (Extended Abstract) (SD), pp. 121–135.
ICPR-v3-2004-ChengCK #database #video- Periodic Human Motion Description for Sports Video Databases (FC, WJC, JK), pp. 870–873.
ICPR-v4-2004-MacDormanCA #component #generative #network #segmentation- Periodic Nonlinear Principal Component Neural Networks for Humanoid Motion Segmentation, Generalization, and Generation (KFM, RC, MA), pp. 537–540.
ICPR-v4-2004-ZhouWG #estimation #using- Tracking Periodic Motion using Bayesian Estimation (HZ, AMW, PRG), pp. 725–728.
CC-2004-Meister- Periodic Polyhedra (BM), pp. 134–149.
ICLP-2004-BeldiceanuP #constraints- The period Constraint (NB, EP), pp. 329–342.
DATE-2003-GouraryRUZM #analysis #simulation- A New Simulation Technique for Periodic Small-Signal Analysis (MMG, SGR, SLU, MMZ, BJM), pp. 10244–10249.
SEKE-2003-LaiSF #mining #realtime- Real-Time Mining of Partial Periodic Patterns (CL, LS, MF), pp. 259–266.
DATE-2002-VanasscheGS #behaviour #matrix #modelling #using- Constructing Symbolic Models for the Input/Output Behavior of Periodically Time-Varying Systems Using Harmonic Transfer Matrices (PV, GGEG, WMCS), pp. 279–284.
ICALP-2002-LungoFNV #constraints #re-engineering- Discrete Tomography: Reconstruction under Periodicity Constraints (ADL, AF, MN, LV), pp. 38–56.
ICPR-v1-2002-LiH #approach #recognition- Recognition of Human Periodic Motion — A Frequency Domain Approach (BL, HH), pp. 311–314.
ICPR-v3-2002-WongLC #multi #network #recognition #using- Handwritten Digit Recognition Using Multi-Layer Feedforward Neural Networks with Periodic and Monotonic Activation Functions (KWW, CSL, SJC), pp. 106–109.
ICDAR-2001-BourgeoisEB #comprehension #documentation #probability #using- Document Understanding Using Probabilistic Relaxation: Application on Tables of Contents of Periodicals (FL, HE, SSB), pp. 508–512.
DLT-2001-HalavaH #morphism- An Undecidability Result Concerning Periodic Morphisms (VH, TH), pp. 304–310.
ICALP-2001-RivalsR #combinator #string- Combinatorics of Periods in Strings (ER, SR), pp. 615–626.
KDD-2001-YangWY #mining #named- Infominer: mining surprising periodic patterns (JY, WW, PSY), pp. 395–400.
KDD-2000-YangWY #mining- Mining asynchronous periodic patterns in time series data (JY, WW, PSY), pp. 275–279.
DAC-1999-FengPNKW #approach #performance- Efficient Computation of Quasi-Periodic Circuit Operating Conditions via a Mixed Frequency/Time Approach (DF, JRP, KN, KSK, JW), pp. 635–640.
TACAS-1999-RyuH #algorithm #design #realtime- A Period Assignment Algorithm for Real-Time System Design (MR, SH), pp. 34–43.
DLT-1999-Cassaigne #complexity- Subword complexity and periodicity in two or more dimensions (JC), pp. 14–21.
ICALP-1999-Lepisto #word- Relations between Local and Global Periodicity of Words (AL), pp. 534–543.
DATE-1998-DaveJ #architecture #concurrent #embedded #named #realtime #specification- CASPER: Concurrent Hardware-Software Co-Synthesis of Hard Real-Time Aperiodic and Periodic Specifications of Embedded System Architectures (BPD, NKJ), pp. 118–124.
ICALP-1998-KarhumakiLP #behaviour #infinity #word- Locally Periodic Infinite Words and a Chaotic Behaviour (JK, AL, WP), pp. 421–430.
ICPR-1998-CutlerD #analysis #detection- View-based detection and analysis of periodic motion (RC, LSD), pp. 495–500.
ICPR-1998-OrwellBHW #detection- Detecting periodic structure (JO, JFB, JFH, GHW), pp. 714–716.
KDD-1998-HanGY #database #mining- Mining Segment-Wise Periodic Patterns in Time-Related Databases (JH, WG, YY), pp. 214–218.
SAC-1998-BillardL #automaton #behaviour #distributed #learning #simulation- Simulation of period-doubling behavior in distributed learning automata (EB, SL), pp. 690–695.
RTA-1998-Schmidt-SchaussS #equation #on the- On the Exponent of Periodicity of Minimal Solutions of Context Equation (MSS, KUS), pp. 61–75.
DAC-1997-CongW #pipes and filters #synthesis- FPGA Synthesis with Retiming and Pipelining for Clock Period Minimization of Sequential Circuits (JC, CW), pp. 644–649.
EDTC-1997-VerhaeghLAM #approach #multi #scheduling- Multidimensional periodic scheduling: a solution approach (WFJV, PERL, EHLA, JLvM), pp. 468–474.
ICALP-1997-SchwiegelshohnT #equation- Periodic and Non-periodic Min-Max Equations (US, LT), pp. 379–389.
DAC-1996-PanL- Optimal Clock Period FPGA Technology Mapping for Sequential Circuits (PP, CLL), pp. 720–725.
VLDB-1996-BertinoBFS #data access #database #reasoning- Supporting Periodic Authorizations and Temporal Reasoning in Database Access Control (EB, CB, EF, PS), pp. 472–483.
ICSM-1996-GefenS #case study #maintenance- The non-homogeneous maintenance periods: a case study of software modifications (DG, SLS), pp. 134–141.
DLT-1995-CalbrixN- Prefix and Period Languages of Rational ω-Languages (HC, MN), pp. 341–349.
DLT-1995-Ilie #on the- On Disjunctivity, Ultimate Periodicity and Ultimate Identity (LI), pp. 44–53.
AdaEurope-1995-Bossard #ada #assessment #design #modelling #realtime- Periodic Processing in Hard Real-Time Systems: Assessment of Different Design Models in Ada (FB), pp. 355–364.
SAC-1995-ChenH #algorithm #analysis #concurrent #database #performance- Performance analysis of a periodic data reorganization algorithm for concurrent B-trees in database systems (IRC, SH), pp. 40–45.
DAC-1994-BhattacharyaDB #optimisation #resource management- Clock Period Optimization During Resource Sharing and Assignment (SB, SD, FB), pp. 195–200.
DAC-1994-LiuSC #clustering #data flow #latency- Data Flow Partitioning for Clock Period and Latency Minimization (LTL, MS, CKC), pp. 658–663.
ICALP-1994-HoftingW #analysis #graph #polynomial- Polynomial Time Analysis of Torodial Periodic Graphs (FH, EW), pp. 544–555.
ICSE-1994-Callison #realtime- A Periodic Object Model for Real-Time Systems (HRC), pp. 291–300.
CAV-1994-BoigelotW #set #verification- Symbolic Verification with Periodic Sets (BB, PW), pp. 55–67.
ILPS-1994-TomanCR #constraints #datalog #integer- Datalog with Integer Periodicity Constraints (DT, JC, DSR), pp. 189–203.
ICALP-1993-Lepisto #morphism #on the #power of- On the Power of Periodic Iteration of Morphisms (AL), pp. 496–506.
ICALP-1992-ApostolicoBG #algorithm #parallel- Optimal Parallel Algorithms for Periods, Palindromes and Squares (Extended Abstract) (AA, DB, ZG), pp. 296–307.
DAC-1991-JoyC #multi- Placement for Clock Period Minimization With Multiple Wave Propagation (DAJ, MJC), pp. 640–643.
STOC-1987-IwanoS #graph #infinity #testing- Testing for Cycles in Infinite Graphs with Periodic Structure (Extended Abstract) (KI, KS), pp. 46–55.
STOC-1979-SedgewickS #complexity- The Complexity of Finding Periods (RS, TGS), pp. 74–80.