170 papers:
WICSA-2015-CoutoTCL #abstract syntax tree #architecture #migration #syntax- Migrating to an Extensible Architecture for Abstract Syntax Trees (LDC, PWVTJ, JWC, KL), pp. 145–154.
SAC-2015-OmarWA #composition #metaprogramming #syntax- Composable and hygienic typed syntax macros (CO, CW, JA), pp. 1986–1991.
ITiCSE-2014-DennyLC #error message #fault #syntax- Enhancing syntax error messages appears ineffectual (PD, ALR, DC), pp. 273–278.
MSR-2014-CampbellHA #fault #modelling #syntax- Syntax errors just aren’t natural: improving error reporting with language models (JCC, AH, JNA), pp. 252–261.
SCAM-2014-YoshidaH #c #semiparsing #source code #syntax- A Pattern Search Method for Unpreprocessed C Programs Based on Tokenized Syntax Trees (AY, YH), pp. 295–304.
IFL-2014-Christiansen #low level #syntax- Type-Directed Elaboration of Quasiquotations: A High-Level Syntax for Low-Level Reflection (DRC), p. 1.
SIGIR-2014-SeverynMTBR #microblog #retrieval- A syntax-aware re-ranker for microblog retrieval (AS, AM, MT, RB, MdR), pp. 1067–1070.
POPL-2014-Castagna0XILP #evaluation #polymorphism #semantics #syntax- Polymorphic functions with set-theoretic types: part 1: syntax, semantics, and evaluation (GC, KN, ZX, HI, SL, LP), pp. 5–18.
SAC-2014-ReisIB #syntax- Defining the syntax of extensible languages (LVdSR, VODI, RdSB), pp. 1570–1576.
PEPM-2013-OliveiraL #domain-specific language #graph #syntax- Abstract syntax graphs for domain specific languages (BCdSO, AL), pp. 87–96.
ICFP-2013-AxelssonC #functional #higher-order #source code #syntax #using- Using circular programs for higher-order syntax: functional pearl (EA, KC), pp. 257–262.
IFL-2013-VieraS #composition #semantics #syntax- First Class Syntax, Semantics, and Their Composition (MV, SDS), p. 73.
KDIR-KMIS-2013-CheetiSC #adaptation #approach #classification #naive bayes #sentiment #syntax #using- Cross-domain Sentiment Classification using an Adapted Naïve Bayes Approach and Features Derived from Syntax Trees (SC, AS, DC), pp. 169–176.
GPCE-2013-MedeirosRG #fault #syntax- Investigating preprocessor-based syntax errors (FM, MR, RG), pp. 75–84.
SAC-PL-J-2011-DinkelakerEM13 #compilation #embedded #incremental #syntax- Incremental concrete syntax for embedded languages with support for separate compilation (TD, ME, MM), pp. 615–632.
LDTA-J-2009-SoderbergEHM #abstract syntax tree #analysis #syntax- Extensible intraprocedural flow analysis at the abstract syntax tree level (ES, TE, GH, EM), pp. 1809–1827.
LICS-2013-FioreH #algebra #equation #logic #multi #polymorphism #semantics #syntax- Multiversal Polymorphic Algebraic Theories: Syntax, Semantics, Translations, and Equational Logic (MPF, MH), pp. 520–529.
VMCAI-2013-DSilvaK #abstraction #syntax- Abstraction of Syntax (VD, DK), pp. 396–413.
ASE-2012-JongeV #automation #evaluation #fault #syntax- Automated evaluation of syntax error recovery (MdJ, EV), pp. 322–325.
ITiCSE-2012-DennyLT #fault #syntax- All syntax errors are not equal (PD, ALR, EDT), pp. 75–80.
ICFP-2012-Axelsson #embedded #syntax- A generic abstract syntax model for embedded languages (EA), pp. 323–334.
KDIR-2012-FleissnerF #approach- A Syntax-oriented Event Extraction Approach (SF, ACF), pp. 336–339.
SIGIR-2012-ZhangXCHDALC #identification #information management #semantics #sentiment #syntax- Sentiment identification by incorporating syntax, semantics and context information (KZ, YX, YC, DH, DD, AA, WkL, ANC), pp. 1143–1144.
REFSQ-2012-GenonCTHM #semantics #syntax #towards #visual notation- Towards a More Semantically Transparent i* Visual Syntax (NG, PC, HT, PH, DLM), pp. 140–146.
ITiCSE-2011-DennyLTH #comprehension #syntax- Understanding the syntax barrier for novices (PD, ALR, EDT, JH), pp. 208–212.
ITiCSE-2011-MothVB #learning #named #syntax- SyntaxTrain: relieving the pain of learning syntax (ALAM, JV, MBA), p. 387.
FoSSaCS-2011-Hamana #polymorphism #syntax- Polymorphic Abstract Syntax via Grothendieck Construction (MH), pp. 381–395.
ICFP-2011-PopescuG #recursion #syntax- Recursion principles for syntax with bindings and substitution (AP, ELG), pp. 346–358.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2011-BrandPV #co-evolution- A Generic Solution for Syntax-Driven Model Co-evolution (MvdB, ZP, TV), pp. 36–51.
SAC-2011-DinkelakerEM #embedded #incremental #syntax- Incremental concrete syntax for embedded languages (TD, ME, MM), pp. 1309–1316.
LDTA-2011-EconomopoulosF #higher-order #syntax- Higher-order transformations with nested concrete syntax (GRE, BF), p. 4.
KR-2010-Shapiro #logic #semantics #syntax- Set-Oriented Logical Connectives: Syntax and Semantics (SCS).
OOPSLA-2010-KatsVW #declarative #syntax- Pure and declarative syntax definition: paradise lost and regained (LCLK, EV, GW), pp. 918–932.
GPCE-J-2007-BravenboerDV10 #injection #syntax- Preventing injection attacks with syntax embeddings (MB, ED, EV), pp. 473–495.
PPDP-2010-Gacek #higher-order #specification #syntax- Relating nominal and higher-order abstract syntax specifications (AG), pp. 177–186.
SLE-2010-KatsKV #ambiguity #interactive #metaprogramming #source code #syntax- Interactive Disambiguation of Meta Programs with Concrete Object Syntax (LCLK, KTK, EV), pp. 327–336.
SPLC-2010-HeuerBKLP #diagrams #process #semantics #syntax #variability- Formal Definition of Syntax and Semantics for Documenting Variability in Activity Diagrams (AH, CJB, SK, KL, KP), pp. 62–76.
ASE-2009-ZhangGTL #probability #sequence chart #syntax- A Formal Syntax for Probabilistic Timed Property Sequence Charts (PZ, LG, AT, BL), pp. 500–504.
ICPC-2009-ChilowiczDR #detection #similarity #source code #syntax- Syntax tree fingerprinting for source code similarity detection (MC, ÉD, GR), pp. 243–247.
HCI-NIMT-2009-PedroRBBA #domain-specific language #syntax #visual notation- Composing Visual Syntax for Domain Specific Languages (LP, MR, DB, BB, VA), pp. 889–898.
ECMDA-FA-2009-HeidenreichJKSW #modelling #refinement #syntax- Derivation and Refinement of Textual Syntax for Models (FH, JJ, SK, MS, CW), pp. 114–129.
MoDELS-2009-MazanekM #diagrams #editing #modelling #process- Business Process Models as a Showcase for Syntax-Based Assistance in Diagram Editors (SM, MM), pp. 322–336.
MoDELS-2009-MazanekM #diagrams #editing #modelling #process- Business Process Models as a Showcase for Syntax-Based Assistance in Diagram Editors (SM, MM), pp. 322–336.
RE-2009-MavinWHN #approach #requirements #syntax- Easy Approach to Requirements Syntax (EARS) (AM, PW, AH, MN), pp. 317–322.
RE-2009-MoodyHM #effectiveness #evaluation #requirements #syntax #visual notation- Improving the Effectiveness of Visual Representations in Requirements Engineering: An Evaluation of i* Visual Syntax (DLM, PH, RM), pp. 171–180.
SAC-2009-DemailleLS #abstract syntax tree #effectiveness #named #parsing #using- TWEAST: a simple and effective technique to implement concrete-syntax AST rewriting using partial parsing (AD, RL, BS), pp. 1924–1929.
TLCA-2009-Atkey #for free #parametricity #representation #syntax #using- Syntax for Free: Representing Syntax with Binding Using Parametricity (RA), pp. 35–49.
PEPM-2008-MastroeniZ #dependence #semantics #slicing #syntax- Data dependencies and program slicing: from syntax to abstract semantics (IM, DZ), pp. 125–134.
ICFP-2008-Chlipala #higher-order #parametricity #semantics #syntax- Parametric higher-order abstract syntax for mechanized semantics (AC), pp. 143–156.
GT-VMT-2006-HermannET08 #diagrams #graph grammar #inheritance #sequence chart #syntax #uml- A Typed Attributed Graph Grammar with Inheritance for the Abstract Syntax of UML Class and Sequence Diagrams (FH, HE, GT), pp. 261–269.
GT-VMT-2008-BrielerM #ambiguity #analysis #diagrams #graph grammar #sketching #syntax- Ambiguity Resolution for Sketched Diagrams by Syntax Analysis Based on Graph Grammars (FB, MM).
SOFTVIS-2008-Almeida-MartinezUV #abstract syntax tree #named #syntax #visualisation- VAST: visualization of abstract syntax trees within language processors courses (FJAM, JUF, JÁVI), pp. 209–210.
CIKM-2008-Moschitti #categorisation #kernel #relational #semantics #syntax- Kernel methods, syntax and semantics for relational text categorization (AM), pp. 253–262.
ECMDA-FA-2008-Espinazo-PaganTM #approach #metamodelling- Metamodel Syntactic Sheets: An Approach for Defining Textual Concrete Syntaxes (JEP, MMT, JGM), pp. 185–199.
ECMDA-FA-2008-Fondement #syntax #visual notation- Graphical Concrete Syntax Rendering with SVG (FF), pp. 200–214.
ECMDA-FA-2008-GoldschmidtBU #classification #syntax- Classification of Concrete Textual Syntax Mapping Approaches (TG, SB, AU), pp. 169–184.
MoDELS-2008-JanotaKW #constraints #interactive #semantics #syntax- Model Construction with External Constraints: An Interactive Journey from Semantics to Syntax (MJ, VK, AW), pp. 431–445.
MoDELS-2008-JanotaKW #constraints #interactive #semantics #syntax- Model Construction with External Constraints: An Interactive Journey from Semantics to Syntax (MJ, VK, AW), pp. 431–445.
POPL-2008-Pientka #higher-order #programming #syntax- A type-theoretic foundation for programming with higher-order abstract syntax and first-class substitutions (BP), pp. 371–382.
POPL-2008-Zeilberger #higher-order #syntax- Focusing and higher-order abstract syntax (NZ), pp. 359–369.
ICSE-2008-Bienk #semantics #syntax- Asam odx: syntax as semantics (SB), pp. 583–592.
SLE-2008-Goldschmidt #approach #incremental #repository #towards- Towards an Incremental Update Approach for Concrete Textual Syntaxes for UUID-Based Model Repositories (TG), pp. 168–177.
SLE-2008-MoodyH #analysis #diagrams #effectiveness #syntax #uml #visual notation- Evaluating the Visual Syntax of UML: An Analysis of the Cognitive Effectiveness of the UMLFamily of Diagrams (DLM, JvH), pp. 16–34.
SLE-2008-OverbeyJ #abstract syntax tree #generative #syntax- Generating Rewritable Abstract Syntax Trees (JLO, REJ), pp. 114–133.
LICS-2008-Fiore #higher-order #syntax- Second-Order and Dependently-Sorted Abstract Syntax (MPF), pp. 57–68.
SIGMOD-2007-FanCB #query #syntax #xml- Querying xml with update syntax (WF, GC, PB), pp. 293–304.
WRLA-2006-Reilles07 #abstract syntax tree #canonical #syntax- Canonical Abstract Syntax Trees (AR), pp. 165–179.
CIAA-2007-SteinbyT #morphism- Syntax-Directed Translations and Quasi-alphabetic Tree Bimorphisms (MS, CIT), pp. 265–276.
MoDELS-2007-KrahnRV #syntax- Integrated Definition of Abstract and Concrete Syntax for Textual Languages (HK, BR, SV), pp. 286–300.
MoDELS-2007-KrahnRV #syntax- Integrated Definition of Abstract and Concrete Syntax for Textual Languages (HK, BR, SV), pp. 286–300.
GPCE-2007-ArnoldusBB #named- Repleo: a syntax-safe template engine (JA, JB, MvdB), pp. 25–32.
GPCE-2007-BravenboerDV #injection #syntax- Preventing injection attacks with syntax embeddings (MB, ED, EV), pp. 3–12.
WCRE-2006-KoschkeFF #clone detection #detection #syntax #using- Clone Detection Using Abstract Syntax Suffix Trees (RK, RF, PF), pp. 253–262.
PLDI-2006-Grimm #composition #syntax- Better extensibility through modular syntax (RG), pp. 38–51.
ICFP-2006-FisherS #static analysis #syntax- Static analysis for syntax objects (DF, OS), pp. 111–121.
MoDELS-2006-Baar #modelling #syntax #visual notation- Correctly Defined Concrete Syntax for Visual Modeling Languages (TB), pp. 111–125.
MoDELS-2006-MullerFFHSGJ #analysis #modelling #syntax #synthesis- Model-Driven Analysis and Synthesis of Concrete Syntax (PAM, FF, FF, MH, RS, SG, JMJ), pp. 98–110.
MoDELS-2006-Baar #modelling #syntax #visual notation- Correctly Defined Concrete Syntax for Visual Modeling Languages (TB), pp. 111–125.
MoDELS-2006-MullerFFHSGJ #analysis #modelling #syntax #synthesis- Model-Driven Analysis and Synthesis of Concrete Syntax (PAM, FF, FF, MH, RS, SG, JMJ), pp. 98–110.
OOPSLA-2006-BravenboerTV #aspectj #declarative #syntax- Declarative, formal, and extensible syntax definition for aspectJ (MB, ÉT, EV), pp. 209–228.
GPCE-2006-JouaultBK #domain-specific language #named #specification- TCS: a DSL for the specification of textual concrete syntaxes in model engineering (FJ, JB, IK), pp. 249–254.
FSE-2006-HalfondOM #evaluation #injection #sql #using- Using positive tainting and syntax-aware evaluation to counter SQL injection attacks (WGJH, AO, PM), pp. 175–185.
MSR-2005-NeamtiuFH #abstract syntax tree #comprehension #evolution #source code #syntax #using- Understanding source code evolution using abstract syntax tree matching (IN, JSF, MWH), pp. 81–85.
IFL-2005-WeeldenSP #syntax- Polytypic Syntax Tree Operations (AvW, SS, RP), pp. 142–159.
CHI-2005-Louca #programming #student #syntax #usability- The syntax or the story behind it?: a usability study of student work with computer-based programming environments in elementary science (LTL), pp. 849–858.
ECMDA-FA-2005-FondementB #metamodelling #syntax- Making Metamodels Aware of Concrete Syntax (FF, TB), pp. 190–204.
GPCE-2005-BravenboerVVV #ambiguity #metaprogramming #source code #syntax #type system- Generalized Type-Based Disambiguation of Meta Programs with Concrete Object Syntax (MB, RV, JJV, EV), pp. 157–172.
RE-2005-GeorgiadesAP #natural language #requirements #semantics #syntax- A Requirements Engineering Methodology Based On Natural Language Syntax and Semantics (MGG, ASA, CSP), pp. 473–474.
SAC-2005-PlakeHL #interactive #optimisation #syntax- Optimizing syntax patterns for discovering protein-protein interactions (CP, JH, UL), pp. 195–201.
CAV-2005-VecchieS #source code- Syntax-Driven Reachable State Space Construction of Synchronous Reactive Programs (EV, RdS), pp. 213–225.
SIGMOD-2004-ZhangHC #comprehension #interface #parsing #query #syntax #web- Understanding Web Query Interfaces: Best-Effort Parsing with Hidden Syntax (ZZ, BH, KCCC), pp. 107–118.
OOPSLA-2004-BravenboerV #domain-specific language #strict #syntax- Concrete syntax for objects: domain-specific language embedding and assimilation without restrictions (MB, EV), pp. 365–383.
DRR-2003-AradhyeHM #analysis #detection #recognition- Syntax-directed content analysis of videotext: application to a map detection recognition system (HBA, JAH, GKM), pp. 57–66.
FoSSaCS-2003-MomiglianoA #higher-order #multi #syntax- Multi-level Meta-reasoning with Higher-Order Abstract Syntax (AM, SA), pp. 375–391.
ICFP-2003-WashburnW #encoding #higher-order #morphism #parametricity #polymorphism #syntax- Boxes go bananas: encoding higher-order abstract syntax with parametric polymorphism (GW, SW), pp. 249–262.
LOPSTR-2003-FischerV #prolog #syntax #synthesis- Adding Concrete Syntax to a Prolog-Based Program Synthesis System (Extended Abstract) (BF, EV), pp. 56–58.
ITiCSE-2002-LevyL #recursion #syntax- Shared terminology, private syntax: the case of recursive descriptions (DL, TL), pp. 89–93.
PEPM-2002-BrabrandS #metaprogramming #syntax- Growing languages with metamorphic syntax macros (CB, MIS), pp. 31–40.
PLDI-2002-BakerH #java #multi #named #syntax- Maya: Multiple-Dispatch Syntax Extension in Java (JB, WCH), pp. 270–281.
ICALP-2002-Pitts #semantics #syntax- Equivariant Syntax and Semantics (AMP), pp. 32–36.
VISSOFT-2002-PurchaseCMC #collaboration #comprehension #diagrams #empirical #syntax #uml- UML Collaboration Diagram Syntax: An Empirical Study of Comprehension (HCP, LC, MM, DAC), pp. 13–22.
GPCE-2002-Visser #metaprogramming #syntax- Meta-programming with Concrete Object Syntax (EV), pp. 299–315.
FoSSaCS-2001-RocklHB #formal method #higher-order #induction #syntax #π-calculus- Higher-Order Abstract Syntax with Induction in Isabelle/HOL: Formalizing the π-Calculus and Mechanizing the Theory of Contexts (CR, DH, SB), pp. 364–378.
ICSM-2001-ByersKP #dependence #graph- Syntax-Directed Construction of Value Dependence Graphs (DB, MK, TP), p. 692–?.
FLOPS-2001-DanvyR #haskell #syntax- A Simple Take on Typed Abstract Syntax in Haskell-like Languages (OD, MR), pp. 343–358.
ICFP-2001-Pitts #approach #functional #programming #representation #syntax- A Fresh Approach to Representing Syntax with Static Binders in Functional Programming (AMP), p. 1.
PPDP-2001-KamareddineBN #equivalence #syntax- De Bruijn’s Syntax and Reductional Equivalence of λ-Terms (FK, RB, RN), pp. 16–27.
LDTA-2001-LammelW #asf+sdf #ide #syntax- Transformation of SDF syntax definitions in the ASF+SDF Meta-Environment (RL, GW), pp. 9–33.
IJCAR-2001-Luther #syntax- More On Implicit Syntax (ML), pp. 386–400.
ICEIS-2000-FredF #modelling #multi- Syntax-Directed Translation Schemes for Multi-Agent Systems Conversation Modelling (ALNF, JF), pp. 132–138.
ICML-2000-Zaanen #learning #recursion #syntax #using- Bootstrapping Syntax and Recursion using Alginment-Based Learning (MvZ), pp. 1063–1070.
CC-2000-Roth #array #syntax- Advanced Scalarization of Array Syntax (GR), pp. 219–231.
CADE-2000-MichaelA #bytecode #higher-order #logic #semantics #syntax- Machine Instruction Syntax and Semantics in Higher Order Logic (NGM, AWA), pp. 7–24.
CL-2000-Miller #bibliography #perspective #syntax- Abstract Syntax for Variable Binders: An Overview (DM), pp. 239–253.
FM-v2-1999-OcicaI #algebra #aspect-oriented #corba #syntax- Algebraic Aspects of the Mapping between Abstract Syntax Notation One and CORBA IDL (RO, DI), p. 1863.
AGTIVE-1999-Blostein #semantics #syntax #visual notation- Defining the Syntax and Semantics of Natural Visual Languages (DB), pp. 225–232.
CADE-1999-FeltyHR #abstraction #syntax #using- Formal Metatheory using Implicit Syntax, and an Application to Data Abstraction for Asynchronous Systems (APF, DJH, AR), pp. 237–251.
IWTCS-1999-Willcock #syntax #towards- New Directions in ASN.1: Towards a Formal Notation for Transfer Syntax (CW), pp. 31–42.
LICS-1999-FiorePT #syntax- Abstract Syntax and Variable Binding (MPF, GDP, DT), pp. 193–202.
LICS-1999-GabbayP #approach #syntax- A New Approach to Abstract Syntax Involving Binders (MG, AMP), pp. 214–224.
LICS-1999-Hofmann #analysis #higher-order #semantics #syntax- Semantical Analysis of Higher-Order Abstract Syntax (MH0), pp. 204–213.
ICSM-1998-BaxterYMSB #abstract syntax tree #clone detection #detection #syntax #using- Clone Detection Using Abstract Syntax Trees (IDB, AY, LMdM, MS, LB), pp. 368–377.
WIA-1998-Velinov #graph #implementation #on the #semantics #syntax- On the Syntax, Semantics, and Implementation of a Graph-Based Computational Environment (YV), pp. 199–212.
ICPR-1998-KaufmannB #fault #locality #using- Amount translation and error localization in check processing using syntax-directed translation (GK, HB), pp. 1530–1534.
ASE-1997-Welty #abstract syntax tree #comprehension #syntax- Augmenting Abstract Syntax Trees for Program Understanding (CAW), pp. 126–133.
ICSE-1997-Wile #syntax- Abstract Syntax from Concrete Syntax (DSW), pp. 472–480.
LICS-1997-McDowellM #higher-order #logic #reasoning #syntax- A Logic for Reasoning with Higher-Order Abstract Syntax (RM, DM), pp. 434–445.
TLCA-1997-DespeyrouxPS #higher-order #recursion #syntax- Primitive Recursion for Higher-Order Abstract Syntax (JD, FP, CS), pp. 147–163.
SEKE-1996-FoxBM #automation #debugging #fault #pascal #process #syntax- Automating the Debugging Process of Pascal Syntax Errors (RF, CB, JM), pp. 92–99.
CC-1996-KadhimW #composition #development #named #syntax #tool support- Maptool — Supporting Modular Syntax Development (BMK, WMW), pp. 268–280.
PODS-1995-StoloboushkinT #effectiveness #finite #query #syntax- Finite Queries do not Have Effective Syntax (APS, MAT), pp. 277–285.
SEKE-1995-ChauC #semantics #syntax #visual notation- Visual Language Syntax and Semantics for Complex Reactive System (HLC, KFC), pp. 252–259.
ASF+SDF-1995-Uskudarli #specification #syntax #visual notation- Specifying Visual Syntax (SÜ), pp. 143–154.
ASF+SDF-1995-Visser #product line #syntax- A Family of Syntax Definition Formalisms (EV), pp. 89–126.
TLCA-1995-DespeyrouxFH #coq #higher-order #syntax- Higher-Order Abstract Syntax in Coq (JD, APF, AH), pp. 124–138.
ESOP-J-1992-Henglein94 #dynamic typing #proving #syntax #type system- Dynamic Typing: Syntax and Proof Theory (FH), pp. 197–230.
ESOP-1994-BerthomieuS #behaviour #framework #ml #programming #semantics #syntax- Programming with Behaviors in an ML Framework — The Syntax and Semantics of LCS (BB, TLS), pp. 89–104.
LFP-1994-JacobsS #lisp #persistent #semantics #syntax- Syntax and Semantics of a Persistent Common Lisp (JHJ, MRS), pp. 103–112.
ICDAR-1993-LiiPS #recognition #syntax #using- Address block location using character recognition and address syntax (JL, PWP, SNS), pp. 330–334.
PLDI-1993-WeiseC #metaprogramming #programmable #syntax- Programmable Syntax Macros (DW, RFC), pp. 156–165.
INTERCHI-1993-Zhao #diagrams #editing #gesture #incremental #recognition- Incremental recognition in gesture-based and syntax-directed diagram editors (RZ), pp. 95–100.
TRI-Ada-1993-FergusonW #ada #framework #independence #syntax- Platform Independent Translations for a Compilable Ada Abstract Syntax (WDF, JKW), pp. 312–322.
SAC-1993-KhwajaU #editing- Syntax-Directed Editing Environments: Issues and Features (AAK, JEU), pp. 230–237.
ILPS-1993-Felty #definite clause grammar #higher-order #parsing #syntax- Definite Clause Grammars for Parsing Higher-Order Syntax (APF), p. 668.
TOOLS-USA-1992-GrapeW #automation #development #evolution #generative #syntax- Automating the Development of Syntax Tree Generators for an Evolving Language (PG, KW), pp. 185–195.
CC-1992-Melichar #lr #parsing #syntax- Syntax Directed Translation with LR Parsing (BM), pp. 30–36.
KR-1991-Nebel #reasoning- Belief Revision and Default Reasoning: Syntax-Based Approaches (BN), pp. 417–428.
VDME-1990-BlikleT #development #on the #process #syntax- On Conservative Extensions of Syntax in the Process of System Development (AB, MT), pp. 504–525.
CC-1990-DesplandMR #generative #named #term rewriting #using- PAGODE: A Back End Generator Using Attribute Abstract Syntaxes and Term Rewritings (AD, MM, RR), pp. 86–105.
PLDI-1989-Cormack #fault #lr #parsing #string #syntax- An LR Substring Parser for Noncorrecting Syntax Error Recovery (GVC), pp. 161–169.
KR-1989-McAllesterGF #first-order #syntax #taxonomy- Taxonomic Syntax for First Order Inference (DAM, RG, TF), pp. 289–300.
PLDI-1988-BallanceBG #abstraction #analysis #editing #incremental #syntax- Grammatical Abstraction and Incremental Syntax Analysis in a Language-Based Editor (RAB, JB, SLG), pp. 185–198.
PLDI-1988-PfenningE #higher-order #syntax- Higher-Order Abstract Syntax (FP, CE), pp. 199–208.
LFP-1988-AasaPS #functional #syntax- Concrete Syntax for Data Objects in Functional Languages (AA, KP, DS), pp. 96–105.
PLDI-1987-Clark #editing #interpreter #syntax- The JADE interpreter: a RISC interpreter for syntax directed editing (CFC), pp. 222–228.
VDME-1987-Blikle #syntax- Denotational Engineering or from Denotations to Syntax (AB), pp. 151–209.
ESEC-1987-Christ-NeumannS #named #object-oriented #specification- ASDL — An Object-Oriented Specification Language for Syntax-Directed Environments (MLCN, HWS), pp. 71–79.
ICSE-1984-Donzeau-GougeLM #syntax- Practical Applications of a Syntax Directed Program Manipulation Environment (VDG, BL, BM), pp. 346–357.
SCC-1982-Baker #ada- A Single-Pass Syntax-Directed Front End for Ada (TPB), pp. 318–326.
POPL-1982-Reps #analysis #editing #incremental #semantics- Optimal-Time Incremental Semantic Analysis for Syntax-Directed Editors (TWR), pp. 169–176.
POPL-1982-Sandberg #flexibility #named #syntax- Lithe: A Language Combining a Flexible Syntax, Classes (DS), pp. 142–145.
POPL-1981-DemersRT #attribute grammar #editing #evaluation #incremental- Incremental Evaluation for Attribute Grammars with Application to Syntax-Directed Editors (AJD, TWR, TT), pp. 105–116.
ICALP-1980-EhrigKP #algebra #concept #correctness #data type #implementation #semantics #syntax- Algebraic Implementation of Abstract Data Types: Concept, Syntax, Semantics and Correctness (HE, HJK, PP), pp. 142–156.
SCC-1979-PaiK #fault #parsing #syntax- Global context recovery: A new strategy for parser recovery from syntax errors (ABP, RBK), pp. 158–167.
VLDB-1978-Smith78b #normalisation #syntax- A Normal Form for Abstract Syntax (JMS), pp. 156–162.
POPL-1978-JoshiLY #constraints #programming language #semantics #syntax- Local Constraints in the Syntax and Semantics of Programming Languages (AKJ, LSL, KY), pp. 255–264.
ICALP-1972-Bohm #question #syntax- Can Syntax Be Ignored during Translation? (CB, MDC), pp. 197–207.
STOC-1970-MartinV #on the #transducer- On Syntax-Directed Transduction and Tree Transducers (DFM, SAV), pp. 129–135.
DAC-1968-AllenGHS #logic- A syntax-directed logic simulator (CMA, DDG, WMH, RWS).
DAC-1968-Rader #equation #logic #syntax- Application of a syntax driver to logic equation processing and data-control card scanning (JAR).