100 papers:
PLDI-2015-0010ZTZ #bound #named- Light: replay via tightly bounded recording (PL, XZ, OT, YZ), pp. 55–64.
STOC-2015-HardtP #bound #learning- Tight Bounds for Learning a Mixture of Two Gaussians (MH, EP), pp. 753–760.
ICALP-v1-2015-Curticapean #complexity #framework- Block Interpolation: A Framework for Tight Exponential-Time Counting Complexity (RC), pp. 380–392.
ICALP-v2-2015-GairingKK #bound #game studies- Tight Bounds for Cost-Sharing in Weighted Congestion Games (MG, KK, GK), pp. 626–637.
ICEIS-v1-2015-FuD #graph #named #scalability #social- ROBE — Knitting a Tight Hub for Shortest Path Discovery in Large Social Graphs (LF, JD), pp. 97–107.
DATE-2014-BurgioDMCB #clustering #hardware #programmable #scalability- A tightly-coupled hardware controller to improve scalability and programmability of shared-memory heterogeneous clusters (PB, RD, AM, PC, LB), pp. 1–4.
DATE-2014-BurgioTCMB #clustering #embedded #hardware #memory management #parallel- Tightly-coupled hardware support to dynamic parallelism acceleration in embedded shared memory clusters (PB, GT, FC, AM, LB), pp. 1–6.
DATE-2014-ZhaoL #bound- Empowering study of delay bound tightness with simulated annealing (XZ, ZL), pp. 1–6.
FM-2014-PonzioRAF #bound #performance- Efficient Tight Field Bounds Computation Based on Shape Predicates (PP, NR, NA, MFF), pp. 531–546.
DATE-2013-BurgioTMB #clustering #fine-grained #memory management- Enabling fine-grained OpenMP tasking on tightly-coupled shared memory clusters (PB, GT, AM, LB), pp. 1504–1509.
DATE-2013-JaninBCDEGLT #design- Designing tightly-coupled extension units for the STxP70 processor (YJ, VB, HC, TD, CE, OAG, VL, TT), pp. 1052–1053.
DATE-2013-RahimiMBGB #clustering- Variation-tolerant OpenMP tasking on tightly-coupled processor clusters (AR, AM, PB, RKG, LB), pp. 541–546.
SIGMOD-2013-WhangYYSKK #approach #named #parallel #using- ODYS: an approach to building a massively-parallel search engine using a DB-IR tightly-integrated parallel DBMS for higher-level functionality (KYW, TSY, YMY, IYS, HYK, IJK), pp. 313–324.
STOC-2013-AzarCKS #bound #online- Tight bounds for online vector bin packing (YA, IRC, SK, FBS), pp. 961–970.
ICALP-v1-2013-AndoniNPW #bound #linear #sketching- Tight Lower Bound for Linear Sketches of Moments (AA, HLN, YP, YW), pp. 25–32.
CSCW-2013-BatemanGM #navigation #social #using- Social navigation for loosely-coupled information seeking in tightly-knit groups using webwear (SB, CG, GIM), pp. 955–966.
KDD-2013-NarasimhanA #bound #named #optimisation- SVMpAUCtight: a new support vector method for optimizing partial AUC based on a tight convex upper bound (HN, SA), pp. 167–175.
ICST-2013-AbadABCFGMMRV #bound #contract #generative #incremental #satisfiability #testing- Improving Test Generation under Rich Contracts by Tight Bounds and Incremental SAT Solving (PA, NA, VSB, DC, MFF, JPG, TSEM, MMM, NR, IV), pp. 21–30.
STOC-2012-BansalBJK #trade-off- Tight time-space tradeoff for mutual exclusion (NB, VB, PJ, RK), pp. 971–982.
STOC-2012-BulanekKS #bound #online #problem- Tight lower bounds for the online labeling problem (JB, MK, MES), pp. 1185–1198.
STOC-2012-ChanP #analysis #bound #fourier #network- Tight bounds for monotone switching networks via fourier analysis (SMC, AP), pp. 495–504.
STOC-2012-GalHKPV #bound- Tight bounds on computing error-correcting codes by bounded-depth circuits with arbitrary gates (AG, KAH, MK, PP, EV), pp. 479–494.
STOC-2012-GiakkoupisW #bound #random- A tight RMR lower bound for randomized mutual exclusion (GG, PW), pp. 983–1002.
STOC-2012-WoodruffZ #bound #distributed #functional #monitoring- Tight bounds for distributed functional monitoring (DPW, QZ), pp. 941–960.
ICALP-v1-2012-Marx #bound #multi- A Tight Lower Bound for Planar Multiway Cut with Fixed Number of Terminals (DM), pp. 677–688.
SAC-2012-OliveiraCS #bound #on the #using- On using adversary simulators to obtain tight lower bounds for response times (RSdO, AC, RAS), pp. 1573–1579.
DATE-2011-AndalamRG #analysis #source code- Pruning infeasible paths for tight WCRT analysis of synchronous programs (SA, PSR, AG), pp. 204–209.
PODS-2011-JowhariST #bound #problem- Tight bounds for Lp samplers, finding duplicates in streams, and related problems (HJ, MS, GT), pp. 49–58.
STOC-2011-AdamaszekCER #bound #order- Almost tight bounds for reordering buffer management (AA, AC, ME, HR), pp. 607–616.
STOC-2011-LenzenW #bound #parallel #random- Tight bounds for parallel randomized load balancing: extended abstract (CL, RW), pp. 11–20.
ICALP-v1-2011-AdlerKKLST #bound #graph- Tight Bounds for Linkages in Planar Graphs (IA, SGK, PKK, DL, SS, DMT), pp. 110–121.
CIKM-2011-IslamABR #experience #visual notation #web- Tightly coupling visual and linguistic features for enriching audio-based web browsing experience (MAI, FA, YB, IVR), pp. 2085–2088.
SIGIR-2011-PolitzS #constraints #learning #rank- Learning to rank under tight budget constraints (CP, RS), pp. 1173–1174.
CSL-2011-CaiZ #bound- Tight Upper Bounds for Streett and Parity Complementation (YC, TZ), pp. 112–128.
VMCAI-2011-OhBY #locality- Access Analysis-Based Tight Localization of Abstract Memories (HO, LB, KY), pp. 356–370.
STOC-2010-ChierichettiLP #bound- Almost tight bounds for rumour spreading with conductance (FC, SL, AP), pp. 399–408.
STOC-2010-VerbinZ #bound #memory management- The limits of buffering: a tight lower bound for dynamic membership in the external memory model (EV, QZ), pp. 447–456.
ICALP-v1-2010-DietzfelbingerGMMPR #satisfiability- Tight Thresholds for Cuckoo Hashing via XORSAT (MD, AG, MM, AM, RP, MR), pp. 213–225.
ICML-2010-SzitaS #bound #complexity #learning #modelling- Model-based reinforcement learning with nearly tight exploration complexity bounds (IS, CS), pp. 1031–1038.
ICSE-2010-AschauerDP #evolution #industrial #interactive #modelling- A modeling language’s evolution driven by tight interaction between academia and industry (TA, GD, WP), pp. 49–58.
ICLP-2010-PereiraP10 #logic programming #semantics #source code- Tight Semantics for Logic Programs (LMP, AMP), pp. 134–143.
STOC-2009-DietzfelbingerW #bound- Tight lower bounds for greedy routing in uniform small world rings (MD, PW), pp. 591–600.
DLT-2009-GruberH #bound #complexity #regular expression- Tight Bounds on the Descriptional Complexity of Regular Expressions (HG, MH), pp. 276–287.
ICALP-v1-2009-ElsasserS #bound #multi #random- Tight Bounds for the Cover Time of Multiple Random Walks (RE, TS), pp. 415–426.
ICALP-v2-2009-ColcombetZ #automaton #bound- A Tight Lower Bound for Determinization of Transition Labeled Büchi Automata (TC, KZ), pp. 151–162.
LICS-2009-BokerK #automaton- Co-ing Büchi Made Tight and Useful (UB, OK), pp. 245–254.
STOC-2008-AttiyaHW #bound #problem- Tight rmr lower bounds for mutual exclusion and other problems (HA, DH, PW), pp. 217–226.
ICALP-A-2008-GuhaM #bound #multi- Tight Lower Bounds for Multi-pass Stream Computation Via Pass Elimination (SG, AM), pp. 760–772.
CSCW-2008-StuckelG #distributed #interactive- The effects of local lag on tightly-coupled interaction in distributed groupware (DS, CG), pp. 447–456.
CSL-2008-BeyersdorffM #bound- A Tight Karp-Lipton Collapse Result in Bounded Arithmetic (OB, SM), pp. 199–214.
VMCAI-2008-BagnaraHZ #algorithm #constraints #integer- An Improved Tight Closure Algorithm for Integer Octagonal Constraints (RB, PMH, EZ), pp. 8–21.
STOC-2007-AttiyaC #bound #random- Tight bounds for asynchronous randomized consensus (HA, KC), pp. 155–164.
STOC-2007-SchoenebeckTT- Tight integrality gaps for Lovasz-Schrijver LP relaxations of vertex cover and max cut (GS, LT, MT), pp. 302–310.
PPoPP-2007-KejariwalTGLKBNVP #analysis #concurrent #cpu #performance #specification #thread #using- Tight analysis of the performance potential of thread speculation using spec CPU 2006 (AK, XT, MG, WL, SK, UB, AN, AVV, CDP), pp. 215–225.
SMT-J-2006-GanaiTG07 #difference #encoding #integration #lazy evaluation #logic #named- SDSAT: Tight Integration of Small Domain Encoding and Lazy Approaches in Solving Difference Logic (MKG, MT, AG), pp. 91–114.
ICLP-2007-CaliL #logic programming #probability #semantics #source code #web- Tightly Integrated Probabilistic Description Logic Programs for the Semantic Web (AC, TL), pp. 428–429.
PODS-2006-GroheHS #bound #random #scalability #set- Randomized computations on large data sets: tight lower bounds (MG, AH, NS), pp. 243–252.
ITiCSE-2006-Boetje #education #re-engineering- Foundational actions: teaching software engineering when time is tight (JB), pp. 285–288.
TACAS-2006-GanaiTG #encoding #integration #lazy evaluation #logic #named- SDSAT: Tight Integration of Small Domain Encoding and Lazy Approaches in a Separation Logic Solver (MKG, MT, AG), pp. 135–150.
ICALP-v1-2006-CaragiannisFKKM #bound- Tight Bounds for Selfish and Greedy Load Balancing (IC, MF, CK, PK, LM), pp. 311–322.
ICALP-v1-2006-KortsarzN #algorithm #approximate #problem- Tight Approximation Algorithm for Connectivity Augmentation Problems (GK, ZN), pp. 443–452.
ICALP-v2-2006-Pietrzak #bound- A Tight Bound for EMAC (KP), pp. 168–179.
KR-2006-Rosati #datalog #integration #logic- DL+log: Tight Integration of Description Logics and Disjunctive Datalog (RR), pp. 68–78.
ICALP-2005-CzeizlerK #automaton #bound #linear- A Tight Linear Bound on the Neighborhood of Inverse Cellular Automata (EC, JK), pp. 410–420.
ICALP-2005-DietzfelbingerW #constant- Balanced Allocation and Dictionaries with Tightly Packed Constant Size Bins (MD, CW), pp. 166–178.
ICALP-2005-GroheKS #bound #memory management #query #streaming- Tight Lower Bounds for Query Processing on Streaming and External Memory Data (MG, CK, NS), pp. 1076–1088.
ICML-2005-KaariainenL #bound #comparison #fault- A comparison of tight generalization error bounds (MK, JL), pp. 409–416.
DATE-v2-2004-MeiVVL #architecture #case study #configuration management #design #matrix- Design Methodology for a Tightly Coupled VLIW/Reconfigurable Matrix Architecture: A Case Study (BM, SV, DV, RL), pp. 1224–1229.
SIGMOD-2004-DillKSZ #integration #towards- Service-Oriented BI: Towards tight integration of business intelligence into operational applications (MD, AK, SS, TZ), p. 900.
STOC-2004-ChenKLRSV #bound #confluence #theorem- (Almost) tight bounds and existence theorems for confluent flows (JC, RDK, LL, RR, RS, AV), pp. 529–538.
CIAA-2004-CampeanuP #automaton #bound #nondeterminism- Tight Bounds for NFA to DFCA Transformations for Binary Alphabets (CC, AP), pp. 306–307.
CHI-2004-GergleMKF #chat #matter #persistent- Persistence matters: making the most of chat in tightly-coupled work (DG, DRM, REK, SRF), pp. 431–438.
ICML-2004-RuckertK #bound #learning #towards- Towards tight bounds for rule learning (UR, SK).
STOC-2003-FakcharoenpholRT #approximate #bound #metric- A tight bound on approximating arbitrary metrics by tree metrics (JF, SR, KT), pp. 448–455.
STOC-2003-FatourouFR #bound #implementation #multi- A tight time lower bound for space-optimal implementations of multi-writer snapshots (PF, FEF, ER), pp. 259–268.
ICALP-2003-ChenKPSX #complexity #graph #problem- Genus Characterizes the Complexity of Graph Problems: Some Tight Results (JC, IAK, LP, ES, GX), pp. 845–856.
STOC-2002-DziembowskiM #bound #proving #security- Tight security proofs for the bounded-storage model (SD, UMM), pp. 341–350.
SAT-2002-FriezeW #named #satisfiability- k-SAT: A tight threshold for moderately growing k (AF, NW), p. 6.
STOC-2001-IckingM #3d #bound #complexity #diagrams #distance- A tight bound for the complexity of voroni diagrams under polyhedral convex distance functions in 3D (CI, LM), pp. 316–321.
STOC-2000-AnderssonT #bound #worst-case- Tight(er) worst-case bounds on dynamic searching and priority queues (AA, MT), pp. 335–342.
ICALP-2000-AdlerFGP #bound- Tight Size Bounds for Packet Headers in Narrow Meshes (MA, FEF, LAG, MP), pp. 756–767.
ICALP-1999-AndreevBCR #bound #branch #pseudo #set #source code- Small Pseudo-Random Sets Yield Hard Functions: New Tight Explict Lower Bounds for Branching Programs (AEA, JLB, AEFC, JDPR), pp. 179–189.
PODS-1998-KoutsoupiasT #2d #bound- Tight Bounds for 2-Dimensional Indexing Schemes (EK, DST), pp. 52–58.
DLT-1997-IwamaT #automaton #bound #nondeterminism- Tight Bounds on the Number of States of DFA’s That Are Equivalent to n-state NFA’s (KI, KT), pp. 147–154.
STOC-1996-Slavik #algorithm #analysis #set- A Tight Analysis of the Greedy Algorithm for Set Cover (PS), pp. 435–441.
KDD-1996-AgrawalS #data mining #database #mining #relational- Developing Tightly-Coupled Data Mining Applications on a Relational Database System (RA, KS), pp. 287–290.
STOC-1995-AnderssonHP #array #bound- A tight lower bound for searching a sorted array (AA, JH, OP), pp. 417–426.
STOC-1995-GhoshLMMPRRTZ #algorithm #analysis- Tight analyses of two local load balancing algorithms (BG, FTL, BMM, SM, CGP, RR, AWR, RET, DZ), pp. 548–558.
ICALP-1994-AumannBF #bound #cost analysis #fault #on the- On the Cost of Recomputing: Tight Bounds on Pebbling with Faults (YA, JBI, UF), pp. 47–58.
ICALP-1994-Bonizzoni #bound- A Tight Lower Bound for Primitivity in k-Structures (PB), pp. 556–567.
CHI-1994-AhlbergS94c #query #visual notation- Visual information seeking: tight coupling of dynamic query filters with starfield displays (CA, BS), pp. 313–317.
KR-1994-BeekD #consistency #constraints- Constraint Tightness versus Global Consistency (PvB, RD), pp. 572–582.
ASPLOS-1992-HenryJ #interface- A Tightly-Coupled Processor-Network Interface (DSH, CFJ), pp. 111–122.
PODS-1991-JohnsonR #bound #consistency #protocol #replication- A Tight Upper Bound on the Benefits of Replication and Consistency Control Protocols (DBJ, LR), pp. 75–81.
STOC-1990-Frederickson #bound- The Information Theory Bound Is Tight for Selection in a Heap (GNF), pp. 26–33.
ML-1989-Widmer #deduction #integration #learning- A Tight Integration of Deductive Learning (GW), pp. 11–13.
STOC-1986-LeightonS #algorithm #analysis #bound #grid- Tight Bounds for Minimax Grid Matching, With Applications to the Average Case Analysis of Algorithms (FTL, PWS), pp. 91–103.
SLP-1986-Gelder86 #logic programming #source code #using- Negation as Failure Using Tight Derivations for General Logic Programs (AVG), pp. 127–138.
STOC-1984-Leighton #bound #complexity #parallel #sorting- Tight Bounds on the Complexity of Parallel Sorting (FTL), pp. 71–80.
STOC-1982-Furer- The Tight Deterministic Time Hierarchy (MF), pp. 8–16.