199 papers:
CASE-2015-Kruif #maintenance #optimisation #sequence- Wet-etch sequence optimisation incorporating time dependent chemical maintenance (BJdK), pp. 1389–1394.
CASE-2015-ZhangWZZ #automaton #learning #optimisation #performance- Incorporation of ordinal optimization into learning automata for high learning efficiency (JZ, CW, DZ, MZ), pp. 1206–1211.
DUXU-DD-2015-SakamotoN- Incorporating Fictionality into the Real World with Transmedia Storytelling (MS, TN), pp. 654–665.
HCI-DE-2015-BorzaM #assurance #design #process #usability- Incorporating Marketing Strategies to Improve Usability Assurance in User-Centered Design Processes (ICB, JAM), pp. 152–162.
KDD-2015-WangSERZH #clustering #documentation #network- Incorporating World Knowledge to Document Clustering via Heterogeneous Information Networks (CW, YS, AEK, DR, MZ, JH), pp. 1215–1224.
SIGIR-2015-WangLWZNM #behaviour #modelling- Incorporating Non-sequential Behavior into Click Models (CW, YL, MW, KZ, JYN, SM), pp. 283–292.
ICSE-v2-2015-HuangM #adaptation #self- Incorporating Human Intention into Self-Adaptive Systems (SH, PM), pp. 571–574.
ASE-2014-WangLJ #code search #feedback- Active code search: incorporating user feedback to improve code search relevance (SW, DL, LJ), pp. 677–682.
CIKM-2014-XuBBGWLL #framework #named #word- RC-NET: A General Framework for Incorporating Knowledge into Word Representations (CX, YB, JB, BG, GW, XL, TYL), pp. 1219–1228.
CIKM-2014-XuLL #bibliography #clustering #collaboration #community- Collaborative Filtering Incorporating Review Text and Co-clusters of Hidden User Communities and Item Groups (YX, WL, TL), pp. 251–260.
ICML-c1-2014-MeiZZ #first-order #logic #modelling #robust- Robust RegBayes: Selectively Incorporating First-Order Logic Domain Knowledge into Bayesian Models (SM, JZ, JZ), pp. 253–261.
ICPR-2014-GrenierBV #graph #kernel- A Graph Kernel Incorporating Molecule’s Stereisomerism Information (PAG, LB, DV), pp. 631–636.
KDIR-2014-Bradford #ad hoc #query- Incorporating Ad Hoc Phrases in LSI Queries (RBB), pp. 61–70.
KDIR-2014-FukumotoSSM #collaboration #recommendation- Incorporating Guest Preferences into Collaborative Filtering for Hotel Recommendation (FF, HS, YS, SM), pp. 22–30.
SIGIR-2014-CanCM #feedback #modelling #ranking- Incorporating query-specific feedback into learning-to-rank models (EFC, WBC, RM), pp. 1035–1038.
RE-2014-GartnerRBSJ #maintenance #requirements #security- Maintaining requirements for long-living software systems by incorporating security knowledge (SG, TR, JB, KS, JJ), pp. 103–112.
CASE-2013-AlKhazrajiSDK #modelling- Information modeling to incorporate sustainability into production plans (QYA, CS, TD, SK), pp. 516–521.
DATE-2013-FirouziKTN #analysis #runtime- Incorporating the impacts of workload-dependent runtime variations into timing analysis (FF, SK, MBT, SRN), pp. 1022–1025.
HCI-AMTE-2013-TanoKHIHI #3d #sketching- Enhanced 3D Sketch System Incorporating “Life-Size” and “Operability” Functions (ST, NK, XH, JI, TH, MI), pp. 480–489.
HIMI-LCCB-2013-Hirasawa #challenge #development #embedded #quality- Challenges for Incorporating “Quality in Use” in Embedded System Development (NH), pp. 467–474.
CIKM-2013-XingLNZMZ #modelling- Incorporating user preferences into click models (QX, YL, JYN, MZ, SM, KZ), pp. 1301–1310.
SIGIR-2013-ChaBHC #analysis #modelling #network #social #topic- Incorporating popularity in topic models for social network analysis (YC, BB, CCH, JC), pp. 223–232.
SIGIR-2013-JameelL #order #segmentation #topic #word- An unsupervised topic segmentation model incorporating word order (SJ, WL), pp. 203–212.
SIGIR-2013-WangLZMZQZ #modelling- Incorporating vertical results into search click models (CW, YL, MZ, SM, MZ, JQ, KZ), pp. 503–512.
SAC-2013-CicekD #smarttech- Demand response computation for future smart grids incorporating wind power (NÇ, HD), pp. 680–685.
DATE-2012-ChenSZX #3d #named #physics #synthesis- 3DHLS: Incorporating high-level synthesis in physical planning of three-dimensional (3D) ICs (YC, GS, QZ, YX), pp. 1185–1190.
MSR-2012-SismanK #debugging #information retrieval #locality #version control- Incorporating version histories in Information Retrieval based bug localization (BS, ACK), pp. 50–59.
CIKM-2012-CarteretteKY #behaviour #evaluation #variability- Incorporating variability in user behavior into systems based evaluation (BC, EK, EY), pp. 135–144.
CIKM-2012-LiHTH #correlation #information management #semantics #topic #word- Incorporating word correlation into tag-topic model for semantic knowledge acquisition (FL, TH, XT, XH), pp. 1622–1626.
CIKM-2012-TangZLW #mining #quality #recommendation- Incorporating occupancy into frequent pattern mining for high quality pattern recommendation (LT, LZ, PL, MW), pp. 75–84.
CIKM-2012-XinKALH #design #modelling- Do ads compete or collaborate?: designing click models with full relationship incorporated (XX, IK, RA, MRL, HH), pp. 1839–1843.
ICML-2012-BorboudakisT #constraints #graph #information management #network- Incorporating Causal Prior Knowledge as Path-Constraints in Bayesian Networks and Maximal Ancestral Graphs (GB, IT), p. 59.
ICML-2012-PachauriCS #analysis #problem- Incorporating Domain Knowledge in Matching Problems via Harmonic Analysis (DP, MDC, VS), p. 112.
ICPR-2012-KovalenkoS #on the- On methods for incorporating evidences into posterior scoring of hypotheses (DK, SNS), pp. 577–580.
ICPR-2012-WangJ #network #recognition- Incorporating contextual knowledge to Dynamic Bayesian Networks for event recognition (XW, QJ), pp. 3378–3381.
KDD-2012-FengW #personalisation #recommendation #social- Incorporating heterogeneous information for personalized tag recommendation in social tagging systems (WF, JW), pp. 1276–1284.
SIGIR-2012-CaballeroA #feedback #statistics #topic- Incorporating statistical topic information in relevance feedback (KLCE, RA), pp. 1093–1094.
SIGIR-2012-ZhangXCHDALC #identification #information management #semantics #sentiment #syntax- Sentiment identification by incorporating syntax, semantics and context information (KZ, YX, YC, DH, DD, AA, WkL, ANC), pp. 1143–1144.
SPLC-2012-BragaJBL #certification #feature model #modelling #product line- Incorporating certification in feature modelling of an unmanned aerial vehicle product line (RTVB, OTJ, KRLJCB, JL), pp. 249–258.
CSEET-2011-BarrettBC #architecture #education- Incorporating software architecture in the computer science curriculum (MLB, ABB, SC), pp. 523–524.
CSEET-2011-Garousi #challenge #industrial #lessons learnt #testing- Incorporating real-world industrial testing projects in software testing courses: Opportunities, challenges, and lessons learned (VG), pp. 396–400.
CSEET-2011-KnudsonR #agile #industrial- Updating CS capstone projects to incorporate new agile methodologies used in industry (DK, AR), pp. 444–448.
DHM-2011-BeckmannD #modelling- Incorporating Motion Data and Cognitive Models in IPS2 (MB, JD), pp. 379–386.
HCD-2011-HumayounDC #agile #design #development #framework #integration- A Three-Fold Integration Framework to Incorporate User-Centered Design into Agile Software Development (SRH, YD, TC), pp. 55–64.
ICEIS-J-2011-AliPTD11a #query- Incorporating Data Concerns into Query Languages for Data Services (MIA, RP, HLT, SD), pp. 132–145.
CIKM-2011-DaltonAS #retrieval #sequence- Passage retrieval for incorporating global evidence in sequence labeling (JD, JA, DAS), pp. 355–364.
ECIR-2011-MassoudiTRW #microblog #quality #query- Incorporating Query Expansion and Quality Indicators in Searching Microblog Posts (KM, MT, MdR, WW), pp. 362–367.
KDD-2011-GilpinD #algorithm #approach #clustering #flexibility #performance #satisfiability- Incorporating SAT solvers into hierarchical clustering algorithms: an efficient and flexible approach (SG, IND), pp. 1136–1144.
KDD-2011-HongYGD #modelling #roadmap #topic- Tracking trends: incorporating term volume into temporal topic models (LH, DY, JG, BDD), pp. 484–492.
KDD-2011-TanLTJZL #analysis #network #sentiment #social- User-level sentiment analysis incorporating social networks (CT, LL, JT, LJ, MZ, PL), pp. 1397–1405.
SEKE-2011-BagheriS #approach #architecture #formal method- A Formal Approach for Incorporating Architectural Tactics into the Software Architecture (HB, KJS), pp. 770–775.
TAP-2011-AguirreBFG #black box #bound #generative #test coverage #testing- Incorporating Coverage Criteria in Bounded Exhaustive Black Box Test Generation of Structural Inputs (NA, VSB, MFF, JPG), pp. 15–32.
DATE-2010-ChePC #compilation #manycore #source code- Compilation of stream programs for multicore processors that incorporate scratchpad memories (WC, AP, KSC), pp. 1118–1123.
DRR-2010-XiuB #recognition- Incorporating linguistic post-processing into whole-book recognition (PX, HSB), pp. 1–10.
SIGMOD-2010-TalukdarIP #automation #integration #keyword #search-based- Automatically incorporating new sources in keyword search-based data integration (PPT, ZGI, FCNP), pp. 387–398.
CAiSE-2010-Franch #framework- Incorporating Modules into the i* Framework (XF), pp. 439–454.
CIKM-2010-ChiZ #framework #information management #named- FacetCube: a framework of incorporating prior knowledge into non-negative tensor factorization (YC, SZ), pp. 569–578.
CIKM-2010-KaluarachchiVBWPF #evolution #query #retrieval- Incorporating terminology evolution for query translation in text retrieval with association rules (ACK, ASV, SJB, GW, JP, AF), pp. 1789–1792.
CIKM-2010-LiHZC #collaboration- Improving one-class collaborative filtering by incorporating rich user information (YL, JH, CZ, YC), pp. 959–968.
ICPR-2010-SzczotDL #estimation #recognition- Incorporating Lane Estimation as Context Source in Pedestrian Recognition Task (MS, ID, OL), pp. 2628–2631.
ICPR-2010-XiuB #adaptation #recognition- Incorporating Linguistic Model Adaptation into Whole-Book Recognition (PX, HSB), pp. 2057–2060.
SIGIR-2010-MerhavMBYF #recognition #relational #using- Incorporating global information into named entity recognition systems using relational context (YM, FdSM, DB, WGY, OF), pp. 883–884.
SIGIR-2010-ZhongWWCZCW #behaviour- Incorporating post-click behaviors into a click model (FZ, DW, GW, WC, YZ, ZC, HW), pp. 355–362.
DATE-2009-GlassLHT #design #embedded- Incorporating graceful degradation into embedded system design (MG, ML, CH, JT), pp. 320–323.
DocEng-2009-HeinrichBK #automation #documentation #framework #ontology #repository- A platform to automatically generate and incorporate documents into an ontology-based content repository (MH, ABP, MK), pp. 43–46.
SIGMOD-2009-ChaiVDN #feedback #information management #integration #source code- Efficiently incorporating user feedback into information extraction and integration programs (XC, BQV, AD, JFN), pp. 87–100.
DHM-2009-SakellariouCWCA #approach #novel- A Novel Approach to CT Scans’ Interpretation via Incorporation into a VR Human Model (SS, VC, BMW, DC, PA), pp. 550–559.
DHM-2009-ThorvaldHC #aspect-oriented #modelling- Incorporating Cognitive Aspects in Digital Human Modeling (PT, DH, KC), pp. 323–332.
CIKM-2009-LiLJZCD #evaluation #ranking #robust #web- Incorporating robustness into web ranking evaluation (XL, FL, SJ, ZZ, YC, AD), pp. 2007–2010.
ICML-2009-AndrzejewskiZC #modelling #topic- Incorporating domain knowledge into topic modeling via Dirichlet Forest priors (DA, XZ, MC), pp. 25–32.
KDD-2009-YangCWHZM #crawling #incremental #web- Incorporating site-level knowledge for incremental crawling of web forums: a list-wise strategy (JMY, RC, CW, HH, LZ, WYM), pp. 1375–1384.
MLDM-2009-BarinovaV #named- ODDboost: Incorporating Posterior Estimates into AdaBoost (OB, DV), pp. 178–190.
SIGIR-2009-AminiU #algorithm #information management #multi #ranking #summary- Incorporating prior knowledge into a transductive ranking algorithm for multi-document summarization (MRA, NU), pp. 704–705.
RE-2009-WhittleSBCB #adaptation #named #nondeterminism #self #specification- RELAX: Incorporating Uncertainty into the Specification of Self-Adaptive Systems (JW, PS, NB, BHCC, JMB), pp. 79–88.
SAC-2009-LiuAD #email #internet- Incorporating accountability into internet email (WL, SA, ZD), pp. 875–882.
SAC-2009-SmithK #empirical #reduction #testing- An empirical study of incorporating cost into test suite reduction and prioritization (AMS, GMK), pp. 461–467.
ISSTA-2009-YooHTS #clustering #effectiveness #scalability #testing- Clustering test cases to achieve effective and scalable prioritisation incorporating expert knowledge (SY, MH, PT, AS), pp. 201–212.
TAP-2009-FazlalizadehKAP #constraints #performance #testing- Incorporating Historical Test Case Performance Data and Resource Constraints into Test Case Prioritization (YF, AK, MAA, SP), pp. 43–57.
PODS-2008-CohenKS #constraints #probability #xml- Incorporating constraints in probabilistic XML (SC, BK, YS), pp. 109–118.
SIGMOD-2008-ArasuCGK #string- Incorporating string transformations in record matching (AA, SC, KG, RK), pp. 1231–1234.
CSCW-2008-AgustinaLXSS #3d #collaboration #design #named #tool support- CoMaya: incorporating advanced collaboration capabilities into 3d digital media design tools (A, FL, SX, HS, CS), pp. 5–8.
ICEIS-AIDSS-2008-IngvaldsenG #mining #process- EVS Process Miner: Incorporating Ideas from Search, ETL into Process Mining (JEI, JAG), pp. 340–347.
CIKM-2008-Lee #categorisation #documentation #set #topic- Incorporating topical support documents into a small training set in text categorization (KSL), pp. 1511–1512.
CIKM-2008-TodaYMK #ranking- Incorporating place name extents into geo-ir ranking (HT, NY, YM, RK), pp. 1489–1490.
ECIR-2008-LangWJLX #ad hoc #analysis #dependence #evaluation #retrieval- An Evaluation and Analysis of Incorporating Term Dependency for Ad-Hoc Retrieval (HL, BW, GJFJ, JL, YX), pp. 602–606.
SIGIR-2008-QiD #classification #web- Classifiers without borders: incorporating fielded text from neighboring web pages (XQ, BDD), pp. 643–650.
HPCA-2008-KuskinYGBDDS #flexibility #simulation- Incorporating flexibility in Anton, a specialized machine for molecular dynamics simulation (JK, CY, JPG, BB, MMD, ROD, DES), pp. 343–354.
HT-2007-HishamE #case study #interface- Incorporating culture in user-interface: a case study of older adults in malaysia (SH, ADNE), pp. 145–146.
ICDAR-2007-ZhouYLNM #geometry #online #recognition #string- Online Handwritten Japanese Character String Recognition Incorporating Geometric Context (XDZ, JLY, CLL, TN, KM), pp. 48–52.
CSMR-2007-SubramaniamS- Consistently Incorporating Changes to Evolve Transition-based Systems (MS, HPS), pp. 17–26.
CHI-2007-FlanaganN #design #game studies #social- A game design methodology to incorporate social activist themes (MF, HN), pp. 181–190.
HCI-IDU-2007-DuchtingZN #agile #development- Incorporating User Centered Requirement Engineering into Agile Software Development (MD, DZ, KN), pp. 58–67.
AdaEurope-2007-Garcia-RodriguezMG #ada #compilation #garbage collection #precise- Incorporating Precise Garbage Collection in an Ada Compiler (FGR, JM, JFG), pp. 235–245.
EDOC-2007-LiningtonL #approach #behaviour #modelling #security #using- Incorporating Security Behaviour into Business Models Using a Model Driven Approach (PFL, PL), pp. 405–413.
ECIR-2007-KongL #documentation #modelling #multi #network #xml- Combining Multiple Sources of Evidence in XML Multimedia Documents: An Inference Network Incorporating Element Language Models (ZK, ML), pp. 716–719.
ECIR-2007-XuAZ #feedback #learning- Incorporating Diversity and Density in Active Learning for Relevance Feedback (ZX, RA, YZ), pp. 246–257.
KDD-2007-ChiSZHT #clustering- Evolutionary spectral clustering by incorporating temporal smoothness (YC, XS, DZ, KH, BLT), pp. 153–162.
KDD-2007-JanssensGM #analysis #clustering #hybrid #mining- Dynamic hybrid clustering of bioinformatics by incorporating text mining and citation analysis (FALJ, WG, BDM), pp. 360–369.
RecSys-2007-PronkVPT #classification #naive bayes #recommendation- Incorporating user control into recommender systems based on naive bayesian classification (VP, WFJV, AP, MT), pp. 73–80.
SIGIR-2007-PengMHPO #dependence #framework- Incorporating term dependency in the dfr framework (JP, CM, BH, VP, IO), pp. 843–844.
SIGIR-2007-RaghavanA #algorithm #feedback #interactive- An interactive algorithm for asking and incorporating feature feedback into support vector machines (HR, JA), pp. 79–86.
LDTA-J-2005-JohnstoneS #automation #parsing #recursion #reduction- Automatic recursion engineering of reduction incorporated parsers (AJ, ES), pp. 95–110.
CSL-2007-MillerN #proving- Incorporating Tables into Proofs (DM, VN), pp. 466–480.
SAT-2007-HeuleM07a #effectiveness- Effective Incorporation of Double Look-Ahead Procedures (MH, HvM), pp. 258–271.
SIGAda-2006-ShindiC #benchmark #metric #performance- Evaluate the performance changes of processor simulator benchmarks When context switches are incorporated (RSS, SC), pp. 9–14.
CIKM-2006-ZhaZFS #difference #learning #query #retrieval #web- Incorporating query difference for learning retrieval functions in world wide web search (HZ, ZZ, HF, GS), pp. 307–316.
SIGIR-2006-AgichteinBD #behaviour #ranking #web- Improving web search ranking by incorporating user behavior information (EA, EB, STD), pp. 19–26.
SIGIR-2006-ZhaZFS #difference #information retrieval #learning #query- Incorporating query difference for learning retrieval functions in information retrieval (HZ, ZZ, HF, GS), pp. 721–722.
RE-2006-JiangTBM #analysis #biology #case study #data transformation #database #design- Incorporating Goal Analysis in Database Design: A Case Study from Biological Data Management (LJ, TT, AB, JM), pp. 196–204.
SAC-2006-GauravA #fuzzy #relational #xml- Incorporating fuzziness in XML and mapping fuzzy relational data into fuzzy XML (AG, RA), pp. 456–460.
FSE-2006-DoR #empirical #modelling #testing- An empirical study of regression testing techniques incorporating context and lifetime factors and improved cost-benefit models (HD, GR), pp. 141–151.
ICSM-2005-GreevyDG #analysis #evolution #semantics- Analyzing Feature Traces to Incorporate the Semantics of Change in Software Evolution Analysis (OG, SD, TG), pp. 347–356.
WCRE-2005-KnodelJGPUAR #product line- Asset Recovery and Their Incorporation into Product Lines (JK, IJ, DG, MP, FU, JLA, CR), pp. 120–129.
ICML-2005-SunD #approach #learning- Explanation-Augmented SVM: an approach to incorporating domain knowledge into SVM learning (QS, GD), pp. 864–871.
SEKE-2005-KuoH #design #fuzzy #logic #ontology- Incorporating Fuzzy Logic in Ontology-Based Agent System Design (JYK, NLH), pp. 187–192.
SEKE-2005-MorenoS #human-computer #usability- Helping Software Engineers to Incorporate HCI Usability Features (AMM, MISS), pp. 719–726.
SAC-2005-BicakciCT #certification #how #metric #trust- How to incorporate revocation status information into the trust metrics for public-key certification (KB, BC, AST), pp. 1594–1598.
LDTA-2005-JohnstoneS #parsing #recursion #reduction- Recursion Engineering for Reduction Incorporated Parsers (AJ, ES), pp. 143–160.
CSEET-2004-SuriS #challenge #education #process #re-engineering- Incorporating Software Process in an Undergraduate Software Engineering Curriculum: Challenges and Rewards (DS, MJS), pp. 18–23.
ICEIS-v4-2004-TranHD- Incorporating the Elements of the Mase Methodology into Agent Open (QNNT, BHS, JKD), pp. 380–388.
ICPR-v2-2004-BoutellL #image- Incorporating Temporal Context with Content for Classifying Image Collections (MRB, JL), pp. 947–950.
ICPR-v2-2004-WangXC #image #information management #retrieval- Incorporating Prior Knowledge into SVM for Image Retrieval (LW, PX, KLC), pp. 981–984.
KDD-2004-DavidsonGST #algorithm #approach #data mining #matrix #mining #quality- A general approach to incorporate data quality matrices into data mining algorithms (ID, AG, AS, GKT), pp. 794–798.
KDD-2004-WuS #information management- Incorporating prior knowledge with weighted margin support vector machines (XW, RKS), pp. 326–333.
SAC-2004-DingH #clustering #consistency #information management #nearest neighbour #optimisation- K-nearest-neighbor consistency in data clustering: incorporating local information into global optimization (CHQD, XH), pp. 584–589.
DATE-2003-BaganneBEGM #case study #design #integration #multi- A Multi-Level Design Flow for Incorporating IP Cores: Case Study of 1D Wavelet IP Integration (AB, IB, ME, RG, EM), pp. 20250–20255.
ICDAR-2003-MuramatsuM #online #verification- An HMM On-line Signature Verifier Incorporating Signature Trajectories (DM, TM), pp. 438–442.
CSEET-2003-TelesO #communication #education #re-engineering- Reviewing the Curriculum of Software Engineering Undergraduate Courses to Incorporate Communication and Interpersonal Skills Teaching (VMT, CETdO), pp. 158–165.
ITiCSE-2003-DAntonio #algorithm- Incorporating bioinformatics in an algorithms course (LD), pp. 211–214.
ITiCSE-2003-MoodyS #analysis #assurance #education #process #quality #requirements- Incorporating quality assurance processes into requirements analysis education (DLM, GS), pp. 74–78.
CIKM-2003-LeeGO #evaluation #multi #network #retrieval #semantics- An evaluation of the incorporation of a semantic network into a multidimensional retrieval engine (JL, DAG, RO), pp. 572–575.
ICML-2003-Brinker #learning- Incorporating Diversity in Active Learning with Support Vector Machines (KB), pp. 59–66.
SIGIR-2003-SrikanthS #dependence #documentation #modelling #query #retrieval- Incorporating query term dependencies in language models for document retrieval (MS, RKS), pp. 405–406.
RE-2003-ShihL #requirements- Acquiring and Incorporating State-Dependent Timing Requirements (CSS, JWSL), pp. 87–94.
HPCA-2003-SimonCF #branch #predict- Incorporating Predicate Information into Branch Predictors (BS, BC, JF), pp. 53–64.
CADE-2003-SchmidtH #axiom #first-order- A Principle for Incorporating Axioms into the First-Order Translation of Modal Formulae (RAS, UH), pp. 412–426.
DAC-2002-JungKK #logic- Low-swing clock domino logic incorporating dual supply and dual threshold voltages (SOJ, KWK, SMK), pp. 467–472.
VLDB-2002-Moerkotte #database- Incorporating XSL Processing into Database Engines (GM), pp. 107–118.
CSEET-2002-Sebern #development #industrial- The Software Development Laboratory: Incorporating Industrial Practice in an Academic Environment (MJS), pp. 118–127.
ICEIS-2002-FilhoL #uml- A Proposal for the Incorporation of the Features Model into the UML Language (IMF, TCdO, CJPdL), pp. 594–601.
ICEIS-2002-Sierra-AlonsoCMP #development #information management #process #requirements #web- Incorporating Knowledge Engineering Techniques to Requirements Capture in the MIDAS Web Applications Development Process (ASA, PC, EM, JEPM), pp. 782–787.
ICML-2002-SchapireRRG #information management- Incorporating Prior Knowledge into Boosting (RES, MR, MGR, NKG), pp. 538–545.
ICPR-v1-2002-VarmaB #estimation- Tool Wear Estimation from Acoustic Emissions: A Model Incorporating Wear-Rate (SV, JSB), pp. 492–495.
ICPR-v3-2002-MaragoudakisKF #independence #performance #segmentation- Incorporating Conditional Independence Assumption with Support Vector Machines to Enhance Handwritten Character Segmentation Performance (MM, EK, NF), pp. 911–914.
KDD-2002-WuFS #approach #classification #data mining #mining #named- B-EM: a classifier incorporating bootstrap with EM approach for data mining (XW, JF, KRS), pp. 670–675.
KR-2002-Shanahan #feedback #logic- A Logical Account of Perception Incorporating Feedback and Expectation (MS), pp. 3–13.
DAC-2001-KarandikarS #logic- Technology Mapping for SOI Domino Logic Incorporating Solutions for the Parasitic Bipolar Effect (SKK, SSS), pp. 377–382.
CSEET-2001-MaleticHM #case study #experience #re-engineering- Incorporating PSP into a Traditional Software Engineering Course: An Experience Report (JIM, AH, AM), pp. 89–97.
ICSM-2001-KrishnaCKCWBR #empirical #impact analysis #incremental #maintenance #spreadsheet #validation- Incorporating Incremental Validation and Impact Analysis into Spreadsheet Maintenance: An Empirical Study (VBK, CRC, DK, JC, CSW, MMB, GR), pp. 72–81.
ICEIS-v1-2001-MohanY #architecture #object-oriented- An Architecture for Incorporating Business Rules in an Object-Oriented System (PM, SY), pp. 53–60.
ICEIS-v1-2001-ShahabiC #framework #image #query #retrieval- A Unified Framework to Incorporate Soft Query into Image Retrieval Systems (CS, YSC), pp. 216–224.
ICSE-2001-ElbaumMR #fault #testing- Incorporating Varying Test Costs and Fault Severities into Test Case Prioritization (SGE, AGM, GR), pp. 329–338.
DATE-2000-WegenerK #modelling #testing- Incorporation of Hard-Fault-Coverage in Model-Based Testing of Mixed-Signal ICs (CW, MPK), p. 765.
CIKM-2000-Zaki #category theory #constraints #mining #sequence- Sequence Mining in Categorical Domains: Incorporating Constraints (MJZ), pp. 422–429.
ICPR-v3-2000-Nishida #adaptation #image #modelling- Adaptive Model-Based Digital Halftoning Incorporating Image Enhancement (HN), pp. 3310–3313.
SIGIR-2000-ZhuG #distributed #information retrieval #metric #quality #web- Incorporating quality metrics in centralized/distributed information retrieval on the World Wide Web (XZ, SG), pp. 288–295.
PADL-2000-Moreno-NavarroM #compilation #how #prolog- How to Incorporate Negation in a Prolog Compiler (JJMN, SMH), pp. 124–140.
HPDC-2000-XiaoZK #clustering #memory management #migration #network #ram- Incorporating Job Migration and Network RAM to Share Cluster Memory Resources (LX, XZ, SAK), pp. 71–78.
ICDAR-1999-XiaoL #segmentation- Cursive Script Segmentation Incorporating Knowledge of Writing (XX, GL), pp. 535–538.
ICEIS-1999-Baptista #multi #on the- On Incorporating Multimedia into Spatio-Temporal Systems (CdSB), pp. 23–28.
SIGIR-1999-DaiLK #information management #segmentation #statistics- A New Statistical Formula for Chinese Text Segmentation Incorporating Contextual Information (YD, TEL, CSGK), pp. 82–89.
DAC-1998-LakshminarayanaRJ #behaviour #control flow #execution #scheduling- Incorporating Speculative Execution into Scheduling of Control-Flow Intensive Behavioral Descriptions (GL, AR, NKJ), pp. 108–113.
ITiCSE-1998-Naps #algorithm #java #source code #student #visualisation- A Java visualiser class: incorporating algorithm visualisations into students’ programs (TLN), pp. 181–184.
SAC-1998-EconomakosPT #attribute grammar #multi #synthesis- Incorporating multi-pass attribute grammars for the high-level synthesis of ASICs (GE, GKP, PT), pp. 45–49.
DAC-1997-Tirat-GefenSP #design #multi- Incorporating Imprecise Computation into System-Level Design of Application-Specific Heterogeneous Multiprocessors (YGTG, DCdSJ, ACP), pp. 58–63.
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HCI-CC-1997-MamiyaHSK- A New Way to Overcome the Uneasy Operation of Touch-Sensitive Displays by Incorporating “Click” Mechanism CC Switch (MM, HH, YS, MK), pp. 619–622.
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CIKM-1996-SyuLD #information retrieval #network #semantics- Incorporating Latent Semantic Indexing into a Neural Network Model for Information Retrieval (IS, SDL, ND), pp. 145–153.
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CSL-1993-Stewart #fixpoint #quantifier- Incorporating Generalized Quantifiers and the Least Fixed Point Operator (IAS), pp. 318–333.
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SIGIR-1991-WendlandtD #analysis #documentation #retrieval #semantics- Incorporating a Semantic Analysis into a Document Retrieval Strategy (EBW, JRD), pp. 270–279.
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